The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 08, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Sat Bowies' candy.
About time for hens to set.
Soon be house cleaning time.
Dr. M. L. Wilson-office over State
Dunk. '
By all means let the city buy
the park.
The time for band concerts will
5-oon be here.
Edwin Palloon was a Lincoln
visitor the first of the week.
Isham Reavis was before the
supreme court in Lincoln on
Ducks has been the piece de
resistance on many loral tables
this week.
Bert Reavis transacted busi
ness in Paola , Kansas , several
days this week.
W. A. Greenwald was a business -
ness visitor in Humboldt
Tuesday afternoon.
Ed Nolte received his insur
ance on the cottage
re a few weeks ago.
Speaking of spring , the New
York national ball team beat Los
Angeles 5 to 3 on Monday.
Mrs. E. II. Towle has been
iuite sick this week , but is re
covering nicely at this writing.
"Ding bust it , " complained a
lawyer today , "court always
convenes just as the ducks get
in. "
With a park , a chautauqua and
band concerts in sight for Falls
City tliis summer we wonder
v.-hat lias happened.
Dr. Waggener of Humboldt
was down Monday in consula-
tjon with Dr. Burchard at the
bedside of George Gilhgan.
V. G. Lyford returned from
.New York Monday after a three
weeks visit to the eastern market
in quest of bargains for his large
Tommy Hargrave is still con
fined to his room. The little
fellow is having a- hard time of
it , having been kept in for , a
Judges Raper and Kelligar
' are both holding court here this
week. Judge Raper came down
' \ _ to try Tbe Tribune's case
against the county.
, - ' The Tribune is especially
proud of its correspondence. We
have the best corps of correspondence -
; , / , ' , dence in the county and their
weekly visits make The Tribune
jvl distinctly - a count } ' paper. .
V * , George Gilligan has been ser
iously ill with appqndecitis for
i the past week. His condition re
mains unchanged at this writing.
Dr. Burchard is attending him
and hopes that the inflamation
will soon subside.
Just take a look in Reavis and
Abbey's windows and see the
fine assortment of pianos display.
It always pays to buy at home ,
and this is especially true of
pianos in as much as the general
public know so little of the value
of such instruments.
Among the many who have
killed ducks in large numbers
this week are Pred Keller , Peter
, Fredrick , Fred Farington , Aaron
[ " Loucks , George Holt and others
too numerous to mention. Peter
" > - Frederick seems to hold the re-
> N cord with 42 to his credit in an
' afternoon.
' i' , * A baked potato about the sixe
j - ' . of a paw paw with a lump of f
* . yellow butter melted in the
' ' ' A center thereof , a broiled chop , a
v'l ' little lettuce as a salad , a good
jfy " cup of coffee and a Colorado
vtf > - Maduro and you may tell youi
I , ; - troubles to Louis Plege for we
don't want to be bothered.
'L' The old days of dancing in
; N > the country to the music of an
jt , * -organ and a fiddle have gone by ,
> if These days the dancing is done
to. the music of the finest bands
and orchestras reproduced by th (
phonograph. The younger gen >
eration has a great many advan
rages that the old ones were nol
Which case are 'you interested
in ?
Keep your lawn clean this sum
Is it to be a three cornered
fight this year ?
Chas. Loree is among the grip
victims this week.
Mrs. Ira Hout/s was here from
Verdon Saturday last.
John Oswald was a business
visitor at Verdon the first of the
Georgt Linn , of Verdon , spent
Saturday with friends at this
C. F. Reavis will deliver an
address to the Plattsmouth Elks
Rev. Griffin was a Lincoln
visitor Tuesday attending Pre
Fleming Robb , of Verdon , was
the guest of Odda Lapp the past
Mrs. Emma Wax is down from
Omaha the guest of her sister ,
Mrs. Sloan
Jennie Prater Monday resumed
her position at the Samuel Wahl
store after a severe illness.
Charles Stump and wife were
among the Straussville visitors
in this city the past Monday.
Loucks & Jones arc getting
their stock of implements nicely
arranged in the Strong building.
