The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 11, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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$40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual Interest -
Henry Smith
est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this
and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the
LANDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made.
Ofoar Mii-oii U wry "lok uthi home
north of town with lung fever.
Dick Scott , A soldier in the regular
army stationed at Leaven.vorth , ipont
l& t week with hi- brother Claude , at
this , plnee.
Louis Cupp , a former Stella boy but
now n bill clerk for the National Bis
cuit company of Chicago , has boon
upending the past two week ? with
Stella relatives.
Mrs. Francis Hlnklo has been visit-
Ht ) relative , " tit Abilene , Kansas , for
F the past week.
f Maude Graham und Floy Grlnstuud
| ol Falls City were the guests of Stella
I friends a few days last week. On Friday -
, day evening n party wore given at the
home of Florence Wheeler , and on
? Saturday evening Eunice Buskins rfuvo
! a supper for them at the Overman
| hotel.
f Mrs. Ed Gilbert und Mrs. Jacob
a Hntc ! and baby arc home from a two
$ weeks visit with relative ; at Guide
Hazel Clark of Kansas City and
Geneva Raymond of Hiawatha were
the guests of Lucllo Harris last week.
On Saturday evening a card party was
Riven in their honor at the Harris homo
Charley Alter , who was so myster
iously hurt in the railroad yards at
Atcblson recently , lias so fur recovered
ns to bo able to bo brought homo
Mrs. Liz/lc Shlley was culled to
Savannah , Mission ! , this week as a
witness in a law suit , In which her son
sjeoks to recover damuges from a real
estate firm which sold hi.ii a farm that
> vas not a ? represented.
The directors of the State bunk held
their annual meeting ut this plncc
Clyde Haskins returned last Friday
from a trip to western Kansas , wboro
bo had eono with the ( view of buying
Felix Marts und wife have been at
Goodland , Kansas , since Sunday , being
called there by the sickness of the
Jotter's sister.
Frank Brown | 9 homo from Warrens-
burg , MUsouri , where ho had boon
upending the holidays wltn relative * .
Mrs. Anna shollcnbarger and Ger
trude are spending the sveck with relatives
latives in Lincoln.
The Ladle- . Missionary society of
the Meihodist church mot witn Mrs.
Andy Tynan Wednesday afternoon.
January 1st a nun.bcr of young folks
gathered at the homo ol Allen Frank
lin to spend the evening with Rollo ,
who Is going to attend school at Lin
coin , Nob.
Mr. Docds was a visitor at Allen
Franklin's homo Tuesday night.
Guy Lichty was up from Falls City
the first of the week
Mrs. stump aud son Franklo visite'd I
with relatives in Falls City the first of t
the week.
| Thursday evening a crowd gathered
j I * ut the homo of Chester stump and wife
und hail an enjoyable time. The evening -
ing was spent in playing games , and
mnging solos , accompanied with differ
ent kinds of music.
Mr. Blake and eon Hurry were In
Ohio township , Thursday transacting
business with John shousc.
Rollo Franklin spent Saturday and
Sunday with friends In Vcrdon. He
left for Lincoln the first of the week.
Neices and nephews of Mr. Franklin
wbo have been spending the holiday
week with relatives in this vicinity re
turned to their home in Kansas Thurs
Louisa Parchon Is on the sick list
this week.
It's a pleasure to tell our readen
about a Cough Cure like Dr. Shoop's
For years Dr. Shooph as fought agains
the use of Opium , Choloroform , 01
other unsafe ingredients commonly
Cough remedies. Dr. Sheep , it seems
has welcomed the Pure Food and Druf
Law recently enacted , for ho has work
ed along similar lines many years
For nearly 20 years Dr. Shoop's Cougl
Cure containers have had a warning '
printed on them against Opium am
other narcotic'poisons. Ho has tbu
made it possible for mothers to protec
their children by simply insisting oi
having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Sol
by all dealers.
"Red Pepper ! " It's a hot one
For sale at the Falls City Musi
Harvey and Sadie P-ek visUcd at
A. McCurnts. Sunday
J. W , Dodds returned home ftoin
Portis , Kansas lnt Wednesday evening
whore he had been looking tip u loca
Noah Peck was a guest aJ. . W.
Monstin Straussvllle , Mondaj.
U. A. Burk and wife entertained
thair brother and sisters , Mr. Elmo
McCann und Misses Maude McCann
find Ida Burk lust Wednesday.
Bertha Brown is assslsting Mrs Frank
( Jhllg with her household duties this
Mrs. N. B. Burn worth enjoyed a
visit from her nephew James Cimiblin
of Highland , Kunu u few days last
Grace Ncdrow Is in Fall * City this
week the guest of her grandparents.
Edna Shaffer was a uuest of her aunt
Anna ShalTer of Falls City lust Satur
day night and on Sunday he visited
with Anna Meyers.
Guy and Albert Burk visited with
tholr cousin Ed Burtlet Sunday.
Mrs. II. A. Burk was a guest of Mrs.
Fred Chesley in Falls City last Satur
Chus. Cain and wile returned home
Sunday from Rule after visiting a few
days with relatives.
Elmer Duncan of Lewlstown , Nebr. ,
is visiting his aunt Mrs. Omara this
week ,
H. A. Burk und wife spent Sunday
with the hitter's parents.
Mrs. Frank Schulonbcrg and daugh
ter Dor.i visited ut Mr Kruuser's Sun
Win. Horatmun was ut Henry Whit-
rock's Monday helping to cure for Mr.
Whltrock who is laid up with rheuma
Mrs. No.ib Peck and mother und
Uclla Knlslcy visited at tha home of A.
E. Kinsley and wife Sunday.
Vcra ShalTer and tne Misses Shouso
wore guests ut Wcs Nedrow's Sunday.
Mrs. Mitrtin Nolle visited with her
si-tor Mrs. Albert Fuller lust Friday.
The Schulor Brother * enjoyed a
visit Jrom their mother of Humboldt
last week.
Dora Schult/ assisting her sister
Mrs. Fred Frle with her work.
John Lichty and family of Falls City
were guests of their son Frank , Wed
Few of the young folks spent lust
Tucsduj evening at H , A. Burk's.
Mrs. Perry Shatter returned homo
lust Wednesday from Lincoln.
George Brccht wnu guest of I21mo
McCann Sunday.
Emma Last has returned to Mr.
Fr.U's after two weeks visit with her
father near Bariuiu.
John Hutchlnson spent Sunday in
Falls City the guest ol his grand-
Lyceum was organized at the Silver
Crock school bouse last Saturday
night. Everybody is invited to como
and take a part in Lyceum. Will meat
each Saturday evening at 7 .HO.
Tuck Cook and wife were guests of
the former's brother Frank and family
u few days lust week.
Mrs. O. B. Prickard soont Sunday
with her mother Mrs. Cully.
About midnight Saturday night Mrs.
Gco. Prickard discovered the house
of Rev. Brewer to bo burning she be
gun to 'phono around to the neighbors
to lot it bo known but the fire was undet
euch headway the house could not be
saved , most all of the household goods
was saved except what was iu the kitcb <
en , and a cook house near by was dc
stroyed and its contents. The supposl
tion is that the fire started by mice
getting hold of some matches. Rev
Brewer was not at home ho was it
liarada that night. Tbo family an
now staying at Phineas Fisher's a
Ralph Rhodes wbo has worked in thl
vicinity for two years went to work fo
Fry Bros.south ot Falls City last week
Jesse Spangler and wife of near Mor
' rill , Kansas spent Sunday with tn
latter's parents south of StrausviHe.
id Annie Stump is quite sick at thl
as writing.
ot Perry Shufl'er and wife were guest
m of Frances Stump und wife last Thur ;
Id day night
Will Huffnell and family , Mrs. Shir
ley and Miss McCray were guests c
! Geo. Prickard and family Sunday.
ic Wallace Cully entertained Job
Hutchison of Falls City last Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bartlett returned j
homo Sunday from Uulo nftor a weeks
vhlt with relatives.
Frank Peck and Frances Knisely
went to last Wednesday after
spending two weeks vacation nt their
Clem slump returned home from
Lincoln lust Tuesday.
Martin Nolle and family and Albert
Fnlier and family were guests ut Win.
- - K *
Mis Gco. Jennings returned to her
home in Falls City Tuesday , after a few
days visit with Salem friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Adamb went to
Humboldt last Monday for a visit with
friend * and relatives.
Mrs. Allen May and lltllc son were
passengers to Falls City Saturday
Ivn Meredith spent several days last
wuck at aoe Lord's.
Nola McCool visited In Falls City
from Friday and Saturday.
T. J. Gist and family v-itod ! last-
Monday at S. II. Gist.
Frank French came down from Hum
boldt Wednesday
Hula McCool went to Falls City Tues
day to attend the New Years reception
given by the Odd Fellows lodge.
Nellie Jennings returned to her home
in Falls City after a visit with friends
and relatives here.
John Kerr came down from Omaha
Andy Odgen and wife returned
Wednesday from a visit at S * . Joe.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Spin-lock enter
tained Mr. and J. C , Campbell and Gee
Jennings of Falls City at dinner Tues
Ed May and wife went to Falls City
The members of the Salem Social
Club entertained their husbands at a
six o'clock dinner Friday-evening.
Mr . May and son , Edger Wylle , re
turned home from Falls City Monday
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Spurlock enter
tained W. 11. Allan and family , Emma
Simpson and children and Sam Rodgers -
gers and wife at dinner la-t Saturday
Helen McCool spent Frlduj evening
with Little Stewart
Mr. Roy Thornburg and wife enter
tained about twenty young friends at
watch night party in honor of Robert
unJ Austin Thornburg , all present hud
a splendid time and remained until the
New Year had come.
Rube Mouller spent Saturday e\en
ing with Lottie Stewart.
Ivu Meredith and Ruth Moore enter
tained a number of young lady friends
Saturday afternoon at the home of
Ruth Moore. The J. G. Kensington
Club was organized with ten members.
Real Estate Transfers.
Mathew R. Wilson and wf to J. F.
Walsh , wd all blk 43 and wi blk 41 all
in E. P Tinker's add to Humboldt.
T. P. Cutntnlngs to J. II. Bradley ,
wd part lot 1 blk 11 Dawson. S20.00-
J. F. Walsh and wife to Moss C.
Davis wd all blk 43 and wj blk 41
Humboldt. 8600.
Gco. W. Davis and wife to Joseph A.
Carsh , wd ai of cwi of ECO 28.3-1 : ! con
taining 80 acres Franklin twsp Rich
ardson Co. $3000.
Augustus'H. Fellers and wife to Sid
ney Wahl wd sei of set of sec 33-3-W ;
Franklin twsp Richardson county.
John Power and wlfo to W. C. Gunn
wd net of sw J and so J of nwt of sec
32-IJ-17 containing 80 acres Richardson
. county. $0500.
Frank Powers and wife to W. C ,
Gunn wd all nei of the net of sec 5-2-13
containing 40 acres Richardson county.
e $3000.
Michael O'Connell to Ambrose
Graham wd lots 1-2-3 blk 22 Hagadrons
Is add to Dawsou. SHOO.
r F. Martin and wife to Albert Asen-
dorf wd all that part of set of sec 12-2-
r17 , which lies e of Rule and Arago
10 road und contains 100 acres , Arago
township Richardson county. $1000.
Gila J Edwards to Warren C. Ed
wards wd all lot 10 blk 43 Humboldt
ts S43.
Joseph W. Maust and wife to Gus <
lave Strauss wd a portion of net of sej
nof sec 29-2-10 Ohio precinct Richard ,
of son county. 91000
WBSchmucker and wife to H L
in Rablf wd H acres ground in sw t of sec
10-MO Richardson county. * 200.
The Great Second Oklahoma is the Panif if
Handle in Northwest Texas
There is no place today in the United States that is attract
ing the attention of homeseekers and investors as is the great
fertile prairies of Northwest Texas , lying just across the Arkan
sas river southwest of Oklahoma. Thousands of people are
going into this rich agricultural country on every excursion , as
they did into Oklahoma. If you will go with us on our next
excursion we can sell you fine land for $12.00 to $20.00 per
acre that will double in value in much less time than it did in
Oklahoma. There is no finer climate on earth. You can work
the year round. You do not have to house and feed your
stock six months during the year. One crop will pay for the
land. We are better equipped for handling these lands than
any firm handling the same , as we have our own special train
equipped with dining and sleeping cars , also our own hotel and
livery barn equipped iwith good rigs and six automobiles that
cost $24,000.00. If you have a little loose mone.y ( as it only
. requires a small payment down and from 10 to 20 years in
which to pay the balance ) we can show you land that you will
not refuse to buy , as it is rich and-level , fine climate , plenty oi
good water from 15 to 60 feet. Come go with us on Tuesday ,
January 15th , as the railroad , fare is only $21.65 for the
round trip. Sleeper only ' $2.00 for the round trip. Good
meals on train cheap. Come go with us , we uill not only
make you money but will show you a good time , one that you
will never regret. Do not put this off as this country will all
be settled up inside of 3 or 4 years , and your land will double
in value , as the imigration to this country the-past year was
over a million. Think of it , and they must have some place to * "
live. Remember that we will run these excursions every first
and third Tuesday of each month until these lands are all sold.
We will leave here over the Missouri Pacific at 1:16 : p. m. , for
Kansas City where we will take our special train over the Santa
Fe. Do not fail to take advantage of this opportunity to get a
home or make a good investment. Do not forget our excursion
dates to the Pan-Handle and to Dickinson and all 'other central
counties in Kansas.
* T
Mabel Bellar returned home Monday
night from a short visit with her sister
at Shubert.
John Goolsby of Barada was visiting
elallves here last Saturday. ;
Dr. W. H. Keeney of Elk Creek was
renewing old acquaintances here the
Irst of this week.
Mrs. GUB Helzelman arrived home ,
Saturday from a short visit at Nor-
catur , Kansas.
Gertrude Lum returned home Mon
day from Barnard , Mo.
Edith Shoemaker , Amret Hart and
Charley Shoemaker were Maple Grove
Visitors , Sunday afternoon.
Frank Boiler and wife spent a short
time at Falls City , the latter part of
the week.
Rill Houston of Falls City spent sev
eral days here last week.
Roy Lura returned to Barnard , Mo. ,
Wednesday after spending the holi
days at home.
Mrs. Lucy Cornell returned homo ,
Thursday , after a short visit with her
daughter at Auburn.
Elder ShuiT of Lincoln preached ut
the Evangelical church , Friday und
Sunday nights.
Rev. Gardner was a county seat visit
or last Thursday.
Rev. W. C. Brewer ol Maple Grove
was in town a short time Saturday.
Goldle Cook came up from Falls City
Saturday and remained until Sunday
evening visiting home folks.
Loren Corn returned to his studies
at Lincoln , Monday , after spending the
holidays at home ,
Edna Ueimers returned to her home
at Stella , Wednesday after a short
visit here with Katie Meliza.
Ethel Cook and Lola Sterns of
Straussvllle spent Sunday with the
formers parents.
F. B. Judd of Dawson was a business
visitor hero Thursday.
Wm. Mowery of Stella was in town
a short time Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Dave Davies of Falls City
visited relatives here Sunday.
Rev. Hunt returned to Lincoln Mon
Al Martin returned to his home at
Center , Sunday night after a brief
visit with relatives hero.
Louolla and Mabel Nusbaum arrived
homo Monday from a three weeks visit
at Unadllla and several points In Iowa.
Rev. Schafer went to Cottage Mon
day to help Rev. Garris in his revival
meeting at that place.
Jesse Nicholson returned from Falls
City Monday.
Ethel Parchen returned to her homo
at Falls City Thursday after spending
a few days with Julia Fraunfelder.
Mrs. Gardner aud daughter Lrilla
drove to Salem , Wednesday where the
latter took the train for Franklin ,
Misses Judd and Leonard returned
Sunday ready to take their placet n
the school room , Monday.
Mrs. John Sohrader died Saturday
morning at hot * homo iu tbu oust pi.-t
of town and was buried Sunday after
noon. The funeral was preached by
Rev. Jacob Schafer. Interment in the
Verdon Cemetery.
Scboal begun Monday after a f"o
weeks vacation.
Notice of Sheriff' * SsUe.
First publication December 2S , 1906.
Notice Is hereby given that by > lrluc. oi
an order of sale , issued out of the District
Court. In and for Richardson County ,
and State of Nebraska , under the seal ol
said court , dated on the 22nd day o !
Nmeruber , A. D. 1905. and to me directed ,
as sheriff of said county to be executed ,
I will on Monday , the 4tb day of February ,
1907. at tuo o'clock p. m. , at the west
front door of the court house In the city
of Falls City , In said county and state ,
offer for sale at public venduc , and sell
to the highest and best bidder , the prop
erty described In said order of sale , to-wit.
Lots numbered one (1) ( ) , two (2) ( ) , three (3) ( ) ,
and four (4) ( ) , In block number uluetj-slx 1 % ) ,
in said city of Tails City , State of Ne
braska , tn satisfy a judgment obtained In
said court on the 22nd day of November ,
A. D. 1905. with interest aud costs bj
Lev ! J. Hitchcock and Lorenzo D. Lau
rence against Adolph D , Messier and
Frances Messier , his wife.
Terms of sale. cash.
Given under my UanJ at FalU CUj.
Nebraska , this 26tli day of December ,
A. D. 1906. \V. T Kn.VTOS.
ItyJoiiNVitT E.
Att'y. for LK\I J. HITCHCOCK ,
fur children ; toft , tart , ffo aplatcj