The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 01, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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T Registered Short Mora Catile Ssde
Hiawatha. , Kansas , Sixiurday , M&rcK 16 , 1907
30 FemaIes-24 Bulls
On the above date I will close out my entire herd of Short
Horns , consisting of 17 head of bulls , 24cows besides calves
by side of dams. This sale will include the "Cream of my
herd" my herd bull , Imported Royal Pride No. 14al , to
gether with a tine lot ot young bulls from ten to twenty-
two months old , mostly sired by Royal Pride , a choice lot ,
"Dark Reds , " low down , good individuals. The females
are a thoroughly useful , healthy lot , most of them will be
in calf by Imp-Royal Pride , a number of very good milkers.
Everett Hayc of Hiawatha , Kans. . will consign a choice
selection of G females and 7 bulls , among the bulls are two
very choicely bred Pure Scotch bulls , His number of cows
includes some elegantly bred individuals , their pedigrees
will appear later. These cattle will be sold to the highest
bidder. It will be a rare chance for the Farmer' and
Breeder. Write for catalogue , and come to the sale.
D. E , REBER , Merrill , Kansas
! Auctioneers Bellows , Marion and Moore. C. 0. Dimmock , Clerk
Cussed and Discussed by Everybody , Add your
name to the list. $1.00 per year.
New Library Books.
The following list of new oooit were
ailtlcd to the library February 12. 1907 :
Nesbit Would-be-goods
Cox Cos Hrownic Primer
ftewell Pictures and Rhymes
Frances -Book of cheerful cats
Black -Judith Shakespeare
Utilities * -Alton of Samasco
Burrhum Wise Women
tJonnor Tile-doctor
Freeman By the light of the soul ,
[ ' "cnollosa Dragon painter ,
-tiilson Katrina
tJoodrich Balance of power
Warben Ann Boyd
Klien Lion and the mouse
Hill Case and exceptions
McCutheon Jane Cable
McCutheon Brewster's millions
Page On Newfound River
Parrish Bed Hampton of Places
Spearman Whispering Smith
Wright Garden , you and I.
Hitchcock Building of a book
THack Listening to God
Peattie Poems you ought to know
Call Everyday living
St John How two boys made their
own electrical apparatus.
Lassar-Cohn Chemistry in everyday
Davis Real soldiers of fortune
Dawson Makres of English fiction
Ibsen Dramas ( complete )
Velvin Behind the scenes with wild
Jacob and Charley Wissmnn were
Rule visitors Saturday.
Alice Kettery was visiting with
Henry Hershberger Sunday.
Kutic Shuck hail business in Rule
Mrs. Fischer und son , Fred , were vis
HIDE ; with C.J. Wallraff Sunday.
F. E. Nitzsche and Adolph Saul had
business in Rule Wednesday.
Mrs. Kettery shelled corn the lirsl
of the week.
Henry Kloepfel appointed usses'soi
in Arasjo township.
-TV Emma Zimmerman had special busl
ness tUthu county seat Saturday.
Charley and Fred Habley were Rule
visitors Saturday.
Ed Durfee and son. Mark , transactor
businese at the county seat Saturday.
Ed Huncker shipped a mixed load o
eattli ! ho ? % to St. Joseph Wednes
day evening.
C. J. Thorna- was a Rule caller Sat
D.ive Kopf returned from Lincoli
Friday where he has been working fo
Home time.
John Gleason lost a valuable horsi
lor which he was olYered S200 , the anl
malfaUlim in a ditch in his field.
J. C. Wallraff hauled a loid of ho- }
to Preston Thursday.
Jame- ! Sells and son , Will , were vis
itors here Thursday.
Jacob Wissman wit ? In Rule Wedno-
Albert Saute made a business trip t
Si Joseph Wednesday evening.
John Futscher and wife were bus
ness callers at Rule Thursday.
Balda .ind Coon Dannecker made i
llysns trip to Rule Wednesday.
Clarence Shotz was visiting W.
Derate Sunday.
[ Improper action of the kidney
causes backache , lumbaorheumatisn
"Pinnules" Is a kidney remedy thi
will relieve these diseases. Pleasant I
take and guaranteed to give satisfa
tlon or money refunded. "Relief I
every do = e. ' Sold by A. O. Wannei
Market Letter.
Kansas , City Stock Yards , Feb. ,
25 , 1907. The cattle market
closed hist week hi fairly good
condiUon , all clashes making n
moderate advance tor the week.
The supply was smaller than it
has been running , and is again
moderate today at 11JOO head.
The market today is steady on
beef steers , cows , heifers and
stockers and feeders steady tc
strong. The general situation
looks promising from the sellers
standpointas the run appears tc
be gradually slackening up , and
there is nothing the matter witl :
the demand from any source ,
Highly finished steers are scarce
the best here last week selling
at $0.40 , with a fair number ol
lots at $0.00 to $0.25. The tof
today is $5.85 , bulk of steers at
$4.00 to $5.50 , cows $8.00 to SJ.YiO ,
heifers $3.50 to $1.75 , a fe\\
choice heifers at $4.85 to $5.25 ,
bulls $3.00 to $4.15 , calves $3.2i
to $7.50 , stockers $3.75 toJ.50 ,
reeders $4.00 to $1.85 , a few
choice feeders at $5.00 to $5.25
Parties who are emptying theii
feed lots are generally doing sc
at a profit on the season's opera
tions , and are willing to 1111 u {
their yards wherever plenty o
eed is available , and when thej
can secure the cattle on a rea
sonable basis. The near approach
preach of spring is an incentivi
: o the purchase of stockers , s <
hat trade in country grades ii
ictive at all time , 300 car loadi
ing to the country last week
about the same as during tin
previous week.
Hog receipts were reducec
ast week from the volume o
.he week before , but were stil
iberal , and above the corres
) ending week last year. Th
narket had a steady downwan
tendency , with the exception n
one or two days , and prices ar
lower today , on a run of 10,00
lead. Top today is $0.fl5 , bullet
ot sales $0.80 to $0.90 , which i
ihe lowest point reached sine
the decline set in. ( Jualit
averages good , as usual whe
the bulk oi the hogs are froi
cattle feed lots , fattened follow
ing the cattle , but it is als
taken to indicate continued lit
eral receipts.
Mutton supply was heavy las
week , at 44,000 , head , and th
large run of 15,000 head is her
today. Prices declined 15 to i
cents last week , and are lOlowt
today , top lambs today sellin
at $7.25 , bulk of fair to goo
lambs at $7.00 to $7.15 , mediui
and light lambs $0.00 to $ G.8i
yearlings $0.00 to $0,40 , wethei
S5.25 to $5.00 , ewes $1.00 to $5.1
A moderate number of feedin
lambs sold last week at $0.00 <
Every one knows that spring is tl
season of the year when the syste
needs cleansing Rings Little Llv
Pills are highly recommended. Ti
them. Sold by A. G Wanner
Alictiigan Editor Adopts New Rule
.John A KOSH , iniWMijSni' editor
of thi K 'tin in /'in ' Mn'Miinir Oiay.Mt-
lltis iimmnii < ! in his iiHt'inbl Ml
stuff that IIP \\ill . . | , , 'M tlu ihiy's
work with | > riK't > r 'mi ! tinpr > n-t ev
will be coiivinm'd litMeitfU-r. fvil-
nmnxiin Mart lind n felimmiwivnl ,
and Air , Kostf liouam * ' out- < > r the
converts. Hf > MiuioiiiiLvd IHM in
tention nf ulso hnvin-i mi * vim 'l
ist pny tin1 office a vimt and ulve
tin1 nii'iuborff of lu ! > stall' talk on
the subject of rlulit livintr. Hert-v
where the "devil"attend1 * d vim-
Saved by a Sonp.
A boy was ninu iiiir himself by
watching tinbiiflri I fin t WIMP fly-
mi ; iiiMuml him. At length a
hoautifu ! holvlink perched on a
li > n h of nu apple tive near
The lin picked up a stone , and
i > ot ivmly ' ' ! ir"\v at thr bird ,
Tlio bnd'o tlmwt swelled , and
forth c/ime / the sony : "A-link , a-
link , a. link , bobolink , a no-sweet.
a no-sweet , 1 know it , it-link , a-link
don't tlir > w it , throw il , throw it. ' :
And the buy did not throw the
stone. tit druppi'd it mi thruiMiind ,
"Wny didn't yon stone him. my
hey ? Von iniirht have killed Inni
and arrifd him home.1
The little follow looke'l up and
replied , "Couldn't 'ens litKami
so.-- " Pui-lc.
Humboldt News.
A threshihtr outfit belonging
to Linch J.ros. . went through a
small bridge Friday afternoon ,
completely demolishing the struc
ture and duina in r the engine tc
a considerable extend. Tlu
bridge was an old one and propel
precautions were not taken to re >
in force its weakened timbers
Fortunately the fall was not fai
and no one was injured , but tilt
owners are finding it < ' | uitc difli
cult to < jet the' machine out.
One of the .most interestiuf.
events of the season was the ce.1
cbration of the thirty-second wed
ding anniversary of Air. and Mrs
LM. . Leech , which took place a
their country home north oftowr
February 21st. About seventy o
the neighbors took part in tin
event , which was in the natun
of a complete surprise to the vie
thus , and a pleasant time wai
passed during the da } with game :
music and social conversation
Mrs. and Mrs. Leech are amonf
the Richardson county pioneers
having- resided for nearly thirty
years upon the farm whore the ;
now live , and have always takei
their part in public work am
have a wide circle of acquaint
ances. The guests partook of ;
bounteous feast , such as t h i
Pleasant View neighborhood i
noted for and before leaving ;
valuable rubber tired wheel chai
was presented to Airs. Leech , win
is an invalid.
Sentence Sermons.
Habit is our heaven or our hell
The heartless are spirituall
Love of the law finds liberty ii
the law.
The way to keep friends is t
keep faith.
The heaviest chains are mad
from liberties abused.
The sleeping church alway
awakes to shame.
Scratch a chronic critic and yo
find a hypocrite.
He cannot move hearts whos-
heart cannot be moved.
A moonshiny religion doc
not make a sunshiny world.
He who must be goaded to d
right is going to do wrong.
A worthy life is impossb !
without a worthy motive.
The worst punishment of si
is that one learns to love it.
You never know what is in
man until hets in a minorit :
Eloquence has a tcndancy I
act as an evaporator for religioi
The bread of life is never c
the lips of the bread and butti
The best point in a sermon
that which pierces your scl
English Florists Had Secret of Grow
ing Immense Carnations.
All Oli\c r-tivr-t lloriatnx that
wo pride ourselves nowadays on tlio
sixo of our carnations , but tin ; flor
ists of , 'JOO years ago grew earimtions
throe to four inches aeros , as largo
as any , that \vc see , and thought
nothing of It ,
"All through Spain , southern
France and Italy , the carnation is
the favorite llowcr aim4 hn lioen for
hundred ? of yoiiwi , but along the
Al'editorrnnean there nro few glass
houses , for in protected < H tuitions
and on southern nlopes of hills even
dolieato Jlowcrs grow outdoors all
winter long and bloom as freely at
Christmas as in .Inly.
"The big carnations , however ,
were not grown in Spain or Italy ,
but in England , outdoors , during
the- summer time and before glas4
houses were known. They may huvq
giwm jut its large carnation llowi
rs in Spain as1 in lUnglnnd at thai
hue , but in Knglaml there was
ccord made of the fact and also ol !
he sixo , while in Spain there was
lot. Shakespeare mentions earnn-
ions and gilly flowers , or .Inly
lower * , together as blooming at the
nine H-USOII , which shows Unit the
nrnntion was then a summer flower ,
yhcrons in our greenhouses it is now
i winter bloomer. The carnation
of Shakespeare's day must have had
cry short stems , for they grew out
of doors. How the llorialn of thosu
lays treated the plants to obtain
jlooins of such size nobody knows ,
'or ' old-time florists grew flowers iu-
tend of writing books about them ;
o all we know is that , they had very
arge carnations in Queen ISlizu-
ictb's time , without knowing how
hey Mere grown. " St. Louis Olobc-
) omocrnt.
The top -repi-e.-ents the imi-
crsal language of attire. It wails
ind weeps against the walls of.
Terusalein. turns up in llio
solitudes of the desert ; even the
oneliest mountain peaks are neb
afe from its democratic simplicity.
Once I met a silk bat , probably res-
sued from some benevolent dust bin ,
nilking n cow in a London park.
I'lii ! luit nearly caused a riot ; each
mil every passerby turned and
Mared indignantly. The eccentric
cowboy in the top hat finished his
illottcd task , and in company of bis
cow and the milk pail be ambled
placidly out of sight. .Still , one
can't help asking , in the interest of
personal liberty , why shouldn't a
silk bat lie permitted to milk a cow ?
The cow doesn't mind , so why
should we ? Fortnightly Ueview.
An amusing story is related ol
Johns Hopkins. Honesty was evi
dently one of the fundamental trails
of his character. On one occasion
lie was -ent by bis mother to bor
row a flat iron of a neighbor. The
good neighbor gave him the flat iron
and at the same time offered him : \
piece of pie.
"No. thank you. 1 don't waul
any , " said the red faced boy , as lu
started home. Ifalf way there UK
pie and his conscience were toe
much for him. He wheeled aboul
and knoc-kcd again at the neighbor' !
door , bis face redder than ever. " 1
told you a story , " be explained ; "I
did want that pie. " Exchange.
Hewitt Yon arc KuttliiK torrlbl
0 Jowett Tlint'o so ; 1 smoked th
el Bar yon gnvo mo the ether day. "
"That plump little Widow lli
tor ? , who is just going by , is quil
an accomplished woman , isn't slier
inquired the picture cnlargcr , wl :
was fairly well acquainted in U
< fYou betcha ! " triumphantly n
plied the landlord of tbo tavern ;
k Polkvillc , Ark. She's caused foi
men to bo shot , within the past t\\ \
years smart a woman as there
in town ! 15e an ornament to tl
' " Four Hundred of New York ,
n > i' nil
Suitor Ifiii't yonr father likely to
anne In at any moment , ?
Holla Oh , no. I'nim In hiding In
the coal cellar. I uindo him think
that yon wore u man with n writ.
Gave Him n Pipe and Tobacco When
He Needed It.
Last week a man was locked up
tin the holdover at police headquar
ters on the West. side on a petty
charge , says the .Kansas City Star.
, H was u cold night. As there is no
place provided where people who
kipply for a night's lodging can sleep ,
itbe police allow those who wish to
jilo so to sleep in tins big cell room.
l\Vbile \ the man was locked up a
{ tramp came in and discovered be
jlmd lost his pipe. - .
"I haven't u cent , to buy another
MIC niul I hnvo been begging tobacco
'or three days , " said the tramp.
An hour later the man who was
arrested was released on bond. He
chimed soon after with a cob pipe
md a sack of tobacco.
"Can I sen that tramp in jail ? "
10 asked.
"What do you want to see him
for ? " said the sergeant.
'Well , bu has lost bis pipe ami
ladn't , a cent to get a new one. .Sc
F thought I Avould give him one. "
"I'll lake it down to him , " said
he sergeant , as bo readied for tlu
iiil keys.
"Well , I have beard the preacher ?
my that a cup of water to them in
iail was a Christian act , or some-
bin' like Unit , " said the Irani ] ) ,
.vlien banded the pipe and tobacco
'but I tell you the fellow what goi
bis pipe aint' far from a Christian
f bis clothes were all dirty. "
Ullen Meach Yaw , the hiiig-
cr , one day in the mountains ol
southern California MIW two deer in
which two sportsmen were tnkinj
lim. . .Miss Yaw gave a loud shout
and the deer , affrighted , made oil'
ind ilius their lives were saved b ;
the kind-hearted young woman.
A friend of Miss Yaw's , a Cincin
/intinn , after recounting this inci
dent , f-nid the other day :
"Let me tell you another stor
about her. When she was a littl
girl she visited a lady who gave lie
the family photograph album to , lee ]
at. She turned the le ves quickly
and in a few minutes closed tb
" 'Don't you like il , dear ? ' tb
I inly asked.
" 'Yes , very much/ said ( be liltl
irl , politely. 'We've got one a
home , ' sbo added , 'only the picture
are prettier. ' "
We are bound to like the L'uraia
for bis personal cleanliness. Ifevi
A\ Ho is the most hospital ) ]
jnnn on earth always with the cj
pectntion of presents , lie is citbc
immoderately mirthful or violent !
quarrelsome. .Ife levis the fair sc
and i not averse to wine. Me i
commonly fat , with black hair ,
high forehead , aquiline nose , fu
checks and a large chin , the form c
Jiis countenance being oval. He
generally strong and robust and ai
dieted to martini exercises. Tie ris <
.with the sun , and having dressc
'takes a cup of coffee , with son :
fruit. At 11 o'clock he cats breal
fast , and between nine and tc
p. in. dines on the fat of the huu
llico is always the piece do rcais
ancc. lie boils bis meat to dent !
but enlarges the meal with mime
ous vegetables , fruitMvoel cake
hnrd boiled eggs mid ices.
Wise Old Elephant Develops More
Than Usual Sagacity.
Our fine Indian elephant Gunda
ins not only grown stouter and
allor , but bo bns also developed m
ntclligcilce and sagacity in n man-
icr that is bound to make him fa-
nous. 'Pin,1 ' greatest care has hrpii
xorcised with his training , iood
mil everyday life , and thus inr i *
appears to bo labor wisely expends1
f actions speak for themselves , hi
ipprcoiales the attention bestowcr' '
ipon him. In numerous \vu.i8 1 <
ndicatcs his complete satisfaction a
o bis bill of fare niul the liindiu
) f the keeper * . He kneels at ton -
niind , salutes , shakes bawls niul In
ntely become u banker. Sonv >
ho devious method * be emplo\ i <
lis particular bank indicate tin *
bore will bo serious trouble unlm
10 mewls bis ways.
If one throwfe a penny on the flour
10 picks ir up awl drops it into th-
iox above his head , after which l
ings a boll with his trunk. Tlun
10 looks for a reward. If it i not
'orlbcoming , in the slmpo f fern _
HBcuits or peanuts , be rings ( bo In 1' '
inlil it does come.
Ft was soon apparent that , , al-
bougb the deposits were beau
bore was also a 'corrcspondingl }
icnvy shortage. Upon inspecting
he books it was learned that the
cllcr dropped the cent into the box ,
ml afterward very deftly picked it
out , and put it on the floor until n
visitor came along , when ho went
hroiigh the form of dropping it in
igaiu and ringing the bell. To pre
vent , tliih fraud small staples wore
Iriven in the bottom of the box-so ;
hat the penny fell between them.
Tie simply elongated the tiny tip at
be end of his trunk and therewith
if ted the cent. It was only by using
eng nails in place of the staples that
! bo trick was prevented. New York
Zoological Society Bulletin.
In returning to bis homo one
night hist fall along a lonely high
way , a lad in western Ui souri was
approached by an animal be took to
be n dog. IFo whistled it up awl
patted it and it followed him home ,
rubbing against , bis legs now and
then on the way.
Ho shut the lost dog up in the
barn before entering tbo house , awl
u few minutes later bis father went
out to have n look and was almost
frightened to death.
The "dog" turned out to bo a
panther that had escaped from it
circus n month before , and bo was
held until the owner could send for
him. The boy still wants n dog if.
anyone has one to spare , but not
that kind. They growl too much
and show their teeth too often.
"Sounds funny io bear of tobacco
being grown in Canada , doesn't it1
said W. .1. Clancy of Toronto. "Not
go much perhaps to Wisconsin people
ple , who know that it is "grown in
Ibis state , whore the mercury fre
quently goes out of sight , but the
average American thinks of the wav
ing palms of tbo tropics as soon as
tobacco culture is mentioned. Tt is
a fact , however , that Jho weed is
now grown with great success in On
tario and other provinces in the
eastern part of tin1 Dominion. So
great have been the returns , in fact ,
that many farmers are giving up
wheat growing and are planting to
bacco in their fields. " Milwaukee
"When Maxim ( iorky luncircd
with me , " said a literary New York
er , "he talked well about the Uussian
"He said that during tbo Uusso-
Japancjjc war he had occasion in an
article to describe tbo headquarters
of oiuj of the grand dukes. He wrote
of thcee headquarters , among olhor
tilings :
' "And over the desk in his high
ness' tent is a largo photograph of
Marie hi Jambc , tbo beautiful bal
let dancer. '
"Before this article could appear
the censor changed that sentence to :
" 'And over the desk in his high
ness' tent is a large map of the the
ater of Avar/ "
She Would you like to have inn
sing "For All Eternity" for you ?
lie ( sei/ing the opportunity , also
her hand ) Indeed indeed J
would. Boston Transcript.