The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 11, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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I . And The Democratic Party ,
li In Wmhlnjrlnn Po-t.i
Suint and sinner , sage and
willing , patriot and Irailor ,
statesman and deinaf.rof.ruc the
Democratic parly is of all of
these. That is why it is immor
tal. Hcanlhinlc and express
more palnotism in a moment
than the Republican party can
entertain in a year ; it can gen-
crate and harbor more honesty
in a second than the Republican
parly could practice in a cen
tury. It is human , mixed vir
tues and trunsgres-ions , and
that is what makes so many of
us love it. It can be Sir Roger
tie Coverly and it can be Daniel
Quilp. It can be Col. Ncwcome
and can be 'Squire Western , it
can be Philip Sidney and it can
be Oapt. Kidd. It can be , and
is , everything but a Pharisee
and a parvenu. It it could be
either of these it would be the
only political organization in
this country.
Well , 111 is Democratic party
is tixing to do its grand ( | uad-
renniel stunt oi hara-kari in
I'.IOH. ' [ t is an experl at the
business. I make no doubt that
it could swallow a sword , or eat
a snake , if it should go in for
that sort ot thing , When a
committee of dissenting preach
ers waited on Lord Chancellor
Tlmrlow and reguested of him
cerlain privileges llial were
allowed the established church ,
tlte rurtian old jurist roared out
to them : "Get your dd re
ligion established and L will be
forit too. " The Democratic
parly has the knack of getting
anything and everything in the
world "established , "and is' * for
it too1' for thecampaign. When
it is Democratic it is invincible.
That , however , is only occasion
, Ioe Ijlackburn is a Democrat ;
what he thinks the average
Democratic thinks. Joe is no
Solomon ; neither is Joe a fool
far from it. He is nearly as
human as Ihe Democratic parly.
Joe has come oul for Bryan.
Thai is natural , for I have per-
lercd my poor brains without
result lo tint ! somebody else lo
come out for. And so we will
have to take Bryan , and we will
go to more disastrous defeat
with him in 1008 than we did in
1890 or 1900 ; he will be worse
beaten than Parker. But Joe
voices Ihe Democracy. If the
convention were assembled to.
morrow , Bryan's would be Ihe
only one presented. If the elec
tion were to follow next montl
he would nol get 100 votes in the
And why ? Because , if you
eat the devil you must drink his
broth. If Mr. Bryan is a candi
date , his preachment is the
platform. Ever since man has
been in the world , his aim has
been to feast on roast devil ami
his practice has been lo gag ai
devil soup. We all do it. Thai
is what man was born to , es
pccially political man. Mr
Bryan pretends to be a discipli
of Thomas Jefferson. He is no
half as much like Jefferson as
John Knox was like Pope Leo X
Mr. Bryan got his politics fron
Ly man Trumbull. LymanTrum
bul'l the author of the legis
lation know as southern recon
structipn. Jefferson hated gov
eminent ; Bryan loves it. Jeffer
son believed that the govern
meat should keep its dirty paw
off the citizen ; Bryan believe
that whenever the lark carol
to the dawn , the government
should knock at every man1
door and say , "Awake , arise ,
am here to take care of you tc
day.1 That is not Democracy.
Could Slephun A Douglas
have accepled a nomination o
a platform that denounced "noi
intervention ? " Could Abrahai
Lincoln have been nominate
by a convention that approve
the fugitive slave law ? Thei
can Bryan be nominated by
convention thai reject.s govern
ment ownership ? That is quite
likely , for il is given In the
Democratic party to do the im
I knew in my youth a fine old
fellow in Kentucky who betler
illustrates the Democratic parly
than any tigure I can conjure ,
lie was a soulhern as a peanut
impulsive , brave , impractical ,
tiery--a regular Peveril of the
Peak ; He would have been in
the Southern army had not his
lighting days been over when
the war came. Onedayhecame
into town from his tine bluegrass -
grass farm in a towering rage
because of the way the overseer
was doing things , and in his pas
sion he swapped the land for
J.OOO barrels of whisky. Whis
ky was then worth about twenty
cents a gallon. The United
Stales authorities , knowing the
man's politicssei/.ed the liquor ,
and there was litigation over it.
Before the case was decided ,
Congress put an internal revenue -
enue tax of $2 a gallon on whis
ky. My old friend gained the
case. lie got his "licker" and
sold it at the advance , but the
last I saw him lie was yet curs
ing the United States that hail
made him enormously wealthy
as the worst despotism on earth.
Grover Cleveland sustains the
same relation to the Democratic
The same old Baron Brad-
wardine went into Edmonson
county and leased the Mam-
mouth Cave for a term of years
-ten , I believe. About the
third year he fell out with the
proprietor of the only stage line
thai brought passengers to his
hotel , had a shooting scrape
with him , and put a bullet in
his carcass. Then he made a
fence around the premises so
that the stage line had to land
their passengers a quarter of a
mile from the tavern , though
every passenger was destined
lo be his guest. Thai is Ihe
Democratic party , as is illus-
Iraled in ils Irealmenl ol CJro-
ver Cleveland.
In 1900 Mr. Bryan , over the
protest of wiser men , who actul-
ly believed in 10 to 1 , forced 1C
to 1 into the platform. He did
it in the name and by the
authority of what he called
"sincerely. " Very well. If lit
was the child of sincerity it
1900. whose son will he be it
1908 ? If he could not take tlu
nomination then without his
preachment of 10 to 1 , how cat
he lake Ihe nomination in 190J
without his preachment of gov
eminent ownership ? Is th <
Bryan of 190S lo be a different
Bryan from Ihe Bryan of 1900 !
This is something that we
Democrats have a right to in
vestigale. Of course , if Mr
Bryan is bigger than his party
as he was in 1900. he can d <
what he pleases with the con
I do not believe Mr. Bryat
has more wisdom than the lav
allows. I have heard him speak
and he is much more of a talke
than he is an orator. I havi
read his boolcwords , words
words. I frequently see hi
paper one page of the Tribun
of Greely , or one editorial of th
Courier-Journal of Waterson i
worth ten times a year's recep
tion of it. There is nothin ]
striking in a thing he says , an <
for the simple reason that elc
quence without wisdom is nc
worth a damn by forty cents.
But he will probably get ther
again , for there is no limit t
the fatuous folly of the Demo
cratic party , though it is poss
ble that Bryan's vanity exceed
Democratic imprudence. Bt
what is the Democratic part
going to do about it ? Will
emancipate itself from tli
thralldom of a man who wa
born a sophomore , has lived
sophomore , and will die a s <
phomore ? Take his letter froi
around the world and there :
not a line ot them that could n <
have been betler written in any
great daily paper of the United
Stales by Ihe local reporial
force. There is not a sugges
tion anywhere , and everywhere
is the waste , desert , arid , com- '
monplace. What is the idea ?
Why. thai Bryan could spend a1
day and night in Japan and !
come hack here ami tell us all
about it. Caesar could not have
done that , and a hundred regi
ments of Bryan would not make
a Caesar.
But the Democratic party is
going to lake Bryan will ) all
his fooleries. Il is going to
straddle gnvernmenl ownership ;
Ihe Republican parly will sad
dle us with government owner
ship and we will have to take
it. From that there is no escape.
If you eat the devil you must
drink his broth.
If Bryan is the candidate
government ownership inevitab
ly will be the issue. Well , the
Democratic parly has not yel
sounded Ihe full gamut of folly.
It may come to that.
Market Letter.
ICutiHiiH City Stouk Yards , Jan. ,
7 , 1907. Last weeekVIIB a good
week for cuttle shippers , a moder
ate run all week and firm prices ,
country kind * selling a little
* * > < M u M V > WBKmMHMM HMi W * HlM BHM
er , fed steers elositig the wool ;
strong. Today the run ie 21,000
head , with a heavy supply else
where. and the nuitket 5 to 15
cents lower. It was expected that
the tirst heavy run would cause a
decline , and the mild soft weather
we are having is another adverse
feature today. A larger share of
the run today is stockers and
feeders than any day for three
weeks , which is a good thing , as
this branch of the trade has been
extra stronu and can stand a heavy
run. There are no choice cattle
here today , lop $5.95 , medium
class fed steers So. 00 to § 5.50.
Best cattle here last week sold at
$5.90 to 0.25 , but the market has
not been full } ' tested for some
time. Cows and heifers are re
garded as too high , compared with
steers and lower prices are predicted -
ed on them. Cows are selling at
$2.00 to S-1.50 , heifers $3.00 to
$5.20 , bulls $2.50 to $4.25 , veal
calves $0.00 to $7.50 , heavy calves
lower today , but 15 to 35 cents
hiuher than two weeks ago. at
$3.2 ; " ) to $1.50. Demand for stock
ers and feeders has kept the yards
closely cleaned of these kinds of
cattle lately , stockers at $3.00 to
$ 1.40 , feeders $3.50 to $4.70. Al
though they may be some further
losses in fat cattle prices , the
trade is healthy and if we get
colder weather the situation will
be further improved.