Mrs. Frank Clark came down
from Verdon for a few days visit
with Mrs. 'Sue ' DeWald this
Mrs. Will Sloan and son , Neal ,
of Verdon are visiting with her
parents , John Hossack and of this
city. ,
J. M. Robertson , wife and
daughter were among the
Verdon visitors in this city
Win. Mohler returned Friday
from PlattsbttrgMissoura where
he was called by the death of
his mother.
George Jones came down from
Humboldt last Friday for a brief
visit before going to Canada for
the summer.
The sports will get no. more
notices in this paper until a
couple of canvas backs are left
with the editor.
Mrs. II. C. Foster and daughter
came up Sunday from Kansas
City and are visiting at the home
of Henry Lapp.
A beautiful loving cup won by
Will Veach at the Kansas City
shoot last week is displayed in
Wirth & Winterbottom's window.
Will killed 98 out of 100 birds.
12. Hosclton.was up from Pres
ton Monday making preparations
for his large public sale to be
conducted at his home near Pres
ton on the fourteenth of this
Ike Lyons Jr. , who is on the
pacific coast in the interest ol
the Gilligan company writes tha
he attended a bull fight in
Mexico a week ago Sunday. He
says its about as exciting as ping
Did you ever see a crowd drink
from a loving cup ? We saw a
bunch of male and female sports
doing this stunt in a Kansas
City hotel one night this week
It looked like they were all spit
ing in it.
Ed Howe gives his celebrate <
illustrated lecture on his trif
around the world , in Hiawatha
this week. Why can't Fall
City have this lecture ? We hav <
more right to Mr. Howe thai
James S. Bennett has movec
from his former location east o
this city to a farm six mile
southwest of here. The first o
the week he moved his herd o
fine white hogs to their new
quarters , there being seyenteei
of them. Two of the coming
two year olds weighed thirteei
hundred and sixty-two while tin
May pigs averaged two hum ! ret
and ninety pounds.
District court again this week ,
Lettuce is now on the market
n this city.
'Now what do you think of the
'round hog.
The Miles will case will be
ricd March 1 < ) .
Will it be a license and no
Accuse fight again ?
The vinegar factory has its
roduct on the market.
The streets were crowdcdSatur-
ay not withstanding the mud.
The frost is out of the ground
ml its time to plant sweet peas.
Dr. H. T. Halm , veterinarian ,
nade a professional trip to
cmaha Sunday and Monday.
Mrs. Win. Cade who has been
n the sick list for the past week
s now on the road to recovery.
Judge Kelligar rode the goat
t the Elks last Friday night in a
lost dignified and judicial way.
Charlie Hofer returned to Kan-
as City the first of this week
fter a ten days visit with friends
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Towle ,
if Omaha , who have been spend-
ng the winter in Havana , Cuba ,
vill return within a few days.
Why wouldn't it be a good idea
0 have the band give sacred con-
crts at the park each Sunday
ifternoon during the summer ?
Guy Huston has been absent
rom his duties at the Powell gro-
ery store this week on account
of being troubled with several
ery painful boils.
William II. Crook and John
! rook spent the first5of the week
at Holton , Kansas beginning on
in eight } ' thousand dollar water
vorks contract for the Gilligan
It would surprise you if you
cnew the number of phonographs
there are in the country The
musical department at Reavis &
Abbey's requires the constant at-
: ention of one man to run.
John Dorrington left for Seattle ,
Washington , Sunday afternoon ,
fie has accepted a position with
1 prominent lumber company in
Washington and probably make
lis future home in the far west.
Friday and Saturday were big
days at the banks. March 1st is
clearance day. Tenants making
or renewing leases , deeds de
livered , transfers made and the
banker jumping seven ways for
Sunday trying to keep up.
Peter Frederick is reported to
have killed so many ducks one
day last week , that a report would
result in game warden Berry gett-
ting busy. Not having seen the
ducks and being from Missouri ,
we will reserve further comment.
A. J. Weaver disposed of a
tract of land in Tacoma , Wash
ington , this week for forty thousand
usand dollars that he and his
brother Larry purchased for ten
thousand about a year ago. !
guess that isn't going some.
Mrs. Young , of Springfield , 111.
who will be remembered as Miss
Flora Savoye former ! } ' one o
the teachers in our schools ) spent
a few days last week visiting
Mrs. Isham Reavis. Mrs. Young
was en route home from Califor
Simon Davies returned from
Chester , Nebraska , Thursday o
last week. Mr. Davies. who is one
of the best contractors in the
state , lias closed a large contrac
at the above place. Mr. am
Mrs. Davies will leave in Apri
and will probably spend the sum
mer as the contract will require
several months to complete.
Mr. Funk , one of the mos
noted of American writers , has
written a book antagonistic to
spiritulistic phenomena. In i
he gives the article by Da vie
Abbot recently published in The
H Tribune concerning the Ohio
lady and her marvelous horn.
The Kansas City Star of Sunday
ic contained the article 'togethei
with an excellent picture of Mr.
Howard Reed is reported as be
ing some better.
Three meetings of the city
council this week.
T. J. Kellc } ' made a business
trip to Iowa this week ,
J. R. Reed is one of our new
subscribers this week.
Ilaxcl Jcllison is suffering from
an attack of appendicitis-
Ralph Jcnne is spending the
week with friends at Lincoln.
J. R. Maddox was here in a
business way from Auburn last
Mrs. Quinton and Miss Bessie
Stump were here from Verdon
Jesse Nicholson was over from
Mound City , Mo. , the fore part
of this week.
Ever notice the nice piano dis
play in the Reavis & Abbey dis-
ilay window.
Stephen B. Miles and wife re-
urned Tuesday from a extended
tay at Florida.
Jas. Gearhart , of Salem , was
lere in a business way on Satur-
lay of last week.
Mrs. A. W. Loucks who has
jeen seriously ill for the past
veck is now a trifle better.
Roscoe Green of Pawnee City ,
vas the guest of Falls City friends
on Wednesday of this week.
W. D. Easley and wife , of
Kansas City , were the guests of
; 5. F. Shafts and wife over Sun-
Fred Ileincman and Fred Gib
son , of Verdon were attending to
justness affairs in this city Tues-
lay last.
Mcssers May , McCool , Russell ,
and several other members of the
I. O. O. F's. , of Salem , attended
odgc in this city Friday evening.
Alice Gunn has been absentfrom
iicr duties as instructor in the bus
iness department of the Business
College the past week on account
of illness.
Philip Schlater had the mis
fortune to severely burn his arm
with steam on Friday eyening ol
last week , and was absent from
liis place in the composing room
for several days on account of the
John W. White was up from
his hoiiie near Topeka , Kansas ,
the latter part of the week at
tending to business affairs. Jack
is pleased with his new location
the land being well improved and
of good location.
Walter Price , of Valley Falls ,
Kansas , who has been residing
in this city for the past year , left
Monday for Los Angeles , Cali
fornia. Walter made a number
of friendsJn this cityall of whoti
are sorry of his departure.
Daniel Unkefcr , who came
here about a year ago and since
that time has resided in this
city left the fore part of the weel
for his home at Valley Falls
Kansas. He is a mighty fine
fellow and will be missed by Fall
City folks.
Tommy Frank was called to
Kansas City Tuesday because o
the serious illness of Tom Me
Lane. Mr. Frank returned on
Wednesday reporting Tom a
some better , but far from well
Mf. McLane has been ill for several
oral months.
Lou Godfirnon who was kicke (
in the eye about two weeks ago
by a horse went to Kansas Cit }
Tuesday to consult a specialis
concerning the injury. If it i
found necessary to remove th
eye , Dr. Patterson , of Kansa
City will perform the operation
Wenotice that a party o
farmers of Sunny Valley , north
east of this city have purchase <
a fine , imported stallion fron
Champlain Bros. , of Clintoa
Iowa , through their agent Samue
Surprise. The stallionis
beauty and weighs about 2,20
pounds. This is a very comtnen
dable purchase and will improv
the farmer stock of horses.
| New Implement House
- * * to
fc A-nice line of Rock Island and St. Joe Machinery -
chinery , 3
Sf Averv's Cultivators , Planters and Wagons.
: Fairbanks Gas Engines , Manure Spreaders. 31
fc Keys Bros. Buggies.
9 *
We cordially invite you to call on us , west
of Court House , First door north of Bode 2
E : Store. Yours For Business , rg
August Blau has our thanks
or financial favors last Friday.
Win. Slack , of Grinnell. Iowa ,
s now a reader of The Tribune.
Clem Bohrer was a Kansas City
-isitor last Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. K. D. Fonts , of St. Joseph ,
s the guest of Mrs. Mike Schai-
Select your Wall Paper now and
ivoid the rush , at White's Wall
3apcr Store.
Verna Wilkinson of Verdon was
he guest of Falls City friends the
Ira Johnston is down from
Lincoln for a few days visit at
the home place.
Our line of mouldings to match
Mall Paper is complete at White's
Wall Paper Store. <
The Silver Creek lyceum will
debate tomorrow night on the
two cent fare rate.
Mrs. Julie 13. LcClerc , of Re
serve , Kansas , is among our
new subscribers this week.
A baby girl arrived at the home
of Frank Camblin and wife on
Monday evening'of this week.
Spring millinery opening ,
Saturday , March U > th at the Mrs.
II. C. Raker's millinery store.
This coming Sunday will be
Rev. Griffin's last day in the pul
pit in this city before leaving for
Colorado. t
Grant Goolsby sent us down a
dollar Wednesday with the re-
riucst that The Tribune keep on
coming to him.
C. C. Bletcher , of Rule , added
his name to our subscription listen
on Friday and will read The
Tribune for the coming year.
All the newest creations in
spring styles in millinery will be
shown opening day , March 16 , at
Mrs. II. C. Raker's millinery
Mrs. EE. . Burris returned the
latter part of the past week from
near Fairbury where she was
called by the death of a nephew
who was drowned.
The team belonging to the
Heiscr and Mosiman delivery
wagon ran away Wednesday
morning. The wagon was dam
aged but the team was unhurt.
Mr. Stewart , a prominent Lin
coln lawyer and partner of Tom
Munger recently appointed
United States judge , was in the
district court here Wednesday.
Extensive preparations are be
ing made at the National hotel
in this city for the observance of
St. Patrick's day which will be
one week from this coming Sun
day. The same date happens
to be proprietor Spence's birth
day and a large number of com
mercial men are making arrange
ments to be "in town" on date.
Says Prop. Spence , "begorra and
Oi'll do the same. "
Poultry Wanted
Tuesday , Harch 12 ,
1907 , near the B.
& M. depot , Falls City ,
Nebraska , for which
we will pay in cash
the highest market
Horse hides , $3.00
each ; cow hides , IQc.
larinda Poultry , Butter & Egg Co.
For Sale.
Tliroughbred jersey cow three
years old in June. Gentle and
Broken to milk. Fresh two
weeks ago with first calf.
Seed Oats For Sale.
I have several hundred bushels
of good seed Oats for sale at my
arm seven , miles sovth-wcst of
Falls Cijy. f > 3-2t
everything that is newin Wall
Paper at White's Wall Paper
Store. ' *
Little boys have strange ideas
of marriage.
A party of hunters passed a
south Chase street home Monday
loaded with ducks. The head of
the house , a six year old ran into
the house with the inquiry.
"Papa , can I buy a gun" ? ' 'Not
on your life , solcmly replied the
father. " "Say , said the youngster
"I'm going to get married some
day , and the first thing I buy is
going to be a gun. "
The Falls City Barber Shop
Proprietors' have agreed on and
after March llth , 1907 , to the
following :
Shaving lf > c
Steaming Face ' lOc
Hair Cutting , . .2oc
Beard Trim . " . , Ific
Singeing Hair , 25c
Tonic on Hair loc
Bay Hum on Hair lOc
Face Massage 2iic
Gents Shampoo 25c
Ladies Shampoo. ' . 50c
Ra/.or Honing .5iK
Shaving1 0c
Hair Cutting- f > 0c
Gents Shampoo , . f > 0c
Ladies Shampoo Sl.OQ
' Barber Shop close at 8 o'clock
p. in. except Saturday. 08-2t
Shoe Shining 10c T