THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JANUARY 2s , 1907 OHIO O. H. Prlchard and wife prnt Sun- ilny ut S'at , Anxlcr * . Chas. Slump and wlfttof Stransvlilf , were guest ? of the ItiUor * parents S in < lny eronlnjr. E. T. IVck vvus ti truest of hi * brother 1.L > . Perk nonr npserro , lviin us , Siin- ilny , Frank Cook and wifu it'turncd Missouri lust Wednesday where tln-y had went on a Inistov.'s l.Mp. Gco. Prlcharil uud fntnlly spunt Sun- ilny in Vcrclon the ciiG ts of Wm. Conk nnd fainilj' . Rev. Urower and fiunlly spent Sun day at the hoinu of Wallace Cnlley'p. Noah Pock wont to Morrlll , Kansas last Thursday to visit his eons who 11 vo down there II returned home Satur day. day.Wm. Wm. Ilurstinuii 1 ? building an addi tion to Guy Llehty and wlfo and ( 'Heater Stump and family visited at Frank Monty's Sunday. Mesdamcs Gco. Shousc , O. A Hurk , Geo. Johnston , N. H. Hurnworth and N. Peck wore very pleasantly enter tained at the home of Mrs. P. E. Shaf fer last Thursday. A now parsonage \ being ereeted on the corner of Wallace Culloys farm just east of the Maple Grovu church for Hov. Brewer the pastor of the church mentioned iihove , Frank llontz and wife were- guests of Kngolunrt Duechlcr's Wednesday. Mrs.Perry SlialTer and daughter Don- uld and Mrs. F. Peck spent last Wed nesday afternoon with Mrs. P. S. Meh- ty. Mr. and Mrs. Tally wore guests of tnolr daughter Mr ? . Uiicehler ilny. ilny.Mrs. Mrs. II. A. Utirk visited at O. A. Burk's Wednesday. J. W. Dodds and family wens guustq of Mr. Tally's Sunday. Walter Price was a Falls City visitor Sunday. Chns Shousc spent Saturday with Albert Burk. T. J. Oliver lectured at Maple Grove church last Thursday evening. Ho gave n very interesting talk on educa tion. Guy and Albert Hurk visited with Win. Hutchinson and Clarence Peck Sunday. Ada Shouso is at homo again. Chester McCann visited his slslor Mrs. U. A. Durk Sunday. F. U. Burnworth and wife were Kuosts al F. S. Llchty's Wednesday. Alex Schultg was a guest of Mormon Pallor Sunday. O. A. Burkand wlfo entertained Gro Shouso and wifn Sunday. The youngest uMH of Hd Taylor and > ? ife has been quite sick N improving' ' now. STELLA. Jou Wagner and Win. Higglns have "been at Klk Creek this week buying | utock. W. H. Wheeler and wife are the Kuests of relatives at Stockton , Kan. l.C. Lamb of Nc.v Castle , Indiana. Is now agent at the donot. F. B. Vance , who has been agent for some time , U in Texas , where ho ha * a couple of section * of land. Joe Marts and wlfo have been visit ing their children at Liberal , Missouri fcinco Tuesday. Jesse Thompson of Ratklns , Okla homa , who have been visiting their parents north of town slnco the holi days , returned to their home Tuesday. The Research Club met at the homo ol Mra. A. W. Montgomery last Friday attornoon. Each member present was given n hand'palnted book mark. Sam Davis hns moved onto his own farm near the Prairie union church from Shubort. Bowen Brothers have moved onto the farm } hey purchased last fall on the Shubort road. Mrs. Sana Creed is suffering from n badly sprained and bruised limb caused by falling on an icy walk. A number of farmers and town men ract In the bank last Saturday and organized a farmers institute. The following officers were elected : W. J. McCray for President , A. U. Mullen vice-president , W. H. Lowe secretary and w. B. Williams treasurer. A two days institute will be held hero soon. Verda Timermnn was the guest of Nellie weaver at Verdon a few day this week. Cap Evans is now constable for this precinct having been appointed at a late meeting of the county board. F. L. Brown has sold his restaurant here to a baker from Sutnmorfield , Kansas , ; id has moved to York , where he has work on a railroad. August Utermohlen and family have moved to u Strunk farm near Dawson , Mrs. W. H. Stringfieid and son Les ter of Geneva spent last week hero TVith relatives. They were accompan led home by Sclp Strlngfield and wife who have been living at Shubort , but vrho will now live at Geneva. A daughter was born to Charlej Keyser and wife Sunday morning. F The public will find the greatest bargain counter in this city at our store for the next few weeks , commencing Saturday , Jan. 19th We will close out our entire stock of winter goods in all lines at Greatly Reduced Prices These goods are not an old shelf worn stock , but owing to the lateness of the season we must make room for our line of Spring Invoice. There will still be three months of wear for these goods and your bu > 'ing will save you from 25 to 50 per cent. Do It Now Is a good motto = = take advantage of this clear ance sale. We also carry a complete line of fresh staple and fancy Groceries. Call and see us during this sale. GEO. S. CLEVELAND. 1 Phone 6. \Ve wondered the other night while listening to "Ilandels Largo" as played by a cello with orchestra accompaniment on one of our Victors , why some people would invest $250.00 in a piano they can't play , seldom see or hear , when $30.00 will buy a Victor or Edison machine , one that all can hear and appreciate be cause everyone on eartli is more or less a musician , but only a very few are able to produce it. Your home can be bright and merry these winter even ings , You can get the char acter of music that suits you best , sacred or secular. We have fine chairs and an exclusive place to let you hear the new January records , both Edison and Victor. All are invited to call on us. Our operator is very obliging. Machines sold on easy terms. Abbey S. II. Harvey is visiting : with : sister in southern Missouri. Two days treatment Iree Hint ; Dyspepsia Tablets for Impared tllges tlon , Impure breath , perfect asslmula tlon of food , increased appetite. Di not fail to avail yourself of the abov offer. Sold at A. O. Wannor's Druj Store Must Drink Alore Water. "The people here ilu not drink enough writer to keep healthy " exclaimed u well known authority. "The numerous eases of stomach trouble , kidney and bladder dis eases and rheumatism are mainly due to the fact that the drinking of writer , nature's greatest medi cine , has been neglected , Stop loading your system with patent medicines and cure-alls ; but f et on the water wii on. If yon are really sick , yon , of course take the proper medicines plain common vegetable treatment , which will not shatter the nerves or ruin the stomach. " When requested for such a pre scription for the euro of rheuma tism and kidney trouble the answer - swer was : "You must make the iidneys do their work ; they are the filters of the blood. They must be made to strain out of the jlood the waste matter and acids that cause rheumatism , the urine must be neutralized so it will no longer be a source of irritation to the bladder , and , most of all , you must keep these acids from form ing in the stomach. This is the cause of stomach troubles and poor digestion. For these conditions would suggest the following pre scription , which is composed of only vegetable ingredients , which can be obtained from any good prescription pharmacy. Any one con mix them by shaking well in n bottle : Fluid extract dandelion one half ounce ; compound kargon , one ounce ; compound syrup sarsaparilla - saparilla , three ounces. To be taken in tcaspoonful doses after each menl and at bedtime , bul don't forget the water. Drink plenty and often. " This valuable { information and simple prescrip lion should be posted up in end : household und used at the firs I sign of an attack of rheumatism , backache or urinary trouble , m matter how slight. Home-bred draft stallions , $250 to J00 imported stallions , your choice fl.OOO. 1 % I. Stream , Cre ton. la. Cioupa ran poslttvcry be stopped in 20 minute ? No xomltlni : nottini ! . ' to sicken or ili-trufs your rhild. \ - > \veei pleasant , und safe syrup , called ur. Snoop's ( "oup euro , doe- ) the work and [ does tit ( iiiiiiklj , . Or. Shooji' * Croup > Cure Is for Croup alone1 remembu.r It docs not claim to cure n doen ailments I It's for Croup , that's all. sold by all Dealers. Up to Date. i Miss Jennie Jones and Deb Henry were married at the Jones mansion last night. The bride is the daughter of our worthy constable , Jones , who made a good officer , and will undoubtedly be re-elected next spring. He offers a fine horse for sale in another column. The groom runs a grocery store on Main Street , and is a good patron of our advestising coluins , and has a good line of bargains this week. All the summer he paid two cents more for butter I than any other store in town. The happy couple left on the ten o'clock train for Milwaukee to visit tli2 bride's uncle , who is reported to have lots of money and Bright's disease. Bob cer tainly has an eye for business. Cooleemee ( North Carolina ) Ban ner. Rings Little Liver Pills thoroughly clean the system , good for lazy livers , makes clear complexions , bright eyes and happy thoughts. Sold at A. G. Wanner's Drug Store. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Services at 2:30 : p. inon alter nate Sundays. RKV. O. II. KNGKI.BKUCHT. Does ' Coffee disagree with you ? Probably It does ! Then try Dr. Snoop's Ilealt Cffee. "Health Collee' Is u clever Combination of parched cereals and nuts. Not a grain of real Coffee remember' in Dr Snoop's Health Coffee' yet Its flavor and taste matches closely old Java and Mocha Coffee. If your stomach , heart or kid neys can't stand Coffee orinklng , try Health Coffee. It Is wholesome , nourishing' and satisfying. It s safe oven for the youngest child. Sold by Fred E. Schmltt. TAKE NOTICE All persons knowing them selves indebted to us , please call and settle , either by casher or note , as we wish to balance up our books for the year. Werner , Mosiman Co , M. E. Church. The following : services next Sabbath : ' :45 : Sunday school. 10:45 : preaching. 2:00 : p. in. Junior league. ( > :30 : p. in. Epworth league. 7:30 : p. m. , sermon. Prayer meeting : " :30 : p. inon Wednesday evening. All cordially invited. W. T. CLINK. Pastor. First Christian Church. Services of the First Christian church , Lordsday. ( J:45 : a. m. , Bible School. 11:00 : a. m. communion. 11:30 : a. m. , morning sermon. 3:00 : p. in. Junior Endeavor. f.:30p. : m. Senior Y. P. S.C. E. 7:30 : p. m. , evening sermon. All are cordially invited and strangers and visitors in the city are kindly welcomed to attend all I of these services. ! T. A. LlXDKXMEVKK , j Minister , j Presbyterian Church. Services 11 a. m. , and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school 'J:45 : a. m. Junion C. E. 2:30 : p. in. Senior CE. . 0:30 : y > . m. All are invited. S. W. ( iKiniN , Pastor. \ . _ me w J 3 HOMESEEKERS EXCURSION . . RATES Frequently ench month to hoiueseeker's territory. WINTER TOURIST RATES To Colorado. California and all Southern resorts. Personally conducted California Excursions CHEAP EXCURSIONS To Salt LakcCitv : January 15th , IGth , 17th To Denver : January 20th , 21st , 22nd. FREE LANDS Write for folder describing how to obtain free 0-10 acres of gov ernment land in Nebraska for mixed farming and dairying. SEND FOR FREE FOLDERS "A Good Dairy District , " "The Big Horn Bnein , " ' 'Irrigated Lands in the Billings District , " "Eastern Colorado , " ' 'Personally Conducted California Excur sions , " and "To the Great Northwest. " INQUIRE POR DETAILS E. G. WHITfORD , Local Ticket Agent. L. U' . WAKELCY , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. l-or Good Sales , Good Service , Prompt Return * Ship Your Stock to Geo. R. Barse I LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. . National Stock Yards , III. Kansas City , Mo. , "Pav for What You Get" I- good doctrine , but set \\licit > oupay for Is what is Important to the shipper. When you ship your stock to GEO. K. 1IAKSK , you net { rood sales by conipo- tent salesmen , eood service by experi enced yard men and prompt returns for i your shipment all uuarantccd by us. ; Try us with your next shipment. Write us for market Information , del our market paper and letter free. ! I I 1 i I I I I I I 18 8 I i C I I i M I D. S. flcCarthy IfRAY AN1D ! ' pt attention given ' " removal of house- lioi" < .ruods. PHONE NO. 211 W. H. Maddox Real Estate Agency PALLS CITY NEBRASKA See me before your purchase. I am selling city property , loaning' mon ey at lowest rates , selling1 farms and making farm loans. See me if you wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I am here for business. Write W. H. Maddox , Falls City SHIP YOUU LIVE STOCK TO CLAY ROPSQN & CO. Stock Yards , Kansas City. Mo. Expert Salesmen. Oattlc , ! ! os. Sheep. Careful and Intelligent yard boys. Perfect oOico methods. Correct market Information furuUlied. Houses at Kansas City , Omuha SlouxCity , Denver , St. Joseph , at , Paul , Chicago , Buffalo R. R. FIAYS , M. E ) . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Oflice over McMillan's Drup Store. Otilce 'PJione 215. Heslilcnco 'Phono i I C. H. flARION | AUCTIONEER , Sales conducted in t scientific and busi nesslike manner 1 C. H. MARION I Falls City , Nebraska I THE TRIBUNE . . . . $1.00 a Year. . . BEGGS * CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds.