The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 08, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Tlic Service Pension.
In rewarding military sem <
Ilic record of tlic United St.iti"
has been incomparably gcncraic.
The service pension net passed IM
Mie senate last week will , it is .
lima ted by the Philadelphia Lrd
ttcr , nITecl HK.OOO men WIOM
names arc ulnhidy on tinpensiot
rolls and an unknown mnnhi'r o !
veterans not hitherto pennionri
under any act. It i > c.stimn'i'r '
that the total ontlav under tin
prospective law will I- 15 , ( ) ( ) ( ) ,
(100 ( pur annum at iirst. Tin
beneficiaries must have reailii-d
the line of sixty-two or over , and
have served ninety days or mem
in the militan or naval scrvit , .
during the Civil War. 01 sixh
dny.s in the late war with Spain.
No person who in now rcieivinj ;
< > r shall receive hercalter .1 great
er pension under any general ot
special pension law than lie would
be entitled to receive under the
pending act shall be pensionable
under it The bill grants $12 a
month to the survivors of the two
wars who have reached the age
i f suxlytwo , $15 to those who
.ire seventy and $20 to those who
sire seventy-live or over IVn
sion attorneys are not entitled to
receive any fees under the , iet ,
and the applicant's rank in eilher
service is not considered.
Service pensions have been
given to the soldiers of all former
wars in which the country has
IMICII engaged. Thirty-live years
after the close ol the K'evolutino-
ary War a pension was granted
to soldiers who had served for at
least nine months and were in in
digent circumstances Two years
later , in 1820 ( an act was passed
requiring all pensioners to fur
nish an inventory of their proper
ly , and those were dropped from
the rolls who had $150 worth of
{ properly , In 1832 , fifty years
after the close of the war all sur
vivors who had served not loss
than six months received pensions
-without regard to their circum
- * ? > *
Tliclliimboldt Leader Says.
Mrs. Ruv Miller came up from
Mills City. Sunday , to spend the
week with her parents , her hus
band having been called to Ver-
della , Mo , , by the serious illness
'of his mother.
Mrs. IVtur Charlrow went
down to Kails City , Tuesday
morning to meet her cousins , Mr.
and Mrs. John Foust , from Kl
lensburg , Wash. , who are mak
ing her a short visit. These people
ple arc on their way home from
an extended visit in Pennsylvania.
The repairs and alterations on
the Kouselc block will be started
at once and Kotouc llros. expect
to bring in their stock of general
merchandise as soon as possible.
We understand it is the intention
to cut through the partition and
throw the two storerooms into
one , and the new firm will take
over the slock of clothing belong
ing to the llumboldt Clothing
Company and run it as a depart
ment to their own business.
Cards arc out announcing the
marriage on February sixth , of
Miss May Philpni to Frank F.
Fergus , the ceremony to take
place at the home of the bride's
parents , John 1'hilpot and wife.
The brick-yard closed down the
middle of the week owing to the
old weather having checked
work on the kilns , leaving them
no plnce to put the green brick.
It will probably be thirty to sixty
days before they will run regular
ly Rgixin , although the erection
of the kilns will bo pushed as
rapidly as the weather will per-
Sow * meu aUrt at tlu > bottom
ami are MtUttal to lny there
Th girl with M bl mouth 1.
nay * loakt happywhtm
If you dou't ink * pridt in yonj
ork you HIV not doiuK your duly ,
Your money retunJeU i ( niter u lti (
Uir * fourih * dot ) lulM ot Mua&u
joutir * AitafttUfleil. R turN U but
HIM * ot vb tub * to your dru * * Ul a < !
jo * m < Mtr wilt b chttrfnUy r ( uod
d Tntra ftdvMMfa of thU off r. SoU
bj A. O. Wa r.
The public will find the greatest bargain counter
in this city at our store for the next few weeks ,
We will close out'our entire stock of winter
goods in all lines at
Greatly Reduced Prices ;
These goods are not an old shelf worn stock ,
but owing to the lateness of the season we must
make room for our line of Spring Invoice. .
There will still be three months ofyear fof
these goods and your buying will save you from 25
to 50 per cent.
Is a good motto = = take advantage of this clear
ance sale. We also cany a complete line of fresh
staple and fancy Groceries. CaSS and see us during
this sale.
Phone 6.
What Shall We Gat ?
"HitmistVilo \ is making war
on ptomaines and incidentally do-
inn : much to shock our faith in
some of the things we fat. What
he says about cold storage stulT
is particularly impressive , ob
serves an change. 'Milk , ' says
Dr. Wiley , 'begins to deteriorate
immediately in cold storage.
Meats do not taste as well and do
not smell as well after having
been kept three months in cold
storage. Quail more than a year
in storage may be picked out by
a blindfolded man. An oyster is
dead an hour after it is opened.
It loses its llavor.
"Fish I roxcn and perhaps
thawed and frozen again until
they taste like a mixture of cot
ton batting and bad eggs arc not
uncommon in inland towns dc-
pending upon the great lakes or
the ocean for their supply.
"Cold storage is , as Pr. Wiley
Miys ( highly useful and beneficial
when it is not abused , but when
the cold storage plant becomes a
vault where processes of decay
are altered rather than arrested
it is time for the law to fia
"Hut Dr. Wilev does not htop
here , lie oven seeks to take
awiurn - ot the principal articles
ol diet in the hospital and siik
room gelatine. This supposed
ly wholesome invalid's food , he
says , is made from the scrapings
of hides that smell to heaven , '
and that the gelatine factories
arc the dirtiest in the world. |
"If this sort of discovery is toi
continue , with announcement ol i
such direful consequences , we I
will have to revise the old adage ]
about a peel : of dirt and make
several barrels or a ton or two. i
It really begins to look as if we
don't eat much else.1' ICx.
Two iluy treatment iroe. Utnus
Dy iop ) tiv Tnliluls for Impurcd dljros
tlon , impure breittb , pm-fucl us > liniilii-
tlon [ food , Increased uuiietlto. Do
not full to avail yourself of the ulun-o
offer. Sold at A. ( ! Wnmior's Driij ;
Sonui girls nro lee biihy
powder pull's on their nose ? to rub
wash ragH on their nuelcs.
* " noiculcohllu } intulo from
rosin from our IMno Koro ti , used for
hundreds uf y ais for Mluildor and
Kldnoy dlscuso ? . Modlulno for thirty
Uiiya , 51.00. Guaranteed to ivc R tt ,
fuutlon or money rotunddd. Out your
Ciiaruitci' : ooiipon from A. U.
Some people uover show their
nppiveialion for what , you ba\e
( lone for tluMii until they want ymi
to do it ag
It is crouu in Rk-h.mKon i uint\ . \\.is s.iuod | \
\otir neijilihtns and all the labor \\.is .ionc hour
own people.
Patronize home indu try $ i < > to SID a thousand ,
Come and see it. One mile south of the Missouri
Pacific depot.
Praise God.
Praise ( Sod for .1 home- Ten *
of thousands of bovs and girb
will go to sleep tonight without ; ;
mother to tuck them into bedand
without any of the pleasures ol
home about them.
Praise God for food and clothes.
Millions of persons arc hungry
today , and many of them are suf
fering for want of clothing.
Praise Hod that you do not lift
blind eyes to a sky you have nevei
seen. Te ! grateful for your sight ,
through which so many of youi
pleasures come. Praise the kirn ;
Father in heaven too , for youi
hearing and speech.
Arc not the sun. the moon , the
stars , the air , the water , the rain ,
the trees , the ( lowers , worth .1
word of praise' ' Yet , how seldom
dom do we thank God for these
common blessings !
Praise God for books , , and foi
the pleasure and power whicli
come from reading and education ,
Praise God for the wonderful
inventions and progressive spiril
which make today the best time
in the world's history to be alive
The comforts the conveniences ,
the pleasures and the blessing.1
that arc ; possible to all of us in
the modern days arc surely worth
a "Thank you" to the great
Giver of them all.
Praise God , most of all , for the
blessed Bible and the loving
Savior. Jesus is the theme ol
the praises that arc sung in
heaven ; shall he not be our chief-
est cause for praise here.
How shall we-do all the prais
ing ? With our lips. In our heart.
By our lives. Just to be glad
and grateful is praise that pleas
es God. Then , to give another
person reason to be glad and
grateful is still a lxtter way ol
praising GodSel. .
ro * v i .o OR OLD
T S Mar rut soto
W Liiile Liver Pills
T Tl
All persons knowing them
selves indebted to us , please
call and settle , either by casher
or note , as we wish to balance
up our books for the year.
Werner , Mosiman & Co ,
M. E. Church.
The following services next
Sabbath :
( ) :45 : Sunday school.
10:45 : preaching.
2:00 : p. m. Junior league.
0:30 : p. m. Kpworth league.
7:30 : p. m. , sermon.
Prayer meeting 7:30 : p. in. on
Wednesday evening.
All cordially invited.
W. T. CI.INJJ. Pastor.
First Christian Church.
Services of the First Christian
church , Lordsday.
0:45 : a. in. , Bible School.
11:00 : a. m. communion.
11:30 : a. m. . morning sermon.
3:00 : p. m. Junior Endeavor.
0:30 : p. m. Senior Y. P. S.C. K
7:30 : p. in. , evening sermon.
All are cordially invited and
strangers and visitors in the city
are kindly welcomed to attend all
of these services.
Presbyterian Church. 11 a. m. . and 7:30 :
p. m.
Sunday school M:45 : a. m.
Junion C. M 2:30 : p. m.
Senior C. 10. 6:30 : p. m.
All arc invited.
S. W. CiKiKnx , Pastor.
March 1st to April
$ 0.00 to Snlt Lnke. Btitte ,
Helena. i-2.oO , Spokane dis
trict ; S25.0Q , California , Portland -
land , Seattle , Taeomn. Wash
ington. Onily through tmirit
sloepprs , to California via
Denver , Sceuie Colorado and
Snlt Lake City ; also to Montana -
tana , Washington and Pnget
Sound country.
To Color ido , Cnlifnitita and
all Sontl.c n > iv ni t > .
Landseekers' Information
Free , valuable information
furnished to eeek rs of gov
ernment and ( kvdt-d lands
along the Burlington lines.
Let us help you lot-ate your
home in this fast growing and
reliable zone of prosperity.
Write Landseekers' Informa
tion Bureau , 1004 FarnamSt. ,
For rates , folders , uuornmtion ,
etc. , apply to
Local Tichcl Agent ,
L.X' . VFAKEUCY , G. P. 3. ,
Omaha ,
lor Good Sales ( ionil 5cr\icc , I'inmpt
Returns Ship Your Stocl ; to
Qeo. R. Barse
National Stocl ; Yards. III.
Konsjt City. Mo. .
"Pav for What You Get"
, is good iliictriiii' , Imt wet \ \ lintouj > .u
Z for isluit is important , tollio shipper.
X Wlii'ti MIU slui > sour stock tit flO. ! R.
ISAKSi : , JOH cot irnixl saks l > j compi-
tent salesmen. KIXH ! si'i'\ico by c-xpuri-
sliced van ) nii'ii .iiul inompt u'tunis foi
< > \otii shipment all gti.irautivil 1 > \ us.
Tr > us uith > otir ni.\t hlnpniiiit. Wuti-
ii * for mnrKit information. in-i mn
m.irKi't pat" .mil li'tti-r fin.
! D. S. HcCarthy ! :
i t nl letltiml i. ' ' vi'li
t i removal of liou-o-
V , laddox
Real Estate Agency
Sec me belorc your purchase. I am
selling city properly , loaning mon
ey at lowest rates , selling farm * , and
making farm loans. See iruif you
wi-sh to buy , sell or make a loan. ]
am here for hnsincsi. Write
W. ii. Maddox , Falls City
MOI.U Vino- ; Cliy. Mo K.\purt
K'ulc-.inen. Tattle , lings , .siofp | f'nroful
niia lntulllKi'iit yard boys. Poifrr-t oliico
methods Corrcot iuirlu : t liilortnutlau
turniblicil Houses in ICii lisas Ulty.Oinnhu
Sou\rity ! , Donxer. t. Joseph St. I'aul ,
Chli-.iso , IliilTnlu
. R. irIAYS , M. K )
Olllce over McMillan's Drug Store
Ulllci' 'I'Vionu Sl * > KusUlenco 'Phono ! i
4 > * :
Sales conducted in <
ftcientilio and busi
nesslike manner
I Falls City , Nebraska
. . . . $1.00 a Year. . . ,
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.