lMiJtf.fR ffr * 4 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , APRIL i2 , 1907 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE i Knlcrcil as second-class matter at If Vf Falls City , Nebraska , poll olllco , Janu s' nry 12,1W4 , under the Act of Congress * of'March 3 , 187" . Published every 1'rhlay at Falls CiU , Xebrnskn , by The Tribune Publlsliinjf Company E. F. Slitvrts , Mim Xer One year 51.00 Sis months , f > 0 Three months . . . . .35 TELEPHONE 226. Harriinan lias joined the Bel lamy Storcr , Walker , Stevens , et. al , , brigade. Next. "What's the 'matter with Falls City1' published on another page of this issue may interest you as it fcceks to answer the universal question. The rccord made in the last ' legislature by Frank Shnbert , J Cass Jones and Albert Stalder is above reproach. The party is proud of them and their labor. The uneasy and complaining * "Jack" is in tlte land and many of the elusive little members of > i the snipe tribe are findint ; their * way to the local breakfast tables. Fred Ilerbster lias invented what he calls "The brain storm cocktail' ' which we commend to our prohibition friends. The receipt is a follows : Take a lar elass ; and fill it with shaved i ice and let it Thaw. Speaking of the Ilarriinan- Kooscvelt controversy reminds one of the statement recently made l > y a distinguished senator to the effect "That it is too bad that so many of the president's friends turn out to be such dam liars. " Every local railroad attorney in Falls City has had his pass called in this week. If you want a real good time just go to the depot some time and sec them buy a railroad ticket. If you can't go get on top of your house and see' the smoke. Tile Tribune lost its local edi tor last week , the space filler was- down south , the devil had the measles and we had to get the city ballots out on time. Result --newspaper. It doesn't occui often so we expect your indul gence in this instance. Speaking of "Hands across the sea , " "The lion and the lamb , ' the peace conference at t b c Hague , the Treaty of Portsmouth and kindred subjects remind u > that the local editor of The Trill , une married the head pressman ol the Journal last week. No\v will von be good. Iklle Holcjack of Dawson one of the brightest little ladies ii the county has been chosen t < represent the Nebraska stati Normal in the debate against Kansas Karl Cline of Falls Citj has been chosen by the same institution - stitution to represent this stati against Missouri. Thus is i proved that we raise something down here besides bumper crop : and fine stock. The Ohio date line will occupj the public press over time whei Roosevelt , Taft and Poraker ge busy this summer and fall. Yoi may say what you please abou Foraker but you must admit tha he is the only opponent of tin President in the Senate who ha the nerve to fight in the open We don't want him nominate ! for President but we have a goo deal of admiration of "Firealan Joe" concealed on or about on person just the same. Harrison says Roosevelt aske him to raise money for the las national campaign. Kooseve' says he asked him to raise mone for the state campaign in Nc' York , and there you are. Froi the published correspondence seems that Roosevelt is tellin tin * truth and Ilarriman is lyitu But as a republican and as a ardent admirer of the Presidei we would have prcfered to ha\ tlu President refrain from askin Ilarriman for money for an campaign. M M © lwM * invites you to cajl and see their New Styles in 'SPRING AND SUMMER FOOT-WEAR. They have the largest and most complete stock of SHOES in Southeast Nebraska not an old Shoe on the shelves. Our prices are right and we will appreciate your pat ' ronage. , N FALLS CITY , H. M. J E N N E NEBRASKA t WHY NOT ? About eight years ago a certain lady , not many miles from here , set about laying aside a part of the money she could spare from the sale of butter , eggs , chickens , garden stuff , etc. , and depos ited it in the The interest and accumulations were added every six months , a new interest bearing certificate of deposit issued and a few days ago when the certificate was renewed the amount exceeded $1,000.00. Why not try this plan ? Uuy your stamps at home ; buy your cigar at home ; buy your beer at home ; buy your flour at home. Keep your money at home with your home merchants. Live and let live and see how Falls City goes ahead in the next twelve lonths. The legislature has adjourned. The World Herald says "It is he best legislature the state has ever had , " which is certainly ligh praise for a republican body oming from the source it does. : \.ll the pledges of the republican ilatform have been kept to the etter. Nor is that all ; the ) ledgcs of the democratic plat- brni have been kept as well. There is no question that some nistakes have been made , but here is this about it , whatever nistakes have been made are in aver of the people and against corporate interest. In the next campaign there will be no occa sion for any republican to apoli- gix.e for the acts of this body , ; ieithcr will any explanations be asked or required. RULO. Tom Whulcn wont to Kansas. Thurs day of lust weak Will Dome shipped four airloads ol uttlo to St. Joe Monday. Mr. Loy of Vordon spout Sundaj Loss Leeds and family. Hen Gulp shipped u car load of cattle to St. Joe Wednesday night. Lewis Jones shipped a car load o cattle to St. Joe Monday night. lE. . Ivulp of Wymore was transact Ing business In town Thursday. Mrs. Langton Jackson was a Fall City visitor Wednesday of last week. Jake Ilooley and wife \aro rojolclnj over the birth of a baby In their home Mary Murphy of Preston was visit Ing with Annie Mahan a few days thl week. Less Leeds camu down from Full City Sunday to spend the day with hi family. Harry Spieeer and wife have gone t Hellvlew , Neb. , to visit the former' ' parents. Herman Itoehtna was in Falls Clt two days last week taking lit the Mile will ease. liny Hart departed for Hiawatha o Monday where ht > expects to work fc a month. Anna Nesladek of Hiawatha wan th guosl of Klla Carpenter the fore pai of the week. Grace Harding and Ira Johnso spent Sunday with Will Fulton an wife at Humboldt. .Mrs. Nichols and ohildron roturuu from Stella Saturday wtiern she h : been visiting for some time. Mrs. Divvii Anderson and three chil dren arrived in llulo Sunday evening for a ten dajs visit with relatives. Mrs Leslie Inks of Kansas came over last week to spend some time with her ulster , Mrs. Emma Wallace. John Kanaly has been putting some Improvements around his place In the shape of sidewalks and outbuildings. Sherman Alexander returned to'hii home in Summerlleld , Kans. , Saturday after a few days visit with his mother Mrs. L. Jackson. Mrs. Ed Duncan and son Clyde de pulled Friday to their homo In Lewiston - ton , after a few days spent visiting friends at this place. J W. Mann of Uushbottom , Mo , ha ; purehasi'd a farm near White Cloud Kans. , and moved hts family to thai place a few day.s ago. The inoimuira of the I. O. O. F. wen1 to Falls c'lty one night last week : the- , lln't-hod ' olT several uunilUliitos a.id re port a good time in general. The section mi-n have been busy this ! we-ik ck-arliig up the rubbUh left fron the coal sheds being torn down , and li help * the looks ol things very much. Wortn and Hindi Anderson of luin as spent Tuesday night with theii it-other nt th is place. They each toot i wagon load of baled hay on the re urn trip. Hort Anderson of the Wyoming di vision arrived In town Monday with i ; ang of men to do some work on tin Missouri river brldce. The work wil occupy about five months- . The water service men placed ai extra spout on the t > onth side of th cast water lank , this weekeo the Atch [ son freight can get water on arrlvinj without having to run out on the mall lino. lino.Tho The Bachelor club girls gave a danc at the opera houao on last Monda night , which was greatly enjoyed b all so fortunate as to be present , i largo crowd and good order was th order of the evening , St. Joseph tu ont furnished the music * Supper wn served at Frank Van Vanlkenburg' restaurant. The bazar given oy the ladles of th M , K. church Tuesday was very sin cessful. Tee ladies cleared over So ( but still have a number of articles t sell. Hoth dinner and supper wer served , and a largo crowd of hungr people fed. The proceeds will go t help swell the fund for the new chnrc which they wish to erect. Among the improvement mau at the Union House this week i a corner entrance in the sout east corner which adds a good deal to the .convenience and n\ \ pearance of the office. The wor of improving the building gene : ally is well under way. The Clegg property now 01 cupied by Fred Keller is bein treated to a coat of paint an otherwise improved. PRESTON Ida Meyers visited in Fulls City Sun day. Hannah 1'yle ion the sick list this week. Mrs Anna HalVele is quite sick this week. Ed Dowty took the train for Vcrdon Tuesday. Mary Murphy returned home from llulo today. Mrs. ( 'has. ( Jla'/.o was a county scat visitor Thursday. Walter Banks and family hnvo lo cated Ih this city. Will Meyer and wife drove to the county seat , Mondaj. i Mr. I'eckinpaw of Hiawatha wan a Isitor hero Sunday. Kl.ner Ilosclton made n. business tripe o Kansas City Monday. C. J. Hoppe and wife drove to the ounty seat Thursday. Lenard Sims attended the bazaar at lulo Tuesday evening. Mr. Smith was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sunday. Mrs. Smith and little son took the rain to St. Joe Tuesday. Elmer Schock Is transacting quite u otof business here this week. Dr. Henderson of Rule called Fridaj o see Granoma Pylo who Is 111. Mrs. J. R. Shelley and Grace Pyle were visitors to the county seat. Mrs. Wm , Bowlsox and Carrie Nelt /el drove to Falls City Tuesday H. J. Kloopfel of Fort Huzel was i justness caller in this city Saturday. Anna Pyle who has been on the sic ! 1st for some time Is now improving. [ I. P. Rieger has taken possession ol the store lately vacated by Mr. Steele John Ncltzcl , C. C. Shelly and Jin Sinclair were county seat visitor : Satuiday. Professor Larabpc and wife went t < Falls City Thursday to meet some o their rolutivf's. Dr. Houston of Falls City called U see Mrs. Henry Doeschncr who isCP 11 ut this writing. U'hilo getting ready to come to towi Sunday morning Frank Schneider wa kicked in the face by a horse OHIO Mrs. H. A. Burk spent Monday a Noah Peck's. Oscar Baker visited with Louis Of Held Sunday. Kate Shoupe * peiit lust Thursda ; with Vera Shatter. Edna Shaffer s-pent Friday in Morril the guest of friends. John Stump and Win. Bowman spen Sunday at F. S. Llehty's. Mrs. Jake Gibblo spent Tiiesda with Mrs. P. E. Shatter. Guy and Albert iiurk were guests o Win Hutchison Sunday. Goo. Shouso and family were guest of Noah Peck's recently. Ralph Nedrow was a guest ot Gu Stump the first of the week. Clay Peck and wife were guests c the former's parents Sunday. Goldie Cook spent Sunday at th homo of her parents in Verdon. H. .T % Prichard and family spent Sui day evening at G > ; o. Prichard's. H. J. Prichard and family wer guests of Ed Kimmeland wiferccentlj Mrs. Witt and Mrs Roberts spec Sunday evening with Mrs. O'Maraan family. Mrs. P. E. Shaffer entertained he dauphter-in-law. Mrs. Earl ShatTei Tuesday. Viola and Maude Llppold of Fall City spent Wedncday of last week wit Mrs. Frank Lichty. Frank Llehty and family were plea antly entertained at the homo of K Klmmcl and wife Sunday. Chester Stump and family and Gu Liohty and wife visited in Falls Cit Sunday the guests of John Lichty an wifo. Frank UUMjj bad bud luok Ian wee by a earn crib falling over In SOIE manner and killing three * good she hoys for him. Notice. 1'lrit publication April Uth 4 times. I'd William Karhy. non-resident defendant You .ire liciclij notified lliat o < ! the lOlli ay < f April. 1907. iila Karlev tiled a poti- lon atrainsi. MIU ur HIP District court nf tlchardson count } , Nebraska , the object ami mayor of which are to oliulii a ilKorcc rout jou on the giiimid of failure to sup- ort sakl Iln.i llarley , ilrimki'imcss and \trt-uii : cruutl ) . and to oljtaiii the ciis > ted > f the children , ulm are tinKsius of ald i.irtle- . . You arc required to answer MI lit petition n or before Moml.n , tin20th ila.of M.i\ , " 0" . . Hi.i.v UAKLI-A. I'laintlff. Itv JOHN WII.TSI : , her Altnriu * * . . Nolicc. Firm piiblkMtion April 12th. Notice is hereby given , thai Joseph J. I.oltinan has Hied wllh the cltv clerk of Tails City , Nebraska , his petition signed by tin * leiiulsitc number of icsldont free holders of tin- second ward of the citv of Falls City , Nebraska , pra > ing th.tt a license as saloon keeper be granted him to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors on lots T and i * . in block " 1. in the second ward of Tails City , Nebraska , for the municipal jear beginning Mav 8. 1W7. and ending May 7 , 1"0S. Attest : JOSI.I-H J. Iou.M4N. HIKT : IIKIK. . City Clerk. Legal t otice. ( Notice is hereb.ifiven that I have tiled with the village clerk of the village of llarada * Nebraska , a petition signed by the requisite number of free holders of said village , praying that a saloon license be itranted to me by the village board to sell malt , spirituous and \lnous liquors on lot 12 , in block l.on Smith's addition to said \illairc of llarada , Nebraska for the ensuing year. MATT SCIIUI.KNIIKMC , 1'ctltloner. Attest : JOHN MAXTIX. Village ClcrU. First publication April 12th. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that IV'ter Frederick , jr. , has tiled with the city clerk of Kails' City , Nebraska , his petition signed by the requisite nunttwr of resident freeholders of the second ward of the city of Falls Cits. Nebraska , pray ing that a license as saloon keeper be granted lilm to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors ) it lots "and 8 In block 58 In the second ward : if Falls City , Nebraska , for the municipal year iKJlfinniinrMay s , I'M" , and ending May 7. 11KW. Attest : 1'r.ri.K FKrni'KicK , Jr. UIHT : ] ! . \IIK , City Clerk. ( Klrst publication Apiil I-.1 * Legal Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have liled nith the village clerk of the village of I'rcston , Nebraska , a petition sinned by the requisite number of fieo holders of said village , prayint : that a saloon license bo granted to me by the village bo.ird lo sell mall , spirituous and v minis liquors oil Int 32 in block 1 of said village of I'leston , Nebraska , for the ensuing vear. ttest : J. K. Sin M.I'etitioner. . 11. 1' . KIII.I.K , Village Clerk. ( First inibllcation Apiil I-.1 Legal Notice. Notice Is hereby given that i'cter Kaiser lias liled with lliu city clerk of Falls City. Ne braska , his petition signed by the requisite niuiilHT of resident free holders of the second ward of Falls City , Nebraska , praying that a license as saloon keeper bo gr.intcdi him to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors on lots Sand d in block " 1 in the second ward of Falls City. Nebraska , for the munclpal > ear beiflnninir May N 1"07 , and ending May 7 , l < kw. Attest : PBTKK KMSKK. IlliHT HAKI.K , City Clerk. ( First imbllcatlon April I2.i Lejt&l Notice. Notice is hereby ulven that Orvillc Schoen- licit has liled with the city clerk of Falls City , Nebraska , his petition signed by the requisite number of resident free holders of the second ward of the city of Kails City. Nebraska , pray ing that a license as saloon keeper be aranteil him to sell malt , spirituous and vinous llquort on lots 4 and S In block 71 in the second ward of Falls City , Nebraska , for the municipal ycai bcKinnlnitMayS. 1907 , and eiidlinr May 7,190H Attest : ONVILLI : SCIIOKNIIKIT. llr.KT ] ! AKIK , City Clerk. ( First publication April 12. ) Legal Notice. Notice IK hereby irlxen that Fred W , Herb stcr has filed with the city clerk of Falls City Nebraska , his petition signed by the rcquisiti numlier of resident free holders of the sccom ! ward of Falls City.Nebraska , prayini ; that .1 license as saloon keeper l > e granted him to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors on part ol lot } ! l ami Sand lot 4 in block " 0 In the sccom' ' ward of Falls City , Nebraska , for the inutile ipal year boginnin ? May S , lc > 07. and cndluc May 7 , 1"OS. FKM > W. HUKIISTI-.K. Attest : UKNT HAKI.K. City Clerk. First publication April 12. ' Announcement. White's wall paper store will be open nights during wall papei season. ' Notice. After an illness of nine weeks , I am now ready to answer calls day or night. DR. GKO.V. . RHXKKKK. Legal Notice. Flrt publication April Uth. To Clircnco Carter , Charles A. Cailer , Cyril Carter. Frank Cartel , jr. . Samuel Carter , Augusta Carter. F.rnst 1 > . Carter , r.oldlo Caitcr and Frank Carter , sr. , surviriuir husband of Mellle Cartel , non-resident de fendants , jou are heieby notified that on the ' ) th day of April , A. 1) . 11107 , Perry M. t'.ermalii. Kllen C. Cermain , Samuel 1' . ( lor main , Homer 1) . C.cnnaln , Arthur A. fieiniai'i , Osiner A. ( ' , crman ! , Jennie A. Young , Ida M. Newsbanm. Noah Newsbaum , xAlvln 1 * . ( ' ernialn , John ( ' , ernialn , Cnrtland V. . ( , er main , William Law and Jenti' ' > T iwlih1 a petition in the Distiict lu. , , of KIc ardson count ) , Nebraska , aitainst you said 1101 - resident defendants and other resident defen ' - ants , the object and praer of which arci.t obtain partition among and to the rightful owtiois thereof , the following described real estate , consisting of 1W > acres of land , morj or less , situated- Spoiser toHnship. Rich ardson count ) , Nebraska , tow it : The south half of the noitheast quarter of section number tweutj (20' ( , and the north half of the southeast quarter of said section num ber twenty (20 ( * , in township number one ( I ) north , raujre thirteen east of the ( ilh 1 > . M. in Richardson county. Nebraska , excepting only three M ) acies of laud which Is located in the southeast corner , of the northeast quarter , of the southeast quarter of salt ) section number twenty , and which Is more particularly described as follows : Com mencing at the southeast corner of tlm northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said section number twenty , funning thence due north twenty-four (24) ( ) rods , thence due west twenty (20) ( ) rods , thence due south twenty-four (24) ( ) rods , thence duo east twenty roils to the place of beginning ; and in lieu of the atxm- described three acres , so'cx- ccpted , are to be included in said action for partition , three acres of land located- the northwest corner of the sonthwcst quartir of section number twenty-one. (21) ( ) , town one (1) ( ) , north , range thirteen , east of the 6th 1' . M. In Richardson county. Ne braska , and which is more particularly de scribed as follows : Commencing at the north\ est corner of the southwest quartet of said section number twenty-one ( Bit , running thence due east twenty-four (2i ( ) rods , thence due south twenty (20) ( ) rods , thence due west tweiltv-four (24) ( ) roils , thencts due north to place of beginning. I'laintlff prays for judgment confirming the shares of the parties in iuteresl , anil that If said property can not equitably divided that said premises ma * , be sold and the proceeds thereof bo divided among the parties according lo their respective rights. You and each -of von are requited to answer said petition on or before Monday , the 20th day of Mav. 1"07. Dated this Uth day of April. 1W7. 1'i'Kuv M. HKHMAIS , IM.ilntifi. ly JOHN Wii/isi : , his Attorne ) . Found. A ladies fur boa was found on the way between Fulls City and the residence of Ferdinand Fried- lev nearVerdon. The owner may have same by calling at this office. Live Poultry Wanted ! At Hermes Bros , mar ket first door , west of V. G. Lyi'ord's store. Will pay the following prices ; price will be good until April 13th Hens , per pound IDC Smooth Young Roosters , per pound 8c Hen Turkeys , per pound roc Old Gobblers , per pound gc Ducks , per pound jc Geese , per pound 6c Old Roosters , per pound 4c Unmarketable poultry not wanted. Craws must be empty. The highest market pricft paid for eggs at all times. t Call and see us when you have anything in our line to offer. Yours Truly , 'Phone 35 Hermes Bros.