The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 29, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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A autnbur of business firms In Falls
City , Including The ( Tribune , Imvo ar
ranged for n voting contest to bo
entered Into by Ulohimlson county
ohools , churches , Sunday schools , soci
eties , lodges , literary associations , or
any other regularly organized bodies ,
the to be an excellent library of
oO volumes , valued at ( GoO.OO. The
library will bo absolutely free of cost
in the winners , and it doesn't cost the
Tutors anytblne to vote. When you
make a purchase for cash , or pay a
hill , the firm with which you arc tran
sacting business will glvo you a ticket ,
filled out with the number of votes to
which you are entitled. You write in
the name of the organization for which
.you desire to vote , sign the ticket , and
deposit it in the ballot box , according
xn a plan outlined bolow.
The following publications constitute
the library :
30vol. consolidated Ency. Library , }
JO volumes World's best orations , } mo.
10 volumes World's best orations , S
To volumes Dickens works , cloth.
S volumes Irvlns works , cloth.
3 volumes EIMots , works , cloth.
7 volumes Hugo's works , cloth.
8 vclumes Shakesneur's works , cloth.
i volumes Great Republic , 4 morocco.
10 volumes Classic Fiction , \ leather.
] i ! volumes Classic Fiction , cloth.
10 volumes Historic Novels , cloth.
11 volumes Famous Novels , cloth.
1 volume Japan Novels , cloth.
3 volumes Prescott's Historic , cloth.
35 volumes Home Library , cloth.
107 volumes Copyright Fiction
23 ! ) , Total Volumes.
This beautiful library will be award
I ed ut the close of the contest , to the
institution receiving the largest num
ber of votes.
_ * This coupon entitles the holder to ONE vote that can bo cast
+ ' for any institution competing for the beautiful library when "
* properly filled ont , signed and returned to thisjoflice. | |
31 *
* Name of Institution
| I
. Name of Voter *
Spring wind , chap , tan and cause
* V freckles to appear , Pinesalvo Carbol
* jr.eil applied at night will relieve that
"burning sensation. Nature's own rem
edy. Acts like a poultice and draws
out inflammation. Sold by A. G. Wan
ntr , druggist.
Former Resident Dead.
S. M. Philpot calls our atten
tion to the death of a former
Hmnboldt citizen , Rev. Lester
i Dudley Wells , which occured at
at the home of his son , Herbert
A. Wells , in Baker City' Ore. , on
February 14 , 1907. The rev
erend gentleman was sixty eight
jears of age , and had been en
gaged in the work of the minis
try for forty years. He filled the
pulpit of the Presbyterian church
in Humboldt two years during the
early eighties , and friends made
hiem among the old timers , will
regret to learn of his death.
Humboldt Leader.
In using a cough syrup why not get
the best ? One that comes highly
recommended Is Bees Laxtative Cough
Syrup , contains Honey and Tar and is
superior to other cough syrups In
many ways. Children always like it
because it contains no opiatesis a laxa
tive and Is guaranteed to give satisfac
tion or your money refunded. Try It.
Sold by A. G. Wanner.
Lost Her Shirt Waist.
The flyer Saturday night go
ing1 west ran over the mail sack
containing1 the papers and cut
them up badly. There was
also a shirt waist which some
Sterling lady had sent off for ,
jn the wreck and is fit only for
ihe rag sack. So she is out her
money and will have to wear the
old waist a while longer or get
another. Another case where it
> vould have been profitable to
patronize home dealers. Ster
ling Sun.
In the treatment of piles it becomes
accessary to have the remedy put up
in such u form that it can be applied to
the parts affected. Man Zan Pile rem
t v edy is encased in a collapsible tube
with no le attached. It cannot help
but reach the spot. Relieves blind ,
bleeding , itching and protruding piles ,
Fifty cents with r.o//le guaranteed.
Try it. Sold by A. G. Wanner.
The Trlbuno will , besides receiving
thy votes cut from the paper , Issue ono
vote for ovcry JO cents paid on sub
scription at Its olllcoolthcr for arrears
or for now subscription , or for job
work or advertising.
The rules of the contest provide that
each merchant shall carefully umko a
record of his votes on Tuesday night
of each \-ook , sending a duplicate of
same over his signature to Trlbuno
olllco before noon Wednesday , the
merchant retaining bis tickets with
record , careful ! ) filing them away to
bo delivered to committee on awards ,
appointed at the r'.oso of the contest.
