THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , MARCH 8 , 1907 Budded Peach Trees OK MY OWN GROWING Trees llmt I mjnrauloe to bi > tnn- to nnmr ntul to be the liiicst and htudifHl Kindt1. SovtM'flt trtoiiBHitd Fnlls City urowu Apple tii'Cfi. No better urnwn anywhere. A ho CluTty , Plmu itml Pcnr Irei-s ; Grnpf Vine ? , Snmll l-Vuits mid tlu > ii iuidsof , Strawberry plants ; Evergreens , Itosw untl * > v .4 s , t . . . nrn t VW , t' < iv " \'M'I" " vi blooiniijir Bnhy UniuMor For finlo either H ( nursery or on onr snli1 lot , uortli of rniirt houm > . PH.n.218 WM. 9IOI1LER A Good Alan. A noted Aichisou man who is said In dislike liis kin hurried lo set- his fatlicr-in-law in a neighboring town as soon as lie learned that he was unfortunate and .sick and tlie.mau and his wife have separated , too ! So there is really no father-in-law tie. This Atchison man is all right and is one of the worst misjudged and misunderstood men we know. Tic comes nearer doing the right , manly thing , in spile of all the talk against himself in his cynical way , than any man we know , We've about decided that he talks against good things to In'de the many good things lie does. Hiawatha World. * The above incident occured in Palls City a few weeks ago. Not only did the Atchison man hurry to the bedside of his father-in-law , but he gave ordes to prdvide everything necessary for the old gentle man's comfort at his expenses. Ho returned to Falls City after death had claimed his relative and the same quiet , unassuming generosity w a s displayed. Some men talk good. Ed Howe does good , and there is a wide differance between talking and doing. Cabbage Salad. Cut a sugar-loaf cabbage line on a slaw cutter and put in a cool place until ready to serve. Make a dressing of one cup of vinegar , twocgffSi beaten up with two teaspoonfuls - spoonfuls of sugar , a piece of but ter half the size of an egg , a teaspoonful - spoonful of mustard and a little black pepper. Pour the vinegar in a dish and set in a kettle of boiling water , then add the ingre dients , stirring until they arc as thick as cream. When the dress ing is cold , pour it over the cab- bage. i t In the treatment of piles it become neeessary to have the remedy put up in such a form that It can bo applied to the parts affected. Man /an Pllo remedy - edy Is encased In a collapsible tube with nozzle attached. It cannot help but reach the spot. Uoltovos blind , bleeding , itching and protruding pile ? . Fifty cent * with no/lo guaranteed. Try It. Sold by A. G. Wanner. \ * r fee Cream Puff. Put four tablespoonfuls of but ter and a cup of water together in a saucepan and place over a slow fire. 'Have already meas ured one cup of Hour and , as soon s the water and butter reach the boiling point , add the Hour all at once and stir vigorously. When * - thoroughly mixed remove from the fire and add four unbeaten eggs beating the mixture between i the times that each egg is added. Drop by the spoonfuls on but tered pans , having a space of one and one-half inches between each" puff. Bake in a slow oven for half an hour. When done ami cool cut a slit in the side of each puff and fill with sweetened whipped cream. Use to a cup ol cream four tablespoonfuls of va- , * nilla. This recipe makes eight puffs. ' ' Coughs and colds contracted at thi .ty beason of the year should have itn f mediate attention. Bees Laxativt * * dough Syrup , contains Honey and Ta : and is unequalled for hoarseness cron ] and couj-hs. Pleasant to take ; mother ' endorse it ; children Ilka to take it Contains no opiate ; . Moves the bowels Sold by A. G. Wanner. THE You tan not have frosts all through the sum mer neither can you always secure such bargains as we are now offering you. You can enjoy these | ! for a long while , after the purchase. Will be the remembrance of the great bargains you secured at this store. We are not detailing any special prices but our offerings are such that you will not "walk right in and walk right out again. " The prices are right , the goods are of the best quality and your trip to our store 'will be satisfactory. As an Eye Opener lor our We will mention the fact that during our clear = ance sale we will offer such bargains as 20 Pounds of Sugar for $1.00 One can best Corn for five cents ; and all the stock at the same proportionate prices. Call and see us. We will do the rest , and you will be sat = isfied. Bring us your butter and eggs. GEO. S. CLEVELAND. A Great View. Four Brown county towns can be seen from a spot on the Rock Island in the- very southern part of Brown county. Just after the Rock Island train leaves Pierce Junction , that lovely city , the .owns of Everest and Willis and and the high points of Ilorton can be seen at the same time. From a high poinX of ground in the northeastern part of Brown county , Reserve and Padonia can be seen , as well as Falls City , Neb. Some even go so far as to say they can also sec Hiawatha from the same spot.Ilorton Headlight. Kvory ono knows that sprlnc Is 'tho season of the your when the -ysteui ncud * cleansing Rings Llttlo Liver Pills arc highly recommended. Try thorn. Sold by A. G. Wanner Festivities at Kulo. On Monday evening of last week , at about half past eight o'clock , about twenty young people ple met at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jeff Gilbert to celebrate tho,1 sixteenth anniversary of the birth of Alice and Alta Gilbert. The girls were at singing school and on returning1 home at the close of the session they found a full house , which was at first a | little more than they had bar gained for. However they soon became their usual selves and were idqal hostesses for the even ing. An < * legaut midnight supper - per was served , consisting of oysters and a great many other delicacies. The girls were the t recipients of kind remembrances from their young friends. The evening was pronounced full of 3 good times by the guests and at a late hour or rather an early hour in the morning - wishing Alice and Alta many more happy | birthdays ( and surprises ) they bid ( each other a reluctant good night' ' and returned to their homes. I Ladies' Tailoring School FOR FALLS CITY.NEB. Work's Garment Cutting Ladies' Tailoring and Dressmaking School of St. Louis , Mo. Will open Tuesday , Feb. 5 , over Stun WahPs store , in Fulls City , Neb. All ladies interested in high art Dressmaking mid Tailor ing , should not fail to avail themselves of this opportunity. You will learn the Diagram Method The snino ns the tailors use. We nre the only concern in this country publishing the latest imported fashions and complete diagrams for drafting each fashion. No lady's education is com plete without the art of dressmaking , no trade or art is so greatly needed. The-nrt of dressmaking will be no tnmlen to anyonu , no matter what her position may be. she can never lose it , no one can ever deprive her of it. She is an independent woman. The only way to learn dressmaking is to go to school where every brnneh of the trade is taught , where you cut , lit and maktj each garment mi tier the supervision of an instructor paid to teach you V C ! ! tV" noxy In Pnll < flti. > n * * of IIf nynct * * Jln ! . ! C .SCi.0'Mi * y Tiuiglit in this part of the Country The art of Ladies' Tailoring and line dressmaking will solve the question of dressing yourselfyour family or drespinaking for others Von can make your own garment * , while learning the trade , free of charge. This is a very important thing to. take into considera tion when learning this trade , Onr sewing department i& under the management of killed lady tailors and dressmakers. Each pupil will be taught draft ng. cutting , fitting , basting , &e\\in , stitching , and pressing scientifically fn any and nil ntyles of gar ments for Indies and children and when you leuv3 onr hdipul yon will be your own dress maker. Our schools are very successful , onr patrons are ihe wives and daughters of the best families as well as the middle class and the poor , they nre nil treated alike by us. Termer for Instruction rail Coarse in "Drafting and delving 2O "Drafting and "Designing - - 1O Garments in * S"ct&ing . IS 5 Garments fn 'Seining . . . . 10 1 Shirt Waist Course . . . - S 1 Tailored S"ait . . . - 6 \ visit to the college will - > i > eak more than vohunncn , and thimcrelv unites your investigation , ami I extend a cordial invitation to am and all to pay us a visit , whether directly or indirectly interested. Tub School will he in Chorjic nt Experienced Ladv Teachers Hours : From 80 : : { to lliO ! a. m. and from 1:150 : to , ) ; 0l p. m , nlso from 7:00 : to .1:00 p. m. Call at school rooms over WahP.s store , Falls City , Neb.for full instructions. Address , J. L. RICHARDSON , Gcn'l Manager. Over Samuel Wont's Store , Palls City , Neb. Phone No. 332 We also have schools at Grand Island. Ravenna , Shclton and Schuvlcr READ THE TRIBUNE Buggies and Carriages Not ill the history of this city has there been a larger or more complete line of Vehicles presented the public for selection , than you will find , upon the floor of ! our depository today. We handle the Moon Bros , and Henne In various styles and prices. These rigs were purchased at a low figure in carload lots and we will close them out on a close margin. Our complete line of ' * Farm Implements Is now on hand and we can fit \ < > u out on anything jou are needing in this line. / Our goods are the best and prices right. Call and see us before making purchases. Werner , Mosiman M. EH. Church. The following services next ; Sabbath : 0:45 : Sunday school i 10:45 : preaching. " 2:00 : p. m. Junior league. ( > :30 : p. m. Epworth league. 7:30 p. m. , sermon. Prayer meeting 7:30 : p. m. on Wednesday evening. All cordially invited. W. T. CLINK. Pastor. First ChristiarTchurch. Services of the First Christian church , Lordsday. 9:45 : a. m. , Bible School. 11:00 : a. in. communion. 11:30 a. m. , morning sermon. 3:00 : p. in. Junior Endeavor. 6:30 p. m. Senior Y. P. S-C. E- 7:30 : p. m. , evening sermon. All are cordially invited and strangers and visitors in the city arc kindly welcomed to attend all of these services. , . T. A. I/INDKXMKYKK , Minister. Rudinoton ATTRACTIVE RATES DURING MARCH March oth and 19th , cheap ex- iMirsion rates : also daily low tour ist rates to the Gulf country , Colorado , Oklahoma , Arizona , Old Mexico , New Mexico. A Good Chance to Visit Pacific Coast March and April one-way rates tu Huh , California , Oregon , Wash- i-toii , Idaho. Montana , Big Horn iiain , nearly oO per cent red tic tion Daily , throuyh Standard and Tourist sleepers. Homeseekers' Excursions Frequently each month from Eastern Nebraska to Wcbteni Ne braska , Eastern Colorado , North Platte-Valley , li Hum T3asin. Landseekers' Information Bureau Free , valuable information to seekers of government lands and to prospective purchasers ot all kinds of deeded lands along the Burlington Route. Write Lund- Eeekers' Information Bureau , 1001 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. E. G. WHITFORD , Local Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. Reaches the spot. Stops pain. The Great Pile Rem ManZanReaches edy. Put vip In tubes with rectal nozzle , 50 cents. > I-or Oood Sale * , ( lend Service , Prompt * y Kcturni bhlp Your Stock to 4 Qeo. R. Barse I uvi : STOCK COMMISSION co. . National Stock Yards , III. Kansas City , jHu. , i "Pav . . . tor What You Gel Is cooddoctiino. but Ket uliat j on pay , ' for Islmt ! , Impoilant to the shipper- When \onsliip jour stock to nKO. R. > 1SAKSL. ion Kct ( rood sales byeoiiipe5 tent salesmen , tro < xl scr\ice by experl- > „ enccil yard men and prompt returns foi < { , your shipment-all guaranteed Itv HH. a Try \vlllootirne\t shipment. Wrllo < u . for marKct Information , ( .et our & market paper and letter fret- . * > < 11 i 111 H 111 it M D. S. ricCarthy DRAY AKIE ) fi"rpt attention -riven tn MIC removal of hoiue- ' MI'H ' .roods. ; PHONE NO. 211 H-t-t H-H . t H-i-i-4-H--H-t ( > I j W. H. Mad d ox i Real Estate Agency PALLS CITY NEBRASKA See me before your purchase. I am selling city property , loaning mon ey at lowest rates , selling farms and making farm loans. See me if you wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I am here for business. Write W. H. Maddox , Falls City SHIP VOUK LtVn STOCK TO CLAY ROBINSON & CO. Stock Vurdo. Kansas City. Mo , Expert Salesmen. Cuttle , HO-TS , &lieoj ) . Careful nncl intelligent yard boys. Perfect olllco methods Porioct murkol Information turnlslird. Houses nt Kansas City , Omaha Slou.vClty. Uonver. tt..Joseph 'St. Paul. Chicago. IJiitTalo . K. FIAYS. M. 1 PHYSICIAN & SUftGEOX Ofllce over McMillan's Drii j Store. Ollico 'Phono Sli. Kc'ldcnco 'Phono | C. H. HARION 1 AUCTIONEER. | Sales conducted in scientific and busi nesslike manner 1C. H. MARION I Falls City , Nebraska I THE TRIBUNE . . . . $1.00 a Year. . . . BEGGS1 CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds.