Historical SocloW I . : , , , -M' [ , ' _ [ * ) ' ' ' ' THE PALLS CITY -TRIBUNE. . . , , , , . . Vol. IV FALLS CITY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MARCH 8 1907. Whole No. 164 Malicious Scandal. The story' now going ; the rounds to the effect that William A. Margrave is not j dead but is hiding in ome foreign country is a vilhanous j falsehood. It would seem that j common decency would suggest to even a scandal monger , that | the dead be left in peace. William A. Margrave is dead. Dr. Minner of this City can attest this fact as he waited on him and treated his injury Dave Reavis was the under taker in connection with Mr. llinthorn ot Hiawatha , and as sisted in embalming the body. P.S. . Heacock and C. F. Reavis were pall bearers at the funeral. The story that Mr. Margrave is lleeing trom a criminal prosecution is cruel. The dif ficulty about fencing govern ment land was cleared up long before his death , and Mr. Margrave was fully exonerated I , by the Government months before the happening of the accident which resulted in his death. His estate was incorporated and did not go through the probate court because his wife and children wanted it kept together and in the family. It was the monument of him who earned it. Consequently it was incorporated and the corpora tion bears the name ot the man who labored many years to earn the property. A New Contest To the lirst boy or girl out side of FallsCity _ betweed the " ages of ten and"a hundred yeaVs who sends in the correct answer io the following will be entitled to a years subscription. John Smith made a will leaving the horses in his stable to his three friends , Henry Brown , George Jones and Robert Green one halt of them to Henry , one-third to George and one ninth to Robert. And he arranged that Lawyer Gates , who drew up the will for him , should carry out the pro visions after his death. Now , it happened that one of the horses ( eighteen in number ) died before the will was opened , and this caused Lawyer Gates no end of perplexity , for how could he give any one half of seventeen horses , or a third , on even a ninth ? Still , the provisions of the will had to be carried out. So Lawyer Gatqs consulted neces sity the mother of invention-- and devised a scheme which worked perfectly , with the re sult that Brown , Jones and Green each received his exact proportion of the original number of horses , and yet no one was the loser by the scheme. What was the scheme ? Burglars. Burglars visited the home of John Martin Monday night about midnight. Mrs , Martin was awakened by some one working with the lock and hastily roused her husband. Mr. Martin went to the window and seeing nothing called out a warning to the intruder to skidoo or get shot. Where up on Mr. Burglar walked camly and leisurely out on the side walk and sauntered away. Investigation showed that the fellow had removed- all the screws from the door knob , though how he expected to gain an entrance by that method is hard to conjecture. P. W. Peterson moved the first of this from Peru to this city. District Court. The of * . Cronen- case Leydas. - berger resulted in a verdict forj $75 in favor of the plaintiff. I Sarah Strawn recovered a verdict lor100 Irom the First National bank of Elumboldt. The latter case arose out of the Samuelson failure. Tlie jury was out from Saturday after noon until Sunday morning about ten o'clock. Court ad journed until Thursday morn ing , the case of Bonxholl' against he First National bank of Humboldt being the first case called. Following this case will be tried The Tribune's case igainst the county lor printing the ballots and the case of Fals- cen against Farrington. Court will probably adjourn : his week until the 19th , at which time the Miles will case will be tried. Notice. . All persons interested in the no license cause are re inested to meet in caucus at the court house Thursda3r evening. March 14 , tor the nomination of a ticket. E. MAYHKKS , Secretary. Fell From Building. Monday morning while en gaged in carpenter work on the Gehling ice house , William Yoder fell from a portion of .he building , to the ground and sustained , a fracture oi the small bone and a severe sprain of the right leg. He fell about : he distance of sixteen feet. Dr. Miner reduced the fracture and the patient is resting. Quick Action. All records for divorces were broken Wednesday. A case was lied , the defendant filed an answer , the testimony was taken , a judgment for divorce and $2,000 alimony , was entered and the ndgment paid in less than an lour. This is believed to be the record in divorce litigation. Cemetery Association. The ladies of the cemetery as sociation met with Mrs. John Holt Tuesday. It was intended to elect officers but this was post poned until later because of the small attendance. Plans were liscusscd for the improvement of the cemetery. This is one of the really worthy institutions of the city and should be encouraged in its unselfish and worthy work. Resolutions of Respect. Whereas on the 23rd day of February , 1907. Mrs. Allio A. Slagle , wife of B. T. Slagle , de parted this life and Whereas the deceased was a respected and honored member of the W. O. W. circle of' this city , therefore be it Resolved. By the members of Nemaha "Valley Grove No. 53 of the W. O. W. circle , Falls City. Ncbr. , in grove assembled that we take this opportunity to ex press our great sorrow at her death and our sincere sympathy to the bereaved and sorrowing husband children. Her pure life was an inspiration to us to try and live up to the Christian re quirements and obligations of our circle , to do good to others , Be it further Ordered , That these resolutions be spread upon the records of pur circle and that the charter be draped for the usual number of months in memory of her prec- ions life. MKS. CIIAS. LITZKIJ , MKS. C. T. Lippoui , MKS. J. S. JOBK , Committee. John Yocam landed a one hun dred and four pound cat fish from the Missouri river on Wednesday. . Society News The tournament whist club j was entertained at the regular I weekly We ting by Mr. and Mrs. James Picket t last evening. The.usual spirited contest \yas lad and a most delightful even ing : spent by the members. The Tournament whist olub icld an enjoyable meeting at the lome of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Varner Thursday of last week. Hert Baker and May Maddox were the winners. The Shakespear club spent a pleasant and profitable afternoon with Mrs. J' C. Yutscy. The next meeting will be held at the liome of Mrs. W. W. Abbey the afternoon of March 12th. Mrs. George Jennings enter tained ten ladies at dinner , last Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. Oliver Jennings of Salem. The guests were all old settlers ) the average being seventy years. A most delightful afternoon was spent. The young married ladies Kensington club gave an indoor picnic at the home of Mr and Mrs. George Holt Thursday evening of last week. The affair was quite novel , and the hus bands , who were guests , pro nounced it the best picnic of the winter. TIe ] Presbyterian C. E. kensington - sington club met Thursday eve'ji- ing with Mrs. Spencer as hostess. Kcarly the entire inrmbcrship. were in attendance and spent a delightful evening with their charming hostess. , The members-of- Sunday school class of Mrs. I. C. Maust , entertained the members of Mrs. S. E. Nicholson's class last Fri day evening in the Wahl hall. Games , music and refreshments made the occasion a very pleasant one. The'Needle club met with Miss Christine Fetssner on Tuesday evening of this week and spent the evening in sewing after which elegent refreshments were served. The next , meeting will be at the liomc of Mrs. John Mosiman , Thursday afternoon March 14 , 1907. 1907.The The young married ladies kensington - sington met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Gian- nini. A large number attended and a most enjoyable session is reported. Court House News. There will be a special meet ing of the county board this Saturday , and the regular meeting will be April 2nd. Huppe , of Preston , and Cyrus Walker of near Salem , brought in wolf scalps to the clerk's office. The Recorder .and as sistant are rushed with work. Judge Gagnon is having a breathing spell while the Treasurer's office still has plenty ol work. District Clerk has his hands full and alto- gethcr the court house is a busy place. Arions Play At Nebraska City. The Arions of this city went to Nebraska City on Thursday of last week where they render , ed one of their excellent enter tainments. The event was given as a celebration of the anniversary of the Sons of Hermann and was a veryelabor- ate affair. Those composing the party from this city were Peter Kaiser , Louie Wirtli , Sigmund Spaeth , Robert Pruesse and the Arions music * ian , Mrs. Werner. Mrs. Peter Kaiser , also Mr. Kleber and wife , accompanied them. J That Republican Caucus. Persuant to call a goodly number of representative re publicans gathered at thq court House last Monday night for the purpose of nominating a , f&r the coming municipal' tton. Harry Pence was selected chairman and Fred Sebold chosen secretary. After the call had been stated the qucs- t on arose whether 'or not it would le better to try and ar range for but one ticket at the spring election. In fitting speeches , Messrs Will Leyda and Dave Reavis brought out this thought : That we as citizens had been foolish long enough. We * were citizens of a good town and it was our duty as good citixens to make it better. Enmity and strife would not accomplish this end. It was high time that the hatchet was burned and that we join in putting up represent tilive ; men for office , elect them and then stand behind them for public improvement that is so f5. n ly needed and has been fought off by petty , factional strife. Mr. Leyda suggested that he was mo''e than anxious todo this and thought that if he could forget the past that there was not a man in the city who should .stand out. Mr. Reavis followed along the same line and it appeared to 'be the unanimous opiniim that StVwas the thing to do. , i , It was then moved and car ried .to adjourn until next Tuesday night and in the mean citixens caucus to meet at the court house on Monday night to futher the plan of selecting one ticket. , It now looks as though the good citizens were getting to gether on public matters that have long been neglected and The Tribune sincerely hopes in the end harmony and good fellowship will prevail. We Are Prospering. The semi-annual meeting of The Tribune Company was held Tuesday night. E F Sharts was re elected president and sec retary , and G. .T. Crook reelected - elected treasure. New machin. ery and type were ordered to further improve the paper. The officers report showed the company entirely free from debt. A live per cent semi annual dividend was declarer ! . There are many kldnoy remedies but KJW tlmt accomplish the result. "I'lnculcf" U a Iciiliiov remedy tlmt contains no nleot l or ophites of any kind complies with the Nntlorwl ljuro food und driitr law irimranteed v < > ivo Siitlefuctlon. Thirty day treatment for 81. 00 Inquire about ' 'I'lnouloat A. ( . U'antier'fi druu ston1. People's Party. ; The voters of Falls Citv , irre spective of party , are hereby called to meet in convention at the court house on Monday , March llth at H o'clock p. m. , sharp , for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates to fill the , various municipal prices for the coming municipal year. A full -attendance of all voters , irre spective of party is desired. J. II. MoKimUAi ) , Chairman 1st Ward. P. B. WKAVKK , | Chairman 1st Ward. H. E. PUNCH , j ' Chairman 2nd Ward. ' II. C. BARTON , i Chairman 2nd Ward. 1 C. T. LIPPOI.I ) , I Chairman 3rd Ward. C. HOKAN , ! Chairman 3rd Ward. i Republican and democratic committeemen - mitteemen for Falls City , Neb. itx - Council A\ecting. I Council met Monday evening { with all members present except Dr. Fast. The petition of/LMiir&n / Roy for the vacating of certain alleys and land adjoining Roy's [ 'addition to Fulls City was granted and the same was ordered vacated accordingly. Permission w a s also granted to the management of the Evangelical church to build an addition to that church , the same to be covered with shin gled roof. The resolution intro duced b } Councilman Warren Hutchins giving the mayor and city council power to select and appoint the judges and clerks at the city election for the year 1907 was adopted , the stipulations in the above resolution being that' the judges should be one from each of the local political parties as represented at the city elec tion , April 1900 , and the clerks one from each of the parties re ceiving the two highest voles in the recent election Ordinances 100 , 211 , 212 and 213 were read for the second time. The fol lowing in regard to the city elec tion to be held April 2nd , was adopted by the council : Falls City , Neb. , Mch. 4 , ' 07. To the Honorable City Council , Falls City , Neb. Gentlemen : I would recom mend that the following places be designated as voting places for the city election to be held April 2 , 1907 : 1st ward Fire house in roar of library building. 2nd ward County clerk's office in court house. 3rd ward Sample room in rear of National .hotel. . * > t - - And that the following named gentlemen be appointed judges and clerks of said election : 1st ward Sain'l Kimmel , John Cox and J. K. Reed , judges ; Geo. Fallstead and G. B. Holt , clerks. 2nd ward Jake Messier , Grant Sperry and Vern Aldrjch , judges ; Norman Musselman and John Wiltse , clerks. 3rd ward George Lynscum , James Nausler and Con Horan , judges : Frank Smith and Henry agnon , clerks. I would further recommend that city clerk be instructed to give the proper public notice of the time and place of holding such elections ; and said notice to be given not less than ten days nor no more than twenty days previous to the 2nd day of April , 1907. And that he be further instructed to give the proper notice to the above named gentle men of their appointment as judges and clerks of said election. Respectfully submitted , G. M , BAKKKTT , Mayor. Claims audited by the auditing committee to the amount of $1,259.74 were allowed as follows : Water fund $475.25 Occupation fund 179.34 Electric light fund 035.15 Council then adjourned until Tuesday evening. On Tuesday roll call was an swered to by all members except ' Dr. Fast. Petition of J. II. Miles , J. II. Morehend and A. J * Weaver to erect along the west side of lots 13. 14 , 15 , 10 , 17 and IK and along the north side of lot KS , block 39 , a one story frame feei ished to be covered with meta ! roofing was granted Conner jthcn adjourned to meet Friday evening of this week. Commencing with our next issue we will publish each week an up- to-date market report , the prices for the same being securedThurs- day evening just before going to press. This will be quite a con venience for our local stockmen a.id farmers. The Library Contest. When the Odd Fellows ix- Iticstcd that their members an- 'riends should refrain from vet ng for the order in the Jibran contest , predictions were made ; hat the Elks would win hands lown. An examination of thi * week's total will show vcr > clearly that the convent and H * brary are not only still in tlu race but are coming fast. Since the vote was last published the gain of the three leading contest ants has been as follows : Con vent , 10,364 ; Elks , 7,102 ; library , 3,135. It will be seen by this , that the friends of the convent are especially active and mean to capture the library if possible. We have omitted all others having votes , but will keep a careful count and whenever any reaches a total of 5,000 the name will re-appear in the contest. Elks /.4,6X Convent 51,001 Library. . , 9,050 _ _ _ . - - . Real Estate Transfers. Ucnj F Kevelle to Frederick Fricdly wd wj--1 of nwl 23-2-13 Humboldt nwp $9,000. 'John Yoescl , sr , and wf to Jno. Witt wd commencing 900 ft c of nw cor of swX 11-1-lG , extend ing s 295 ft thence c 118Xi ft , n 295 ft thence w 118.1 * ft to place of beginning , Falls City prcc $475. Russell Hill and wf to Lewis C Edwards wd lots 14 , 15 blk 48 Kings 2nd add to Humboldt con $275. $275.Alice Alice Gardner , Delia Gardner Turman and W L Turman to M Giannini wd pt of sw/4" 11-1-10 . . . . . fcW" - - - - > .t- containing'2 acres more or leAs. Falls City con'l. Edwin Ewing to Mcx Mes : wd # 13-2-15 lOOa Liberty sc - - con pre $12,000. L C Minnick and wf to John T Ilarkendorff wd n # scX 36-2-15 Liberty prec con $8,800. John 13 Eamcl and wf to Henry C Spaulding wd all of se # 35-2- 10 con lOOa-Ohio twp $21,440. John Strauss and wf to Charles W Ilarkendorff wd all of cjiof nw 1-4 31-2-10 con 80a Ohio twp con $4,475. Edward Shuler and wftoKath- erine Volx. wd n/4 of sw 1-4 of sec 30-2-17 con 80a Arago twp $7,800. Dennis McCarthy and wf to Kittic L Towle svd w'/s ' nw 1-4 of sec 29-1-10 con SOa Falls City prec con $4,800. Albert Meyer and wf to Thos J Creed wd eXs ne 1-4 of sec 22-2- . 13 SOa Humboldt twp con $0,000. Neri G. Harness and wf lo James M Trimble wd nJ4 se 1-4 22-2 13 Hujnboldt twp con $7200. John A Kennedy and wf to John E Stouffer wd se 1-4 of sec 28-1-13 except smali tract Spieser twp $9,000- John Voeller and wf to George J Phclps wci wj4 ne 1-4 and 20a off of c side of eVS of nw 1-4 of sec 1-2-13 Humboldt' prec $7,500. Mary Stepanek and husband to Franklin wd se 1-4 of sw 1-4 of sec 7-1-13 Pawnee co con $6,500. Henry A Scott and wf to Cha E Nims wd pt sec 3-2-13 city ol Humboldt con $2.000. Sarah E Ulmer to G W Dag gett wd It blk 41 Dawson cou $2000. \ Notice. Falls City camp , M. W. of A. No. ; ) ' ! } } , will have an open meeting , in the form of a smoker , Monday evening March llth. Every member is especially requested to be pre sent and bring with him , some one who is not a woodman. The camp will try to have a revival , neighbors come. Its up to you to have a good time. J. M. DEWALD , Consul. 0. WACHTKL , Clerk.