Voting tickets can bo secured from
the following merchants :
Samuel Wahl
Dry Goods , Clothing , Boots and
Shoes , Ladles' and Mens1 Furnishings.
H. n. Jenne
Shoes that satisfy Lot us fit you.
Perd n. Horlow
The Cash Grocormun.
The Citv Pharmacy
Drugs , Toilet Articles , Sundries ,
Paint and Wall paper ; also Stock Food
at McMillan's'
Heiser& Mosiman
The Falls Citv meat market. Deal
ers in Live Stock of all kinds.
Reavis & Abbey
Furniture , Carpets , Mattings and
Elastic. Book Cases.
Paul Messier
harness. Saddles and repairing.
Opera House Bakery
Bread , Pies , Cakes and Gaudy ,
Lunches , etc.
0. P. Heck
Flour. Feed , Baled Hay and Straw ,
Coal and Wood , Produce.
Oswald's Studio
High grade Photography.
It's Worth Remembering.
That gossips never secure
' ' ' '
'permanent jobs.
That happiness is found only
when you look within , not with
That love may be ever so great ,
but must also be wise , to grow.
That a fool is never so foolish
that he may teach another fool
That to be poor without losing
selfresppct or a sense of enjoy
ment is a fine art.
The kindness of any true sort
must be expressed in terms of the
recipient , not of the donor.
That capability marks some
men , and importance others , but
that indispensability attaches to
That friendship which is gen
uine may invarible be recognised
in that it is neither jealous nor
That indolence among the rich
is more to be condemned than
ignorance among the poor.
The rich know better.
That intellectual worth is most
clearly shown in , , the complete
and accurate , knowledge of one's
own capabilities.
That mediocrity , provided it be
persevering , accomplishes more
than fitful talent. Hares and
tortoises still run races.
"Preventlcs" will promptly check u
cold or the Grippe when taken early or
at the "sneeze stage" Preventlcs euro
seated colds as well. Preventlcs arc
little candy cold cures tablets , ' and Dr.
Snoop , Racine , Wis , will gladly mall
you samples and u book on colds free ,
if you will write him. The samples
prove their merit. Check early colds
with prevention and stop Pneumonia
In Tic and 2. ) c boxes. Bold by till dealers.
For Sale.
Silver laced wyandotte eggs
15 for Sl.OO , or 100 for $5.00 , every
egg guaranteed. At the Pleasant -
ant Hill farm , seven blocks west
of Christian church. 2t
If you need any lots or gar
dens plowed call up 'phone 101 or
see Ben Law at Heck's feed store.
Co-Qperates With Dealers.
One of the unique methods of
combating the catalogue house
evil of which the country mer
chant has been complaining for
the past several years has been
evolved by D. W. Reid of Falls
City , Nebraska. The plan in
short is this :
Mr. Reid goes to a town and
interviews the local merchants ,
getting certain ones to pledge
that they will sell articles of cer
tain values and class at the same
price the catalogue houses will
sell them for. These agreements
he makes in the form of a pledge
which he supplies to the local
papers of the sections in which
he is working in the shape of
four-page supplements.
The three pages of the supple
ment not given to this pledge is
given over to exposures of the
mail order business and the stand
ards of their goods.
The feature of the mail order
business for the past few years
has been publicity , and Mr. Ried
is combating them with their
own weapons , and is taking this
means to get this publicity into
the homes where the mail order
house is getting its support.
lie has carried the war into
the camp of the enemy and they
have not been loath to make it
merr } ' for him as a consequence ,
a large amount of correspondence
having been sent out over the
country to try and counteract
the influence of the Reid cam
paign. The catalogue houses
have paid little attention to the
wails of the jobbers in convention
but the } ' seem to be able to give
a good deal of attention to the
new scheme which is bringing
this system against themselves.
Mr. Reid is accompanied by
Mrs. Reid who is working with
the ladies in different localities
on the evils of the formation of
soap clubs. Des Moines ( Iowa )
There are many kidney remedies hut
few that accomplish the result.
"Pineulos" is a kidney remedy that
contains no alcohol or opiates of any
kind complies with the National Pure
food and drug law' guaranteed to give
satisfaction. Thirty day treatment for
81.00. Inquire about "Plneules" at A.
G. Wanncr'fl drug store.
If your mind is narrow you only
look upon one side of a question.
Wlmt lins become of the old-
fashioned man who called it
"stone coal ? "
Pleasing people is like laughing :
It has to be done without an ef
fort to be ell'b'-tive.
Our feelings a : e like some med
icine. Have to be kept tightly
corked or they will evaporate.
It 10 always hard for a child to
believe that anyone lies in bed all
night without sleeping.
In following the footsteps of
oome men you find the tracks
rather small.
Its \ a mistake lo pin fnith on
speculation or roseate promises.
Idleness is more pleasant in
contemplation than in fact.
Complete ownership does not
at all times bring complete satis
A desire for gaudy attire often
is seen in seemingly modest per
Believing a thing does not mean
that you regard it as a positive
Imaginary mportauce has the
merit of producing something like
There is a way of telling a story
which gives it the semblance of
The emotions can be so worked
on as to turn hopelessness into
rosy anticipation.
HappineSb is an nbstiact proposition -
position that is applicable to al
most any case it may lie applied.
The disposition toward quarrel-
sameness possessed by every ono
CUM tie overcome with a little
Out your blanket one foot longer
than God made you , youroelf.
Greater length is waste.
Talk about swearing , the most
abused words in the English Inn-
"dear" and " "
gunge are "honey ,
My Honor.
If the conductor did not take
your fare or ticket , would you
keep the money or ticket ? Why ?
I would not keep the ticket
because I wouttt not have no Use
lor it and If 1 would try to sell
it they would , know that I did
not pay my fare.
Is it right to match pennies ?
Why ?
It is not right to match pennies -
nies because they arc cheating
one another and the one that
knows how if is done gets it all
and the rest look on.
Is it right to play for keeps ?
Why ?
It is not right to play for keeps
because it is just cheating one
If you saw a pupil cheating
would you report him ? Why ?
I would let him know that he
was not a fair player. I would
not tell a'ny one else because
they would call me a "tattle
tale. "
If you saw a pupil destroy
school property would you tell
on him ? Why ?
I would not tell on him hut I
would tell him what 1 thought of
it. /
If some one in examination
whispered to you. telling y > u
an answer you did not know
would you then write that an
swer in order to get a higher
I would not think of asking
any one else for they might tell
me wrong and I write the an
swer clown and get a much lower
Would you tell your teacher
before class that you were un
prepared to recite or go to class
and run the risk of getting part
credit by not being called on to
recite ?
I would tell her at olass how
far 1 had my lesson and recite
the rest orally or recite the rest
the next day but I would not try
to get out of it to not recite it at
all. ADKLA MEYEH , age 14.
School Column Pairbury News.
For Catarrh , let mo send you free
just to prove merit , u trial size box of
Dr. shoops catarrh remedy. It Is a
snow white , creamy , healing antibunilc
balm that gives instant relief to Catarrh
of the nost- and throat. Make the free
test and see. Addrss Dr. Snoop , Huclne
ia. Large jurs f > 0 cunts gold by all
Real Estate Transfers.
Dayid Grlllith and \vf to Daniel ami
Edward Grilllth , wd wj sw } sec 15-2-15
Libert } * precinct , con $3,000. ,
Nicholas Schcldcgccr and wf to John
Oberly wd si of ne } of sw } of sec IS IM.'J
Ilumboldt twsp , con 8802.50.
Samuel IJcitler jr. and wf to Fred
Luthy and wf wdv $ of nc } also nj of
sej of sec : J5-2-ii : , Humboldt twp. con
$8,400. i
Prlct Walker and wf to Jacob Hein
wd n } of lot 'I blk10 ulmcrs add to
Duwson. cons $ f2r ! > .
Jennie C. acd II. M. Edgecomb to
John Martlnosky wd lots l.'t , 14 , 15 an , ]
10 , blk 47 Rule con $1'200. ,
W. A. Bird and wf to Samuel Hays
wd S j of sei of sec . ' { 2-1-lu Richardson
Co. , con 83,235.2(5. (
Lincoln Land Co. to John Martln
osky qcd , lot 10 , blk 15 Rule con $13 00.
Clarence H. Wlltseand wf to Chris
Beutlcr wd nwi of see . ' ! 5-2.ii : Richardson -
son Co. con $8,800.
Henry Schwass and wf to Albert L.
Brunn , wd blk 37 , except 2 acres olT
o end of lot Huraboldt prct. con $2,500. ,
Mrs. Rllen King to John Wm King ,
wd lots 11) ) and 20 blk 188 Fulls City
cons Sl.OO.
Clarence H. Wiltso and wf to The * .
J. Whltaker wd lots 11) ) , 20 and 21
blk 1 addition -'A" to Falls City , con
James Klley to Michael Rlley wd sj
of nwj and nj of sw } and sw } of BW } of
gee HG-IM4 one half interest iti nbovo
Richardson Co. con $2.00.
.lames Klley to Daniel Riley wd u
portion of sec 22-2-1 1 con $2.00.
Mary U Plumb and hurb to Conrm )
Sunger wd o } of &e } of Fee Itl-2-IS Uuo |
twsp con $ ; t00. ( !
Jamc lUloy to WIlMam Klluy wd
Und i hit si of no } of oo 8-1-1 1 o } ofi }
of sec 8-1-1 1 sw } of ne } of sw } of smi
! ) 1.11 nichurd on Co con S2.00
Improper action of the kidney
causes buckuchu , lumbago , rhuiimatlsir. .
"Plnoule.-1 Is a kidney remedy that
will relieve thoee dtsoasos. Ploasiint to
takn and gimranti'ud to glvo tallgfau-
tton or money refunded. "Relief in
every dose. " Sold by A. G. Wanner.
( Copyright , by Dally Story Pub. Co. )
He finally managed to get his
cigar lo working satisfactorily , and
stretched himself comfortably on
the grass.
She leaned back against the trcq
trunk and watched a squirrel busy
on u neighboring branch.
Harrington noticed thai aho
seemed to Imvo entirely forgotten
his presence , unless thcro was merely
! a comfortable consciousness of the
'fact that ho was there if she needed
him the knowledge that she had
nothing to fear from n chance tramper
or theovcrfearcd snake possibility.
It was rather an nuusnal thing
jfor a woman to bo forgetful of Hart
( ringlon ho could not decide wlioth- .
jer the situation interested him or
ipiqttcd his masculine vanity.
"When you Imvo satisfactorily ex
amined the trees , the squirrel , the
water falling over those stones , and
'Imvo ' formed your opinion conccrn-
jing the entrancing horizon , " ho said
in n slightly injured lone , "wouldn't
iyou like to talk to mo pome ? "
She took oil' her hat and laid it
[ on the grass beside her with a sigh
of satisfaction.
"None of those things are more
interesting to me , Diogonos , than
'the study of you , 1 assure you , " her
lips curled with a teasing smile , and
there was n touch ot fun in her eyes.
"Sometimes 1 almost conclude
ithat 1 positively dislike you , " ho
said , amiably , taking long puffs at
his cigar , "I never cared much for
women but in this ease there is a
stronger element , f believe it almost
approaches being dislike.
( She wriggled bor blonde bend into
( i more comfortable pose against the
tree trunk and beamed upon him as
jf he bad said something truly grati
"It's an achievement Diogones to
have inspired you with a strong fecl-
jng of any description I'm prond
of myself. "
"You have such a confounded way
of pouncing upon a fellow's
thoughts and holding them np to
ridicule yon can analyze a man
ns easily as a chemist can analyze a
patent medicine. Didn't you know ,
Miss Burton , that women ought to
make themselves or attractive
it's uncanny for them to go in for
psychology , analysis or vivisec
tion. "
"Attractive ? 0 Diogones yon
arc awfully lacking in manners
T was taking solid comfort and con
tent in the belief that the powers
that be bad made me .attractive
and was amusing myself with your
so-called vivisection merely as a
side issue. I see , my dear philoso
pher , that you arc not fitted for the
gentle ways of polite society if it
didn't hound slangy , I'd Kay : 'Hack
to your tub. ' It was a tub that
Diogone-s enjoyed PO thoioughly ,
wasn't it ? "
He was , by degrees , working him
self into an exceedingly bad temper.
"Miss Burton , did yon know that
blonde women had always enjoyed
the reputation of being fools more
or less ? " ' be asked , hcathingly.
"All of which leads to " she in
terrupted with elaborate innocence.
"The fact Unit it's lime you de
cided whether you are going lo mar
ry that idiot Darrcll or me , we've
both been dangling around you the
whole summer. "
"Your climaxes are strong , " she
smiled , admiringly , "that idiot Dar-
rell or yon Don't you recognize
u certain similarity to Tope in the
way you construct your sentences ? "
"It's impossible to make a climax
after Darrcllho snorted , "it would
bo an impossibility lo find a bigger
idiot to name after him. "
"Hverylhing , my dear man , de
pends upon the point of view , " she
pinned on her hat , and turned to
wards the path leading to 'the hotel.
That afternoon Harrington lay ,
half asleep , his magazine over his
face , in the shade of the bushes Unit
grew back of the summerbouse.
"Virginia you are acting shame
fully , " ho heard DarreU's voice.
So be called her Virginia , did ho ?
And lu > allowed it !
Virginia evidently enjoyed the
idea of acting shamefully for he
heard a little ripple of merriment.
"Kul you know , Jack , he really
does need 50me of the conceit taken
out of him women have spoiled
him to. "
' ' * ! think you have tormented him
* * - " '
'enough ' , " Darrcll insisted , "and you
have carried on with me outrageoug-i
ly. T feel party to a fraud. You' '
can't keep it up much longer , for
when Eleanor comes next week ho
will soon find out that I've been en
gaged to your sister all along. Why )
not put him out of his misery ? You1
know you like him. "
"Of course I do and I'm going
to marry him but he needs a. little
training first. "
Darrell rose and started towards
the house. 'I'm going to finish mr
letter to Eleanorhe said' "I'll
leave you hero to finish your boot.
Shall I tell Eleanor that we'll mats
it n double wedding in November ? *
Virginia evidently took time to
"I think he'll make an awfulh |
) iandsomc bridegroom/ ' aim saiJ |
Darrcll laughed delightedly
" .First time I ever saw you with *
Caught the Startled Girl in His Arms. ,
real attack , Virginia. I don't BGCJ
( o save my soul , how he's failed in
find out that you cure , tout as fofc
handsome bridegrooms I'll hav
yeti remember that I'll bo thejc
myself , " and he walked down th
path whistling. \
Harrington eat up , let his
ine fall unnoticed to the groun
and brushed his coat carefully.
His gray eyes were twinkling , she
ho crept quietly into the suimnei
lie caught the startled girl in hit
arms. "A man has n perfect ; rigal
to kiss the girl he's going to man *
in Nbvcmber I'm so glad you ftijS
knowledge that I'll look picturcsqttft
at the wedding. "
Virginia's face tried to adjust it
self to an indignant expression.
"You wretch I. Yon heard what JS
said ! " she gasped.
Harrington held her fast and lift
ed her face until her eyes looked
into his.
" .lust so exactly so and noth
ing has ever added f > o much to my
conceit , Virginia mine. "
A remarkable mode of incarccra- |
tion is practiced ly the hornbills ,
birds with immense bills and horny' '
crests , which inhabit southern Asia ,
the Malayan islands and central and' '
southern Africa. In most , if not *
all , species the brooding female ia
walled up in a hollow tree and fcdJ
by her mate. She remains confined
in her prison until the eggs are
hatched , and in some species until
the young birds are able to fly.
Meanwhile the mother has become
temporarily incapable of flight , aa
she has moulted or , at least , shed
all her wing feathers during her
captivity. Hut the male is inde
fatigable in providing for his fam
ily , and is said to work so hard that
he is reduced almost lo n skeleton at
Hie end of the brooding season.
The late John Price Wetherill of
Philadelphia had the reputation of
giving the best dinners and serving
the best wines of any Pennsylvania i
Mr. Wetherill had a certain odd ,
quaint humor. At a dinner that he
gave last year the fish course was un
usually good. He praised his chef
ardently , concluding : "But he is
best of all with fish. Why , he pre
pares fish so exquisitely that from
the frying pan they give him admiring - '
ing and grateful looks. "
"And how can you be sure of go
ing to heaven ? " nkcd the Sunday
school teacher.
"I guess , " said little Tommy
Wise , "tho best way would be to got
pa lo say wo couldn't ; then ma will
take us there or bust. That's how
we got to 'Lantiu City lust summer/ '