n THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , DECEMBER 28 , 1906 THE KICKER. For the boncllt of tlio kicker , 1 wish to cxi > lnn ! n few thiiiKS to the Kcnornl publtr for tlicir cnrofnl consideration. Sotno Imvo boon ( MirsliiK tliu oily n < l ministrntlon , wliilo others pourr-l forth tlit'lr words of bltloriipss upon the help at the plant for there beiutf no lights for u Cow nights. Homo thought. Unit if wo weic noiiitf to dose down Saturday nljht | , we nhonlil linvo Klvon tliom notU'o so they might Imvo prepared lamps forllie iironsion. Now yon know jnst di inni'h about wliou niiu'lilnory is Koinnto lm ak or cause trouble as wo < lo , so why didn't you lot UR know NO wo might have been like wisopropnrcd. Miifhlnory breaks many times without giving nny one n inonionls wnrnlng find in mnny onaes without iipimroutly any i-ause whatever over , so what arc you going to do when your engine breaks and you have only tlio one : repair it. of course as speedily ns possible jnst the same as wo Imvo done. Mr. Lapp linn been trying to got this much needed re | airing done for over two years , but could not , so when he called our attention to the condition of tlio machinery and the danger of letting it run without , being repaired , wo at once not about to have this work done and lot the contract long ngo , and did all within our power to Imvo it completed long be fore the holidayn , but as you see wo failed , for the same reason that u far mer comes to town in search of a good hand and returns homo without him. So long as tlioro are three good jobs for every good man wo will jnst simply have to wait our turn , that's all. This engine has been running for eight years and only &I.U. ! paid out for re pairs. She has boon faithful , so don't abuse her , and she Is now good for eight years more. Air. Lapp has told us , since taking the machinery to pieces , and seeing how badly it was worn , that had wo tried to make the heavy run during the holidays with the machinery in its present condition , wo would have had n breakdown that might have cosl the city several hnndord dollars and cnusod a shutdown for several nights , so you see that this is jnst simply one of those bad things that could not begotten gotten away from. A farmer comes to town , buys n now binder , takes it homo , and 1 have known some part of It to break before ho hns gene the first round ; what is ho to do , como to town for repairs , and then perhaps , have to telegraph to some distant oily for them ; now theie IH only one solution of this problem , after a town gets tlio sl'/o of this , where lights nnd water are almost indosi.onsiblo , and that is to have two engines , two dynamos and two pumps and then if one breaks , which Is likely to occur at any minute , wo start the other and the patrons of the plant know nothing of the trouble. Wo now have one pump at the plant that has boon running for eighteen years aiid some of the parts are badly worn and likely to break without a moments warning and then supposing a lire starts , which is likely to occur at any time , for wo know this has boon the fate of a great many cities , what could wo do lighting lire without wa ter ? Nothing , only stand idly by and see her burn. 1 toll you Mr. Property Owner , this Is u serious state of affairs , and should receive your most careful consideration. It is an easy matter af ter several thousand dollars have gene up in smoke , to swell up and look wise and tell how it might Imvo been avert ed , but It is of much more importance that wo formulate some plan that such disasters may not como to pass. 1 beliovo"it is an ill wind that blows nobody good" mid that in almost every case , and no difference how bad it may seem at that time , tlioro Is some 'good grows out of it , so 1 believe that out of this shutdown for a few nights , some good will materialize. I shall recommend to our city coun cil nt our next meeting , that they pro ceed as soou as it is practical , to for mulate some plan whereby wo may bo able lo puruhuho a now engine , dynamo and pump. 1 slmll also recommend that another lire station with the necessary equipments bo located near the National hotel. Just a word about criticising the city administration. So far as I am in dividually concerned , 1 do not care how much abuse is heaped upon my self , but when it comes to finding fault with the city council or help at the plant , 1 think it very unkind to say the least. Wo never had a city council that had so many unpleasant and complicated problems to solve as this one ; staying away fioin their own private business day after day , with no other object in view , but to dispose of certain condi tions , that would bo ] for the better ment of our little city , and in behalf of the experts from Kan- aas City , Messrs. Lapp , Morri son , Draiinm and MoFurlnmi , I want the public to know that thpy vrorkedfday and night , not stopping a part of the time for their meals , in or der that the machinery might be put together in time for Saturday night's run , and then when the new piston be came heated , it was absolutely neces snry to shut down or tear the engine to pieces. Now these are the facts in the case , and if anyone is in doubt as to what I say , ask Mr. Warren Hutching n gentleman who is familiar with th It often requires n muslor-piecc ol diplomacy , when there are so many friends to remember at Christmas time. We believe that the more useful and staple articles make the most acceptable gifts and have selected our line with that end in view. A careful inspection of our stock will convince you of its merits. In Dress ( ioods we have exceptional values in all the popular weaves in Danish Cloth , Suitings , Mohairs , Serges and Panamas. Prices varying from 250 to $2 per yard. Also some nobby waist patterns in Plaid , Silks and Worsteds. WE HAVK Till ; Hl-ST WKARING AND CLOSEST BARGAINS IN BLACK AXD FANCY SILKS in this dtv. Rich Taffeta , Soft China , both at low figures. v vl XZKT.HU9UUMUK BLANKETS \Vc It now of no place when * blanltolB nro priced IIH low as liiTt1. Good durable ones of the former in white and colors from 50C tO $7.00 Now JH the time to buy. LACE CURTAINS Wo have in a new line of the bent grade ofion City lace curtains. Present your wife with a pair for Christmas. FOR HER A great variety of useful giftn for women at this etore. Furs , Gloves , EIumlkerchiefB , Purses , Fancy Combs , Neck wear , WiuBlH , Umbrellas. I7or the Children's Pleasures have a supply ol beautiful Dolls , Dishes , Horns , | Wheelbarrows and many other toys. When you are buying Groceries , do not forget to order them of us. GEO. S. CLEVELAND. Phone 6. conditions us they exist and n innn whoso word IH admitted by everyone to bo us true us the gospol. Now , I hope ovoiyono will utTopt tins stutumout in tlio spirit in which it was given , ulwuys remembering there uro two sides to every question , nnd never puss sentence until yon have heard them both , und wo will ghully submit to your decision. G. M. UAHIIKTT , Mayor. Lines Connected. L < ast Saturday afternoon tlio work men employed by the Au burn and Falls City Telephone exchanges completed the work from their respective localities on the loutf distance telephone line that extends from Kansas ity to South Omaha. The1 connected the two lines at a point a little north of Stella ind when this was done the gap was filled that was lacking iu the formation of a complete metallic circuit all the war. Only a twenty mile nap be tween two points in the state of Kansas , outside of Kansas City , remain where the wires are of iron , otherwise they are all of copper construction and this trap will soon be filled , fjivinn the in dependent telephone companies which were instrumental in the completion of the project as line a service , in their Ion- ; distance toll business as is afforded by the itf competitor , the Uell system. With completion of this pro ject Auburn is placed iu close touch with all the leading com mercial and industrial centers of the trans-Mississippi region , and has the facilities that two line lines ofOIK \ \ distance telephones afford. Ncmaha County Repub lican. II "utKon at the Sneeze State" I're- verities a toothsome candy Tablet-- will surely und quickly check an approaching preaching cold or Lagrlppe. When you first caught cold or feel It coming on tuko Dr. Snoop's 1'reventlcs , and the prompt effect will certainly sur prise und pleuso you. Preventics , surely supply the proverbial "ounce ol prevention. " Sold in 5 cent ami 2.r cent boxes by till dealers. SHOIfS Wo eiirry tin1 fiunoub Peters' Shot's nnd I hey liuvi * K'V011 fia- ination ? lo all , bein onsy on Ila > feet and dressy in appear ance. Ladies shoes. . . $1.50 tO $3.50 M > M'Hshoes.$1.50 tO $ < t.OO Children's shoes. .50C tO $1.25 Hosiery and Underwear Splendid bargains in ribbe ; ! , plnin , fleeced and wool host1. "Warm heavy fleeced , soft comfortable underwear at sur prisingly low prices. DOMESTICS Muslins and Sheetings at the lowest prices quoted. He Denounced An Employee. ' After a conference with Miss i ( larbcr yesterday , Governor Mickey issued a statement de- the stories of child slavery in certain institutions in Nebraska. These stories ema nated from Miss Garber who is an employe of II. M. ISaton , state laud commissioner , After receiving letters of in- < iuiry from New York and Ger many , the governor called Miss Garber to his office and interro gated her about the sources of her information. She bluntly refused to answer his questions , telling him that it would do him no { jood to know as lie soon < joes out of office and would be able to do nothing. She informed the government that he has been in the state government as long as she has and has had as good a chance to find out about these matters in Nebraska. Miss Gar ber declared that the printed statements attributed to her were true and would be shown up in convincing form in due time. The goncrnor issued the following owing statement : "My attention has been called to an article which is credited to the Cologne News , a German newspaper , purporting to a cable j dispatch from Lincoln , Ncbr. , ' to the elTcct that Cora Garber , an' ( employee of the state , working in j | ; the office of the commissioner of , public lands and ; buildings , has' publicly stated that a private so ciety located in Nebraska is im porting children of working agej from Germany ami selling them to Nebraska farmers at the rate of $25 each. "Such a statement is too ridi culous to merit serious considera tion. There are no facts to war rant such an assertion and it is a falsity , pure and simple. I re gard Cora Garber as unreliable and would attach no importance to any similar statement she might make. She is now one of the defendants in a libel suit in- GOLF GLOVES We have some of the ylovi'H in this city. Soil- new ones of angora woolin nidi' the siime as fur , at 50 cents per pair. Flannelettes and Out ing Flannels Those so much in demand for dressing sncqucF , house dresses and gowns. CHILDREN'S CAPS A large and varied 1 iiu1 of Caps for winter wear. Please the child with one of these for Christmas. They are durable in quality and cheap in price. stitutcd by the former officers of the Tabitha home of Lincoln , and she seems to have a deep seated spite against the institu tion. The Tabitha home is a charitable institution for the care of friendless children and is now under the management of the Lutheran church. In the minds of those who do not know her Miss Garber's statement is calcu lated to do injury to the fair repu tation of the state and it is for that reason that I make this ex planation.1Lincoln Star. Cholera is Raging. Hog cholera is plaing havoc with the herds in the south part of the county. Already its ravages have decimated some of the largest herds and the monetary loss that has been suf fered by the farmers in the sec tion affected will run into the thousands of dollars. The plague first appeared in the extreme southeastern part of the county early in the fall and spread from herd to herd. Then it next appeared in the southern part and has continued uncheck ed. Some farmers have already lost all their swine and others are threatened with complete loss. Nemaha County Republi can. A Bargain. Remington typewriter No. 2 , a $100 machine , in good working order , for only $20. Call on or address P. K. Farrington. 53-3t. Burlington Holiday Rates. Christmas and New Year holi day rates via the Burlington route. To all points within 500 miles. Dates of sale Dec. 20th to 25th. , inclusive also Dec. 30th. 31st , and Jan. 1st , 17 , tickets good to re turn Jan. 7th. This allows a visit of IS days with your home folk during the holidays. Abk us for additional information re garding these rates. E. G. WHITKORD. Agent. 52-4t. HEADQUARTERS FOR m a m V I C IVT I : VT Special Sale of Dinnerware next week. WiLS Prcsbyterian Church. Services 11 a. in. , and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school ' ) :45 : a. m. Junioii C. 13. 2:30 : p. in. Senior C. E. 6:30 : p. in. All are invited. S. W. GKIKHIX , Pastor. M. E. Church. The following services next Sabbath : ( ) :45 : Sun daschool - 10:45 : preaching. 3:00 : p. in. Junior league. ( > :30 : p. in. Epworth league. 7:30 : p. in. , sermon. Prayer meeting 7:30 : p. in. on Wednesday evening. ' All cordially invited. W. T. CLINK. Pastor. First Christian Church. Services of the First Christian church , Lordsday. ' ) :45 : a. in. , Bible School. 11:00 : a. in. communion. 11:30 : a. m. , morning sermon. 3:00 : p. m. Junior Endeavor. < > :30 : p. m. Senior Y. P. S-C. E. 7:30 : p. m. , evening sermon. All are cordially invited and strangers and visitors in the city arc kindly welcomed to attend all of these services. T. A. LlNDKXMKYKK. Minister. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Services at 2:30 : p. inon alter nate Sundays. RKV. O. PI. EXGKI.HKKCIIT. Tlio l > ot imported horses 1,000 each. Honu-breil runisti-rcil ilrnft stallions $250 to 5750 at my stable iloors. A. I.atimer Wilson , Crostou , la. aKes Nerve Everything depends upon your nerves. It is nerve force that causes the brain to direct the motion of your body ; it is nerve force that causes your heart to pulsate , and send the blood through your veins ; it is nerve force that causes j'our stomach to digest food , 'your kidneys to filter the blood , and the liver to secrete bile. In fact , nerve force is the power that runs your body , so if you feel worn-out , irritable , nervous , cannot sleep , or cat well , have pain or misery anywhere , your nerves are weak , and your system run down. To restore this vitality take Dr. Miles' Nervine which will strengthen and build up the nerves. You cannot be healthy without strong nerves. "For rlRhtcen yoara Ur. Miles' Nervina and Anti-Pain Pills Imvc been my close companions. Enrlv In mar ried llfo. wliilo ralslnn children , my nerves became all worn-out could not sleep ; had no appetite ; Indigestion very bad. and liad such awful dizzy spells. Then I began usinR Dr. Miles' Nervine , and at once I began to Im prove , and soon found myself in perfect health. " M _ g youNQ 32 Plttsburu St. , New Castle , Pa. Or. Miles' Nervine Is cold by your druggist , svho will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls , he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind Par Good Sales , On oil Service , Prompt Returns Ship Your Stock to Qeo. R. Barse LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. . National Stock Yards , III. Kansas City , Mo. , ' WE WANT YOU When you buy always irct the best you can for your money. When you pay your money to us for handlinir your stock , you arc receiving the benefit of our thir ty years' experience in the commission business. We know by that experience. The llKSr salesmen make our trade. The lltST yardmen help to hold that IPV t'r , I , ! , ° , 'h , , lLslU < ify "ur customers. U B HA VII . HOTII. Wo want your busi ness. Ship your next car of stock to ( eo. K. Harse , Commission Co. They know how to sell live stock. n 1 1 n i > 1 1 1 ii ii 1 1 : : D. S. HcCarthy | ' i > : IDRAY AN1D I TRANSFER r jt ' ' ! : attention ir.veii J in i' removal of houe- i l.itl ) STOOClr. PHONE NO. 211 W. H. 31 addox Real Estate Agency FALLS CITY NEBRASKA See me before your purchase. I aisi selling city property , loaning mon ey at lowest rates , selling farms and making farm loans. See me if you wish to buy , sell or make a loan. 1 am here for business. Write W. H. Maddox , Falls City SIMP YOUK 1,1 VK STOCK TO CLAY ROBINSON & CO. Sloc-U Yardf , Kimsus City. .Mo. Expert t-uleswuii , Cuttle. Ilnjrs , J-lu-op. Careful nnd Intelligent yard boys. Perfect olllco methods. Correct market Inlortiuitlou l. Houses lit. Kimms City. Oinahn SIou\rily , Denver , t..li pi | | M , Paul , i , It Hindu R. R. HAYS , M. D. PHYSICIAN' & SUnGKON OHIce over McMillan's Drugstore. Ollico 'Phono 213. Kt'sldriu'o 'Pliono | ij. C. H. HARION | AUCTIONEER , | Sales conducted in . % scientific and bnsi- 1' nesslike manner 1' C. H. MARION I Falls City , Nebraska THE TRIBUNE . . . . $1.00 a Year. . . . BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds.