The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 05, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Eat Sowles' candy.
Dr. M. L ! Wllsoii-oflicc over Slalc
Art Babb was down from Hum-
boldt Monday.
James JJascom spent Sunday at
his home in Pawnee City.
Ray Mijjid left Saturday for
his home at Hiawatha , Kansas.
Mrs. Carrie Smith left Sunday
for a short visit with friends at
Quimby Hossack returned Sun
day to Lincoln after spending a
few days with her parents in this
Mrs. Merritt Lutn left Tuesday
for her home at Verdon , after a
few days visit with relatives in
this city.
Chas. Baldwin and wife of
Doniphan , IvansaSi are visiting
with her parents , Win. Palmer
and wife.
R. B. McMahan left the latter
part of the past week for Verdon
where he will be employed for
some time. ,
Lawrence Livelihood , who has
been .attending the college in this
city , returned Friday to his home
near Sabetha , Kansas.
Howard Jones was up from
Leavenworth the first of the
week. lie has a run as express
messenger between Leavenworth
and Kansas Cit3r.
People WhO are fully informed
on the manufacture of paints ,
prefer Bradley & Vrooman Paint
because it is safe , guaranteed ,
protective and long wearing. Sold
by Dr. McMillan.
Dallas Fisher has secured an
excellent position in Leavenworth
am ] is a young man that will
make a success of whatever he
attempts , and his many friends
wish him well.
John VanOsdel had his house
near Barada moved three-quarters
of a mile south on account of the
cutting of the Missouri river into
his premises. He just secured
the removal of the house in time
to save it as the river was ex
tremely close for safelvJ. .
Goodlowe did the moving act for
the building.
L. C. Edwards spent Easter
Sunday with his mother at Hum-
Francis Withec of Stella was a
Fails City visitor the last of the
week just past.
T. Nelson and Claud Roc arc
at Farragut. Iowa on a two weeks
job of painting.
C. F. Reavis and wife lef t
Saturday for a several days visit
at Oklahoma City.
Fred Koehlcr who has been at
tending business college at this
place returned Friday to his home
at Rulo.
Judge Broady drove from this
city to Ncmaha City Sunday last
to visit a son living between that
town and Brownville.
Fred Harkendorff left Friday
for his home at Salem , the busi
ness college which he was attend
ing here having closed.
Earl Margrave came in from
the western ranch and spent the
past week at the old home near
Preston. He returned Saturday.
Carl Summers moved his family
from Reserve the past week and
is employed in the work gang
that is now plying between here
and Straussvillc.
George Smith was down in a
business way from Dawson Fri
day of last week. George has a
bushel of friends in this city who
are always glad to extend him
the welcoming hand.
Nine years ago the First M. E.
Church at Morning Sun , Iowa )
was painted with Bradley &
Vrooman Paint. Repainting was
not required .till seven years later.
Sold by Dr. McMillan.
Elmer Schultz and William
Haeffele returned the latter part
of the past week to their home at
Fargo after the close of the busi
ness college here which they have
been attending for the past term.
The W. O. W. has set a good
example for other orders to fol
low by a resolution declaring
that 10 o'clock should be the
limit for work. Many members
would attend who do not were it
not for thedillitory wav in which
the order of the evening is strung
out and we believe the resolution
a good one.
We take this method of coiling attention of parents and
others interested in education , to the Nebraska .Business
University , a high grade business Inuring school , which
was secured through the influence of the undersigned and
other prominent citizens.
The purpose of the University is to furnish the young
people of this nnd surrounding counties with a thorough
and practical business education , that will enable them to
take hold of the ordintry affairs of life and meet the require
ments of business men in a satisfactory manner.
Mr. Toland , the manager of the Nebraska Business
University , has a national reputation as an educator , and is
the largest individual owner of business colleges in the
United States.
Eastern Nebraska , Western Iowa and Northwestern
Missouri have long needed such an institution , and now
that we have established a school of business training ,
' modern , practical and equal to the very best : where a
thorough education can be secured at a tuition rate as low
as consistent with the high character of the work ; near
your home and where you can secure good homes with
private families , at reasonable rates ; we feel justified in
soliciting your patronage.
Prospojtus and full information can be had by address
ing Nebraka Business University , Nebraska City , Neb. , and
a perusal of same will satisfy anyone that our University
oil'ars more positive proof of superiority and greater induce
ments to young people desiring to prepare for high-grade
positions , than any similiar institution in Nebraska , or sur
rounding states. Nearly one hundred students are already
The O. L.Gregory Vinegar Co. Otoe County National Bank
by W. S. CornuttVice Pres. byJno. W. Steinhart , Cshr
Otoe Preserving Co. UtterbackSargeant & Rice Co
Jones Grain Co by Win. P.SnrgcantTrens.
A. J. Denlon Grain Co E. M. Chase Co
Hurtling Grain Co. by E. M. Chase
Duff Grain Co. Merchants National Bank
by N. A. Dull'Nebraska 'by R. O. Marnell , Cshr.
Nebraska City National Bank
by n. D. Wilson , Cshr.
If you want Ice Cream
* . Ice Cream Soda ,
Fruit or Nut Sundae , \ \
We invite you here. l\ \
| Always Good , None
Just as Good.
u i
* m
Lena Brccht visited Auburn
friends this week.
Ralph McDonnald was up from
Hiawatha Sunday last.
Mrs. George Hall spent Sun
day last with her husband at
M. N. Bair was a business
visitor to Humboldt the first of
the week.
Florence Wylie was down from
Peru Sunday to enjoy Easter at
her home in' this city.
Will Cook of Vcrdon came
down Saturday evening for a
brief visit in this city.
G. J. Crook was called to
Omaha Monday to testify in a
case in the Federal court.
Will SchmelKel and wife came
in from the western part of the
state to spend Easter and visit
their parents in this city.
Guy Crook came down from
Lincoln where he is attending
the university , to spend Easter
at his home in this city.
Mrs. E. K. Kentner and Helen
were down from Humboldt and
spent a couple of days this week
with Falls Citv friends.
Fred Cleveland and family and
Fred Jr. and wife were down
from Nebraska City Sunday to
visit his brother George and
family of this city.
Mrs. Amil Ilelmer and children
accompanied by her sister Edna
Huston left Saturday for Fair-
bury , Nebraska. Where they
will make their future home.
TheBohrer brothers have been
busy at Hum boldt for a couple
of weeks where they are putting
in a new front in one of the store
buildings in that thriving city.
Before an impartial judge and
jury it can be easily proved that
guaranteed Bradley Vrooman
Paint is the best and'longest pro
tection for your property. Sold
by Dr. McMillan.
M. W. Harding was down
from Humboldt Thursday. He
contemplates the erection of a
modern house on his farm at the
edge of town and was down to
consult Col , Bear regarding plans
for the new structure.
Clean up about your premises
and set a good example for your
more indolent neighbor. Nothing
is more attractive to the stranger
that visits the town than well
kept lawns and attractire sur
roundings about the home let that
home be ever so humble.
In England and France the Sale ,
of Alum Baking Powder is pro
hibited by law because of the in
jurious effects that follow its use.
The law in the District of
Columbia also prohibits.Alum.
Jin food.
'You may live where as yet you have no protection against Alum
The only sure -protection against Alum in your Baking Powder is ( o
Say plainly-
ROYAL iswmade from Absolutely pure Cream of Tartar , a pure Grape
product . Aids digestion adds to the hcalthfulness of food.
Allen D. May was down from
Salem the first of this week.
A. II. Fellers of Humboldt was
a business visitor to this city
Ray Gist of Humboldt was
iransactmg business in this city
Friday last.
Will Uhlig and iamily were the
guests of A. D. May and family
at Salem Sunday *
Guy and Reba Eversole , who
arc attending Peru Normal , are
liome for a short visit.
Trcsa Armbruster of Verdon
was a Falls City visitor Sunday ,
the guest of her sister.
James Coupe who is attending
the University , was an Easter
visitor to his home in this city.
Peter Lugcnbill was down
Tom Speicer prccint Monday
ooking after business in this
P. O- Avery of Franklin pre
cinct attended the meeting of
county assessors in this city
Friday last.
George Miller has closed his
cigar factory in Ilttmboldt and
ncceptcd a position with Will
. , eyda in this city.
Joseph Gulp left Monday for
looper , Cal' . where he will locate.
Mrs. Culp has been at Fort Col-
ins for some weeks past and Miss
ottie will join her mother there
n the near future. In their
removal Falls City loses an esti
mable family and the best wishes
of a host of friends go with thorn
o their new home.
-H H H * 'K : X K > * M W
Hogs are Better than Gold
If you can just keep them healthy and the way
to keep them healthy is to use "Dipoline. "
The strongest dip on the market. It is the
strongest clip and goes farther , making it the
.cheapest. Try "Dipoline" and satisfy your-
§ self.
We also iell dipping tanks. Can give you
* some bargains in tanks. ;
I Try our STOCK FOOD. : ?
I DR. flcMILLAN , Prop. |
| Falls City , = Nebraska !
* i *
Win. Arnold of Reserve , spent
Sunday last with Falls City
friends. ,
Dr. McMillan attended Presby
tery which met at Plattsmouth
this week.
Dr. Hays was down from Dawson -
son to spend Easter at his home
in this city.
DEarl Uitner was down from
Humboldt Friday last and a cal
ler at this office.
George Lyons was down from
the University to spend Easter at
his home in this city.
Elta Boose was among the
University students that spent
Easter Sunday with her parents
in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Armbruster of
Shubert , came down Saturday
afternoon and visited a few days
with their daughters here.
Thos. McLanc was up from
Levenworth the first of the week
and spent a day or two among
old time friends in this city.
S. M. Philpot of Humboldt
passed through this city Tuesday
on his way to Plattsmouth to attend - '
tend a meeting of Presbytery.
Mrs. Jcllison and Jack spent a
few days in Omaha this week
where her daughter , Miss Hazel ,
was united in marriage to Elton
Union services were held at the
M. E. church last Sunday even-1
ing and a crowded house listened I
to a very able temperance lecture '
by F. W. Emerson. !
Clyde Ramel , who has been at
tending the business college at
Kansas City , arrived in this city ,
Tuesday evening , for a visit with ,
his parents J. A. Ramel and' '
S. R. Ayers from near Salem ;
was on the Kansas City market
with some choice steers the past
week and struck a good market.
It would be hard a very poor
market for some time past.
W. II. Nedrow and wife were
down trom Vcrdon Tuesday visit
ing their uncle and aunt , Levi
Nedrow and wife. While here
they visited The Tribune and re
newed their faith in this family
journal which they have taken
from its infancy.
After services at the Episcopal
church last Sunday an announce
ment of the indebtedness was
made and a collection tak'en to
diminish the amount aggregating
about $300. This was certainly
a splendid showing of the Easter
spirit and a great encouragement
to the pastor who has just located
in our midst.
Reyburn Ilnnler 4 Co.'a Rod *
are Acknowledged the Best
Max J. Hartman , Agt.
Pouliry Wanted
Tuesday , April 9 ,
1907 , near the B.
& M. depot , Falls City ,
Nebraska , for which
we will pay in cash
Hens and Pullets 9 i-2c
Young Roosters 8c
Old Roosters 5c
the highest market
Horse hides , $2.50
each ; cow hides , gc.
Clarinda Poultry , Butler & Egg Co.
White's wall paper store will
be open nights during wall paper
After an illness of nine weeks ,
I am now ready to answer calls
day or night.
Du. GKO. W.
A ladies fur boa was found on
the way between Falls City and
the residence of Ferdinand Fried-
lev nearVerdon. The owner may
have same by calling at this
Fred Sebold was called to
Omaha last week by a telegram
announcing the serious illness of
an aunt in that city , Mrs. Drefold
who died a short time after his
arrival. She was striken with
acute menengetis and succumbed
to the disease within a few days.
The funeral was held from the
residence on Tuesday of last
week with interment at Forest
Lawn cemetery. Mr. Sebold re
turned to this city Friday last.