The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 29, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Entered as Hccoiul-class matter at
Falls City , Nebraska , post ofllcc , Janu
ary 12,1W4 , under the Act of Congress
of March 3 , 187'J.
Published every 1'ridiiy at Falls City ,
Nebraska , by
The Tribune Publlthing Company
E. F. Shtvrli ,
One year $1.00
Six months CO
Three months . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Have you sown your crass seed
yet ? ,
together ! Stop knocking ! !
Push , brother , push ! ! I
The shoot wris an entire success
and should encourage its promot
ers to make it an annual occur-
The terminal bill is a law.
Whether for better or worse it is
a law. Omaha is glad ) the rail
roads are mad , but where docs
the state comes in ?
March seems to have it in for
Jul } * . We have no objection to
the war of the months but there
is no good reason why March
should get so hot about it.
Such firms as go out into the
land and secure work , the profits
of which will be spent in Falls
City , are entitled to the encour
agement of every loyal citizen of
Falls City.
If you doubt the valueof adver
tising look through the columns
of your paper and sec if the mer
chants whose names appear there
are not the merchants who arc
doing the business.
Every Falls City merchant
should sell Falls City flour.
Every Falls City merchant should
sell Falls City cigars. Every
Falls City merchant should sell
' * \Falls City vinegar. Every Falls
City saloon should sell Falls City
| beer. It pays in more ways than
I one to trade at home.
What legislature of the past
has been us close to the interest
of the people as the present one ?
What other legislature has so
faithfully redeemed pledges as
has the legislature now Hearing
its end. Time was when it was
a reproach to be an "inmate1'of
the legislature. The members
of the present body , however ,
may be proud of their association
and the work they have accom
The Slioot.
The shoot held in Falls City
last Friday and Saturday was a
gratifying success in every par
ticular , A large number of pro
fessional shooters from abroad
were here and splendid scores
were made. A large crowd was
constantly in attendance a n d
I seemed to enjoy the sport hugely.
The one arm shooter , Maxwell ,
was the center of attraction and
the crowd was greatly pleased to
learn that his score was the high
est of all the contestants.
Of the local shooters , Chas.
Davis , Gus Falsken , John Uauer ,
Frank Veach , Peter Frederick
and George Boycr did especially
well , Mr. Davis getting the high
est score.
Doll Whitaker won the cup foi
local shooters by a score of y.
out of 40. It is hoped that an
other shoot will be arranged foi
Falls City by Messrs. Veach ant
Cunningham who have provct
themselves such able managers
The Miles Will Case on Trial.
After weeks and months am
years of wind jamming , side step
ping , upper cutting and claims o
fouls , the Miles case is on trial
' Judge Raper decided Wednesda
not to call a jury and told th
lawyers to get busy. The trir
5 will probably take about tw
c weeks. The out of town lawyci
> in the case are Webster and Mr
r hony of Omaha and Atwood an
§ Kingolsky of Kansas City.
The Candy Kitchen had bee :
jn the hands of painters an
IT paper hangers and have one <
\ [ ? , ' the brettiest and cleanest of an
the local business houses-
W H Y N O T ?
About eight years ago a certain lady ,
not many miles from here , set about
laying aside a part of the money she
could spare from the sale of butter , eggs ,
chickens , garden stuff , etc. , and depos
ited it in the
Falls City State Bank
The interest and accumulations were
added every six months , a new interest
bearing certificate of deposit issued and
a few days ago when the certificate was
renewed the amount exceeded $1,000.00.
Why not try this plan ?
Shot in the Leg Five Years Ago.
Archie Dean a twelve year
Falls City boy was shot in the
leg five years ago while out hunt
ing with his brother. The at
tending physician at that time
not being able to find the bullet
it was left in the leg and caused
him no trouble until three weeks
ago when he slid down from a
haystack and in so doing jarred
the bullet loose. The next morn
ing the limb seemed stiff and
grew gradually worse. Tuesday
evening Drs. Boose and Wolfe
were called and they came to the
conclusion that the leg was full
of pus caused b3r the old shot
wound. An incision was made
and about a pint of pus was taken
out. At this writing Archie is
getting along nicely , but it will
be some time before he is up
A Last Appeal.
The Ladies Auxiliary to the
Stccle Cemetery Association wish
to make this last appeal to the
members of the society also to
those who are not members , but
who are interested in having the
cemetery beautified and kept
We feel that this is a commend
able work and worthy the pat
ronage of every one , especially
those who have loved ones laid
to rest out there , but a few can
not carry this work on alone , we
need funds and help. The ladies
expend not less than fifty dollars
a year and often very much more
in this work.
The Ladies Auxiliary own and
have full control of the water
system that has been put in at
the cemetery and are at a great
expense every year in keeping it
in repair , buying hose , water can ,
etc. . and if people who use the
water do not appreciate it enough
to come forward and pay one
dollar a year for the privilege we
will just simply have to shut it
off. Perhaps some are not aware
that no person has a right to use
the water who does not pay one
dollar a year for the privilige.
All members , of the auxiliary
arc entitled to use the water if
they keep their dues paid up.
Now the members seem to have
lost interest in this matter and
seem to think a few can carry on
this work , but they cannot , and
we arc going to have one more
meeting and if the members don't
turn out and signify by their
presence that they want this to
go on we will not turn the water
on this year and wiU discontinue
the society.
This meeting will be in the
form of a reorganization. No
1 back dues will be collected , we
will just start out anew. We
make a special appeal to those
who are not members but who
are interested out there to cotne
and join the auxiliary. The
next meeting will be with Mrs.
Ewalt Monday , April 1st. at
2:30 : p. m.
Refreshments will be served.
A home Building & Loan asso
ciation was organized in this citj
yesterday with the following
named gentlemen as charter
d members : J. II. Hutchins , W.
A. Greenwald , L. C. Edwards , R.
C. James , W. F. Fenton. Roscoe
n Anderson and G. II , Fallstead.
idf A more complete article as to the
usefullness of this organization
will appear in our next issue.
Clyde L. Hill was down from
Shubcrt Friday.
Dr. A. E. Burgher of Dawson
was the guest of Dr. 0. T.
Burchard on Sunday.
Praise the Lord for a quiet
municipal campaign.
W. II. Crook made a business
trip to Nemaha City Tuesday.
The stub trains are still with
us and doing a good business at
J. F. Allenworth was over from
Hiawatha on business Friday
Will Leslie of Shubert attended
the teachers association at this
Geo. P. Colon was among the
Rule visitors in this city the past
Mrs. T. J. Gist is visiting
friends in Lincoln and doing some
spring shopping.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Keller have
moved into the Clegg property ou
north main street.
If thereis ( anything about the
game of whist George Jennings
doesn't know , we would like to
learn of it.
Lights out again Wednesday
much to the inconvenience of the
public in general. The dynamo
will soon be in working order
The Miles case has at last
reached the stage of trial. This
case has been pending cigth years
and is a prominent example of
the jlaws delay.
The American Motherhood , a
woman's magazine With a nation
al reputation , contains in its Feb
ruary number , an article written
by Mrs. T. J. Gist of this city. .
Whitaker Bros , are improving
the Schmucker property on Chase
street , and it will be one of the
most desirable houses for rent in
town when everything is com
A Falls City mother read from
the paper the prediction that the
world would come to an end next
week. ' 'Dog on it , ' ' said her
young son , ' 'I sent two dollars
awav for a watch just yesterday
Mayor Barrett will be re-elected
because he deserves re-election.
His administration has been
safe , conservative and economi
cal. The city has been at peace
and much of the credit therefore
is due the mayor.
The Missouri Pacific director
have set aside a hundred million :
for improvements. Look out fo
the division. Vice Presiden
Clark once said to some Falls Cit
man , "when the directors vote to
improve the western divisioi
( Kansas City to Omaha ) Fall ;
City will be called upon to submi
her claims for the division. "
Rev. T. Davis of Pawnee Cit
j will occupy the pulpit at th
Presbyterian church Sunday
both morning and evening. Th
morning service will be appropiat
to the Easter day , and at the
close of the same there will be a
congregational meeting. Every
member is requested to attend
this service as a full attendance
is very urgent. ,
, -
Did not arrive on schedule time ,
K but our full line of New , Fresh *
8 Spring Stock is on time. We have
is the most complete line of Dress
to Goods , Suitings , Etc.ever brought '
ft to this market. We invite your
j ] inspection.
' IS
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Articles of Incorporation.
Articles cit Incorporation of The Tails City
Park anil Intpro\cmcnt Company :
We. the undersigned , John Llclitj. W. W.
Jetine. , JulmiMV. Powc-11 a J V. " . A.
Greenwald. ilo l > y these present * associate
ourselves together for the purpose of becom
ing a boily corporate muter ami by virtue
of the laws of the State of Nebraska :
AKT. I. The name of this corporation
slnll bo The Tails City Park anil Improve
ment Company.
AKT. 11 The principle place of transact
ing the business of the corporation shall be
at Tails City. Nebraska.
AKT. Ill The seneral nature of the busi
ness to be transacted by this corporation
shall be the ownership anil management of
a private park ami such 'amusements as
are naturally ami usually connected there
with. This corporation I hereby empow
ered tn own. buy and sell real estate or
exchange the same when necessary or ad
visable to the proper conduct or mainte
nance of Its park or Improvement business.
ART. IV The authorized capital stock of
this corporation shall lw Twenty Thousand
Dollars of which the sum of Tlfty-lHe
Hundred Dollars shnll bo fully paid up
when these articles are Hied it lilt the
county clerk. The slock shall be divided
Into shares of the full par value of Tlfty
Dollars cacti and shall be non-assessable.
AKT. V. The Kualost amount of Indebt
edness to which this corporation shall at
any time subject Itself shall not exceed
two-thirds of the paid up capital stock.
AKT. VI The date of commencement of
the corporation shall be Immediately upon
the filing of these articles with , the county
clerk of Richardson county. Nebraaka , and
It shall terminate fifty jeans thereafter ,
unless sooner dissolved by vote of two-
thirds of the- stock Issued.
AKT. VII The affairs of the corporation
shall be conducted by a board of flve direc
tors , chosen by the stockholders from among
their own members , who shall choose a
president , v Ice-president , secretary and treas
urer ajul other officers as the bj-Iaws
suggest. The tirst meeting of the stock
holders shall be held on the day of the
organization of the corporation and thereafter
the regular meeting shall be held at the
ofhse of the corporation on the last
Tuesday of December of each jear at which
meeting the board of directors shall be
elected to hold office until the annual meet
ing next ensuing ,
AKT. VIII The board of directors shall
have full power and authority to make all
rules and adopt bj-lavvs for the proper
government of the corporation.
AKT. IX These articles may bo amended
at any time. All amendments shall lirst bo
approved by the board of directors and
ratll'usl by a two-thirds vote of a general
or called meeting of the stockholders ,
llach share of stock shall represent one
vote. JOHN LICIIT\ ,
W.W. Jli.NNh ,
\V. A. GKfli : vvAI.I ) .
On this 20th da ) of Tebruao. 1007 , before
me , ( , uy P. l.reenwald , a nolarv public ,
dulv commissioned and qualified for and
residing in said count ) personally came
John IJchty. W. W. Jenne. T. J. r.lst , John
W. Powell and \ \ * . A. ( .reenwald to me
known lo bo the Identical persons herein
described and acknowledged said Instrument
to bo their voluntary act and deed.
\Vitno my hand and seal at Tails Cit )
In said count ) the day and > car last above
written. ( ! rP. . I.K UNVVAU ) ,
Notary Public.
( First publication March 15 t times.- )
To the Great Panhandle and Return Apr. 2.
Come go with us to Northwest Texas , the greatest place
to buy land for quick and big- returns , of any place in the
United Slates , as the people are pouring in there from all
parts of the country. Come in or call us Over the phone so
we can get your tickets. We will leave here in the after
noon , , Tuesday , April 2nd. Remember the regular rate is
$22.50 , but we will sell you a round trip ticket to Frio for
only $15.90. Do not miss this opportunity as you may never
get this cheap rate again. Our land special is all made up
of Pullman sleepers from Kansas City.
Remember the elate and the $ 15 rate.
The Latest in Jewelry j
In addition to our regular large stock
of Jewelry we have secured a number
of Easter specialties.
Y Our spring stock is one of the most
I complete we have ever purchased , offer-
inga most varied line of Watches , Rings ,
I the popular Bracelets , Neck Chains ,
Souvenir Spoons , and all the staple and
silver novelties in Silverware.
* *
' ?
| Also a complete line of Phonograph $
Records. . $
I ' Davies & Owens f
: | : Jewelers and Opticians J
W H-K H : "H H K K : H
Don't Neglect to Read
Cussed and Discussed by Everybody. Add your
name to the list. $1.00 per year.