THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , MARCH 15 , 1907 The privilege. ! resolution thai Mr. Pollnrd nt the opening of the present session , requesting the Judiciary Committee of the House to report upon his legal tight to receive pay for the permd from March I to July J8 , 1U05. was acted upon a few days ago The Judiciary Committee held that Iho of the House did not act within aiithnri- L ly of Inw when lie pnid out fits v money and thnt therefore Mr. Pollard had no light to it. The name day that tin- Judiciary Committee made this repot t Mr. Pollard introduced a bill authoiiv- ing the Trensinor of the H. S , to i.veur the miimiiit of his salary that is in eontroveisy. This bill was irfernul to the Ways and Moans Committee \\hich is Iho milking committee of the House und contains not only the great ett lawyers but the ablest mem- pers that are now in Congress. This committee unanimously ie ported that the Seigeanl-al-nims did not within authority of law mid that Mr. Pollatd was legally and morally , entitled to the hnlary lie received from 1 to July 18th. the date of his elec tion. In closing their report the Ways and Mean Committee saul "We believe that Mr. Pollaid was entitled to his pay and thnt the proper construction o ! the Htatute was put upon it by the disbursing otlicers of the House of Representatives , but in an much as Sir. Pollard insists on return- injj this money to the Treasury of the United Slaten and for the purpose of aiding him to that end , \vo report the bill favorably after striking out the words ' 'without authority of , Kv.v. " While Mr. Pollnrd was able to get the bill reported from the Ways and Menus Committee , yet , lie could not get it up for consideration in in the House- All the lawyeis in the House both Democrat and Republican were practically mi tmimous in the opinion that Mr , Pollnrd was entitled to Iho money under the law and that if the bill were permitted to pass it would overturn a long line of piecedents that have been running for utmost hnlf a century. They contended thnt the pnssnngo of the bill would make a eiious rellection upon the character of u number of renown now sen ing iu pongiehs ns well us pome who are pow deceased , Among the latter were Mr. Hilt of Illinoib and Mr , Nelson Dingley of Maine. Whoil j ' Mr.Pollard returned the money to' Ihe eigonnl-nl-artiiB ho did ao because ss he euid , " 1 do not propose to retain nhy money when there is the least question of doubt as to my right. " This question of doubt has not been removed. Yesteiday Mr. Pollaid called upon Mr. Tient , Tretis urer of the U. S , in order to ascertain whether ho could re ceive the amount of the biliary iu dispute. Mr. Treat said that ho could receive the money and would give Mr. Pollard a receipt therefor and that the money would be turned into the general fund of the Treasury. As soon as Mr. Pollard found out that lie could conveit the money back in to the Treasury he decided to close for all time this vexatious question. This morning ho mnil- ed n check to'tho Treasurer of the U. S. for the amount of the dis puted salary ; feeling thnt in tie much as there was btill some doubt ns to his right to the money he did not cnre to retain it. Does Advertising : Payr The suspension of publication by the four daily papers in Butt < * - and Anaconda hns had a remaik nble eiVectonnll business in Butte For a week no dally paper hni been printed in Butte , because o the strike of twelve pressman am the lockout of ; printers , new writers , etc. , and the business o merchants has dropped from 23 t HO per cent. Department store claim their business 1ms fallen ot 00 per cent , and dentists , jeweler etc. , have almost been wiped oul ! j BEGGS * CHERRY COUGJ s I SYRUP cures coughs raid colds. ! : ANOTHER THAW CASE ! This is a divorce from high prices in all lines I handled in our department store. We wish to call your attention to our complete line of DRY GOODS AND DRESS GOODS ; We have taken especial care in our selection for i E this season and you will find a complete Sine of the ] t new China Silks , Silk Chiffons , American Beauty i | ; Batistes , Fancy Mohair Suitings , Worsted Suitings ยง ' Dress Ginghams , Imperial Chambrays , Madras Cloths and French Cambrics. We would be pleased to have you examine our line before making your spring purchases. ! n lls ' * ne we are noexce'Ie ' ( ' m E j > . ifve cannot please you , there is no necessity of looking larther. Remember that Easter comes early this year and we certainly have something in stock that would make your happiness com plete at this season. Our line is complete in Staple and Fancy lines which we are handling on a very close margin. We Pay the Highest Price for Produce. GEO. S. CLEVELAND. Unity Tolty. There fire more hearty laughs , more chuckles and sti'l ' more smiles ; a sense of pleased ap preciation of the picturesque GCiinery , } alHl9VS trlory of the costumes , tuneful itua ttllistle- able music , ranging i'rom sweet sentimentality to topical and tuneful nonsense , in witnessing A performance of Weber & Fields' [ greatest succes ? < 'Unity Tolty"j than in all other musical come dies combined ; and if you are looking for something out of the ordinary , it's up to you to fall iu line for the performance at the Gehling. Friday March 15th. llvory ono knuwa thnt aprlnsr i Uio season n ( thu your when the - , \ toin needs cluaunliiK niniis Little Liver IMHs uro highly recommended. Try thorn. Sold by A. G Wanner LD HELIftBLE i BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The greatest of modern-time helps to perfect cooking Usid in tot hist fan- Hits Hit wtrM tvtr 0m ( AkiNQ rOMK CO , H VOMU MO\/E THE BOWELS AND WITH THE OR1G1WAI i BKU'8 tAXATWK COUGH STROP. COUGH I BEST FOR A Public Horse At the Mettx Sale Pavilion , Falls Citj. Neb. , on 21 Head of Horses Consisting of 17 head of 4 and 5 year old mares , Twelve of this bunch are supposed to be in foal , weighing from 1,100 to 1,500 pounds and all gooci colors. This entire bunch has been broke to harness and are as good a lot of horses as was ever brought to this city. Terms made known on day of Sale. C. H. MARION , Auct Bros Geo. HOLT , Clerk Lotspeich READ THE TRIBUNE Buggies and Carriages Not in the history of this city has then ; bet-n a larger or more complete line of Vehicles presented the public for selection , than \ ou will find upon the floor of our depository tockn. We handle the Moon Bros , and Henne In various styles and prices. These rigs Mere purchased at a low figure in carload lots and we will close them out on a close margin. Our complete line of Farm Implements / Is now on hand and we can lit YOU out on anvthinq * > VJ you are needing in this line. Our goods are the best and prices right. Call aiul see us before making purchases. Werner , Mosiman & Co , Al. E Church. The following services next Sabbath : 0:45 : Sunday school. 10:45 : preaching1. 2:00 : p. in. Junior league. C :30 : p. in. Epworth leagucx 7:30 : p. in. , sermon. Prayer meeting 7:30 : p. in. ou Wednesday evening. All cordially invited. W. T. CUNK. Pastor. First Christian Church. Services of the First Christian church , Lordsday. ) :45 : a. in. , Bible School. 11:00 : a. in. communion. 11:30 : a. in. , morning sermon. 3:00 : p. in. Junior Endeavor. 6:30 p. m. Senior Y. P. S-C. E- 7:30 : p. m. , evening sermon. All are cordially invited and strangers and visitors iu the city arc kindly welcomed to attend all of these services. T. A. TVINDKNMKYKK , Minister. lulninfi I ncvai ATTRACTIVE DURING MARCH March oth and JOth , cheap ex cursion ratco : alro daily low tour ist latt'b to th Ciulf country , Colorado , Oklahoma , Arizona , Old Mexico , Now Mexico. A fiood Chance to Visit Pacific Coast fr . March and April one-way rates to Hah , Cidifuiuia , Oregon , Wash ington , Idaho , Montana , Big Horn Basin , nearly 50 per cent redue lion- Daily , through Standard and Tourist sleepers. Homeseekers' ' Excursions Frequently eacli mouth from Eastern Nebraska to Western No- biaska , Eastern Colorado , Noith Platte Valley , Big Horn Basin. Landseekers' Information . , I Bureau Free , valuable information to seekers of government lands and to prospective purchasers of all kinds of deeded lands along the Burlington Route. Write Land- eeekors' Information Bureau , 1001 Farnnm St. , Omaha , Neb. E. G. WHITPORD , Local Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. . , Omaha , Neb. i * i ii - BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. Tor Good Sales , Good Service , Prompt Return1 ; Ship Vour Stock to Geo. R. Barse UVi : STOCK COMMIbSION C ( . . National Stock Yards , III. Kansas City , Mo , , WE SELL CATTLE AND HOGS We n\e ! each shipment close , careful and personal attention. Whuio please \ou ue makoa friend anil customer. Our salesmen can and do et full market \altie on day of arrival for all stock shipped to us. Our janlincii pet > ou ( food \\elKhls and clvu eood serxlceln liancUIni : all stock Immediately on ar- ri\al. tiho Minr next Rhlpnirnt to ( Jeo. K. IJarse. Write ns for market Infer mation. ( ,5-4 n 1111111 n 111 : : D. S. HcCarthy ! IDRA.Y I1' ' nipt attention irlvun to ti removal of hoii e- PHONE NO. 211 Htft IH HI i H 88 8 I H'l M-tfr Budded Peach Trees OF MY OWN GROWING Trees that I gunrnulec to be tint to name and to be the finest and midiest kinds. Severn ! 'nousaml ' Tails City yiosvn Apple titvs. No jetter < _ , 'ro\vn nnywhert * . Also Cherry , Plum and Pear dees , Hi apt ; Vines , Small FrnilS and housnnds of Strawberry plants. Svergieens , Roses and Shrubs. Sliade trees , two-jvui-old evei blooming Baby Kambler Jloses j'or sale either at nnrfeery or on our sale lot , nortli of court house. 'hone 218 WM. MOHLER . R. PI YS , M. ID. PHYSICIAN & SURGEOtf Onico over McMillan's Drus ; Store Olllco 'I'liono 2fi Hcslilenoo ' 1'liono 02 C. H. HARION AUCTIONEER ! Sales conducted in scientific and businesslike ! nesslike manner C. H. MARION Falls City , Nebraska THE TRIBUNE . . . $1.00 a Year. . . , Reaches the spot. Stops p lrt. The Great Pile Rem. ManZan edy. Put up In tubes with rectal nozzle. SO cents