The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 07, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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/Immcrinnn' * of Fort Haxel disposed
at their thirty her e power onglnc and
1 raw mill PrUliiy. The mill has the.
cnpiicil } ofawing tun to llHuon thee -
nml foot of lunilii-r. Mr. Miinkor I as
putcliu'i-il ilxouttit anil ulllmovult
to the heuv > tlmht r near Fortoseiic hi
the near future.
Mi'MiMryMin anil Wolf of Fort
Hazel were Iran-acting business hero
Joe Kopf ts assisting Herman uult/
coniplol lurking his manimoUi crop
of corn.
Kti Shaw of .St. Oei oln wa * a bus- !
nc-s caller hero Monday.
Adam MlcKcl and Dock Saul were
hush- ) callers hero Monday , the
latter Unking with hl& mother here.
Bill Strejkuand daughter , Minnie ,
spent Wednesday visiting at the homo
of liU aged mother who resides hoic.
. ) . K. llandaliand wife spout Satin-
day and Sunday in Falls City Intend ,
ing to return homo Sunday evening
hut were detained until Monday noon
on account of the heavy rain.
George Thompson was a business
caller hero Monday.
Otto lIiMsehbcrger nnd Hnbeit
Nlt/scho transuded business in Preston -
ton Tuesday.
Mr * Frank IJauman und Annlo were
business cullers hero Wednesday.
Coon and Bnlila nunnceUer attended
f the shooting mutch hero Wednesday.
Pauliii'3 Kopf of St..Joseph attended
the Bartimmn-Ilaclllo wedding near
here Tuesday.
Helen and Mary Haunks of Wlnno-
hago Valley were pleasant cullors hero
John Gentry and family of Fort
Ha/el departed to make their homo in
or near Tyron , Oklu.
Lizzie Gonscr returned to her homo
in Sunny Vulloy utter several weeks
visit among friends und relative * near
NnporvHlc , 111. She enjoyed her trip
Amlol Pfrundor of Preston visited
at the homo of his parents hero on
The barn and corn crib on the Alois
Danncckcr farm two miles north of
Itulo burned down Saturday. Molvln
Walters and Bill Foster wore thought
to bo accountable and were arrested
Wednesday und lodged in llio county
Klmer Arnold wild u Ilulo caller last
S. M. Uundull and Walter Perkins
accompanied by Nolllo und Hcssiu
Mei rill were county scut visitors on
U. G. IJorstu and James Sells wore
Itulo callen the latter part of the
. 1'jlmor Fischer and Floyd Ituthsford
were In Itulo Tuesday.
\ Samuel Mnckey and John Pay no
[ shipped several hatches ol lurs re-
E cently , They are having ; great success
t as trappers this season.
[ The Direct Primary.
* The republican platform is
pledged to a state primary law ,
but it is a question how one can
be formed to meet satisfaction
and make the desired improve
ment over the convention system.
In Illinois the primary law has
been a disappointment , and in
Oregon it has not worked accord
ing to expectations. Touching
the experiment in Oregon , tl'u
tturchard Times has the follow
ing to say , in part , as the resul
of an interview with Senate
Fulton of that place :
"United States Senator Fttltoi >
of Oregon , who was in Burchan
last week , the guest of Mr. an
Mrs. W. J. Ilalderman , is not ai
enthusiastic admirer of the dircc
primary for the nomination o
county , state and district officers
one of the reform measures fo
which both parties in Nebrask
now stand pledged.
"The direct primary law is i
force in Oregon , and , the senate
says , while it accomplishes il
purpose in the case of county an
district offices , where the possibl
candidates are well known ,
falls far short of being a refon
when candidates for state ofiia
are to be named.
"It can be readily seen that
candidate for governor or Unite
States senator who is wealth
and can afford to spend mom
lavishly in advertisinghimsel
would have an immense advan
age over a poorer , though po
sibly worthier man , who can tu
afford to have his praises shout <
from the housetops. "
Reduction sale of trimmed ha
at the New Millinery Store to b
gin December 1st and contimu
during the month. All trimmi
hats to go at Sl.OO , $2.00 at
Bruin Chases lUnch Owner nnd Lnt-
or Narrowly Escapes with
His Life.
"Iii the winter of ISM , " imfd
I'im Kinney , a ranchman of Kock
Springs , Wyo. . to a Washington
L'ost reporter , " ( he hears in Hit
ter creek were surely it nuisance
to the stockmen. I lost so many
calves that 1 got lighting mad ,
nnd declared war on ( lie four-
fooled despoilers.
"One day my foreman and I
were out rounding up a herd of
beeves when in a low , marshy
spol we came across one of ( he big
gest bears I ever HIIW. Unluckily ,
wo didn't have either rille or re
volver , but as I looked at the beast
and thought of my dead calves my
dander got up , and it occurred to
me dial we miglil throw ourlari-
als over him and hold him nniil
some way of executing the death
jKMially could be found.
"We thought il was a picnic , as
far as throwing a rope over Mr.
Hear was concerned. My man got
his rope over Hie enemy's neck
and I got him around one leg. It
looked as though we had him. Dis
mounting , 1 made the end of my
lariat fast to the stump of a Iree ,
bnl I he foreman stayed on his
pony. O rubbing a huge rock , I
got quite- close to ( he brnle and
dealt him a terrible blow on ( lie
forehead. Wilh a hoI I of rage ho
gave n mighty hinge thai broke
the rope from ( he Iree and stnrled
after me.
"Hut for ( he tremendous efforts
of my companion , who still main-
( aincd his hold , 1 would have been
caught and killed before I could
have been able to reach my pony.
As it was ( he shave was extremely
close , and ( he bear was right at
my heels as I got in ( he saddle.
All ( his ( ime the foreman was lugging
ging and hauling manfully , and if
he hadn't been strong nnd skillful
I'd have never lived ( o ( ell ( his
yarn. In a few minutes I man
aged to get another piece of rope
and ( his time old Silver Tip wan
unable ( o break his fastening.
Both of us ( hen assaulted him
with slones and beat him into in
sensibility before administering
the con ] ) de grace wilh a html ing
knife. "
Tells Party In Ice Cicaiu Parlor of
Customs Which Aio Peculiar to
Andaman Islands.
The day was warm for .March
The sailor sat in the icecream sa
loon eating ice cream and ladj
"The queerest marriage I e\ei
seen , miss , " he said , "was in tin
Andaman islands. Hut maybt
yon ain't interested in mar
riages ? "
lie laughed as men ulway
laugh over this joke , and the pret
. ty waitress permitted herself ti
"The islanders in them islands ,
he said , "is dwarfs , Four feet , 01
the average. Very fierce am
"If a ouug islander wants
girl for his wife he asks her pai
cuts for her. They never refuse
ir They take the girl and hide her i
the forest. There the lad inns'
n ( hid her before morning. If li
. Ihids her she's his. If he don't sli
< "Of course I don't need to ( e
you ( hat if the girl wants (1 (
young feller she sees to it that 1
finds her all right ,
, "And vice versa.
"Here is how the marriage cer
ci inouy is performed. The h
climbs up a slim young tree ai
UJ the girl climbs up another close
him. Her clothes don't bother hi
in climbin'clothes never both
an Andaman islander. Well , i
u' they go. und as they near the t <
their weight bends the slim ( re
over toward each other pret til
'in I The trees bow and bend nnd coi
es tesy , and finally the lad's he ;
touches the girl's and from be-Ic
a a shout goes up , for the he :
ed touching has done the busine ;
The ceremony is ( hushed. T
young folks' troubles Inne I
If , gun.
Egg-Swallowing Record.
lot A singular story of egg-sw ;
Cd lowing comes from Maritzhui
the capital of Natal. A we
known citizen made a bet with
its local auctioneer that he won
swallow 42 raw eggs in ten m
ed utes. He performed the task
cd eight minutes , and then offer
nd to swallow GO raw eggs in 15 in
Long-Diotanco Breach of the Pcaco
Determined by Knnsivs
City Judge.
The invention of new machinery ,
devices , processes , is continually
bringing up new questions of law ,
puzzling judges , lawyers and lay
men , aoIHou.uizc.s the Philadelphia
Public Ledger. The trolley
brought its problems ; the sub
marines , when they are used
for commercial purposes , will
undoubtedly pose the law
makers ; the power of modern
guns on men-of-war has made oh-
Holete ( he old three-mile rule us
to the limit of territorial waters ;
and when the balloon .shall be-
I'Otnc a passenger vehicle what
wisdom will frame I he rules of the
road or the law of trespass ?
Jusl now the law relating to the
telephone- of interest. What
constitutes a breach of pence by
'phone ? .Judge Brady , of Kansas
Oily , has just decided such ji case
which , by reason of ils romantic
connect ion , appeals ( o all. Wal
ler Clark had proposed to a maid-
pn and had been rejeclcd. He re
newed the proposal over the tele
phone ; called up the fair one sev
eral times , and was "turned
down. " He was not dismayed , but
"called" in the morning and in the
afternoon and in the dewey eve ,
and sometimes at night. The
doors may be barred and a re
jected suitor kept out , but how is
the telephone to be guarded ?
Judge Brady took these questions
under consideration , and ruled
that after a girl had rejected a
man she had the inalienable right
"to have him stay rejected , " and
that the use of the telephone
could and should be classed as a
style of importunity amounting tea
a breach of peace.
- The theory of the law in- these
decisons is this : It would be a
breach of the peace if the snilor
should annoy the young woman
with his presence , and the fact
, that the telephone was used does
not modify the act nor the respon
. sibility of the person performing
the act. This seems to be good
sense , and an indication thai
when the people of the United
States shall nil have "universal
wireless connection" a man in
New York who calls an enemy in
Ban Francisco a hard name by
t "wireless" will hold himself liable ,
though the costs of prosecution
would be prohibitive.
Stiff Piece of Paper nnd n'Common
Ten Trny Are All That Is
Cut a still' piece of paper into
an oval or a circle of nearly the
size of a common tea tray. Fasten
to it two upright handles , one OH.
each end , both made of paper and
attach by means of sealing wax ,
says the San Francisco Chron
' icle.
Now , dike any common tin tea
tray that you may be able to bor
row in the house and lay it on the
top of two glasses. These will
furnish the "insulation. "
Warm the paper disk thoroughly
ly on the stove till it is as dry as it
' nan possibly be. Then lay it on
the table and brush it violent ! }
with a common clothesbrush. Il
you spread a piece of silk or a rub
ber sheet under it , so much the
he better , though it is not necessary
ho The friction has made the pupei
electric. Lift it from the table
lay it on the tea tray and approacl
A corner of ililh the knuckles o
ml your finger or with a sharp meta
point. A spark will leap out fron
it iniinediateh.
Now you havian electric bat
tery in a most simple form. B ;
rubbing the paper as often as i'
loses its electricity it is possibli
to get enough sparks to load a Le.v
den jar or another form of sma'l
electric storage battery.
A very simple Leyden jar can b
ow made by filling a tumbler half fu ]
ad with shot and sticking an iron o
ss. silver spoon into it. By letting th
Mie sparks from the tea tray leap cor
be- tiually to the spoon the tumble ?
jar finally will accumulate so nine :
electricity that it will beextreuu
ly uncomfortable to get a shoe
al- from it.
ell. Ready to Side-Step.
a Miss Fudge I wish you coul
nld hear Prof. Pedalle. His friend
tin- think he is bound to be the pini
ist of the futnre.
red Mr. Grudge Exactly. I wish
iin- knew in which place. CteveJau
Carry a Full Line of
Mens , Boys , Childrens ,
CJothing , Overcoats , Hats and
Caps , Gloves , Mittens , Shirts ,
Underwear and Hosiery. We al
so carry a full line of Hens and
Boys Shoes , Overshoes , Rubber
In work clothing we stand at
the head. Work Shirts , Overalls ,
Jumpers and Duck Coats , best
values at the lowest price of any
store in this locality. May we
have the pleasure of a call.
Cures Biliousness , Sick Cleanses the system
Headache , Sour Stomach thoroughly and clears
ach , Torpid Liver and & sallow complexions of
Chronic Constipation. J gffyg ffnft S pimples and blotches-
Pleasant to taKe It is guaranteed
For Sale by all DRUGGISTS
Romeo and Juliet at the
Gchling opera house on Friday j
evening , December 7th. This
splendid play will be given in
seven acts and fourteen scenes by
Mr. San ford Dodge a n d his i
strong company. It is one of the I
highest class attractions to be j
seen here this season and will be ,
largely attended. Mr. Dodge is ;
acknowledged to be one of the
best exponents of Shakespeare of
the present day. lie is possessed
of a magnificent voice and a
splendid physique. Throughout
the territory he makes each sea
son his name is a household word
and the attractions he has
brought us are always complete
in every detail. j
See Shakepeare's immortal
tragedy , Romeo and Juliet , at
the Gehling tonight.
Sanford Dodge and a strong
company at the Gehling tonight.
Hides , Furs and Tallow.
I will pay the highest market
price for hides , furs and tallow.
Sec me at Wachtcl's harness shop
About our meat market
and saying "what a nice
- place to buy one's meat.
The popular price , high-
quality business that is
attracting the attention of
every thrifty woman in
Fulls City. She says to
herself , "there must be
some reason for this pop
ularity. " There is , it's
The meat we sell is the depen
dable kind. If the few people in
this town who have not gotten ae-
\ quainted with us would only come
in , compare prices and note our
up-to-date way of doing business
11 wo would have the trade of the
city at our door. You're invited.
Phone 71
Heiser & JYlosiman.
10 "
< ? >
j >
Large or small buyers
. > can locate on adjoining
% For information write
Id I LueIaNeb. !
r ;
| nixed Farming ; and Dairy g
| ing = = Become Independent i + e .
c ? c.
? Every iniiti who wishes to better his condition in life , or C
( , | who desires to start his sons on the road to success , and espec-
2 ially every renter who wnnts to own land , should send n postal
a today for n free copy of the folder , " \ ( innd Dairy Dif-tiict ' '
It tells about a new region ju&i iimimj into prominence as
' .3 n successful duirying country. Lund i very chenp , pure water i
5 and nutricious grnsses nre nbumlant. there is a mnrket for all
products lit good prices , the climate is equable and heiilthful c r
3 and the settlers already there aae desirable neighbors.
3 Very cheap round trip tickets the liret and thiad Tuesday o
5 of each month atl'ords a splendid opportunity for investigation.
Don't forget to write me for the folder and also send me c :
j ? the names of your eastern friends who wahl to come \vci. o t ;
< u
§ nc
( t
i :
The Falls City Candy Kitchen offfers to the citi-
xens of Falls City and surrounding- country , the
Finest , Purest , Best and Cheapest line of Candies
in the city for the Holidays.
Candy Case ? from one cent up to one dollar. Fan
cy Boxes filled with Chocolates and Bon-Bons of
different varieties and flavors , at reasonable prices.
NUTS : Almonds , Bra/il Nuts. Chestnuts , English
Walnuts , Filberts and Hickor > Nuts.
The Falls City C ndy Kitcheiv
TKe Tribxme for LocaJ News