- rv THE FALLS Cll Y TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , MARCH 22 , I90j yrl LOCAL LORE. HJat Sowles * candy. Dr. M. L. Wilson-office over Stale Bank. See Mrs. II. C. Raker for your new spring hat. George Hall was down from Verdon the first of the week. A/ * ? * Mrs. A. E. Gantt is the guest " of Humboldt relatives and friend ? , . - . frank Yoesel on route three is one of our new subscribers this week. H. G. Dorstc was up from his Ijome near Rule on Tuesday afternoon - - noon- t Marion Watson was np from f ' Reserve , Kansas the fore part af ' " < this week. Mrs. M. C. Conover of Verdon u spent Tuesday with friends in " this city. Joseph Williams was here from his home at Humboldt Tuesday morning. Mrs. N. E- Morgan of Center , Colorado is now a reader of The \ Tribune , s - " " " " " ' "r T---T nim 4 Win. Zoeller , Jr. was up from Prestoii in a business way Satur Jut day afternoon. W. JPeake of DuBois has our thanks for subscription favors ' of the financial order. R. B. Wyathof Reserve , Kan. , had on the Kansas City market today a carload of hogs. GJ. . Crook was looking upon the legislative assembly at Lin coln on Wednesday of this week. R. M. Stewart , of Reserve , t Kansas marketed today 3 carloads l-- of cattle and 2 carloads of hogs. Mrs. S. V. Sears returned Sun day morning from a three weeks visit with George Sears and wife at Bertram ! , Nebraska. Mesdames Cass Edwards and Howard Young and children who have been visiting with Mrs. John Oswald returned Saturday after noon to their home at Stella. Mrs. Henry Rogers who has been spending the past three weeks with her mother Mrs. Lucinda Smith left Sunday mor ning for her home at Beatrice W. J. Goolsb } ' while transact ing business affairs in this city the past Saturday was a pleasant caller at these quarters and set his subscription date ahead for / another year. Ch'as. M. Wilson has added four large show cases to his ' > tore lixtures which will be used ; as .display cases for his excellent line of china ware. Mr. Wilson has one oPthe best stocks of this ware in southeastern Nebraska. Miss Maud Ramsey who has been visiting at the home of * James Ramsey and wife in this city left Sunday morning for a veeks visit with friends atSt. . Joseph. From there she will go to her present Iiome ah Lawton , Oklahoma. Messers. H. E. Lemon , James Mprris and R. Hanna returned the latter part of the past week from attending the W. O. W. convention at Leavenworth. The boys were kept busy and left their mark for F-ills City camp in the convention. Chas. M. Wilson was engaged 1 in the art of driving a nail athis store Tuesday morning when the hammer parted company w i 1 1 : the handle and struck Mr. Wislon a blow on the -left thumb nail The nail as a result is ( [ uite blacp and he will probably lose the same. "Excursion rates of fare one third round trip to Leaven worth on all lines for spring Musical Festival March 21st.-2 : nd-23rd. Famous Innes Orchest ral Band and Soloists of Nev York City special attracticn foi matinee and evening of 23rd Over 200 voices in local choruses Excursion tickets good to re tun March 25th. Don't miss tin festival. Sam Miles is down from Lin coln this week. Miss Banks of Preston spent Sunday in this city. Allen Johnson was up from Preston Sunday last. Ida Been of Humboldt spent Friday at this place. Walter Meyer of Hiawatha spent Friday in this city. Judge Broady was here front Lincoln during this week. T. M. Davis of Pawnee City was a Saturday visitor here. All the newest and prettiest spring hats at Mrs. II. C. Raker's. Mrs. O'llara is seriously ill at her home in the east part of town. S. II. Harvey left Saturday for McCook and other western points. - . ' Blaine Rhoades is- among the measles victims this week , being quite ill. Ray Mead spent Sunday and Monday with friends at Talmage , Nebraska. . W. W. Spurlock of Salem is the guest of her aunt Mrs. John Holt. Herman Minnick came up from Atchison Saturday for a few days visit in this citv. Ralph McDonald of the Brown County World was a Falls City visitor Saturday last. J. E Harrison , district deputy of the K. & L. of S. was a busi ness visitor here Tuesday. Stanley Wilson of Humboldt was among the out of tpwn vis itors in this city Tuesday. S. L. Redwood came d o w n from Dawson last Friday for a brief business visit in this city. If you need any lots or gar dens plowed call up 'phone 101 or see Ben Law at Heck's feed store. Clarence Heck spent a few days the latter part of the past week the guest of friends at St. Joseph. Orra Ross of the Auburn Her ald force spent Sundaywith his parents , John Ros's and wife of this city. * " L ' - " " " J i Mrs. Charles Thomas was down from Stella Saturday last for a brief visit with Falls City friends. J. D. Shrauger while down from Humboldt last Saturday was a pleasant caller at these quarters. Paul Greenwald % vas up from Kansas City Sunday for a brief visit with his mother and friends in this city. Elva Crook and family returned from Nebraska City Sunday and left Wednesday for their home at Tuttle. I. T. George Segrist representing the Kansas City Scale company was in this city a few days the first of the week. Alice Gunn has recovered trom a serious attack of the measles and Monday resumed her , duties at the business college. Mrs. Hoffsommer and son of McPherson count } ' , Kansas are the guests of her father , Rev. Manshardt of this city. B. M. Berkley , H. Swart and C. W. Berkley of Hamlin , Kansas spent Saturday attending to af fairs of a business nature in this city. Ed Fisher/ and wife came up from Levenworth to attend the funeral of George Dorrington which was held in this city the past Sunday. s Walter Unland and wife of Ilumboldt were the guests of f Mrs. J u 1 e Ruegge Sunday. They left this week'with the Ilumboldt colony for Canada where Mr.'Unland has a claim. Win. Manshardt , wife and children , of Glascow , Missouri are visiting at the * home of his father , Rev. Manshardt in this city and also attending confer ence. Win. Manshardt is a member of the Kansas conference Seed Potatoes. Fine choice potatoes for seed at Powell & Co. opposite Court House. Phone 141. How are you enjoying the in stitute ? r Marcile Stump is sick with the measles. Go to Powell & Cofor new garden seed. Phone Hi- Al Smith was down from Humboldt Saturday of the past week. For the best bulk coffees 15 , 20 , and 25 cents at Powell & Co. Phone 141. _ _ t _ _ _ . . . - - - - * J. Hi Smith was among the Humboldt visitors in this city the past Friday. MrsT. . L. L'indenmeyer is quite ill at the family residence in the north part of town. Will Hossack went to Shubert Saturday for a few days visit with friends at thYit place. Mrs. M. L. Wilson was called to Essex , Iowa last week by the serious illness of her mother. Mrs. Allen D. May- and son of .Salem are the guests of her mother , Mrs. Kathline Wylie. Mrs. C. II. Marion and daugh ter , Audrey leave today for a brief visit with friends at Hiawa tha , C. L. Hummel and wife were down from Humboldt last Friday to' attend the funeral of J. J. Morris. A fine line of high grade can ned fruits , Defiance brand , for 25 cents each , at Powell & Co. Phone 14K S. M. Philpot and J. K , Lig gett were down from Humboldt Friday to attend the funeral of J. J. Morris. Sidney Spence has been on the sick list , bracing up however for the 17thcause for the same being his and St. Patrick's birthday. Harry Clark , formerly of Stella but now of Kansas City , was transacting business in this city the past Friday and Saturday. . Wilma Cline who has been at home with a severe sore throat was able to return to her studies at the Peru Normal Wednesday. 'MrsC. . Andrews sent us sub scription greeting of a financial nature from the western part of the state on Wednesday morning of this week. The ladies of the Christian church will give a fifteen cent dinner in .the Roberts building this Friday evening. A good meal for fifteen cents. The horse sale which Lotspcicli Bros , were to have conducted in this city this coming Saturday has been called off as the boys sold all of their hordes out west but will probably be here a trifle later with an equally as good a bunch. Rev. R. Cooper Bailey who was to have been at the Presby terian 'church the past Sunday will occup3r that pulpit this com ing Sunday , both morning and evening. He comes well recom mended and every member should attend both services. Rev. Lamb , publisher of the Evangelical Association at Cleve land , Ohio will preach at the Baptist church at S o'clock this Friday evening and a cordial in vitation is extended the public to attend this service. Rev. Lamb is an able and entertaining speaker and should be greeted by a large audience. Saturday a middled aged mar came to Falls City who had rut against a wide streak of misfor tune. His foot had just beer crushed quite badly by a trait and he came as far as this citj when he was so exhausted that i was impossible for him to go an ) farther. The injured foot was dressed by our city physician am the authorities gave him enougl to take him on his way. He was a nice appearing fellow jusl played in hard luck. Announcement. White's wall paper store will be open nights during wall paper season. Striking A Match to find a gas leak is as foolish as comparing cheap , adulterated material with high grade guaranteed paint like Brandley & Vrooman's ? ' Sold by Dr. T. C. McMillan. For Sale. Silver laced wyandotte eggs H for $1.00 , or Juo'ior Sf > .00 , every gg guaranteed. At the Pleas- , nt Ilill farm , seven blocks west f Christian church. 2t II. L. KAUII'\ Statement. This certifies , that Mr. W. L. Vhite was placed on our city ickct , to fill vacancy as council- nan in the third ward , without word of pledge or promise to he proliibitiotfists , "or any one else. else.We We believe Mr. White will aver law-enforcement , and will lid in giving us good clean citj government if elected. Gio. ; PKATIJK , Chairman. Sam Miles and wife of'Lincoln ire attending court this week. Why is it that a school inarm ind a milliner arc always "ROOC ! ookingV" The school inarms will be with is today and tomorrow and life vill be again worth living. Will Hossack went to Preston Wednesday afternoon for a few lays visit with relatives there. Set single harness , Gasoline : ank , delivery wagon for sale or trade for pigs , wood , iron , hay or grain. O. P. HKCK. If hot air had a commercial value , a session of the Miles will case would be worth a princely sum. Judge S. II. Broady of Lincoln is before the court this week in the interest of his clients in the Miles case. x W. II. Pyle was here from Champion , Nebraska Wednesday and while in town was a pleasant caller at this office. Mrs. Kate Rieger resumed her place at the Wahl store after an absence of over a week caused from an attact of the measles. . John L. Webster and T. J. Mahoney of Omaha , and I. J. Ringolsky and John II. Atwood of Kansas City are among the at torneys in attendance on the Miles will case this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Gist and Mrs. Spurlock of Salem , and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Minnick of Auburn were among the out of town visi tors who attended the funeral of George E. Dorrington Sunday. The Needle Club met with Mrs. Daeschner on Wednesday afternoon of this week and spent the afternoon in sewing after which elegent refreshments were served. The next meeting.will be at the home of Mrs. Mary Mosiman , Wednesday afternoon March 27th. 1907 Market Report. The range of prices for the Kansas City grain majkct witji close today as reported by Far- rington Commission Co. : Ouen , Hlirh. I.fiH. Close , Yett. St. Joe. ll.ftw Maruut : Hofc't.r > c luuur : Catll" blow. St. Joe luiir market , to | > price 'I.I2 ' ! : hulk 6.22 fi.30. KaiisuK City Cash drain No 2 hard uhc.it 706W7. Nil 3 hard w heat W 72. No 2 red heat 74MS 75 No 3 red w heat 671 t'j No 2 mixed corn 41 n No 'J mixed corn 40H < Mt No 2 white corn 43 4ii } No 3 u hlte corn 4c No 2 mixed oats 40 ( 40' j No 3 mlxcil oats 40 Have you read the values offer ed in Fred E. Sclnnitt's ad ? Caster Novelties We have just received a line of goods for the Easter Season. The new wide bracelets in the popular finish , from $4.50 up. Combs with < jood quality gold filled mounting's , from Si up. Necklaces with the fashionable pend ants will be worn more than ever , we have them from $5 up ; withput pendant from 51.85 up. Veil Pins , Beauty Pins , Brooches , Mat'Pins , etc , , are all here in the new spring models. It is becoming more , and more the custom to i remember vour friends on Easter Dav bv a * > - gift. We have all the novelties suitable for a remembrance for this day. Call on us ior high grade J.ewelry. The Old Reliable Jeweler A. E. Jaquet. Notice To Colt Raisers. J am now located at the Salem fair grounds with two 'good ' Stallions , one trotter and one pacer. You are cordially invited - vited to call and sec them and get acquainted. No trouble to show horses. While ! am owner of these Stallions I will pay one hundred'dollars to the first ten of their get taking standard ecords. To be divided , live colts from each stallion. Money divided ftSQ.OO to breeder and $50.00 to owner , at time standard record is taken. Colts broken and track horses handlen. GOtf CL.AUKNUU DINGLK. Concert and Dance. A concert and dance will be given at the Wahl hall on Fri day. April 12 , 1907 by Ilarnack's Military Band and Orchestn. The proceeds will go toward buying new uniforms for the band. As this is a worthy cause it is hoped a large attendance will be pres ent. Gehling Theatre ONE NIGHT Wednesday Mar. 27 , 1907 A Plav for Evervbodv * c Our Old Kentucky * Home A Success. Splcncfidly Played. Strong1 Cast , New Scenic Effects , a Story that Appeals to every 1 leart. tear the Haul. Prices 5oc and 35C. TURKO TurkO , the Imported Belgian Draft horse , owned by the Sunny Valley Horse company will make the season of 1007 as fol lows : Monday and Tuesday of each week at Henry Voegeles on the ; Coon Pritcliard farm"ten miles northeast of Falls City. The balance of the week n ( Barney Voegeles on the Chas. Gagnon farm seven and one- quarter miles northeast of Falls City. Turko weighs : V 0 pounds and is a wonderful horse. His terms are : $ ! ; " > .00 to insure a colt to stand up and suck ; $12,50 t lor the season ; ยง 10.00 for single service. Clllinky Tom , Black Kentucky Jack white points will make the season with Turko. His terms are $10.00 to insure a colt to stand up and suck , Chunk } ' Tom gets good colts. One of them , a sucking colt , sold this spring at the W. A. Scliock sale for $100 00. The highest price ever paid in the J state lor a sucking colt. Owen's i the horse buyer , got him. ' If you want to raise colts that bring the money , go to these animals. J SALT. Car load of Crushed Rock and j Lump Rock salt comingwill ; make ' low price in Bulk at car. O. P. IlKCk. ' : > 'K * * < * i Millinery Opening ! | > | Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , I * " 25 , 26 , 27 , at the Bon Ton Millinery Store ! * * . . * ( . * ; ) We cordially invite \ ou to calj and see us and inspect - | . spect our complete and beautiful line of SWELL PAT- | , I TERN MATS , Street Hats , etc. | 1 The latest Ideas in untrimmed Chips , Milans , Legl ; ! ; horns and Hair Hats. Yours Respt. < A { ? I i Miss Helen Brebeck. | i I . . . . . . .W > .H H HH H * H % 1a