In 13 l"AL.L > OllY I KltSUlNC , l-I < lL > AYttl3l < UAKV Id , LVU/ For Clear Brains. Clear brains for railroad work is the slogan now nmoiiK 'ill the rnilrn.-nK nr.d while these ro.i'1 ' have inhibited tlic use ot li < | ii r among tlu-ir employee while n duty , the lA-hijfh Vnllcy railroad goes ono step farther n d notihVd Us employes that they must n- fruin from the me ol liquor atiil times or quit the service of tl.o compnny. This demand for total abstin ence is the first to issue from such n source and is an example likely to be followed by other railroads- Common sense is coming rapid ly to settle the liquor question. The man who spends his "oil hours" in his cups has of neces sity weakened nerves and a more or less befogged brain and can not render his best service , what ever his lint : of work. And the day is near when all corporations and business enter prises which require keen minds and clear brfn'jis to run them will make tin's sumo ( lQfM ? ! < l for teetotalism - totalism among tlicir employ08- Not many years ago liquor drinking wes far more prevalent than it is today , among the work ing classes. Times have changed and drunkenness has been vastly reduced. The habitual drinker today has no place in the work shop , store , olllcc or elsewhere. The drunkard is shunned and has a small part in the work of the world. The keen competition ol modern life has had a perceptible effect upon the drink habit. It requires clear heads and steady jicrvcs to combat this competition and bring success , and success is becoming increasingly desirable , Truly the United States is be coming a sober nation , and that end is being accomplished by a far more effective means than legislation As long as sobriety is one of the means to success obriel will increase ud the I A temperance question will su approach its sure solution. FA. Youi money rcfuniluil if lifter ustnn Uireo-fourUiR ( I ) ot a tube of Mun'/tin yon lire iltasmtlbfioil. Ueturii the 1ml- HIICO of the tulm to your ( IrnggUt ami your money will bo cheerfully ivfund t'd. Take nilv.intiigo of tills offer Sold by A. 0. Wanner. -4 r- Don't Be Hysterical. The administration of Presi dent KooseveU , ushered in by an advocacy of a "trust-busting" policy , lias to a great extent gained its end by unmasking of corporation abides , and curbing I piratical corporations. IJut the people have gone further until all corporations , whether honest and beneficial , or other , are being condemned. James McKeon , of New York , who assisted Governor Hughes as louusel for the Armstrong com mission which recently investi gated the big life insurance com panies in New York , said in an address the other day : "Only through corporations can the man of small means compete with 'swollen fortunes , ' and yet the people themselves are endanger ing their own savior by their hys terical attacks against corpora tions. J , myself , engaged in a reconstructive work with the in surance companies , but I am now endeavoring to eradicate the evils which resulted from the in vestigation of last year. " In fact , the present state ol public opinion toward corpora tions is fast becoming an unreas oning mania. Regulation isrighl and proper , but it should be fair and not of a kind to injure tin welfare of the country for tin faint hope of punishing thosi who already have enough. Think it over. Don't be hys terical. Try to look at both side of the corporation question , am they can probably be "regulated without detriment to themselve and the country.-Atchisonlilobc Two duys treatment free Ilinj ; Dysponsla Tablets for impareil dl e : lion , Impure breulh , perfect nsshnuli lion of food , inertustul itpputlto. 13 not full to avail yourself of the ubov oiler. Sold at A. G.Yunnur' * Urn Store drali * uUll4His. $30 to * O > nu > ct i tuition * , row ffcotee JI.OM. r. stream. Create * . U. ' & tffcS KB& You can not have frosts all through the summer - | mer neither can you always secure such bargains § as we are now offering you. You can enjoy these for a long while , after the purchase. & Will be the remembrance of the great bargains you secured at this store. We are not detailing any special prices but our offerings are such that you will not "walk right in and walk right out again. " The prices are right , the goods are of the best quality and your trip to our store will be .satisfactory , We will mention the fact that during our clear = ance sale we will offer such bargains as 20 Pounds of Sugar for $1.00 One can best Corn for five cents ; and all the stock at the same proportionate prices. Call and see us. We will do the rest , and you will be sat = isfied. Bring us your butter and eggs. n O * O L. Phone 6. . . . . / > id .11. N. A I'Vom reports of current sales , it is evident that our prediction of high prices for l > red sows is being outstripped. The demand is the best ever known so ay the breeders. H could not be otocnvise at the prevailing high prices for pork and the scarcity ol stock and brooding hogs in the corn belt states. Last spring was a disastrous one to young pigs , and nearly every farmer was caught for a portion or well nigh all of his crop of March and early April pigs. Then the cholera came on in the later months and took another fatal swipe at the herds So the paucity of hogs is easily accounted for , and in turn the strong prices for the breed sows. Yet some of the breeders are getting to expect much. The writer was at a sale recently where the average was around $70 per head , and many of those in attendance thought it an unprofitable sale to the seller , I fit was so , then that breedei bought his breeding stock at toe high prices. Even at $70 pei head the-range of prices is wel nigh beyond the range of tin man who raises hog § for marke purposes uiil } . and we maintaii that the breeders who can dcpcn < on breeders for their entire sup port are about one per cent of al those engaged in the business Hence it is better to encourage demand amongst the farmers i one's own locality and by so dc ing be assured of a perpetual dc mand for one's stock. When boom is ou and the bubble burst the one to be affected is the breer cr who has held himself u through reciprocal relations wit other breeders and at the sam , , time has drawn his local trad 5. from the field. Let merit be tli i governoring factor in prices an 10 the business will be kept in sal e channels. At the same time tl : " demand amongst farmers an stockmen will be stimulated at ! * ; much more satisfactory will 1 the results when there is not shortage of hogs and when mar ket prices are not so llattering. Nebraska Farmer. It's u pleasure to It'll our renders about u oonsjh euro Ilko Dr. shoop's. for yeurx Dr. shaop luts fuu < _ 'litiulnst : ! the use ot Opium. Chloroform , or un- suto ingredients commonly found in cough rumctUc-i Dr. Snoop , Iteums , lius welcomed the 1'uro Food and Drug L.UW . iveently enacted , for ho hus worked wlong similar Hius miiny yi-ar . For nearly 20 yearn Dr. ShoopS eouph euro unntutners had a warning printed on them against Opium and other nur colic poison. Ho ha * thus made it pos slbld for mothers to protect their -hil- ( Iron byimply IniUt'nsj ' on having Dr. ! Snoop's Cough Cure Sold by all ( U-al- ' er.- > Just a Pointer. France , often spoken of as ; i ' 'nation of the infidels , " is the first nation in the world to enact and enforce a Sunday rest law , The French republic at the pres ent times secures a quieter Sun day than any other nation in ex istencc. The French people be lievc in a weekly day of rest , foi the general good of workers. Exchange. ! 'PinuiuW ( lion alcohlio ) mudo fnui re ln from our I'ine Forests , used fo hundreds of VCHIV for Bladder ilix Kidney Ole > n'-o * Mcdielnn for tlurt ; days , il.OO Guaranteed f > ctveall - faction or money refunded < iet you guarantee I'oupon from A. 15. W.innoi Wednesday afternoon Rush Schuyler. a young farmer residing two mile& south of Hastings , re ceived painful injuries. Mr. Schuyler was driving a wagon containing two cows , when the wagon went down one side of an embankment , the weight of the two animals being thrown in such a way as to overturn the wagon. Mr. Schuler was thrown to the ground , striking upon the bead and right shoulder.'and the wagon and one cow fell on him. He was unconscious when rescued from this position , and a physician was summoned who found that the right shoulder was dislocated and the ligaments torn loose , besides many bruises , which will require many weeks for recovery. Win. Urandow's sale of Duroc- Jerscy hogs , bald at the sale pavilion on Wednesday afternoon was well attended. Thirty-five head of large and exceptionally fine hogs were offered for sale , the stock averaging close to 835 per headHumboldt Standard. Kings Little LU'cr I'lll * tl'oroughlj ' cleun thitorn , uood for la/.v livers , muki i drttr t'omplcxinus. bright * ypf ami happy thoughtSole' ' at A H Wami'r'Oniir Store a S It isrown in Richardson County , was sawed b\ f > lP your neighbors and all the labor was done by our h P own people. 1C Patronize home industrv $ it > to Sign thousand. le Come and see it. One mile south of the Missouri 1Cd Pacific depot. fe le id id je FALLS CITY N Buggies and Carriages . Of. Not in the histon , of this city lias then- been a larger or more complete line of Vehicles presented the public for selection , than \cni will find upon the floor of our depository tochu. We handle the Keys Bros , , ffloon Bros , , and Renne \ In various styles and prices. These rigs \verji purchased at a low figure in carload lots and we will close them out on a close margin. Our complete line of i Farm Implements Is now on hand and we can lit \ ou out on anything you are needing in this line. Our goods are the best and prices right. Call and see us before making purchases , Mosiman u AE. . Churcli. Tlie following services next Sabbath : ( > :45 : Sunday schooi. 10:45 : preaching. 2:00 : p. in- Junior league. ( > :30 : p. m. ftpworth league. 7:30 p. m. . sermon. Prayer meeting 7:30 : p. inon Wednesday evening. All cordially invited. . W. T. CLINK. Pastor. First Christian Church. Services of the First Christian church , Lordsday. ' , ' :45 : a. m. , Bible School. 11:00 : a. m. communion. 11:30 a. m. , morning sermon. ! ; 3:00 : p. m. Junior Endeavor. ' 0:30 : P. in , Senior Y , PSC , K- , \ 7t3ft p. Ill , , eveiiiitg sermon- ' Ail are cordially invited and strangers and visitors in the city are kindly welcomed to attend all of these services. T. A. LIXDKXJIHYEK , , Minister. Presbyterian Church. Services 11 a. m. , and 7:30 : p. m. j Sunday school 9:45 a. in. Junion C. ft. 2:30 : p. m. Senior C. 13. 0:30 : p. m. All are invited. S. W. CtKii-rix , Pastor. LOW ONE = WAY March 1st to April :50tli : , $20.00 to Suit Lfike , Bntte , Flelena.$22..r)0 ) , Spokane dis trict : S25.00 , California , Port land , Seattle , Tnconui , Wabh- ingtou. Daily llaougl ) tonrist sleepers to California viu Denver , Kcenic Colorado and Salt Lake City : iilbu to Man- tunn. WHshiiiRton and PiiROt Sound country. WINTER TOUR.IST RATES To Colorado , California and nil Southern reports. Landseekers' Information Bureau Free , valuable information furnished to seekers of ov- e.rnment and deeded lands nlonj , ' the Burlington lines. Let us help yon locate your home in this fust ro\viiiK and reliable zone nf prosperity. Write Lnndbeokerfi' rnfornm- tiou Bureau , 1001 FainnmSt. , For rates , folders , informntion , etc. , apply to E. G. WHITFORD , Local Ticket Agcnl. I. . W. SVAKULEY , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. ; > lor ( Inoil Sales , ( looil Service , Prompt ' ; ; Returns Ship Your Stock to I Qeo. R. Barse > UVB STOCK COMMISSION CO. . ; > National Stock Ynrcls. 111. > Kansas Cllj , Mo. , * "Pav for What YouGef" i- > K " ) il tlnotrliu * . but tret uhnt M > U paii $ ' , fi > r is what is tniportant lothc slupiici. s When von ship your slock to (5120. ( K. i 11ARSU , > ou ut > t irood sale's 1iy pompr- f , trnt salesmen. UOIM ! scrvkiby ospcrl- viiced yard men and prompt retuins foi > \oiir shipment all Kiiaraiitocil by us. 5 ; Trj us with jour next shipmrnt. Writ. ' T for inarKi'l information. ( . < t < > iir $ > markft papi-r and letter five. \ D. S , ricCarthy IDRAY ANID P. -il | utleullrin t ! vi n ' . ' removal of hou-e- i .MURK PHONE NO. 2ii W. B. Maddux Real Estate Agency FA L.LS . C IT Y NEBRASKA Sec me before your purchase. I an : selling city property , loan ! : _ ; mon ey at lowest rates , elliiiK'l. , . .11 > , iml making farm loans. See UK if \o\\ \\isb to buy. sell or in.ike .1 loar. J am here for business.Viitc W. H. Maddox , Falls Citv -II1I' VOUK LIVIJ'MILK TO CLAY ROBINSON & CO. SlocK Yardt > . K.insas City. Mo Expert ! tfiilonicn. Cattle , llujts. , hrtj ) . careful fllul 1ti4f < llitr itt \'Hr < l lmQ Pot-font nIMon methods. "Cou'eot rau'rUet Inlorumtlnn liirnNlicd. IloiispBntKiiusnsrity.Otnnliu SlnuNflty , Doincr.t. ! . Joseph St. I'aul , Chleti u , llnirulo R. R. PI AYS , M. ID PHYSICIAN & SUIUiF.OX OMee over MeMillanV Urus Store r. UfsiionfI'lioi i < ? | C. M. HARjON ! AUCTIONEER , I < < ? Sales conducted in f scientific and businesslike - nesslike m a n n c r < i > UI M B i " "w i Mi r iw iaBB M a < > 1C. H. MARION ! i' # > I Falls City , Nebraska ! : ' ! > THE TRIBUNE . . . . $1.00 a Year. . . , BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds.