THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 1 , 1907 A Few Funny Fables. .V M1U ) KKl'KOOr A clergyman was recently an noyed by people talking and srijjghnjr. He paused , looked at the disturbers , and said : " 1 am IS"A atraid to reprove those who misbehave , for this reason. Some years since , as t was preaching , a young nian who sat before me was constantly laughing , talking and making uncouth grimaces. I paused , IS" and administered a severe re buke. After the close of the sermon a gentleman said to me , 'Sir , you have made a grave mistake , that young man is an idiot. ' Since then , 1 have al m ways been afraid to reprove those who misbehave themselves in chapel , lest I should repeat that mistake , and reprove an other idiot. " During the rest of the -ervice there was good order. MA OK' An old colored lady heard about a great magician that was in town and the wonderful things he could do do. So she decided to go and see him. She went t6 the theatre where he was preforming and told the man in the boxolliceshe wanted a front seat. [ Je gave her a front seat all right. When the magician came i < ut he had a piece of red llannel and read the news through the llannel. The old woman began to squirm around. So the magician doub led the llannel and read the pa per through the double thick ness. The old woman says to the lady next to her. "Lor , chile , 1 must get out ol here. " The lady reassured her , telling her he wouldn't hurt her. " 1 knowse dat , " she says , "bill this hain't no place for a woman With only a calico dross on. " PATRIOTISM An Irishman in a mellow mood was returning home one night from a political meeting , At a street corner he stopped and shouted , "Hurrah for Ire land ! " when a surly passerb } turned upon him with , "Hurral for h11 ! " 'That's right , brother1 sail the Irishman with a grin for the other's black look. "That's right , brother , every man foi his own country1' ! win-UK TO SHOOT In a Western town a shor1 time ago a young man weni tramping over the country frou place to place. lie went into a Jewish cloth ing store and asked to see ; coat and vest. The .lew showec him quite a number until he go oiu > that suited him. When th < .lew turned his head the tramj ran out of the store and dowi the street. With the Jew close after hiu shouting , "Stop thief , " "Po lice , " an officer joined in tin chase. The officer commanded thi thief to hall , but he faste than ever. The officer thei pulled out his gun and tired ; shot at the lleeing thief. This alarmed the Jew , win threw both hands above hi head and said : " 0 police ! 0 pa lice ! shoots him in the pants for the coat and vest belong I inc. " NO niu HIVK .Mr. and Mrs. Jones , a newl married couple , had just move into a very crowded lodging house. His wife , just returne from a shopping trip , knocke at what she thought was he husband's room , and sait "Honey , let me in. " Receiviii ] no answer she called again little louder , "Boney , honey , k me in. " No answer. Again sh called , "htoney , honey , pleas let me in. " In a minute a dee masculine voice was heard t "Aw shut ! this ain't say : , up n bee-hive ; it's a bathroom. " UK Fixnn THKM The mayor of an Ohio tow tells this story : Among my constituents is German butcher , an hones IU,1 , square old fellow , but with all the stubbornness of his kind. 1 One day he came to me very ! much excited and highly indig nant. ' "You should shtop id ! " he | sputtered. "Kight uvay ! L don'd like id , und T don'd shtrind id no longer yet ! " Vhat'R wrong ? " I aslccd. He brought his list down on the desk. "You know vere 1 liff ? Yess ? iighd along side dot United States ( United Hrcthrensluirch ) : yoss ! und dot pell rings ! Early n der morning dot lain pell ings righ ven fvants toschleep yet. L been up latuder night iefore mil mine pusiness und in ler morning early I vant to schleep und dot tarn pell rings ind vakcs me up mil mine eyes open mull I don'd schleep no norc ! You dosomeding ! Yess ? " L explained to him that L could lo nothing in the matter , and suggested that he attend the of- ending church himself. lie gave in angry snort. "You don'd make 'em shtop ? Y'ou don'd do nodding for me ? " le demanding , seizing his hat. "Den L do someding mi'selliif ! fix 'em ! " 1 warned him to be careful , jut he went out , shaking his lead and reiterating his threat to "fix 'em. " Some time later I happened o meet the old lellow , and was reckoned mysteriously to his