The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 05, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Now for Pure Food
Insist on
Cream Baking Powder
We have just received our Spring line
of Suitings and Pants Patterns and they
are certainly swell. We ask our custo
mers to call and inspect them.
We are proud of this seasons display
and feel confident that you will be able
to find something that will please you
either in a suit or single piece.
Prices are right and goods of the best.
John Wilson , Tailor
Season of 1907
Will make the coming season , beginning April let ,
ns f0nOW6 :
From Saturday evening until Monday evening at my farm three
miles south of Baradn , the balance of the time at my barn in Barada.
Fritz is a coach horse and is so well known here that he needs no
Will make the season at the same place on the
Bame dnteg as Fritx. Nick is a five-year-old coal
black Mammouth .lack , with white points , very well proportioned and
has proven to be an excellent breeder and sure foal Better. You will
make no mistake in breeding to Nick if you are looking for a rangy ,
well built mule.
Will make the season at the same place and on the
Bame jato ns nlove described. Tom is a Black
Percheron Horse live years old , weighing 1700 pounds and is well
proportioned , with plenty of bone. Comfc and see theee animals
before breeding elsewhere.
TERMS : $10.00 to insure a colt to stand and suck. When
s are sold , traded or leave the vicinity , service money becomes
due and payable. Care will be taken to prevent accidents but wil
not be responsible should any occur.
Barada , Neb. MATT sCHULENBERG , Owner
Notice To Colt Raisers.
I am now located at the Salem
; air grounds with two good
Stallions , one trotter and one
pacer. You are cordially in
vited to call and see them and
get acquainted. No trouble to
show horses. While I am owner
of these Stallions I will pay
one hundred dollars to the first
ten of their get taking standard
records. To be divided , live
colts from each stallion. Money
divided 850.00 to breeder and
$ nO,00 to owner , at time standard
record is taken. Colts broken
and track horses handlen.
Death of Mrs. Warren 0. Candy.
The Ilumboldt correspondent
to the State Journal of Tuesday
gives the following account of
the death of Mrs. Warren O.
Gandy :
Relatives in this city received
word of the death of Mrs. War
ren O. Gandy , who was recently
reported so seriously ill at her
home near Peacock , Sask. ,
Canada , that her'daughter , Miss
Nelhe Gandy , was compelled to
give up her school here and
start for her bedside. Although
the latter was delayed en route
by snow blockades she man
aged to reach home several
days before her mother died.
Mrs. Gandy was a native of
West Virginia , aged about fifty
years , and came with her hus
band and children to this place
about eleven years ago. They
resided on a farm near here un
til two years ago , when they
joined the Ilumboldt colony of
Canada homeseekers , but ever
since their removal to that
point Mrs. Candy's health has
been failing steadily. The end
came on March Ib , and inter
ment was made near their home.
She leaves a husband Warren
O. Gandy , who is a cousin toDr.
J. L. Gandy , or this city , and
five children , three daughters
and two sons , all of whom were
with her at the end.
Littli Liver Pills
The Best Buver on Earih
Wants your horses and is willing
to pay the high dollar. He will be
at the Mettz Livery Barn
He comes to buy and none of them
are too good for his market. If you
have anything that is fit for the
market , here is an opportunity to get
every dollar there is in him.
Bring them in Saturday , rain or
The mania of city people to keep
chickens as POOD as ( hey move ( o a
suburban section , even if the neigh
borhood is well Imill tip , is aptly
illustrated in a block of ne\v houses
[ in Mount Airy.
With gront ideaof the charac
ter of people he was going to sell
his houses to , the builder provided
'deep back yards with a wide alley
the rear. His avowed object was
lo enable the purchasers to erect au
tomobile houses in the yards and
-to run the machines in by the al
The houses are now all occupied ,
and , while not a single automobile
shed appears , nearly half the yards
contain chicken houses and the barn
yard feature is the most conspicu
ous in the new sect ion. Philadel
phia Kerord.
"Have yo never heard .limkins
relate about the time lie got half
way up Ml. Blanc with one of his
little nephews and no guide ? " asked
one man of another.
"How long ago did he tell you
about it ? " was the evasive reply.
"Last March , when he just got
homo , " said the first man.
"Well , " said the other , "in the
eight months since then he has
climbed the rest of the way , suc
cored a fainting guide and sustain
ed a bnowstorm on the biimmit , re
suscitated two benumbed strangers
on the way down , and guided the
entire party to the foot , where a
group of frantic rc-lathcs vu-rc wait
ing. " Stray Stories.
"Here , you 1" angrily shouted
the beginner at golf , "quit laughing
at my game. If I hear any more
impudence from you I'll crack you
over the head. "
"All right , sir , " replied \tlie cad
die ; "your deck is de best stick to
use fur dat. "
"Smoothers is e.\ceedingly care
ful never never to let a woman get
any strings on him. "
"That's right. Not one can
point to a thing he has ever given
her ; he never sends anything but
candy or flowers. " *
Reaches the spot.
Stops pain. The
Great Pile Horn-
edy. I'utJP Irx
tubes with rectal
nozzle , 50 cents.
Birmingham Flndt , Their Manufacture
Is No Longer Lucrative.
The interesting details of the
fllunip in brass idols at Birmingham
make it plain that here ; once more
the llritish manufacturer has gone
down hefore the conquering Amer
ican , Pays the London Daily NTews.
The manufacturers say that there
used to he n trade in idols , hut
that compel it ion has "killed the in
dustry in Ilirminglmm.Ve make
brass images , " said one of the iilol-
foumlcrs of ( he city , "and really
they aie so heaiiliful that I don't
wonder the heathen falls down and
worships them. "
> A curio dealer who stocks idols
'said ' thai idols are still made in
lIMriniiigham. There was a curtain
Iilemaiiil for them , hut it was a
Ismail one. They were made for
curio dealers and were sold by them ,
jnot to the heathen , but to Christians
[ interested in missionary work , who
[ liked to have on their mantel pieces
a "real" heathen idol. Years ago
( brass images were freely made for
'foreign ' agents , and , Bishop Thorn
ton notwithstanding , 1 fear they
would be made to-day if an order
came for a supply of them.
President Stillman of the Xa-
tional City hank of New York was
, born in Texas , but is a clean cut
Yankee from Connecticut. As
president of the National City hank
jic is almoil as powerful as the
'JJothschilds are. in Europe.
Said one of his intimates recent
ly : "There are no lireworks about
fh'm just plain ordinary get theie.
'And he carries the queerest lot of
4rtick in his pockets. One clay
pome of us made him turn out his
"Jlo had a couple of penknives ,
a buckeye , a shoe buttoncr , a rab
bit foot , two or three rubber hands ,
a silver pencil , a bunch of keys , a
cigar puncher , a gold watch , a
leather washer , u corkscrew , a seal ,
a memorandum book , an elevated
railroad ticket , some theater passes ,
three safety pins , a box of matches ,
and a newspaper clipping. "
"You haven't mentioned money. "
"Money ? Why , the man didn't
have a cent. "
For the best bulk coffees 15 ,
20 , and 25 cents at Powell Co.
'Phone ' HI.
Children's Playthings Show the
Spirit of the Age.
A little of every ago of civiliza
tion is in its toys. The future his
torian wilt have no ililHcuHy in
reconstructing out1 ago if ho finds"
merely a few toys in dusty garrols
or museums.
Do you know what the little chil
dren in Iho early days of the perse
cuted Christians played with ? 1.
have always thought it at oncu pa
thetic and hoirible ; they played
with htlle toy iiislrmnenls of mar-
So to-day childhood playS Vt'Hh'
tin things of wieiipc. What \\'cut
OMra thin year from Paris and
Nimmbrrg were toys of wireless
ti lu'rnphy , eloctroMatic maohiuoB ,
ih ilnc tramway * , automobiles
ihncii bv alcohol or electrieily. clce-
tru torpedo boats that plunge and
ioino to Ihe surface again , cinemato
graphs , for the magic lantern is
declassed , and chromaropes ) , that
present colored and moving pie-
lures ; these scientific fancies of the
moment and a others.
1 looked at them one anil all.
and amazement grew upon mo.
"What kind of a lilllr boy is he
who plays wilh throe somber and in-
rlricatc toys ?
And ( lieu I rriiHMiiliei'ed Ihalevon
.the little twentieth century boy is
one of the wKc people ; in his un-
tiriiig wisdom he knows that toys
even ruhmkorlV coiU and geissler
luminous lubes and voltameters
are lies ! when broken , anil 1 foirsaw
for him splendid moments , inquir
ing , ileslruclive. Kverybotly's.
Here is a curious little story
about Sir .lames Simeon , the man
who introduced the use of chloro
form into surgery , ami a peril which
Jie escaped , as recorded by Lyoii
! l'lay fair Simpson , when busy with
lis researches into Ihe subject of
anaesthetics , called one day on
IPlayfair and asked if he had any- .
Iliing new likely to produce anncs-
thefiia. I'lay fair had just prepared
a liquid which hcemed worthy of
trial. Simson , who knew no fear ,
prepared instantly to test it on
himself. This Play fair refused to
allow until it had first been Iried
on rabbits. Two were procured and
placed under the ell'ccls of the an-
acslbelie. Next day Sim&on pro
posed lo try it on himself. "We
might as well see how ( he rabbits
have fared , " said IMayfair. They
found both the animals dead.
The couch was probably intro
duced into Ci'reece by the Assyrians ,
for it appears in the Parthenon
frieze in the Mrilish museum , and1
the \afcc room Micro anil in the
Louvre give frequent illustrations
of ancient (5reck ( couches , which
were maile of bronxe instead of
wood , anil also of the stnil's used
in upholstering them. The ( iicrlcs
Jn their turn taught the Itomans the
use of Ihe couch , for ( Ireek aiiUts
and workmen were employed in
Koine. During meals men reclined
on couches each made to hold three
persons ; a low rail protected the
back , and three of these seats sur
rounded the table at an entertain
ment , leaving the fourth hide open
for service. Couches were also cur
ried anil used as litters.
The excursion train was on its
return trip , filled with tired and
sleepy passengers. It had come tea
a slop , but lo those who looked out
of Ibe windows no station or other
buildings \verc in sight. Fully ten
minutes it stood , anil the passengers
weie wondering where they were or
what the trouble might be.
Just I lieu a young man appear
ed at the front door of the coach.
"Crackerjack ! " he yelled.
"Well , " said a passenger up
front , "it's home satisfaction to
know where we're at , anyway. "
"I wonder how it feels to have
go much money you don't know
what to lift with it. "
"L was that wr # once. "
"Come off ! "
"Sure 1 was. L only had so much
and my creditors were demanding
as much again. "
Waitress You needn't make such
a fuss about a fly in your tea.
Customer But there are two , I
object to mixed bathing in my cup.