The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 08, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    "f ! p8PSjWSfp1
We wish to ag'ain announce our Great Carpet'Furniture and Lace Curtain
Offering's. Trade , with us. has been almost greater than we could supply and in
consequence we have new patterns in almost everything we handle , bright , fresh
and new and ai best prices obtainable. AV > also announce a complete line of
" ' *
F.rames for your water colors , Ovals all sizes and Mouldings ail grades , Bring us
Pictures to Frame.
RECORDS FOR MARCH are now on hand. We have a new deal. For
any broken or scratched Edison or Columbia record , you can exchange it for a new one
provided you buy five new Columbia Cylinder Records. That is you can get five new
Records and pay us for four , which amounts to $1.00 Columbia records. By this means
you can exchange your old music for new. Our stock of machines is complete arid
sold on easy payments.
We are also agents for Decker & Sons , Cameron , Carlisle and many other high grade
Pianos , if in the market we have interesting bargains.
Our Carpet Catalogue will be out March 10th i If you want one send us a postal card ,
Henry Zimmerman was a. county scut
visitor Tuesday.
Carrie Hirschber < , rer had a quilting ,
party Wednesday.
John Paul had business In Corning ,
Mo. , Wednesday.
Joe and John Bauman hau business
here Thursday.
John Gleason and son Kmmut were
visitors hera Thursday.
H. G. Dorste was here on Thursday
Elmer Shock and wife were transact
ing business at the county suat Mon
Emll Saal and Johnny Preus were
Corning , Mo. , visitors Wednesday.
Hellcn Haunks was a Fareohopper
"Wednesday.v '
Will Bach and wife were Hulo call
ers Friday.
Rosa Ketterer spent the week with
Carr'n ' Herschberger.
Jacob Wissman was a Llulo visitor
Saturday. - .
Ed Baumaii and wife were doing
some shopping here Saairday.
Lou Wl-tand Martha Streckor were
i visitors with .1. C. Wallrat ! Sunday.
| Henry Ilerschberger , Prnd Fischer
j and Uobert Nitxsche were county scat
I visitors Wednesday.
F. E. Nitzscho and Henry HalTele
were appointed as two of the jurymen
ol Arago township.
Len Walters hasbeen laying in quite
asupply of spring goods at his store in
. '
Fargo. \
J. C. WallnilT was Chopping in town
Monday. /
James Sells moved on the George
Tailor farm last Manila , ) ' ,
pllie Thompson Is do.vnvith ths
Ed Bauman moved on the Mat Dan-
neker farm Thursday.
C. J. Thomas bought a fine horse at
the Vastine sale for 8130.
Geo. Fischer has decided to quit
I work for a while till the measles are
1 through working on him.
Irvin Devalt and Mabel Koehlcr are
! visiting with his mother at Forest City
this week.
Dr. Henderson was called to the
home of Neal Perkins Saturday , their
little girl being sick.
Mrs. SeiU Is dangerously 111 at this
August Becker and Emma Zimmer
man were married at the home of the
bride Wednesday. Both young people
belong to prosperous farmers' families
and well known in thi-
are thineighbor
hood. A til-eat many relatives and
friends attended the wedding cere
Will Jones and Frank Martinoskj
returned from Kldo county , Oklahoma ,
Friday. Mr. Jones bought 1(50 ( acres j
for $4,000 and expects to move there
next winter.
Can You Answer.
A Chicago professor recently'
presented to his rjlnss in College
the following list of questions that
he declared oui ht to be answered
'satisfactorily ' by every man before
he receives his degree of Bachelor
of Arts :
Do you see anything to love in
'a little child ?
Have you sympathy with nil
good causes ?
Can you look staight into the
eye of an honest mnn or n pure
woman ?
Will a lonely dot follow you ?
Do you believe in 'lending a
helping -hand to weaker men ?
Do you believe in taking advan
tage of the law when you can dose
so ?
Cnn you be high minded and
happy in drudgery ?
. Can you eoe as much beauty in
washing dishes und hoeing corn
ns in playing golf and the piano ?
! Do you know the value of time
and money ?
Are you i oed friends with your
self ?
Do you see anything in life lie-
sides dollars and cents ?
Cnn you see sunshine in a mud-
puddle ?
Cnn you see i beyond the stars ?
The Granger will odd a few more
questions which ought to be satisfactorily -
factorily answered by every man
before ho receives his degree of
bachelor of arts , or benedict of
nature :
Should you make good use of
God.given reason ?
Have you over-come a desire , if
you ever had one to return an in
jury for an injury ?
Do you cliittf to the idea that
you mnst be with the majority in
' all cases ?
In your opinion are dishonest
gains lasting cures ?
Do you believe the truth should
be discarded for policies sake ?
Do you renli/e that you are cus
todian of your own being , and as
such lire now sowing what you
shall reap at a Inter clay ?
Watch the Night-hawks
' 'Where is my wandering boy to-
night. " .Many a mother wonders
where her boy is , and why he
prowls around. Our observation
has been that the man , young or
old , who is out late at night is on
mischief b nt. , ,
The trnsted'bank teller in Kan-
sasCity who skipped with a lot of
money stolen from the bank , it
now transpires , was in the habit of
prowling around Intent night. It
is pretty near a certainty tliat the
man.or woman who is out late 'at
night will bear watching.
