-ffl \ THE FALLS CliY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , MARCH 29 , 1907 LOCAL LORE. Seed Potatoes. „ Fine choice potatoes for seed at Powell & Co. opposite Court House. Phone 141. Eat Sowles' candy. Dr. M. L. Wilson-office over State , Bonk. , Have j'ou missed the electric lights ? Ed Murphy came up from Rule Saturday. See Mrs. H. C. Raker for your TnVw spring hat. Dave Jondrow was up from Rule Saturday. C , C. Stout came down from JHumboldt Sunday. Go to Powell & Co. for new garden seed. Phone 141. Andrew C. Sharp was down u-from Humboldt Tuesday , Myrtle McCray was here from Stella a few days the past week. GJ. . Crook was a business visitor at Barada on Wednesday. All the newest and prettiest spring hats at Mrs. II. C. Raker's. Frank Snethen was among those here from Humboldt Tues- day. For the best bulk coffees 15 , 20 , and 25 cents at Powell & Co. PJione-141. Carl Morrow of Shubert was in attendance at the teachers as- ) sociation. Gertrude and Ethel Robinson of Dawson attended the teachers association here. Sherman Bowers formerly of this city is spending the week with relatives here. Proprietor Spence is preparing .tq serve an elegant dinner at the ' National Easter Sunday. Tom Hughes , traveling pas senger agent for the Mo. P. was here in a business way Monday. Set single harness , Gasoline tank , delivery wagon for sale or , trade for pigs , wood , iron , Hay'or grain. O. P. HECK. Nolle Weaver was here from Verdon the latter part of the week , spending a few days with ; friends. . * V * * HIt j. t A fine line of high grade can ned fruits , Defiance brand , for 25 cents each , at Powell & Co. Phone 141. l\ \ . Queen Chism came down from , Stella the latter part of the past i week spending Friday and Saturday - ! day in this city. Earl Margrave of Gordon , Nebraska spent a portion of the week attending to affairs of busi ness in this citjr. | Jessica Page and Myrtle Neeld of Dawson attended the Richard- ' { " ion county debate held in this * , i city Friday evening. Hazel Hogrefe of Stella was among those who attended the meeting of the teachers association - - tion here the past week. * " ' Stella Shock returned the last oi the week from Stella near v' where she has just completed a J successful term of school. Mavyl Harbaugh was among those from Dawson who attended the teachers association held at \t this place the latter part of the . past week. K We are informed that Ed Bel' * - leaves Wednesday to join Horty . Toity. Sidney Spence says that ! Mr. Bell has purchased a control- ing interest in this popular at traction. * For the past twenty-five year l\ the paint that has given the best satisfaction , fully meeting every k , requirement , is the celebrated Bradley & Vrooman Paint. Dr. McMillan exclusive agent. W. B. Emerson who has been conducting a series of lectures at f , the court house this week of evcn- nings will conduct the services at * . the First Christian church Easter - " ' _ Sunday. lie is an interesting talker and should be greeted by a large audience. Dr. A. E. Wolfe spent Sunday : he guest of Humboldt friends. L' C. Edwards spent Sunday ast with his mother at Humboldt. Chas. Rickards returned Tues- lay from a short visit in Kansas Mty. Grace and Ralph Nedrow re- urned Tuesday fromGreggsville , Illinois. Herman Schultz was here in a msincss way from Ilumboldt Monday. Frank Veach was down from Verdon Friday the shoot being the attraction. Mrs. Bert McCool came down rrom Salem Friday for a brief visit in this city. ; S. H Harvey returned Sunday rom a business trip to McCook and other western points. A. Graham left Sunday night 'or Spokane , Washington where ic will spend a couple of weeks. C. F. Reavis was an Auburn visitor a few days the fore part of the week in a professional way. Mrs. Mabel Boestetta and little son of Humboldt , are the guests of Mrs. Dr. M. L. Wilson this week. W. II. Wheeler of Stella was the guests of E. F. ShartvS and wife the latter part of the past week. W. E. Dorrington and wife re- urned Tuesday to Yakoma , Washington after a weaks stay n this city. Mayme Fenton publisher of the Dawson News Boy spent last Friday the guest of friends in this city. Mrs. H. Kiel 'of Verdon came down Sunday evening and spent a short time the guests of Mrs. Sue DeWald. S. B. Hoffnell was down from Salem the past Friday and while in town was a pleasant caller at : hese quarters. Lloyd Kinsley of Salem was the guest of his uncle , J. M. Ramel on Friday and Saturday of the week just past. Van Meluney who is now in the United States navy spent a portion of the past week with relatives at this place. Beulah Greenwald was do.wn from Stella to attend the teachers association and spend a few days at her home in tins city. Fred Noah and family left Saturday evening for Seattle , Washington where they will make their future home , i _ Vern Ripley spent a few days the latter part of the past week with his parents and small son , Robert at Shenandoah , Iowa. Win. Weick and family of near Verdon were Falls City visitors Tuesday and while in town Mr Weick was a pleasant caller at this office. J. ISlocum. . wife and daugh ters , Miss Carrie Slocum and Mrs. Harry Jenne returned Fri day from an extended trip to California. Mrs. Dr. M. L , . Wilson returned Friday from Essix , Iowa where she was called some three weeks ago on account of the serious ill ness of her mother. Henry Kloepfel of Rule wai attending to affairs of a busines : nature in this city Saturday and enjoying a brief visit with hi father John Kloeptel. Better late than never wa demonstrated Sunday evening when a young fellow and two oi the fair sex arrived at church just as the benediction was being pronounced- The W. O. W. order at their meeting Monday night decided to have a new beacon light for in front of their lodge window and the same will soon be in place and will also haye the emblem of the order on it. Sovereign Kellog of Fremont was presenl at this meeting and gave those present an interesting talk. Have you noticed the barefoot boy ? John A. Crook is now a reader of this family weekly. Frank McCool was down from Salem Saturday last. The business college closes its school term this coming Friday. The street sprinkler has once more started on its annual rounds. Fleming Robb was down from Verdon Sunday the guest of Odda Lapp. Clyde Lum was down from Verdpn Saturday to attend the shoot. John Kettcrcr of Bethany , Kansas is now a reader of this family weekly. Lloyd Earhardt returned the first of the week to his home at Merrill , Kansas. Maud Haushahn of Humboldt attended the teachers association lield here the past week. Dr. H. C. Foster has returned from Kansas City where he has been for the past several months. Bruno Hansen came down from Omaha and spent Sunday at the liomc of Dr. W. II. Kerr and wife. Hon. Larrie Ryan came up from St. Louis Saturday to look after his interests in this vicinity. While his residence is the met- roplis of the southwest , his heart is with his numerous old time friends in Richardson county. Bert Baker has broken out lias the measles good and proper. It is the first time he has had them since a baby and'he had almost forgotten how they were but now has them in proportion to his size. He now has a stand ing ad for sympathy. An infant son arrived at the home of Neal Mulligan and wife at their home at Clay Center , Nebraska on Monday morning of this week. Mrs. Mulligan will be remembered here as Belle Hossackjmor to her marriage. . Rev. W. C. Brewer and family left the first of this week for their new home at York , Nebraska whither his pastorate has peeri changed. Rev. Brewer gave conscientious attention and inter- cstto his work in this field and the community will feel a loss by his removal. Fred Fowler who has been a student at the business college here this term left Monday for St. Louis where he has secured an excellent position. This is the second student that has taken a good position in the past month demonstrating the quality of the instruction given at this local institution. W. A. Parker of Humboldt was here looking after business interests the first of this week. Mr. Parker served three years in the United States Infantry , three years on the battleship Iowa , eight months in the Second Nebraska Infantry and has been in the seryice longer than anv soldier in Nebraska. Mrs. Julian Qttiett is a guest of Atchison friends. Henry Funk and wife were here from Dawson the past Friday. Sheriff Fentonand little daugh ter visited with his parents at Dawson Sunday. A. J. Weaver and Henry Smith returned Friday from a business trip to Minnesota. Herbert Ford of Humboldt at tended the teachers association here the past week. Mrs. Ida Jackson returned to Omaha Friday last after a brief business visit to this city. Mrs. W. H. Kerr who has been quite sick for a week or more is now on the road to recovery. Dr. E. R. Hays was down from Dawson the past Friday for a brief visit at the home place. Daisy Morris , of Humboldt , was the guest of the Misses Moran a couple of days the past week. Bessie Slater of Salem spent the past Friday and Saturday the guest of her aunt Mrs. Louisa Ilenning. Prof. Hoff and the entire corps of Humboldt teachers attended the teachers association held here the latter part of the week just past. Attend the band concert inthe Wahl hall and help toward their new uniforms. You will get more than the worth of 'your money. Pat Welch , of Humboldt , at tended the teachers association and uisitcd with Falls City friends returning to his home Sunday evening. W. M. Ankron , of Shubert , Nebo a well known stockman brought in the Kansas City Stock Yards , one day recently , two cars of fed cattle. Col. Leonard of Pawnee City was a visitor * in this city while on his way home from Auburn where he attended a Poland- China sale Saturday. Ferdinand Friedley of Verdon was in this city a few hours Sun day while on his way home from a large Poland-China sale held the previous day at Auburn. W. II. McWain while up from Rule on business the past Friday gave this torce a pleasant call and as a result will continue to read The Tribune for another V year. "Bud" Page while down from Dawson the past Saturday and calling on old friends in this city did not forget to give The Trib une force a pleasant visit. Mr. Page has been enjoying good success in the bus and baggage business at Dawson. Those cold storage apples were fine all'right. We refer to the generous treat of the same given to the Tribune force Monday by Paul Weaver. They had the finest kind of a flavor and were solid and well kept. Thanks Mr. Weaver we appreciated them. Hogs are Better than Gold * * * v _ _ _ _ y ' I ! rt > V & If you can just keep them healthy and the way t to keep them healthy is to use "Dipoline. " The strongest clip on the market. It is the strongest clip and goes farther , making it the | cheapest. Try "Dipoline" and satisfy your- % < $ > self. * ' E We also sell dipping tanks. Can give you X T * | * X some bargains in tanks. j * i Try our STOCK FOOD. f y. ' v I CITY PHARMACY , f ! DR. HcMILLAN , Prop. $ | ' Falls City , - Nebraska | "H I Easter Novelties We have just received ; i line of goods for the Easter Season. The new wide bracelets in the popular finish , from $4.50 up. Combs with good quality gold filled mountings , from $ i up. Necklaces with the fashionable pend ants will be worn more than ever , we have them from $5 up ; without pendant from $1.85 up. Veil Pins , Beauty Pins , Brooches , Hat Pins , etc , , are all here in the new spring models. It is becoming more and more the custom to remember your friends on Easter Day by a gift. We have all the novelties suitable for a remembrance for this day. Call on us for high grade Jewelry. TheOld , Reliable Jeweler . E. Jaquet. ICE CREAM I If you want Ice Cream t I Ice Cream Soda , | Fruit or Nut Sundae , : We invite you here. f Always Good , None { { I Just as Good. \ \ SOWLES At The Gehling. "Our Old Kentucky Home" at the Gehling Wednesday evening was a very creditable attraction and pleased the audience. It is a clean play , of the kind to be appreciated. The specialties by Miss Sydney Fanner and Earl Trousdale were indeed excellent each being artists. The music i was also a very pleasing feature the harp orchestra being good. . . M. E. Church. Next Sunday Easter service at morning hour , 10:45 a. m. Special music. Evening service at 8.00 p. in. Mr. Emerson will speak. All invited. W. T. CLINK. ' Easter At St. Thomas Church , j [ The music will be one of the special features at these services comprising special numbers , by Miss Lois Keeling , Mrs G. Iv. Neide , Roy Sweetland , of Hia watha , and Master Lynn Hor- racks. 7:30 : a. in. Holy Communion. U:30 : a. m. Sunday School. 10:45 : a. m. Morning prayer , sermon , The Abolition of Death. 7:45 p. m. Evening service and sermon. - The strong wind of Tuesday tried the glass front on the II. M. Jenne shoe store to such an extent that workmen were sent for to construct braces around it as it was feared the glass would fall in. Different arrangements will be made to fasten it more securely. Poultry Wanted Tuesday , Harch l9 1907 , near the B. &M. depot , Falls City , Nebraska , for which we will pay in cash Hens and Pullets 9 i-2c Young Roosters 8c vsiu the highest market price. Horse hides , $2.50 each ; cow hides , 9c. Clariada Poultry , Butter & Egg fc. Announcement White's wall paper store will be open nights during wall paper V 'season. ' t Notice. After an illness of nine weeks , I am now ready to answer calls day or night. DK. GKO. W. RENEKEK. Found. A ladies fur boa was found on the way between Falls City and the residence of Ferdinand Fried- lev nearVerdon. The owner may have same by calling at this office. Notice. The Fraternal Life order will give a supper after their routine business at their regular meeting - ing night which will be next Monday evening. Every mem ber is requested to be in at tendance.