The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 21, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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    7 APT llWfiW ,
Xi < * > V
< S5
For thirty years this store has offered special inducements to buyers of Christmas Gifts and we are ) |
glad to say that this year surpasses all our former efforts in supplying the wants of everyone in new and $
original novelties of highest quality , widest choice and fairest prices , which gives an excellent opportunity
for satisfactory buying that no one can afford to miss.
We carry everything that would make suitable gifts such as Toilet sets in Stag , Silver , EbonyLeather , f
Celluloid , Painted China Lamps and an endless variet } ' of Toys for the little folks.
We have the. latest Cop3'rightand a good selection in Gift Books.
bLrucH "
West Sid © Court House Square
< * x ! XXX
S K. KnMey and family entertained
Noah Peck and f unity Miiinlay
Ed Xorn entertained his brother
Frank and wife Wednesday.
John Finck and family wore guest of
Wm. Huettner Sunday.
Daisy Peck entertained her sister
Sadie Sunday.
Eph Peck and wife were the guests
of Ellas Peek and wife Sunday.
Kate and Grace Shouso were guests
of Vera and Edna Shaffer Sunday.
Nettie and Alice Omara went to St
Joe Sunday.
Henry Xorn and family and this
former's mother left for California last
Andrew Kcttercr and family enter
tained Wm. tlnottner and family Wed
Mrs. Clay Peck entertained her
father Sunday.
Clcon Peck was a guest of Henry
Gerdos Thursday.
Lloyd Knisely went to Merrill , Kan. ,
Saturday to attend the love feast there.
Bert DoJds , Willie Peck , Guy ami
Albert Burk were guests of John
Hutchison Sunday.
John Wiltso and family of Falls City
were the guests of Mrs. Wiltsc's moth
er Wednesday.
Anson Knisely and wife went to
Merrill Kansas Sunday.
Mrs. Chester Stump visited with her
brother F. S. Liehty Thursday.
Will Bartlctt and wife were the
guests of the latter'- * brother Oscar
Burk Supday.
Mrs Omara enjoyed a visit with her
daughter Mro. Darveitn of Rule Tues
Clay Peck is on the sick list this
Donald Shaffer spent Friday in Falls
City with his grandpa Shaffer.
Noah Peek was a irnest of Mat
Schulenberg Thursday.
Cha ? . Glass and wife wercigucats of
Wm Huettner's Sunday.
Graeo Nedrow i-ntertii'tied ' : t few of
the young folks Sunday evening.
Frank Eversolo and wife of Falls
City spent Sunday with Gco. Pricbard
itnd family
Mamie , Nellie and Sam Fisher spent
Sunday with Rebecca Cnlley.
Will Cook of Venlon come down
Saturday evening and s-pent Sunday at
Mrs. H. .1. Priehard is on the sick
list thif week.
Geo. Priehard arid wife spent Wed
nesday at Will IIotTneirs.
Henry Frit/ and wife are the proud
parents of a baby boy born last week ,
Dec. , 'I , l)0li. ! )
Frank Reavis Jr. , of Falls City was
a guest at the home of Frank Uhlig
and family Sunday.
Rev. Curtis of Beatrice an Advent
minister came down Friday and held
services at Chester Stump's on Satur
day and at Clem Stump's on Sunday
Mrs J. H. Overman and Mis. C. { I.
Thomas spent the first of the week
with friends in Humboldt.
Emile Nombalais expects to leave
soon for Molinol , 111. , where ho has a
brother living.
Ona Moore left Sunday for a couple
of weeks visit with friends in Okla
George Slocum was in Kansas City
the first ot the week with -a shipment
of cattle.
Anna Morris of Falls City spent a
few days last week at the homo of her
brother Lloyd.
Arthur Longwcll of Table Rock
spent the first of the week with the
Hogrefe families at this place.
Perry Shetlerd is spending the
week with his sister at Armour.
Dan Lambert , Lawrence Curtis and
Alfred Mason left last week for Lin
coln where they will take a commer
cial course at a business college.
Misses Lulu and Nolle Gandy of
Humboldt spent Sunday at the home
of Barney Mullen.
- is- ,
Mr.- . Ann Shi'lli'nlwrj'i'r was culled
to MHII.mouth. Illihol9 , lust Saturday
by the death of her mother.
Will Ulmer hu < rented for next year
the Nuttnr farm where George Auker
IH now living. Mr. Auker expects to
Innate in ttie Indian reservation north
of Omaha.
John Dnmau and wife , former resi-
dentx of this locality but now of Custer
county , are visiting their daughter ,
Mrs. Mae Weddle.
Florone Kenton is spending the week
with relatives at Nebraska City.
Daisy Lowe -vns too guest of Mrs
Houston in FallCitj the lirst of the
Fred Wixon and wife entertained a
few friends at whist \ \ \ - \ Thursday eve
ning. The first prizes were won by
Mr * . ,1. W. Cheney and .1 R. Cain , jr
Most of the truests wore former mem
ber ? of the Amusement Club.
Maggie Piereo has been on the sick
list this week.
Essie Marsh came down from Falls
City Monday evening.
Those who were fortuna'o enough to
attend the McthotMst Sunday school ,
were entertained after the lessons
were disposed of , until 12 o'clock , bv
Mr. Plumb , with his phonograph , The
music was lirst class and was enjoyed
by all. It is to l > i > hoped he will re
peat the entertainment in the near
Will Graves of Verdou visited friend- ,
in Ruli ) the first of the week.
Pete Frederic foreman of the bridge
gang who have beiln working hero
spent Sunday at his homo in Proston.
Clay Browning of Fortescuc waa
Rule visitor last Saturday.
C. E. Celev visited at Highland last
Saturday night.
Mr. Grey who has been visiting in
J. R Ilinkle's store for some time has
returned to Kansas City.
Will Youny. who ha been firing on
the Atehlson ft eight for some time ,
will moi'u to - Ate.liUonwti , having
been transferred to another position.
Albert Burk was a Fulls City visitor
J. W. Munn of Rush bottom was a
Rule vlfitor Saturday.
D Simmons shipped his household
goods to Kaona. Kansas where ho will
make his future home.
II. Fl. Mann made a business trip to
Lincoln Sunday night returning Mon
day night.
P. N. Frederick sniped his outfit oar
to Brenner Tuesday morning.
Bill Hinton of Wymore , was looking
after the Burlington's interest in this
place Tuesday.
Mrs. George Ocombe was a Falls
City visitor Monday.
Superintendent C. 15. Rodger * , juts
cd through Rule Monday evening on a
tour of Inspection.
J. .1. Mcndcnhall of Beatrice was a
Rule visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Weddlo and daughter Roda , of
Kansas visited with Mrs. Swain , last
Leslie Inks and battle Hart shopped
in Falls City Saturday , then went to
Salem , where they visited friends until
Monday evening.
J. A. Hinkle has changed everything
in his store and arranged things in the
most up-to-date style , has a large force
of clerk * , and had a special commence
Saturday last which will hist twenty
Will MoWuin was a Falls City visi
tor Monday.
Clara and Selma Bean of Kansai
were Rule visitor * Wednesday.
If ' 'taKcn at tbe Snee/.e State" Pro-
ventlcs a toothsome candy Tablet-
will surely and quickly check an approaching
preaching cold or Lagrlppe. When
jou first caught cold or feel it coming
on take Dr. ShoopV Preventies , and
the prompt etlect will certainly sur
prise and please you. Preventies ,
surely supply the proverbial "ounce of
pYevcntlon. " Sold in f > cent and 2. " >
cent boxes by all dealers.
Vacation eommenecw Oeeeml.or " 0
Ucv. Miller of rticn N. V. ulked of
hi * pleasant recollections of Pern , In
chupol , Wednesday morning. l\ev
Miller i * Mrs HrownollV father and
with his wife anil daughter is hero on
a three niniiins vl-it.
Rev. Luddcn of Lincoln LMIVC a very
interesting mldres * in chapel hut Frl
dny'mortiing. Ills Mibjuet was , "Lot
it go.1'
Tin * Normal Ondots L'avoa reception
to the ( acuity and t > tudent" , in the1
'vmniunm. ! 'I'ucsduy. A very good
program rendered after wliich "light
ind dark refrcsi'inents" colt'ec and
hardtack were servei , . '
Roth the buy's and girl's basket hull
tennis arc doing good practice work
and . = nmo goad gumes are expected.
Registration is now talcing place for
the preliminary debates which are to
bo held sometime in February. Tim
winners of these deh.ites will repre
sent the Normal in the Inter-collegiate
The Normul Male ( Quartette consist
ing of Fred Hallet 1'rinclpul of Public
schools lit Howe Harry Rcimnnd , In
structor ot music in the Public schools
o ( Alliance , C A. Otradaviu Principal
at Trumbnll , who arc visiting here ,
and Arthur Wlckland , a member of
the senior class have been rendering
some very linn selections before the
various stnucnt organisations. They
are to furnish music lit the Corn con-
te-t i. ) Lincoln this week.
A school paper know , as the Norm-
alitc made its appearance last week.
It is a neat little paper published
monthly in the Interest-of the school.
* ! -
Barred Plymouth Rocks.
A few choice Barred Plymouth
Nock cockcrells for sale. Phone
121 R. 52-4t J. W. Donns.
tmpiirli-il ilrnft Htnlllons , Slw ) oacli ,
llomu-brnl rc-Klstt-ivil ilraft ht.ilUoits , * 3ii ( ) tu
S X ) . Hait r.ros- . , O'-ciola. Iowa.
iriiinu-tiirit dralt htntlluus , S250 to SM ) :
Importiil htition : < i. your cliolcc SICX 3. P. I , .
Si roam , Crestoii. la ,
A choice line of candies , , nuts
and fruits for Christinas , at L.
Burlington Bulletin.
nicuM : UK 1900.
To California : Daily red need
rate tourist tiekots yofjd all Win
ter iiiuliulin nil ( JoHHt ( UtractiotiB :
through Standard and Tourist
Holiday Special Kates : Hound
trip rates , December 20 to25 inc. ,
and December 2th ) to January
1st , inc. , treed rplnniin until
January 7th.
To Flavana , On on : Ono fare ,
round trip , December JSth to 20th
limit .January 5)th. )
'Co The South : Daily low ex
cursion rates to Florida and re
sorts in the Southeast and aloiif , '
the Gulf. Tlomeseelfers rateh
first and third Tuendays to the
I > erbonall3r Conducted Exclu
sion To Florida : Leaving Ijin-
coln and Omaha Wtulnesday , Jan
uary 9th , 1907. Tlirough sleepers
lo Jacksonville. Write for itin
nomeseekerfi Excursions West :
Reduced one-way and round
trip rates frequently each month
to Western Nebraska , Kansas ,
Eastern Colorado and Denver ; the
North Platte Valley and Big Horn
Free Folders : Write or call
for folders on irrigation , dry land
farming , Dairy District , and Free
Kinkaid Land folder. Personal-
y conducted excursions twice a
month for Kinkaid lands east of
E. G. WllITFOKI ) , Agt.
> ! -'VW - *
$ To be able to find gifts that
X will satisfy your own good will.
§ please the recipient and still
j remain within the limits of your
J3t pocket book is no easy matter.
* ; We are certain , though , that you
$ will find in our slock the items
that will bc t combine these (
three essentials. We have se- ( f
* cured thU result by selecting1 c
the desirable gift lines , by < ? '
y affording a wider variety of &
> them and by putting' the e
2 o
on everything1 tliat business J2
.safety will permit. Nowhere | j
A * *
else can you find such good gifts
-'i ' * f *
at such reasonable .
Q prices. Let < r
§ us show them to yon. J-
cj o
o > O
a Games , Toys , Dolls , ft-
ft c ;
3 Pictures , Perfumes , * ,
JS rinc Toilet Articles , |
c >
cr Latest Leather Goods , C
rlirrors , Uooli.s , Piiucv Cltlno , |
( ' Smokers' Goods , Uox Papers , f
a Novelties in rlelal , V
Q Wood cmO Leu I her , f
j Silver and Plated Wnres ,
5 c
J Jlane ; | e Novelties ,
,4 * f
X lillc ! ; > , AlhniiKS , llymiHil.s , *
5 Oesl ; Accessories , 5
5 Plavinn Cards , i
12 ' Christmas Uool'.lclr. and Cnrils , i"
13 Musical Instrument. * . < i
i ? s
j 5 Trwvelino Sets , Shaving Sets , * t
I'lne Catnlic.s. Ltc. 5
Q > to
R. P. L
over Kerr's Pharmacy
< . ) lliiMMu | iiH-jiO ( Itcsidcnee Phone 271
Ollicu at Melts' Barn. Oilice
Phone I'M. Residence Phone
JlcartStrcnctli , or Heart \\cakiif > means Ncrvo
-tixiiKtli , or Nerve Weakness notliluK more. 1'os.
Itlvclr , not ono weak heart In it hundred Is , In it
self , actually diseased. H is utmost nhvays a
hidden tiny llttlo ncrvo that really Is all at fault.
This obscure nerve tlio Cardiac , or Heart Ncrvo
simply needs , and must have , inoro i > o\vcr , inoro
stability , moro cnntrolllnir. inoro
UriMiBth. Without that the Ueait must conttnuu
la fall , anu the ttom.ich and kidneys aha havu
thnsa eamo controlling nerves.
This clearly explains u'hy , as n modlcini ; , Dr.
-hoop's Ita > torativo has In the ract done EO much
for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Slioop first cought
the rauso of nil this painful , palpitating. EuUocat *
Ing heart distress. Dr. Bhoop's Kcstorattvc tliU
popular prescription Is nlono dlrectoil to ttiesa
weak ami wasting ncrvo centers. It bulldJI
ItCstreiiKtlicnB : it offers real , genulno heart help.
H you would have etrong Hearts , Etrong dU
zcstlon , Etrcngthen tlieso Incrves re-eflablliti
them as necdwl , with
Dr , SHoop's
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
M Christmas is cominq ; and I am too , with
a car of Uil meal that I will sell at the
E following ; price :
Ton lots. . . . $31 oo Half ion lots. . . . $ iO
T 500 Ib lots 8 50 Less $ i 75 per 100
Armours Meat Meal $2 10 per hundred.
Armours Meat Meal 500 Ib lots , $10.
Lump Rock Salt 750' per hundred. S
E Lump Rock Salti3 per ton. A
Lump Rock Salt 7 half ton.
Crushed Rock Salt < | oc per hurnclred.
Michigan Salt fine , i , jo per barrel.
Michigan Salt course , i 50 per barrel.
A very lar i' assort men t of
sheet music. The latest
vocal and instrumental
pieces. The latest love sonif ,
the newest coon song- , the
most recent selection from
the popular musical come
ure also to be found here al
ways , more than 1,000 copies
sheet music at 10 cents per
copy. And if there should
happen to he something we
haven't in stocl < we will
ret it for u > u prompllv Come in and trv over some of the
new pieces. Tlim.iv contain just what \ou waul. Also a
nice line ol lui'SK r.i'K and ba s.
YB j Effl 0 f
Opposite Court House
We lead in dainties for the table. You will find our
line complete. C'hoici Uet-f , Pork , Yenl and Mutton.
All leading brands ol smoked md salt meats. Oysters ,
Celery. Cranberries Fresh Fish. Salt Fish , Shrimp ,
Clams , Lobsters. Rabbits. i'lckles and line home made
Poultrv ol all kinds.
The Fails City Roller Mills
business , and manufacture ! ; the
, -ing lir.inds of flour
The above brand * are gimranteed to be of the highest pos
sible quality. We aKo maiiiifactnre all mill products and
conduct a general ,
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
and solicit a share of your patronage
| P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. j
TKe Trib\ii\e for Local News
SaJe Bills and Stationery , the low Mark