side. ' Did you hear apout id ? " he inquired. I had not heard it , : uul said so. "Dotshurch , " he said , "undt del lain pell ! L tixed 'em ! Ach ! my ! I tixed 'em ! Jey don'd bed- dec me no more yel ! " "And whal did you do ? " I asked , fearful lest the loolish old fellow had made trouble for himself. Making a trumpet of his hands and standing on tiploe lc reach my car , he answered , in n loud , exultant whisper , ' ] moofed ! " T1IK WKONC ! OAKI ) I was ordered by my company to "jump" from DcsMoines , la. , to Chicago --leaving DesMoines one afternoon about four o'clocli going lo Ames , a junction-point on the North western Road , ar riving there at six o'clock , 'phi next east-bound train on UK main line was due to arrive ii Ames at ( > : l0 ! , giving me turn enough to eat my dinner at tin lunch counter in the depot , had just seated myself when ai Irishman about sixty or sixty live years of age , who looked ai though ne had just come out o a ditch , seated himself by mj side. The waitress approachec him and asked what he wanted lie replied : "I'll have a han sa-andwich and a glass of mil ok. " The waitress tilled his or der. and my attention wai called to the Irishman the nex moment by his mutterings. Tin sandwich was composed of ; bun cut in half , with a ver ; small piece of ham fat betweei the layers in fact it was in larger than a silver dollar. II looked at the waitress a inomen and beckoning to her , said "Come here , sisther-come here. He then handed her the sand wich and in an undertone said "Begorra , you'll have to sliulll thmi up again -I got the joker. Man/.an I'llo Remedy put up in eoi venicnt.collcpslblo tube * with no// ] attachment so that the remedy may t applied at the very scat of the troubl thus relieving almost instantly bleei injr , itching or protruding piles. Sail faction guaranteed or monev refundei Sold by A. ( . Wanner. IiniHirtoil ilnui stallions , $ luoo oae Homo broil ictfisu-iod draft stallions , 3M $ M . Han liros . Osoool.i , loua. Dr. Hannah C.Norai IVrmerlj l > r rionimu Physician and Surgeon I * now located otic block West of tl National hotel , where she will 1 pleased to * ec her old friend * and jia rotts. Calls promptly answered nigl or day. 'PHONE 102 Go Slow. Up to tlupuscnt tinn- about half of the lulls have been introduced in the kgisluturc rc bills'directcd .iur'iinst UnmilroiuN There is n wi-ll delitied suspicion on the part ot many kvel hctirltd' ' people that tm whole snle iiitro-i ducliun of th j .itiii-r.tilroad bill- . | is a demonstr.ttion of demngogu- i cry. There is no ijuestion buti that several ot the railroad cor I porations of the state have been i great sinners and that they need I legislative regulation but the law ! makers should act conservatively in the matter. What the people of the state desire is remedial legislation islation not punitive measures. Laws that will converse the in terests of the public and at the same time protect the railroads in their just rights are equitable laws and should be passed , l.ut an effort to make the railroads a sort ol scape goat the victims of foolish radicalism unwise and smacks too much of the dem- agoguerv of Inirboiiism to be pal atable to the tair minded people of Nebraska. Capital has its rights and these rights must be protected if Nebraska expects to keep in the front rank of pro gressive commonwealths. Our people do not want to rob the railroads ot their rights to earn fair dividends on their capital nor do they want these corporations to be made the victims of burden some conditions. What our people ple desire ot the legislature are laws that are founded on justice justice to the railroads and jus tice to the patrons of the railroads. Any other legislation would be nfriendly to capital and to the eople. The lawmakers should jcar these facts in mind and let hem guide their actions. Neb- aslca is not in Akansas. Au burn Republican. - "l-Mnenles" ( ami ulcnhllc ) made from esln from our 1'ine Forests , used for HitulredH of x'-urs for Bladder und vldnev discuses Medicine for thirty lays , $1 00. Guaranteed in jrivo satis- action or nuinuy refunded. Gel your "tmranti'i ; coupon from A. (5. Wnnner. While the Journal is vilifying ohn Hinton , Joe LJauer , Charley cllcr and Joe Glasser , why not ay something about drawing over i thousand dollars last j'ear on i printing bid of SlSfi. The Tribune's bill for printing the ballot ? for l'J04 ' has been held up > y this outfit and has not yet been paid , yet this gang has made wcnty times the profits that we would have made if our bill had been promptly paid instead of uld : up for three years. The eve of the Martins for the tax > ayers is the gigantic joke of this century. I'ine Sul\t ! Ciirboh/.ed aut * like a ulttCiT highly antiseptic , exteiifivoly ised for Kc/.ema , for chapped hands Hid lipr , cuts bupiib Sold by A. G , Wanner A Beautiful Picture. Did you ever notice how really beautiful gum chewing makes a rid appear ? Take herde facto , and gazing steadily one can not find a more ideal picture. With a sharp click ! clack ! her teeth , so white and pearly , are clashing to gether as , with cowisb glee , she masticates her cud. Then , too , one can note her health tinted , well rounded cheeks as they grow a little more distended through the material assistance of a huge "hunk"of { yum. And really , who can imagine a fairer spectacle than that of her dainty upturned nose , as it gently rises and falls in wave like undulations over the abysmal depths revealed at each pressure against the mass ? Oh , ho.v deliciously tempting that rosebud mouth is as the maiden fills it with a soft , pliable chunk , and champing it like a festive goat reveling in the luxuries ol the succulent tomato can , she greets you in tones husky with gum. Its almost as delicious at tractive as the pesky cigarette stuck in the mouth of a pinheaded dude. Auburn Kepuplican. Kings Little Liver 1J111 thoroughly eleau thi system , good for Inzy livers , makes clear complexions , bright eyes and happy thoughts. Sold at A Ci. Wanner' * Drug Store. Here We Shine t \Vcilead in ilai.iur ? , tor ihu table. You will find .mr line complete. Choice Hei-f , Pork , \ eul und Mutton. All 1 uncling brnndn of smoked and salt meats. Oyster , Celery , Cranberries , lresh Fish , Salt Fish , Shrimp , Clams. Lobsters , Rabbits. Pickles and t'im ; homemade Sausages. Poultry of < tli kinds. CITY MEAT MARKET A. E. SCHMIDT. PROP. x r The Falls City Roller Mills Does a 'general milling- business , nii'l manufactures the jB following1 brnmlb of flour S ] SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN g The above brands arc gmir.ititectl to be of the pos- < p stblc ( iiiiility.Ve also tnanufnctnrc all mill product and V conduct a general T Grain , Live Stock and Coa ! Business c cc and solicit a sbaro of vottr patronage ? ? I P. S. Heacock & Son , Fails City , Neb. ' s The Great Paper of the Great West j v reeoyuixed ah the tstiuiiueMt and moot i in the most pie peionb n-uinn of the I'liited Wherein It Leads. ItS UneXCCllcd NeWS Service . - mbiiutthicontinuous leport of the A-uclated Pru s. with dlpntehi oxery hour : the cenera ! ami puiihtl surxice of the Now York UtTuiii : tne Heat-it truii luttrud xvlro survit'cund -peuial rorru.-iondenuu | from TH II sTAlVS own ruproi-entatlxe ? In Washington. D ( ' ; Ifflurson C'ltv. MM : TII | > I > KI , K . and GntUrie. Ol < . in addition to tinlareo { , ' ' 'i-"t f new * that i-onn - daily from several hundred other inert reir. > entiit.ivf- . Its Market Reports and Comments i.ave uu unthorit..tive value that causes them to bo telegraphed in all partof the L'nit.'d ' Static the moment TliM 53 I'All comes from thf pre a. No western man oven indirectly intero-ted in the value of fond product- , stock * and securities can atVurd to be without THE -STAR'S dnlly reford or prlcf * and conditions. ItS Special Features include ThuUhHpt-ronV. column , in which are unsxvercd qucbtione nertitininir to beauty aids and ociHl custom * IIJK ! a11'uirt > , u department for inquir rs on other ' ubjects und n wide rnni'o of miscellaneous articles throwlni : side lisihtipon the world'- moat iu- tercstins people and evpnt ? thp e in udditloo to a vlsrormi ? editorial pane , absolutely independent nolitlcallv. and a Sunday i ue that i- full of live special matter und h unun interef t 13 Papers Each week for 10 cents The Kansas City Star was the first and i > -till il , Mt\ ncxvepuppr to dt > livM n c'oniplt'te nidi niim pnpei. Till * KAN SAS CITY TIM l'X t . its Mibsoiibe-s wiihoiit MI- - . , - m tie : 'oc = Jersey . ' * > I will bell at public sale at my farm one in lc north ol Salem di - pot , three and one half miles south of YiT.'nn. ' u ht miles north west of Falls City and nine miles southeast of Dawsmi i-n Tvesd y , February 5th , Sale cotnmeticiiitf at 1 o'clock p. in. 52 Duroc-Jersey Brood Sows Consisting of two matured and tried SOWN eijjit fall _ \ curlings and twenty-two spring { lilts bred to strictly choice boars , and each and every one guaranteed safe in pifr. This is uithout doubt the best bunch of sows I have ever been able to olTer.Viite fur catalogue. TERMS : -Sums of S2U and under cash. On sums over that amount a credit of 10 months will be given on bankable note draw ing eight per cent interest from date of - . . ; . L. W. LEONARD Cook C. II. MARION , Aucts. Carpets ! Are higher for spring but we have been able to place our orders where the advance is the least we know of. Our carpet catalogue for spring will be ready about February 15th. Do not pur chase until you get it- This branch of our business was so good last fall that we are making greater prepara tions than ever to get all car pet sales in this county for spring. Don't buy until you see our lines. Reavis © . Abbey Constipation Italccd sweet npples. with some people , bring , tirompt relief lor Constipation With others , 1 coarse oil-wheat bread will liaxo lliu same effect | Uaturo undoubtedly has n , vegetable remedy tc i relieve ovorylallment known to man. it physicians can but llnd Nature's way to health , And thlsl ; I ttriktaRly true with regard to Constipation. The bark of n certain tree iu California Cus cara Saernda offers n most excellent aid to thli end. Hut. combined with Egyptian Senna. Slip uery Kim Bark. Solid Extract of Prunes , etc. . till : same Cascara bark is clvcn Its grwte t posslbli I power to correct constipation A toothsomi i dndjr Tablet , called Lax-cts , i > now made at tin Dr. Snoop Laboratories , from till , ingenuous am most effective prescription. Its effect on Const ! patlon. llilloimie&s. fcour Momach. lud Itreath tallow Complexion , etc. is indeed prompt am satlsl > lnc. i No griping , no unpleasant after iffecu ro ex perienced , untl I-ax-ets are put up I" bMittllu , lithographed metal boxeat 5 run * uud io ! cent per box. , Tor something new. nice , economical am effective , try a box of esa ( ALL DEALERS ) For Backache Rheumatisn Pineules and the Kid neysjDiDladde : WI-.LL SERVED roast meats means sum inort1 than beini ; \ \ - roasted. The roast to bey inith must be what we call "PRIME ROASTS" When you vl Hint hind and the cuok knows what to do with it you're sure of a roast to please the epicure. You supply the cook and \\r will supply the "prime roast * . " We've made it a study and don't make mistakes. We pay the highest prices for hides and furs. Phone 74. Heiser & Mosiman. Chas. M. Wsison X ev Dinnrnvai'c in white and decorated for this season. .Vow sold In the seer piece-1. The Lnrjjest : ' tool : ot Fancy China and Uinner- Avare in the County.Ve can make you prices. A full stock of < roocl Qrocer- ies , of nuts , etc. Try our Coffee's. Chas. M. Wilsoro DR. H. T. HAHN VETERINARIAN Office at Melts' Barn. Office Phone 130. Residence Phone 21W. PALLS CITY. NEBRASKA R. P. ROBERTS IDELNTI'ST ' Otlice over Ivi i r'- 1'tini niiic.x Otllce Phctif 200 IJ.-ldfi.i . - I 271 Tin- lust imimrtcil lunsoc 51,000 i-aclt. Uouu-bieil rvul stored draft stallions , 52io to S750 at inv Ntablo iltmrs. A. Lattnirr XA'IKou , Cro-toii. la. Hides , Furs and Tallow. I will pay the highest market price for hidis , furs and tallow. See mo at Wachtel's harness shop 5t K. W. SCHKOKDKK. During that trying period in which women so often suffer from nervousness , backache , sick headache , or other-pains , there is nothing that can equal Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. tTliey stop the pains , soothe the nerves , and give to Women the relief so much desired. If taken on first indication of pain or misery , they will allay the irritable condition of the nerves , and save you further suffering. Those who use them at regular intervals have ceas ed to dread these periods. They contain no harmful drugs , and leave no effect upon the heart or stomach if taken as directed. They give prompt relief. "I have been nn Invalid for 9 years. I have neiualsi. . rheumatism and pains nround the heart. By using Dr. lilies' Anti-rain 1'llls I am relieved or the pain , aril get sleep nnd rest. I think hail 1 known ot the Pain rills xvlien I v.-a - l.rst taken sick , they would have cured me. I recommend them for pcrlodlpains. ; . ' MI5S. IIEXIIY FUNK. 13. Akron.O. Dr. Miles' AnU-Paln Pills are sold by your druoalst. who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It falls , he will return your money. 25 doses , 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart. Ind