Hog prices are gradually tending
upwards , reaching $0.52 Friday
and Saturday , highest point in
several mouths. Receipts are 10- ,
000 today , and the market is 5 to
10 lower at all points , top hero
$0,42A , bulk $0.32A to $0.40. Local
demand keeps up , bulk of sales
here aboul the same as at Chicago
for the last week. Volume of re
ceipts is not likely to become
very great , and dealers generally
stick to their predictions of high
prices this month.
Sheep and lambs have had a
weaker feeling for several days ,
run today 5,000 , market 10 lower.
Nothing choice is here today ,
Kansas fed western lambs at $0.85
to $7.10. wethers $5.60 , and ewe ?
at $500. Yearlings are worth
$5.75 to $0.40 , light weight Mexi.
cans selling highest. Wethers ant
yearlings have been scarce , ant
and ahow the most strength , whilt
the run has been mostly lambt
and ewes , where the greatest weak
nees naturally follows.
L. S. Correspondent.
To stop u Cold with "Provcntlcs" la
infer than to let tt run and euro 1
. afterward * . Taken ut the
stuj-e" Proventles will head off al
colds and Grippe , and perhaps suyi
from Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Pre
ventk'3 are little toothsome candy cole
euro tablets selllne in 5 cett and 2 ;
cents boxes. If you are chilly , If yoi
begin to sneeze , try Prevention. Thej
will surely check the cold , and pleasi
you. cold by all dealers.
* * * - * * > * - * * * * * - . .V ) - * - * - * jfr-jlolf. ; , ) ( HH-HHf ( ( ( ( ! Mt--- # * * - * - * - * * - * * * * > - ? * - *
We lead ; < U ; . ti -s for the table. You \\ill find our
line complete < uoict Beef , Pork , \'eal and Mutton. *
All leading bramls of smoked and salt meats. Oysters ,
Celery , Cranl't-rries. Fresh Fish , Salt Fish , Shrimp , *
Clams , Lobstn-s , Rabbits , Pickles and fine home made
Sausages. Poultry of all kinds. *
> The above brand * are gunranteed to be of the highest possible -
sible quality.'c also manufacture all mill product- * and
J conduct a general
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business c
I and solicit a .share ' of vottr patronage c :
9 c
\ P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. 1
) C
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas Citv Star
Everywhere rt-eoguixed as the strongest and most reliable
newspaper in the most piosperous region of the United States.
Wherein It Leads.
ItS Unexcelled NeWSSerViCe embraces thec.ntimi..u < it-port
of the Associated Pros with dispatches every hour : tlic general uud
special service of the New York Herald : the Hearst transcontinental
leased wire service and special correspondence ( rom THE STAR'S own
representatives In Washington , D. C : JelTerson City , Mo : Topeka. Ks. ,
and Guthrle , Ok. , in addition to the larpe grist of new ? thut comes
daily from several hundred other alert representative- .
Its Market Reports and Comments have un
value that causes them to be telegraphed to all partof the United
States the moment THE STAR comes from the press. No western man
even indirectly Interested in the value of food products , stocks and
securities can "atUird to be without THE STAR'S dally record ot price *
and conditions.
ItS Special features include The Chaperon's column , in which
are answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and
affairs , a department for inqutn rs on other * ubject3 and a wide ranee
of miscellaneous articles throwing ? ide lights upon the world' * most in
teresting people and event ? these in addition to a vigorous editorial
page , absolutely independent politically , and a Sunday i. ue that I'
full of live special matter and h Jinan intere-t.
13 Papers Each week for 10 cents
The Kansas City Star was the first and is mill the only
newspaper to deliver a complete morning paper , THE KAN
SAS CITY TIMES , to its subscriber without increase in the
subscription pricv .
Nothing in a , Name.
The home of the Indians after
which this town was named is
now called Preserve. Then why
is the town still called Reserve ?
However , better wait , for some
"smarty" may make it Pickle yet ,
and another change would have
to be made , and that would not
be such a bad name either , for
Pickle is a Historical name. It
dates back to the early geniuses
of the country , when Mr. Pickle
invented the art of pickeling1 herring -
ring : and received his patent
therefore , the combination of salt
and water having been envolved
in the great mind of Mr. Pickle.
-Hiawatha World. J
. _ . I
The Printers' Bible.
The "Printers1' Bible" is so
called because it contains a curi
ous typographical error in Psalm
cxix , 161 which is made to read ,
"Printers have persecuted tnej
without a cause , " instead of !
"Princes. "
To proie unqUMUoa blr. andberood any doafet.
Ihftl 5it TTh ol * DM * MA throat e a t cufid.
I m torelskincMMMiit tKrovujb drunUa. HMU
trea Trt 4 BOIM of Dr. Sboop's O * l * Owy.
I do felt UC UM I m to C rtln. that Dl. BbfM * j
Cttonh Curwin brin ctu l iubunti Ih lD.
Not& certkjnlr. Is to conTtedni t > t VkidcaJ
tMtofanr rud of re l. * nuin nurl . Bulttft
Ktlcl * u t poiMt * tru mtrit. IM the t it will
cendsaui , irnfttr thn kOTsoica it. Dr. Sjiooyi
Chterth Cure it n mow -white. b * ! lnr antltepilc
twin , put up in bMutlful niok l c pp d fUu J ri
* t We. Such soothlnv ftttntt * * Oil Bucflrptui ,
Thymol. Menthol , eta , BM Incorporated into
TtlTttr. cream like rtrol tum. Imported by Dr ,
Sboop from Europe. K OtUrrh of tba not * and
tbroat has extended to th stomach , then brail
means also use Internally , Dr. Shoop'i Reitorau YI
Stomach dliu i > . a lack o ( reiienl atrenrtto ,
bloatlni. belchtnr. blllouinei * . bad ta te. etc
lurely call for Dr. Bhoop's Jlfitoratlre.
For uncomplicated catarrh only of the noje and
throat nothlur else , bowerer. need be u * d bul
Dr. Shoop's
Catarrh Cure
Just Out !
Peppers" two-step is s
to make a hit with you. Asl
the Falls Citv Music Co.
roast meats means something
more than beiny well roasted.
The roast to begin with must be
what we call
When you jret that kind and
the cook knows what to do with
it you're sure of a roast to please
the epicure.
You supply the cook and we
will supply the "prime roasts.J *
We've made it a study and don't
make mistake * . We pay tlu ;
highest prices for hides ami
furs. Phone 7-1.
Heiser & Mosiman.
Chas. M. Wilson
X e w Dinnerware in
white and decorated for
this season ! Now sold
by the seer piece.
The Largest Stock of.
Fancy China and Dinnerware -
ware in the County. We
? i
can make you prices. A
full stock of good grocer
ies , of nuts , etc. Try '
our Coffee's.
Chas. M. Wilson
Office at Metts' Barn. Office
Plione 130. Residence Phone :
Office over Kerr's Pharmacy
Office Phone 200 Residence Pbon 271
TUe host imported lior-e- . $1,000 each.
Home-bred registered ilraft stallions , 250 to
$750 at my stabledoor - . . A. Latlmcr Wltsoa.
Crcstnn. la.
Hides , Furs and Tallow.
I will pay the highest market
price for hides , furs and tallow.
See me at Wachtel's harness shop
will he paid to any person who
can find one atom of opium ,
chloral , morphine , cocaine ,
ether or chloroform or their
derivatives in any of
Dr. Miles' Remedies.
{ This reward is offered be
cause certain unscrupulous
persons make false statements
about these remedies. It is
understood that this reward
applies only to goods purch
ased in the open market , which
have not been tampered with.
Dr. Miles' remedies cure by
their strengthening and invig
orating effect upon the nervous
system , and not by weakening
the nerves.
"I consider that there are no better
remedies put up than Dr. Miles"
Nervine. Anti-Pain Pills , and Nervn
and Liver Pills. We have used them
for years , and recommend them to
many others. My wife Is using Uws
Nervine , and considers it the best
medicine in the world. A. lady friend
of mine , who was almost a total nerv
ous wreck , through my earnest solici
tation has used several bottles of the
Nervine with wonderful results. "
WM. CROME , Salt Lake City , Utah.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are sold by
your druggist , who will guarantee that
the first package will benefit. If It
falls , he will return your money ,
25 doses , 25 cents. Never sold In bulk.
Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind