\i ' * - i - - > % - r * " ' * . * * f e > TCW1 jw * wrpyf f * 'F 8 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , DECEMBER 14 , 1906. In great varitey at our Store. Every nook and corner is teeming with them. RY CHRISTMAS Is our sincere wish to you all. We have put our wishes into action in ways that you will appreciate at this busiest of seasons. Gift articles practical , useful as well as ornamental , flake this Store your HOLIDAY HEADQUARTERS You are just as Welcome to Look as to BUY. WE ARE PROUD OF OUR SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE LINES KARPEN Guaranteed Leather Furniture , none better on earth , nor more beautiful. STEARNS & FOSTER Elastic Felt Matresses must be seen to be appreciated. . GLOBE Wernicke Book Cases , the prize line of the world. We have them a ! ! finishes. VICTOR TALKING MACHINE Why buy a piano lor $200.00 to set in .1 parlor unplayed except bthe cultured few when lor $30.00 you can bua machine that will sing as sweetly as the sweetest singer , play band music as well as any band , and reproduce the cleverest vaudeville selections to be heard in reality only in our larger cities. THE PHONOGRAPH Is"the greatest boon to people living in a country town , and every American home should have one. We sell both Edison and Victor , and are pleased to play both at any time to visitors who are alwaxs welcome. This article needed in abundance In all. Only 40 Cents BISSELL'S Gold Medal Carpet Sweeper = = = well known by everybody. ELWELL Kitchen Cabinets , more elaborate than some parlor goods. LEATHER COUCH We have Leather Couches as well as Chairs in great abundance. Do not fail to see them. This line Parlor eight loot extention Table. A perfect beauty and well finished. An Ideal Xmaa Present aust the thing for rather , mother , orothur , sister , relative or friend- lomething that fits any library 01 nnv purse. The Globe-Wernickt " clastic " Bookcase encourages good reading and the collecting of good books. It's the corner stont of a good library and a higher edu cation. The original and only per fect sectional bookcase made and sold at the lowest price. Call and examine our stock now while the as sortment is complete. Ironing Board If bought before Christ mas we will sell for $1.00. A fine line of Pictures , Frames , and Frame Mouldings. The Largest stock of Rugs , Carpets , Lace Curtains , Etc. , in the town. We make a Specialty of Delivering all Xmas purchases at the place and time specified. RBfWIS f\BBEY FALLS CITY NEBRASKA