The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 11, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Eat Sowles' candy.
Grace Scars has been very ill
for the past few days.
J. J. Noah left Saturday for
h.s home at St Joseph.
P. L. Blakeney was here from
Nims City last Friday.
James Moouey came up from
Rule the last of the week.
Sweet cider by the barrel , keg
or gallon at Heck's feed store.
L/ula Ilaller. of Grand Island.
is the guest of her cousin , Freda
Examinations are now the in
teresting subjects in subjects the
school rooms.
Florence Wylie returned Sun
day to her studies at the state
Normal at Peru.
John W. Crook was on the St.
Joseph market with a load of fine
cattle last Tuesday.
Sol Marts and wife are visiting
at the home of G. N. Camblin
and wife , near SeveranceKansas.
' a" Allan D. May , wife and son
Edgar Wylie. of Salem , spent
Sunday with relatives in this
Mrs. Joe Coupe of Eflingham ,
Kansas spent a portion of the
past \\eek with friends at this
Peter Bacakos , proprietor of
the Candy kitchen , returned Fri
day from a business trip to St-
Belle Jones who has been visit
ing1 with her sister , Mae , in this
city , returned Sunday to Seneca.
Sheriff Fenton left us a New
Year's greeting the first of the
week , the same being a dollar on
Henry Flett of Salem , Mo. ,
who has been visiting with Bert
Ehman and family left Sunday
for his home.
Mr. Harris and wife were here
from Shubert last Thursday eve
ning , the play at the Gehling be-
in the attraction.
Master Albert Tanner who has
been visiting with his grand
mother in this city returned Sun
day to his home at HumboHlt.
Lawrence Livingood. of Sabe-
tha Kansas was among' the new
pupils enrolled at the Business
College last Monday morning.
Does Falls City need a sewer
age system ? Foolish question ,
isn't it , when we stop to consider
the net work of cess pools all over
the city.
Misses Maud Graham and Floy
Grinstead spent a few days the
latter part of the past week the
guest of Mrs. Esburne Wheeler
at Stella.
Mildred Holland who has been
spending her two weeks vacation
from her studies at the Univer
sity , at her home here , returned
Sunday afternoon to Lincoln.
"Vt Kev. W. T. Cline left Monday
, -lil
afternoon for South Auburn
where he will assist Rev. C. L.
Meyers in the conducting of a
series of revival meetings at that
Dr. Wilson , of Humboldt , has
sold his practise to Dr. Waggoner
of Dawson , and the former will
locate in our midst as.soon as he
can find a suitable office and
Louie H. Wallace , of the inanu-
facturingdepartment of the Bald-
ruff Candy Factory at Omaha ,
who has been visiting yarious
friends in this city , returned Sat
urday afternoon to Omaha.
Where is the place that was
prepared for the "knocker1
They must have scattered won
derfully , every town has their
now. Let us look on the brighl
side anyway , ' 'knock is a boost. "
It was amusing to see Col ,
Marion trying to sell a sleigh ant
string of bells last Saturday to i
crowd standing around in theii
shirt sleeves. Some one boughi
them thinking they might com <
handy next June.
Chas. Xoellers of Preston was
a Falls City visitor the past Fri
Mrs. C. B. Elliott left Wcdncs-
day for Dawson where she has a
Do not miss "A Struggle for
Gold" Gehling Theatre , Janu
ary 11th.
Joseph Glasser of Humboldt
was a business visitor in this city
W. II. Putnam made a busi
ness trip to Geneva Tuesday
Clyde Lum was among the
Verdon people in this city last
Levi R. Cheney was down from
itella and spent Sunday with
falls City friends.
Louise Rule spent Saturday
ml Sunday the guest of friends
t Reserve , Kansas.
C. S. Lawrence , of Hamlin. Kan-
as was a business visitor in this
ity the past Staurday.
Guy Crook and Quimby Hossack
'eturned the first of the week to
heir studies at the State Univer-
Edna DeWald returned Sunday
rom a weeks visit with her sister ,
Mrs- Samuel Stewart , at Reserve ,
Mabel Greenwald returned the
ast of the week to her duties as
eacher in the public school at
a Mars , Iowa.
Prices for "A Struggle for
old.1' 25c for children , 35c for
general admission and 50c for the
best reserved seats.
Haxel Gravatt who has been
he guest of her sister , Mrs. Ray
Miller , for a few days , returned
Sunday to her home at Humboldt.
Hattie L. Bruce , of Kaw City ,
Oklahoma remembered the Tri
bune with a new years greeting
of a dollar on subscription and
las our thanks for the same.
Those who enjoy a good com
edy-drama of western life will be
jleased with "A Struggle for
Gold" which will be the next at-
raction at the Gehling Theatre.
Mrs. , C. B. Elliott wishes to
hank the members of the Fire
company and those who so kind-
y assisted her since the loss of
icr possessions in the recent lire
at her home.
Mrs. George Stumbo and
daughter. Jennie Pearl , returned
Sunday afternoon to their home
at Lincoln after visiting with her
parents , Samuel Prater and wife
for a few weeks.
Will Hossack returned the lat
ter part of the past week from
a ton , S. D. , where he has been
foreman in Lincoln County , Dako
ta for the John Towle Bridge Co.
of Omaha. He will enjoy a two
months vacation which he will
spend with his parents in this
There were seven new pupils
enrolled at the business college
Monday morning when they
again took up their work after
a two weeks vacation. These in
addition to the large number o
students enrolled the first of the
term , make an unusually large
Sheriff Fenton was in Omaha
the latter part of last week in
attendance to his brother Emmet
who is dangerously ill with ab
cess of the liver. An operation
was performed by Drs. Allison
and Wagner which bids fair to
restore Mr. Fenton to healthA
this writing his condition is fa
vorable and great hopes are en
tertained for his recovery.
The dangers and privations
humanity will endure for golc
will be clearly demonstrated a
the Gehling Theatre Friday
night January 11 , by the Belche
Company in the western comedy
drama "A Struggle for Gold. '
In addition to a first-class enter
prising company you will see a
number of high grade specialtie
as well as 1000 feet of beautifu
special scenery. The prices 25
35 and 50 cents.
Henr > Smith and wife were
lere from Salem Saturday.
John Oswald made a business
trip to Dawsou on Saturday after-
10011. ,
S. P. Gist and wife of Salem
pent Sunday with W. A. Grcen-
vald and familv.
H. G. Forest of Richardson Co. ,
Neb. , was at the yards yesterday
with a carload of hogs.
Margaret Mooney of Rule was
he guest of Susie Gehling the
alter part of last week.
Frank Simons and wife of
lo were the guests of A. Doer-
ler and wife Friday last.
Jud Carpenter of Rule saw
Vdorable Frit/u'e at the Gehling
on Thursday evening of last
Edna Spencer left Monday
iiorning for Omaha where she
vill spend the next two months
n an art school.
Walter Veach and wife were
lown from Verdon to attend the
ittraction at the Gehling last
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Will Hurst and baby , of
Jadonia. Kansas spent a portion
of this week with her parents ,
3enj. Poteet and wife of this
Will Cade and wife returned
Monday afternoon to their home
at Osborne Kansas after spending
i few weeks at the home ot his
Kircnts , Win. Cade and wife.
George Sears and wife who
lave been visiting with relatives
lere for the past two weeks re
turned Sunday evening to their
ionic at Bertraml , Nebraska.
Under the pure food law the
ngrcdients of all products must
be "blown in the battle" This
irobably marks the end of our
old friend "circus lemonade. "
The ice men are beginning to
wonder what all this kind of
weather means. There may be
an opportunity offered yet to
iiarvest two crops before plant
ng corn.
The "wicked stood on slippery
) laces' ' Sunday and Monday.
The saints did not venture out to
my marked degree , which ac
counts for the light attendance
at the yarious churches in this
city. _
Mrs. S. R. Gist and son , Pres
ton , of Humboldt visited a few
days the latter part of last week
with W. A. Greenward and wife
S. R. Gist came down Saturday
to attend the annual meeting of
the State Bank Officials , and re
mained over Sunday.
A dozen or more of the bloods
about town are planning for a
novel outing about the first of
June. They expect to spend a
week or two with Jess Whetstine
on his new farm in Kansas and
give him a few lessons in up-to-
date farming. They will go pre
pared for a Kansas droughth.
The sleet of Sunday produced
some high and lofty tumbling on
Stone street walks. One Mis
did her stunt in the most im
proved style. "Mama said I
shoujd wear my rubbers" shesaic
gathering her flying skirt about
her. ' "There seems plenty o :
them here , " replied her escor
looking at the crowd.
Dr. Wilson was down from Hum
boldt Monday making prepar
ations to locate in our midst. He
has rented offices in the State
Bank Block which are now in the
hands of painters and decorators
and will be put in first class con
dition for his profession. The
Doctor has built up a lucrative
practice in our neighboring citi
and his numerous friends are sorry
ry to see this change , but he i'
at that age and experience wher
he feels that a larger field wa
due him , thus the change. Tin
people will find Dr. Wilson ant
his estimable wife most pleasan
and substantial citizens and Th
Tribune extends to them a hearty
II. II. Birch was up from Willis ,
vansas the past Sunday.
F. J. Chesley is now a member
f the family of Tribune readers.
Born -on the fifth day of Janu
ary , to Fred Ilahr and wife , a
Joe Morris of Stella is visiting
it the home of his parents in
his city.
Mrs. Jule'Schmitt and children
ire visiting with her parents at
avannah. Missouri.
Mrs. A. E. Watson is the guest
) f St. Joseph friends , leaving
Tuesday for that city.
J. J. Morris remembered The
LVsbune with a pleasant call the
atter part of last week.
Lawrence Shierbon of Hum
boldt attended the W. O. W. in
stallation Monday evening.
James Hill had four carloads
of extra fine cattle on the Kan
sas City market the fore part of
his week-
100 bushels of good set'd pota-
oes for sale. Guaranteed to be
irst class. Call at Powell's Gro
cery Store.
Levi Nedrow , who was taken
seriously ill at his home in this
city last Sunday , is reported to
Warren Ilutchins while calling
on friends the first of the year re-
nembered this office in a finan
cial manner.
The KerkofT-Hillman dramatic
company stopped at The National
ast Sunday while enroute lor
[ liawatha , Kansas.
Andy and Miss Ora Crook , of
Salem were the guests of Charles
floward and John Crook and fain-
lies , southeast of town , the past
Mrs. Jennie Wcntworth return
ed Monday to her home at Nor-
: onville. Kansas after a two
weeks visit with friends in this
_ _ _
Some of our subscribers remem
ber us faithfully the first of each
year , and among these was Rev.
Bex who gave us his annual call
last Friday.
Albert Hartman on route three
was a pleasant caller at these
juarters last Saturday and has
our thanks for favors along the
financial line.
John L. Cleaver is now in Lin
coln , having received an appoint
ment as book-keeper in the
senate , a position he has held
before with credit to himself and
Earl Goddard who has been
spending a few weeks with his
parents at Troy , Kansas returned
the first of this week in order to
resume his studies at the Busi
ness College.
Stephen Miles left Wednesday
afternoon for Johnstown , Pa. , in
response to a telegram announc
ing the serious illness of his wife ,
who has been visiting at that
place. The telegram stated that
she was threatened with pneu
Whitakcr Bros , report the fol
lowing important real estate
transfers through their agency ,
viv : The fine * farm of Samue
Hoffnel consisting of 280 acres to
N. D. Aurier , consideration was
S30,000 ; the modern home ownet
by Fred Beaulieu to William
Stephens , consideration , $2,800
Mr. Stephens will occupy this
his new home March 1st , retiring
from the farm. The large two
story dwelling of the late EK
Kentner to Dr. and Willian
Moran , consideration S2,025.00
which they will occupy as sooi
as some repairs are made. Also
two fine , well improved farms in
Dickinson county , Kansas , to
Samuel Hoffnel , one of 320 acres
and one of 240 acres. Willian
Hoffnel and his brother-in-law
Andrew Walker , will occupj
these farms March 1 , l'J07. Also
the home of Benjiman Linn to
Christian Heiser and wife , con
sideration $550. Mr. and Mrs
Heiser will move in this propertj
on or about March 1 , 1)07. )
Our Fourth Year.
With this issue we commence
n volutuu four , of The Falls
City Tribune. We feel that our
ITorts to make The Tribune a
tjood county paper , and a pleas-
nt feature , have not been in vain.
Ve have grown with each sue-
ceding year and intend to still
ace toward the summit of the
athway. We appreciate your
mtronagc in the past and hope
> y our methods to warrant a
lore extensive renewal of the
amc. While perhaps we have
ot been perfect in every detail
t was not through our lack of
ITort and we thank our friends
or their much appreciated kind-
lesscs to us. The Tribune mau-
igement and force will always
ready for your consideration.
John Dorrington returned Wed-
icsday from Chicago.
Fred Oswald is home from Moir
ana for a brief visit.
II. II. Pence has our thanks
or subscription this week.
W. II. Wylie of Nebraska City
vas a business visitor here Mon-
lay. *
Herman Weickjr. , of Verdon is
one of our new subscribers this
Mrs. David Davies and children
3pent Sunday with friends at
Lewis C Edwards made a busi-
icss trip to Tlumboldt Wednesday
II. S. Moorehousc while up
'rom Rule Wednesdaj1 gave us a
ileasant call.
G. W. Bartlett started the new
year right by ordering this paper
'or one year.
Grace Gray returned Wednes-
lay from a few days visit with
Omaha friends.
A daughter arrived at the home
of Wm , Fehr and wife on Satur-
lay , January 5th.
1 $ . D. Reiger while up from
Preston Saturday was a pleasant
caller at this office.
L. Ililgenfeld remembered this
nstitution with favors on sub
scription last Tuesday.
August vMitchell of Wymore
commences a 3ears reading of the
Tribune with this issue.
Francis Slieehan returned Mon-
lar to Omaha after a two weeks
visit with relatives here.
Ruth Heacock returned Satur-
lay from a visit with her sister ,
Mrs. Ray Gould at Omaha.
Don't forget to call at the
Powell's Grocery Store for nice
clean groceries of all kinds.
Among those from Stella in
this city last Saturday were A. G.
rimerman and W. S. Helmick.
Philip Schlater , formerly ol
the Lawrenceburg ( Tennessee ]
Union , is now of The Tribune
Gee Jennings , wife and daugh
ter. Nellie , returned the first o
this week from a visit with Salem
Mrs. M. Senner and daughter ,
Freda , returned Friday evening
from a visit with friends and rel
atives at' Grand Island.
Lettie Gain returned the first
of the week to Billings , Montana
atter spending the past two weekf
at her home in this city.
Will Fenton returned Wednes
day evening from Omaha and re
ports the condition of his brother
Emmett , as much improved.
Mrs. Anna Harpster returnee
Saturday to her home at Beatrice
after an extended visit witl
friends at Preston and in this
Guy ICversole is seriously ill
being threatened with pneumonic
on account of which he was un
able to return to his studies a
To close out all china am
queensware we will sell at obso
lute wholesale prices. Call a
the Powell Grocery Store whil
the sale is on.
Combination Sale of
Thoroughbred Shorthorn cattle and
Jcrkshtrc brood sows , horses , muten
ud sheep.
Oil January 22nd , l')07 , at my farm
ix miles' .orthcaat of Tnble Rock ,
hie miles southeast of Elk Creek ,
iglit miles northwest of Ilumboldt
nd thirteen miles west of Stella ; sale-
ommenclng at 12 o'clock sharp , we ,
iie undersigned , will sell the follow
iff property :
Sixteen head of Shorthorn cattle
onslstlng of 5 cows , 0 heifers and
nils 4 c f them coming yearlings.
Six high grade Shorthorn cows and
One marc coming 11 years old , safe
i foal.
Six head of mulc.s as follows : 4
omtng 3 years old , 2 coming 2 yearn
Two cells , coming yearlings.
Ten head of Hcrkeshirc brood sows ,
11 bred.
Fifteen head of good sheep.
One set double work harness , 1 corn
lanter and check row combined , 1
ombincd walking lister , 2 walking
itltlvators ,
Terms of sale-Cash : or 8 month.- *
line , purchaser giving bankable nets
vltb interest at 7 per ccn . Partiea
rom a distance to bring reference.
Parties desiring catalogue or other
nformation write W. A. Graiik , Table
Jock. I'Ycc lunch at noon. Cols ,
iconard and Harding , auctioneers ;
has. J. Wood , cleric ,
\V. A. KKANKaml A. C. KING.
Ran A NaiTinlus Foot.
James A. Hill ran a nail in
lis right foot about ten days
igo and although the injury
vas a triile painful at the time ,
t did not bother him in the Iciist.
lowever the first of this week ,
lie wound commenced to be
quite painful and Mr. Hill * was
compelled to use a cane for sev
eral days in order to enable him
o get around comfortably.
Mrs. Dan Reavis Dead.
Worel was received from
Guthrie , Okln. , Thursday air
louncing the death of Mrs. Dan
ieavis formerly of Falls City.
Mrs. Reavis was one of the
early settlers of this city , hav-
ng uiaele Falls City her home
'rom about 1857 until some
twenty years ago. The body
will be interred at Falls City ,
the time of its arrival not being"
Jefinitely known at this time.
Found Dead in Bed.
Word was received yesterday
uorning of the death of Mrs.
Ayers of Dawson. She had re
tired the previous evening in ap-
jarent good health but when
they went to call her Thursday
norning her lifeless form was
'otind. No other particulars
lave been received at this date.
She was well known in this
city and her numerous friends
will sincerely regret her demise.
50 choice light Brahma Cocke-
rells. At $1 each if taken in
January. Best birds go with
first sales. J. O. SHKOYKK ,
2t-5f. Ilumboldt , Neb.
As the weather last Sunday
was entirely too inclement for
the men to risk being out in , and
as the church was well filled with
the lady members , Rev. Griffin
reserved the sermon which he had
prepared for men , and will de
liver the same this coining Sab
bath morning. Subject is "Buy
ing Land. Buying Cattle and
Marrying Women. " A cordial
invitation is extended to all , and
special one is given to the men.
We hope the weather is pleasant.
After having occupied the offices
over the postofflce for over eleven
years , I wish to notify my friends
and patients that on and after
January 4 , I9 7 , mv office and
residence will be found one Mock
west of the National Hotel , t the
old Kentner property. Phone 102.
A Rare Bargain.
One hundred and sixty acres
4 A miles to Pawnee , 70 acres
pasture , timber and water , im
provements fair , a good farm ,
price $12,000 ; $1,000 cash , and
§ 11,000 on 10 years time , 5 per
cent interest.
50.41 Pawnee City , Neb.
Basket Social.
The members of the Falls
school , district No. 74 , will give
a basket social on Friday evening ,
January 15 , at the school house ,
of which school Lottie Putnam
is the teacher. A pleasant time
is anticipated and everybody is
cordially invited to attend.