The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 08, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Foi ! SALI1320 ; ncivs about I inilnR nf finlem , upland. All fenced , new house 1 rooms , s
well mid windmill , 15' ' ) acres cultivated , 2U aired meadow , s acres tinnier , baliinci1 p'lHturt" II
Smith SJO pet ncrc. Small piiymcnt down balance 10 years tiim5 per cent. A bargain.
110 to 120 acres \\cnv \ \ Sulem , bottom land. Good tot mi- . Alight it-n't for J.H07. Handy
to depot and town. v
100 Mi-res 2 miles of Falld City. 100 acres 2 miles of St ll . 100 acres Nuekollri C > . ,
Neb. About 50 acres winter wlieut , $10 per acre. 80 acres Brown i-ounty , Kas. , 7 milee
LAN & LOANS southeast of Hniwatha. Will Ink * * small house in Palls Citas part pay. Good terms.
200 acres ! ? mil H Falls City , good , t'nir IIOUM K50 acres 'To nison county , good twins.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Ab.Muv Frlditv , March 1st , .
Dr A. K. Wolfa of Fulls City was u
bundux visitor In HumbohU
Dr. A. L. Brillhurt spoilt Sunday
with Ills parents near IVcumsoh.
Thu quaranllnu sign was removed
from the residence of Walter Lcgg on
Hugh Lcathcrmuu and Mark Wil
liamson spent Sunday with Tccmmuli
friend ? .
Mrs. Norman C.Bullls of KtuiHusClty
vas visiting rclatlvea in Hutnboldt the
past week.
Mrs. Frank I'owcr ami baby wore
fjucsts of Mrs. Roy IJaln In Table Hock
u , part Of thlswcok.
Mr * . Minnie Uukcfcr was seriously
111 the last of the week , but IB now con-
iildornbly Improved.
The Canada party cxpeet to leave
ubout the middle of this month for
tholr claims In the northwest.
Mrs. Mary Illavaty moved hop
household olTects to Lincoln this wcok
where she will reside in the future.
Pool Grlnstead and wife of VVathonn ,
Kansas , visited at the homo of 11. L.
HefT ana family the first of the week
Mrs. Frank Porter was eallod to
Oftwsoti the last of the week by the
death of her mother , Mrs. AH Pago.
Miss Birdlo Fergus has accepted u
position as book-keeper In the general
merchandise store of Boyd & Lyford.
Rev. McClano n returned missionary
from China gave an interesting talk at
the Methodist church Sunday evening.
Mra. Graou MeMurray and son ,
Cooper , returned Friday from a sev
eral weeks visit with Mrs.Geo. Scabury
In Chicaco.
John Hartzoll a number ot years ago
a resident of the Pleasant VIew settle
ment north of town , died recently at
his homo in Auburn.
Russell Brockman , who Is attending
the state agricultural school In Lincoln
bpont several days the pnst week with
his parents In this city.
L. .1. segrlst resigned as councilman
from the second ward at a recent meet
ing ot the city council , .las. Ko/ol
was appointed to (111 ( the vacancy.
L. S. flackett recently purchased thu
building lots of L. Ilowell In the north
part of Ilumboldt and will cm-el u
residence thereon thn coming summer ,
.1. L. Segrist and E. C.Colhupp have
traded their residence properties in
the south part of town , and both fam
ilies arc HOW located In tholr now
The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs.Jno ,
Beard , residing north ot town , diet !
Thursday last ) of pneumonia fever
Burial was made In the Bratton ccmo
tery Friday.
Sam Turner loft Monday for More-
flold , Nebraska , where ho will vlsli
with his sister , Mrs. Ray Linn , mu
from there will go to Colorado to looV
for a location ,
The II. 0. Porak food store on tin
south side of the square was naillj
damaged by llro Tuesday afternoon
It is thought the fire started by ashej
from a pipe falling in some hay.
Qeeai'Leech and Harry Avuiy wh <
have been taking the short couso ii
the state agricultural farm , completed
thulr course last week and huvo re
turned to their homos north of town.
The twentieth wadding anniversary
ol Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams \va
celebrated at thulr home north ot towi
Wednesday. The tnjests prosentoi
them with a set of ilavllund chin ,
MUs Hop * Abbott resumed he
Julie ; in Ihe school room Monda ;
after a month's absence. Mrs. Borsl
who had been toaoblng in hoi * place
returned Tuesday to her homo i
Chab , Wodnor and wife returns
rViday from Hebron , Nebraska , whor
they have been spending the vvlntc
with tholr daughter , Mrs. Owen Brai
ley. They will occupy the cottag
recently vacated by Jos. Wednor an
Harry Pbilpot , who has boon en
ployed the past winter with a survey
ing party In Wyoming and Montrni
arrived in the city the middle of It :
\feek for a visit with his parents. B
is compelled to take a lay olT on a
count of a broken hand , which ho r
celved by falling from a wagon.
Miss Nellie Gandy , who has bee
teaching the Cottage school north i
town the past winter , received a me
Ul /
that her mother. Mrs. W. O.
, u former resident of Ilumboldt ,
was dangerously 111 at her home at
Peacock , Canada. MUs Gaudy leit
Monday afternoon for the uciHile of
hur mother.
Jamuf Patterson and sisters France
and Dock , loft the middle of the week
for Grand Junction , Colorado , where
they will visit with a brother during
the summer , anl later leave for south
ern California , where they expect to
remain. Tholr brotherHonry left Fri
day with a shipment of stock , for the
above place.
Mrs. Frank ShalaK , a highly re
spected Bohemian ludy died very sud
denly at her homo southwest of Ilum
boldt , at an early hour Wednesday
morning. The decaased was a native
nf Bohoinlu and was In her forty
seventh year when death occurred.
The remains were interred in the
Blccha cemetery-
Mrs. Kriicst , Harding , who has been
a sufferer of tuberculosis for eight
mouths past , died Sunday morning at
her home on Long Branch street , aged
forty-seven years. Thedeceased is
survived by a husband and two daugh
ters , Lulu and Ha/.ol. The funeral
services wore hold at thu Christian
church at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning ,
conducted by the pastor , Rev. Bert
Wilson. Burial mtide'n
was the ceme
tery west of town.
Edith Peck Is among the sick at this
Delia Knlsoly was a guest at Kph
Peck's Sunday ,
John Nolle and wife spent Sunday
with 15(1 Zorn t.
Olom stump returned home from
Lincoln last Thursday. ,
Wm. Nolmoynr was a guest of his
brother , Henry Sunday.
u. A. Burk and family were guests
of the former's parents.
John Gerlt commenced working for
John Rtcschlck March 1st.
Dan Unkopher left for his homo In
Kansas the first of the week
Mrs. Clay Peek was u guest of her
sister last Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs , Geo. Sturm's visited last Wednesday
nosday with Mrs. Alllo Dowty.
John Papponhaggen was a guest of
Win. Huotonor Monday night.
Mrs. Geo. Johnston and children re
turned homo from Stella Friday.
P. K. Shutter and wlfej visited with
no. Shouse and family Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Prlchard was u guest of
Mrs. N. Peck Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Dave Houtx of Verdon spent
last Thursday at Frank noutz and wife
Mra. Earl Shaffer and baby arrived
liero last Thursday from Council Bluffs
Mrs. Joe cully and Mrs. O. B. Prlch
ard spent last Thursday at Wallace
Cnllj 's.
Earl Snuffer and family spent Sun
day at the county seat with his grand-
Wm. McGowen of Burada com
monccil working for Clcon Peek lasl
Ida Xeutner will assist Mrs. FranP
Uhlig with her hnu ohnri ) dutle * this
Npah Pock and wlfo were guests o
Henry Noimoynr m } wife < 5nndaj
Kuv. Breuor nn& u'Ue were guests oGee
Goo , Slums and wife In ctraussvilh
last Friday.
Chas and Lloyd Shouse ware gue t
of Wm. Hutchi < un and Clarence Peel
one day this wuok.
Mrs. C. P. Stump of Strnusevilte wa
autertttluetl at tbt home of her parent ;
a part of tail week.
Kdiw and \'em Shatter anil Kat <
NhouM ttei'6 guetU of Geo. Prichard'
Sunday afternoon
Otto iiuettnor's moved Thursday 01
the farm recently vucxUod by J. W
3 Dodds and family.
Mrs Kd Sailors and daughter c
Howe were guests ol Frank HotiU an
, wifa Saturday night.
K. A. Maust of Falls City was
guest of his sister , Mrs. Geo. Pec
last Tuesday afternoon.
Harry and Norman saylor left fo
Waterloo , Iowa , after spending almos
a year in this locality.
Khner O'mara had the misfortune t
cut his hand quite badly on a wir
fence at school last Friday.
Lloyd Peck and family from nea
Reserve wore visiting the former
mother one day last week.
Wm , Bartlctt went to Rule last Sat
unlay to attend the funeral of J. W.
Hosfordwhich was tbo next afternoon.
Tim subject for dehnto at the silver
Creek literary next Saturday nitrht is
"Resolvt'd.Thut Congress is justified in
passing a two cent ritto law ,
MM. Clyde Harden went to Stella
Mrs. Fiank Clai'k ' went to Falls City
Kutlo Mcll/.a was a Stella visitor on
Dr Houston of Falls City was in
town Tuesday.
.Too Bruno wentt to Falls City last
week to remain.
Mrs. Humphrey came home from
Falls City Tuesday.
\V. A. Morati made a business trip to
Kansas City Sunday. |
Mi > . Jim Ayers came home from the
county eat Friday. ' '
Mrs. Mlko Moll/.a was u county seat
Visitor hist Friday.
L. A. Kinsejv came down from Uni
versity Place Tuesday.
Mrs. Everllng was a Rule visitor the
lattCL1 part of the week.
Gee Luin was u county seat visitor
the latter part of the week.
Fred Gibson made n bu5lue = s trip to
he county seat Tuesday.
Clarence Clark came up from Kansas
City the middle of the week.
Mrs. Ira Houtx. went to Falls City
Saturday for a few days visit.
Frank Dietrich and wife were busi
ness visitors to Falls City Friday.
Mrs. O. P. Veal and family spoilt
Sunday with relatives at Auburn.
Gertrude Lum went to Forest City ,
Mo. , Wednesday on a visit to relatives.
Vcrna Wilkinson wont to Falls City
Friday , returning home the next day.
Rev. W. C. Brewer and daughter of
Maple Groyc were in town last Wed
Amrot Hart returned home Thurs
day after spending about ton days lajs
it St. Joseph.
Mrs. Lucy Cornell went to Auburn
Sunday to visit with her daughter ,
Mrs. McManus.
Mrs , Pearl Rlley of Nebraska City
spent Sunday with Mrs. Lillie Wilkin
son In this city.
Dr Houston of Nebraska City was in
town the first of the week on profes
sional business.
Chas. Henderson and wife wont tc
Clulo Saturday to visit their son , Dr.
Henderson and tinnllv.
Florence Judd went to Dawson on
Friday and remained until Sunday vis-
Itlng her parcnts.Leroy Judd and wife ,
Mrs Pearl Sloan and son wept to
Falls City Saturday uud remained ti
few days the guest of her parents , Johr
Ilossack and wife.
Mrs. 1-M May was in Falls City Tucs
Cass Moore loft for Long Island Sun
Tom Gastou , of Merrill , was In towi
Walt Bllllngb was u Salem visltoi
Miss Douglass was a county tea1
visitor Saturday.
Dr. A. Keller , of Falls City , was it
Salem Tuesday ,
Fred Shookof Nebraska City , vlatei
in Salem Tuusday.
Cass Moore aim" wife drove to tin
county seat Monday.
Mrs. U , Shire , ot D&W OQ , was :
Salem visitor last \veelt >
Mrs. Joe Urndell nud Florence Jone
drove to Falls City Saturday.
Mrs. Ulla Spurgln , Merrill , Kansas
was u Salem visitor Monday.
13Ua Spurlock returned homo Tuo :
day from a visit hi Falls City.
Mrs. Will Davis , of Auburn , eam
Sunday for a visit with Ora Davis
Florence Savlllo came down fror
Ilumboldt Saturday for a visit qvo
Xelllo Stewart camn over from Daw
son Saturday for a visit over Sunda
with friends.
Mabel Shire , of Dawson. visile
Saturday and Sunday with Dr. Wap
goner ami wife
The Salem Social duo was entei
iained by Mrs. Harry Schroder Wet
nesdny afternoon
H. Beebe arrived Friday evening
from Pawnee City for a visit with his
daughter , Mrs. M. A. Graves.
Mrs. M. A. Grave ? entertained a
numhet of Indies to dinner Tuesday
In honor of her mother Mrs. H. Bee beMis
Mis Dun Scott , of Morrlll , Kansas ,
who hH : ! been visiting her daughter ,
Mrs. F. W. Boyd , . 'eturned to her
home Tuesday.
A number of young people gave a
farewell surprise party for Ml Lottie
Stewart , who removed this week with
her parents to Falls City. Refresh
ments were served and a good time
was enjoyed by all.
K. Hoseltou was a passenget to Falls
City Monday.
Sadie Daesehner returned to Falls
City Monday.
Edna'Murphy leturned home from
lulo Monday.
The harness maker has been kept
usy this week.
J. B. Whipple was transacting bust-
i > ss here Friday.
Edward Gilbert of Rule was a Pros-
on caller Friday.
W. C. Margrave was a county seat
: sltor Saturday.
13. C. Zocller returned home from
ho west Tuesday.
Lawrence Whiilcn was a caller hero
no day this week.
Fanny Xiegler was a passenger to the
ounty seat Saturday.
C. C. Shelly was a passenger to the
: ounly seat Saturday.
Mr. Glasscock and wife drove to the
iounty > ieat Monday.
Mrs. Geo. Davis ruturnea to her
lomo in Rule Monday.
Milt Zimmerman was transacting
islnohS hero Monday.
Win , Story and wife spent Saturday
vith relatives In this city.
Tom Cook was up from the ranch
and visited here Sunday.
Dr. Henderson of Rule WHS a caller
lore the first of the week.
Mr. Swelnfurth of Rule was a bus- !
icss caller here Monday.
George Davis and wife of Rule weio
, -lsltors in this city Tuesday.
Dan Zimmerman of Fort Hu/.el was a
justness caller hero Tuesday.
Mrs. H. P. Riegcr and children
drove to Falls City Tuesday.
El. J. Kloopfel of Fort Ha/.el was a
juslness caller hero Tuesday.
Born to John Molar and wife a baby
boy on Wednesday , Fob 27th.
Win. Bush left for Wilcox Monday
to work with the fence gang.
Born to Edward Scheitle and wife a
baby girl on Tuesday , Feb. 120.
K. Huaeiton inndo a buslno-s trip to
the Indian reservation Thnrxduy.
J. S , Wilson of Margrave ranch was
a business visitor hero Saturday.
Dr. Houston of Falls City made a
professional trip to Preston Monday ,
Clms. Xoeller was a business visitor
to the county scat the first of the week.
Mr. Turner and wife of Kansas came
to this city Wednesday where they will
make their future home.
Several young people from Reserve
were fishing at the Horse Shoe lake
east of this city one day this week.
Kdward-l'ush and Orvlllo Mayors
went to Rule Sunday. The latter re
turned to his work on the fence gang.
A birthday party was given In honor
of Johnnie Neitzel Wednesday oven-
Ing' . There worn not many present on
account of the bud weather. A nice
Clipper was served at 12 o'clock.
G. I ) . Harris is on the sick list thi
vi cek.
Emma Smith was on the sick list
last week.
'Bcn Lunsford has. moved from Mib
soiiri to * Rnlo.
Harvey Smith was a Falls visitor or
last Thursday.
E. C. Walbridge was a business vis
itor here Monday.
Ed Davis made a business trip to St
Joseph last Friday.
Charlie McWain is working in th <
coal bheds this week.
Geo. K. Ward was on the sick Us
several days last week.
Mrs. J. A. McDonald returned fron
5t. Joseph last Saturday.
John White has moved into his prop
erty in the south part of town.
A. F. Sheinian of Table Rock was a
Rule visitor on Monday last ,
John Kanaly shipped a Car load of
cattle to St. Joseph Tuesday night.
Maggie Cronin ot Omului is vi&iting
home folks and other friends this
Steve C'unninghain shipped a car
load of hogs to St. Joseph Tuesday
The pile driver is doing work here at
this time and will be kept busy , for
some time. '
Charlie Miller moved last Wednes
day to the property known as the old
Whipple place.
? \Tr. and Mrs. Henderson of Vcrtlon
have been visiting with their son , Dr.
Henderson , of this place.
Oinie Graham , our genial ferryman ,
is happy again ; the river is clear of
ice and lie can run his furry
Mr. Ccley of Highland Station
moved to Rule last week. They occupy
he house lately owned by George
M. C. Ball , wife and son arrived here
from Los Angeles , Gal. , on Monday
ast. They left Rule for White Cloud
on the 4:40 : train Monday evening.
Charles Cavcrzagie is critically ill at
his time , a few days ago he mashed
one of li'is toes anil blood poison has
set in , and hopes arc feared for his re
Henry Belpier resigned as city clerk
ast Tuesday night. George E. Ward
was appointed to fill the vacancy.
3enry expects to leave for Colorado in
.he near future.
H. A. Scott commenced the work of
niloading rock and making necessary
repairs on the revetment works. The
work commenced Monday morning ,
and employs quite a force of men.
John Mattiuosky had a sale last Sat
urday to dispose of his live .stock ,
farming implements and other things
too numerous to mention. John ex
pects to leave in a few days for Okla-
iioma where he has purchased land.
James ITosford , who died on Wed
nesday , \\as buried Sunday. The
[ uneral was held at the M. 15. church.
The church was full and a large crowd
outside who could not gain an entrance
to the church. Rev. Maze of Salem
preached an impressive sermon , a ser
mon which all of the vast congregation
might profit by. The Frateral Order
of Free Masons conducted the funeral
according to the rites of their order ,
the lodge attending in a body , several
members of the Falls City lodge assist
ing. The pall bearers were members
of the lodge to which the deceased be
longed. Beautiful flowers rested on
the casket of him who slept so peace
fully. Mr. Hosford was among the
oldest settlers of this community ,
having settled here in 1860 , and the
familiar smiling face will be missed
by all. lie was a good citizen , a kinil
neighbor , a loving husband and father.
He leaves a wife and five children
two sons are at home , one daughtei
resides in Denver , one in California ,
The daughter from California onlj
arrived Saturday night , but the out
son who resides in Colorado could
not be present at the funeral. The
bereaved family have the sympathy
of the entire community in this thcii
saddest hour and tnay the Father ol
Fatherless comfort them in thoii
A * on was born to Claude Scott anc
wifa Saturday.
Bonnie Wht of 'Auburn was the
guest of Vordu Tlmerman a few day :
this week.
Maggie. O'Brien left for u three
weeks visit with relatives at Cushion
Oklahoma , Tuesday
Herbert Hays , a student iu the
Omaha high sehooUvlsitod at the borne
of his parentheio Sunday.
Fay tlelmiek who has been teaching
the Muddy Center > ehool for the pasi
seven months , has resigned.
E. Monod and wife left yesterday
for u short visit with their daughter
Mr ? . J. W. Jones , at'Adaras.
Florence Wheeler left on Tuesday
( or an extended visit at Kansas Citj
and in the Indian Territory.
Fred Rolmers and family have movei
back to Stella , after living on a farn
near Humboldt for the past year.
Bob Bowman and family have movet
from Falls City to will Griffith's farn
and will work for the latter this sum
Newt Holtsinan and wife have movei
here from Omaha and will work fo
Charley Kevsor at his farm this sin -
Lawrence Curtis and Sim. Weddii
are home from Lincoln where the--
have been attendini : a bnslnesSoulu'sr >
the1 past six months. s * .
John Jenkins , who took Ineiuu'
Cn'n ' s place in the bank , is iiblo tci In
tit \\ork uiiuin alter bulncr sick wl" .
the mumps lor two weeks.
Sam Query will have a public san
today , and expects to leave in a fe-v
days for one pf the Dakotas where h
expects to buy a farm. Elmer Mart *
will live where Sam has been livinr. .
One of the saddest deaths which h.t
ever occured in this vicinity was this
death of Rob Timerman , aged twen1"
years , last Sunday morning , from a
stomach ailment of u week's duration.
Funeral services were held at the horn' "
of his father , Frank Timermau , Tuc 1-
day afternoon and interment mude . '
thu Pralrio Union cemetery.
The Humboldt school were defeatc ,
in the debate at thin place1 last Salt" -
day evening. Much interere't wu-
manifested In the debate and the ope" < .
house was filled. Walter Lusk wai
considered the best debater for 'tin *
Stella school , and will represent tri
school : in the county debate , whi < L
will be held in Falls City in the jacji.
- - * *
' Oh , the Men.
The average woman will belie\
anything a man ( to whom sin1 ib
not married ) may write iu a lettei
She will doubt everything but a
beautiful love letter. Heie a , -
samples to be used in a suit fo
breech of promise in New YcL
next week :
Dearest Eithelar I will call 'lot '
you Tuesday afternoon to inupj
you. T don't know the exact tinier
but 1 \\ill 'phone you at 12 o'clock
\\hul tiimto expect me. As I aa
in absolute earnestness , I hope
you will not refuse me. Dou t
forget that you are my only Jo\t
a.nd 1 will make you my wife on
Tuesday. I will tell mother abovt
it on Sunday , so I shall be till 411 * -
pared. "With all my love for e\--
and ever , your own , JACK.
"Darling sweetheart , your tva
letters today were simply great
God , T pray you mean what ycr
say , 0 , don't let anyone take yc
away from me. i love you defl *
est , and the more * I see of othe *
women the more dear you becomt
to me. I know I can never loxt
anyone else as much as I love you *
You are the one and the only we-
man in the world for me. I ctut
never love anyone as muoh , and I
pray and hope you will forey-t
leve me. You cannot imagitife
how much ycur love means to me.
It is everything , so keep on and
try and love me more and more
every day. ' It's a shame you
don't feel well , darling : T wish J
could do something for you bi t
15,000 miles away good God , it
awful ! But please take good enit-
of yourself and don't get sick. It
would drive me crazy to have yo.
get sick where I could not get to
you. * I Hope by now you are ( >
K. agahi , Be careful dear , ami
because of your loneliness don't
let the sympathy and attentions
of any man or any other cairy you
away. God , how T long for th > -
spnng and your return. Itl \ \ .
certainly be the most beautifu1
spring in the world for me , as U
will bring you back , and no mat.
ter how bad anything else might
be , it would oil be forgotten in my
happiness and love for you. Darl ,
ing think of me and please , pleabc
love me with all your heart and
soul. O. Eithela , for just one
look at you and to speak to you
and kiss you now I'd give up all
hope of future salvation ! Sly own
darling ! Goodnight sweetheart. '
with all my love. Your own Jaclc"
Yet the man declares now
he scarcely knew the woman.