THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , APRIL 5 , 1907 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Kntercil as second-class matter a' Falls City , Nebraska , post office , Janu ary 12 , l' > 04 , tnitlcr the Act of Conpress "fMarch 3 , 1871' . Puhlishwl every Friday at 1'alls Cltv , Xolfn lta , by The Tribune Publishing Cumptvrty j E. F. Sbtvrts , One yoai SI.00 Six li'ontlis CO Three montliH .35 TELEPHONE 226. It now looks as though Harry K. Thaw would reach the asy lum instead of the chair. Bert Baker , Will Uhiitf and John Crook were elected by overwhelming majorities. City election and the next day it rained. Now for the upbuild- ing a n d betterment ol Falls City. It is Mayor Barrett by 87 major , ily. Surely this is an endorse , ment of good government and an economic administration. We wonder if the News still feels quite certain that Barrett will do for mayor. It is a pe culiar trait of some people to always howl harmony but must be consulted at all limes as re gards the material used in the erection of a palace to live in. The Huilding it Loan associa tion that was recently organised in this city will be a great factor in Palls City's growth. With this orKan'r/'ition at hand there is no occasion for renters in the town , all may secure a home and pay for the Hame just as you would pay rent- only you get the deed some day. The Indianapolis News has an interesting article on the resus citation of some canal projects that were exploited long ago. The canal lever preceded the railroad fever many years , and after having given way to the latter , is now becoming active again as a means of supplying additional and cheaper trans portation. The fact that some of the canal projects of seventy or eighty years ago are now being revived rather tends to show that they have intrinsic merit. Among the projects brought before congress during the early years of the internal improve ment craze were for a canal from Chesapeake Bay to Lake Ontario ; a canal from the Illi nois river to Lake Michigan ; a canal from Lake Champlain to Lake Ontario ; from Lake Erie to the Wabash and Ohio rivers ; from Lake Michigan to the Wa bash river ; from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi river ; from Toledo , Ohio , to Lafayette , In diana ; from Wabash river to Missouri river ; from Chicago to the Gulf of Mexico ; from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean : irom Lake Michigan to the At lantic ocean , and many others. All of these projects originated before the era of railroad building - ing began , and they represented the intense desire of the people for better means of transporta tion and the freight rates , which were then excessively high. Congress made large land grants to some of them , and no doubt they would have been completed but for the ushering in ol tlu railroad era , which soon occu pied public attention to tlu exclusion of everything else Now that the transportatior business of the country has out grown the capacity of the rail roads to handle it and freigh charges are higher than the } should be , canal projects an again coming to the Iront. in eluding some ot those that wer < in favor two or three genera tions ago. The days of publ'n land grants for internal im provements are passed , bu there are indications that pres sure will soon be brougbt t < bear on congress for appropria tions for canals. 1 Bnvites you io call and see their New Styles in SPRING AND SUMMER FOOT-WEAR. ' They have the largest and most complete stock of SHOES in Southeast Nebraska not an old Shoe on the shelves. Our prices are right and we will appreciate your pat ronage. ' FALLS CITY , H. M. J E N N E NEBRASKA J3 WH T ? About eight years ago a certain lady , not many miles from here , set about laying aside a part of the money she could spare from the sale of butter , eggs , chickens , garden stuff , etc. , and depos ited it in the The interest and accumulations were added every six months , a new interest bearing certificate of deposit issued and a few days ago when the certificate was renewed the amount exceeded $1,000.00. Why not try this plan ? When Kansas City trys to suppress a play it certainly must have reached the limit. The city heads tried to prevent the production of "Mrs. War ren's Profession" at the Willis- Wood but the federal court issued an injunction against the police and a crowded house was the result. A couple of young fanners came to town Saturday last and after partaking freely of the fighting proclevitics that are usually disbursed over the bar , happened to think of a few differ ences that needed their immedi ate attention. They proceeded to the alley to settle them and Injfore they had fully convinced the other that he was the best man , Marshal Marts appeared upon the scene and took a hand whicn won out and touched the offenders of the law for Sf > .80 each. When you come to town to settle your differences it costs monev. Live Poultry Wanted ! At Hermes Bros , mar ket first door , west of V. G. Lyford's store. Will pay the following prices ; price will be good until April 13th Hens , per pound ioc Smooth Young Roosters , per pound 8c Hen Turkeys , per pound ioc Old Gobblers , per pound gc Ducks , per pound 70 Geese , per pound 6c Old Roosters , per pound 40 Unmarketable poultry not wanted. Craws must be empty. The highest market price- paid for eggs at all times. Call and see us when you have anything in our line to ofTer. Yours Truly , Thone35 Hermes Bros. Articles of Incorporation. Articles of Incorporation of Tlie Kails City 1'ark ami Improvement Company Wr. the UKilrrhlKuril , John Mclltj. W.V. . Jcnnr , T. J JohnlJW. Powell ami W. A. ( ireuitwalil , do by these presents associate ourselves together for the purpose of Iwcom- Ing a body corporate under and bylrtne of the laws of the Ktatu of Nebraska : AKT. I. Tin' name of this corporation shall bo The Tails City Park and Improve ment Compan > . ART. IIThe principle place of transact- In ir llio business of the corporation shall be at I-'allB City , Nebraska. AKT. Ill The ircitcral natnie of the IIIIM- ness to ln > transacted by this corporation shall K ) the ownership and management of : i private park and such amusements as aie natmalh and usually connert-d there- ulth. This corporation Is hercbj empow ered to ii\vn , buy and sell real estate or etchattiie the name when necessary or ad- Usable to the proper conduct or mainte nance of its park or Improvement business. ART. IVTito authorized capital stock of tills Corporation shall bo Twcnu Thousand Dollars of which the sum of rifty-fhe Hundred Dollars shall IKfulU paid up when these articles are hied with tlu > county cleik. The stock shall tie divided into shares of the full par \alue of Fiftj Dollars each and shall lie non-assessable. AKT. V. The ifreatest amount of indebt edness to which this corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed two-thlrdn of the paid up capital stock. AKT. VITlie date of commencement of the corporation shall be immediatel.\ upon the Illlnc of these articles with the county clerk of Klchardson count ) . Nebraska , and It shall terminate fifty years thereafter , unless sooner dlssohed by vote of two- thirds of the Ktock Issued. AKT. VII The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a board of fhu direc tors , chosen by the stockholders from anumir theii own members , \\lio shall choose a president , vice-president , secretary and treas urer ami oilier oflicers as the. by-laws tticcst. The tirst meetliik' of the stock holders sha'.l | H > held on the day of the organization of the corporation and thereafter the regular meeting shall IK- held at the oflise of the. corporation on the last Tuesday of December of each > ear at which meeting the board of directors shall bo elected to liohl office until the annual meet ing next ensuing. AKT. VIII The board of directors shall have full power and authority to make all rnlcs ami adopt by-laws for the proper government ot the corporation. ART. IX These articles may bo ameiuln ! at any time. All amendments shall first bo approved by the board of directors am1 ratified by a two-thirds vote of a genera or called meeting of the stockholders Kach share of stock shall represent out vote. JOHN LiciiTY , W. W. JKSSI : . T. J. C.IST. Jens W. Powii.t- : , \V. A. ( iKUUNWALD. STATI : or Nir.KASKA : , KlCllAKllSO.S COVNTV. "I On this 20th das of Tcbruary. 1W. before me. Guy 1' . t'.reeuwald , a notary public duly commissioned and qualified for am residing in said county personally canto John Uchty. W. W. Jenne. T. J. Cist. Join W. Powell and \ \ " . A. tircenwald to mo known to bo the identical persons hcreii described and acknowledged said Instrumen vto bo their voluntary act and deed. \\ltnoss my hand ami seal at Kails Cltj in said county the day and year last abovi written. tvP. ; . C.KII.NWAI.I > . Notary Public. ! l"im publication March 15 I times- ! Dr. Kcrr , wife and daughter , Mrs. ttlanch Hanson , arc spend ing a few days in St. Louis this , weel ; where Herbert Kerr , his son , lias his troupe for a week's engagement. Win. Braudow of Hutnboldt , the Duroc-Jersey swine breeder of the west end , was on our streets Friday last. ' LYFRD Spring Suitings Never has our showing of Spring Dross Goods been so complete. 30 inch mixtures , Checks , Blacks and Plaids at 50c / 40 inch Stripes , Plaids and Fan cies 50c 42 to 48 inch Latest -Novelties in great variety of design and coloring , Tans , Greys , Olives , Browns , Pink , Navys , Blacks at 7Sc to $1.25 Suiting Silks 27 inch Chiffon Taffeta sold now by us for two years with uniform good wear in shades that conform to the newest styles , at the old price , $1.00 27 inch Blacks , Checks , Dots and Fancies , designs that are attractive and new , at 75c to $1.00 19 and 27 inch Waisting Silks , in pattern lengths , that will be absolutely exclusive , from 750 to $1.50 per yard. 27 and 36 inch Shang Lung or Pongee gee , at & 5C , $ i and $1.25 * 27 inch Jap silks in "White and Black at 5oc and 75c. 18 , 25 , 27 and 36 inch Black Taf feta , Peau de Soie , Peau de Cygne at 5oc to $2.00 V. G. LYFORD FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA County Board Meets. The board of Supervisors are in regular session this week and are Cleaning up business at a rapid rate. Nearly $8,000 has been expended for the payment of outstanding : indebtedness with a few claims yet to hear from. This would be an opportune time for the board to note that the public nuisance is still in existance just west of the jail and to note the fact that much smaller and less able counties have long since placed toilet privileges through out their court houses. It may be that we are toclose to Missouri to be up-to-date. "The Village Parson. " one of the.biggest successes on tour this season , will be offered at The Gehling Monday night April Sth. It is in four acts , is replete with genuine heart in terest and clever comedy , and is said to be interpreted by an evenly balanced and exceptionally art- ietic companv. A special scenic outfit is carried , and the produc tion as"a whole has won untinted praise wherever it has been seen. Spring Coats $ We are receiving Spring1 Garments daily and are now displaying full lines of all the prevailingcuts. . Black Silk Etons , Long Black Silk Coats , Fancy Long- Coats , Fancy Box Half Fitted Short Coats and Covert Box and Half Fitted Coats , the prices ranging from $3.50 to $17. Silk Petticoats Strictly high grade Black Taffeta Petticoats , new and handsome design , worth $6.50 , special price $5 Silk Petticoats in colors , worth 7 special price $5.50 At $7 , $8 , $9 and $10 are Blacks and Colors that are truly beauties. Special in Bath Towels A case of Bath Towels bought from a Southern factory , just in , is put on sale at very low prices : 18x38 inch Bleached bath towel ioc i " " " " 21x42 i5c 21x42 Heavier towel 2oc 21x42 Very Heavy 25c FLOOR COVERINGS , CURTAINS New Rue : ' . new Ingrain Carpets , in all grades. fsTew Rug Fillings , new Straw Mattings , I\Tc\v Lace Curtains , all in all ready for your homes when house cleaning is done. ; -H' * * * * * * * * * * IV The Latest in Jewelry t In addition to our regular large stock of Jewelry we have secured a number * of Easter specialties. * ! ) Our spring stock is one of the most complete we have ever purchased , offer I ing a most varied line of WatchesRings , the popular Bracelets , Neck Chains , Souvenir Spoons , and all the staple and I silver novelties in Silverware. . Also a complete line of Phonograph Records. I Davies & Owens X S Jewelers and Opticians