In nearly every city tht'iv are
loafing places thut mv the ' 'hang-
outs" for a lot of young men and
boys. We have seen boys silting
around pool halls .smoking cigar
etts and blowing thesmoko out of
their ears , whose motherc , took in
washing to support thm in idle
nefas. When the poor old mother
wanted sonif wood carried in , they
didn't have tiniB , they were" too
busy looking for a job.
Speaking of jobs , when MY.
Lninmo wants to employ some one
in his bank he does not go around
a podl room looking for him. Nei
ther does any one else who wants
a good reliable , honest trustworthy
young man. And the young
woman who marries a pool room
bum , might juet as well invest in a
waslitub and b mrd first as last.
The mothers < uid fathers o ( boys
should keep a close tab upon them
and &ee that th-y do not frequent
loafing places and are in bed at a
reasonable hour. The good
woman who HP' ured the enactment
of the curfew did a grand work ,
but the men and boys who do not
pay attention to i ) o'clock are the.
ones who really need some such
method of c-hasing them home.
When y > u pei a boy or a man prow
ling around late at night , yqu can
rest assurefl that IIP is up to some
devilment. Keepaii eye upon the
nitiht hawks. Fli'iwatha Demo-j
crat. . '
Improper action of the kidneys
causes backache , lumbai'orheumatitK.
"Plneulos1 is a kidney remedy that
will relieve these diseases. Pleasant to
uki * and iruaranteed to give satl-fac- '
tion or money refunded. "Relief In
every do-e. " .Sold bv A. 0. Wanner.
A Woman's'Experience.
'Some real sleeping1 car experi
ences : A woman at one time
was taking a trip with her moth
er and the women had a lower
birth together. T h e woman
went to the toilet room to pre
pare to go to bed and upon com
ing out , went to a berth and
climbed in over a sleeping form.
The cur-tain was part way pushed
back , letting some light into the
berth , and after the woman was
settled , imagine her horror upon
seeing1.the factf of a man next to
her own. She climbed quickly
out of the berth , found the one
where tlie mother was , and after
settling down again , remembered
she had , left her shoesin ( he
berth with the man. She got
out of her berth , went back to
the man's berth , got her shoes ,
and to'ok them back to her own
berth. To this day the man
doesn't know that a strange
woman piled into his berth that
night. He had slept through the
w hole experience. Lately a
woman went to bed in a sleeper , I
and by mistake took the wrong' '
berth. Just as she was doling jeff j
off , a nice looking old gentleman' '
opened the curtains and prepared
to get in. The most proper
woman could not have been more
indignant than the man was ,
when he found a strange women
in his berth , and the woman had
a terrible time explaining matters
to the insulted old gentleman.
Ati'hison Globe.
Could You Guess Them ? ,
The following contests of Kan
sas towns originated bv the Sa-
betha high school class has been
used at several parties in Sab.etha.
Could you guess them : Very bow
legged , Great Bend ; a thin Mon-
astry , Abiline ; the price of yeast ,
Leavenworth ; colored swiftness ,
Blue Rapids ; why Mrs. Smith
went , Smith Center ; expounders
of the gospel , Parsons ; pleasing
to the sight , Fairview ; descendent -
dent of a sneeze , Atchison ; a
sire , a circle and a term in sing
ing1. Paola ; wljat the blue stock
ing1 women are seeking , Indcpen-
dance ; what we get when the
coal is out , Newton ; what the
coal merchant should do , Ottawa ,
what we secure if he does it right )
Ilolton ; an extremity , a height
a ml * a sigh , Topeka ; a masculine ,
a girl's name and acircle , Man-
kato ; what the American girl
needs to secure a duke , I'rice ; I
went to my first to secure my
second. Lawrence ; what'some
folks have to do for a living1 ,
Russell ; what happens when a
certain tree is cut iUvn > > Cottonwood -
wood Falls ; my first , not wear
ing the second , got the thirdt
Presbyterian Church.
Services 11 a. in , , and 7:30
p. m.
Sunday school U:45 : a..111. ,
Junion C. E. 2:30 p. m. ' t
Senior C. E. 6:30 : p. mAll /
All are invited.
S.V. . CiKliMMN , Pastor.
Registered Short Horn Cattle Sale |
\ \
Hiawatha. , Kansas , Saturday , MsircK 16,1907
TA ! ? ? t T9 > O Ut >
30 Females 24- Bulls *
* j
On the above date I will close out my entire herd of Short' :
Horns , consisting of 17 head of bulls , 21 cows besides calves X
by side of damt * . This sale will include the "Cream of my x
herd" my herd bull , Imported lloyal Pride No. 14'JOFil , together - !
gether with a fine lot ot young bulls from ten to twenty- *
two months old , mostly sired by Royal I'ride , a choice lot.
"Dark Reds , " low down , good individuals. . The females !
are a , thoroughly useful , healthy lot , most of them will be *
in calf by Imp-Royal Pride , a number of very good milkers. $
Everett. Haye of Hiawatha , Ivans. , will consign a choice )
selection of 0 females and 7 bulls , among the bulls are two Ij !
very choicely bred Pure Scotch bulls. His number of cows
includes some elegantly bred individuals , their pedigrees *
will appear later. These cattle will be sold to the highest
bidder. It will be a rare chance for the Farmer and
Breeder. Write for catalogue , and come to the sale. :
D. E. REBEH , MorrsII , Kansas < I .
Auctioneers Bellows , Marion and Moore. C. O. DimmocI ; , Clerk ; :
Don't Neglect to Read
Cussed and Discussed by Everybody. Add your
name to the list. $1.00 per year.