The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 30, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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I'nlls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Omnlin Helena
Chicago Unite
St. Joseph Salt Lnlce City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points cast and and all point ;
south. west.
No. 42. Portland St. Louis
Special , SI. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and .ill points
cast and south 7:17 : p n :
No. 13. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest 1:33 : an
No. 44. Vestibuled Kxpress
daily , St. Joseph ,
Kansas , City St.
Louts and points
Ksist and South. . . . 11:17 : a n :
No. 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points cast
and south 7:47 : a ui
No. 17. Local express daily
exceptSunday , Con-
cordia , ami points
north and west 12.10 p n :
No. 15. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest 1:23 : p ni
No. 43. Vestibuled Kxpress
dally , Lincoln and
the ' Norlhu et t. . . . 1:44 : p n
Nc 10. Vestibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas "City , St Louis
Chicago and points
easi and south 4:35 : p n
No. 18. Local express daily
except Sunday , St.
Joe and points
south and east. . . . 4:05 : p n
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
Special.Lincoln , Helena -
lena , T.i coma and
Portland without
change 10:07 : p n
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , d a i ly o x-
cept SundaySalem ,
Nemaha and Ne
braska City 11:15 : p n
Sleeping , dining and reeling chaii
iars ( seats free ) on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked t <
any point in the Stales or Canada. Ko
information , time tables , maps an <
tickets , call on or write to K , O. WHIT
' OKII Agent , Kails City , Neb. , or L
W. WAKHU-.V. O. P. & T. A..Omaha.
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Fulls City , Neb.
No I's ' > timh , local. . . . ( > :45 : a ni
No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Kxpress A 1:57 : a i
No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
No. 127 From Kansas City. . . 8:15 : p i
passenger A 1:11 : p i
No. 191 Local Freight , Au
burn A 1:10 : p i
No. H)4 Kansas City local 7:50 a i
No. 10d Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 3:10 a i
No. 103 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 1:16pi :
No. 138 From Omaha 8:35 p i
No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 1015ai :
A. Daily. 11. Daily except Sunda ;
J. H. VAKNICK , Agent.
That is just what you arc
doing' when you fail to get reg
ular and sufficient sleep. Your
body requires this unconscious
period for repair work ; with
out it your nerve energy be
comes exhausted , and you arc
tired , worn-out , nervous , ex
citable ; have headache , neu
ralgia , indigestion , poor appe
tite , or other ailments caused
by a lack of nerve force. Make
it your business to sleep. If
yon arc restless , take
Dr. Miles' Nervine ; it soothes
and strengthens the nerves ,
and brings sweet , refreshing ,
life-giving sleep , and gives the
organs power to work natur
ally. Try it to-day.
"I Imtl a acvcro spell of fever , whicl
left mo In n very weak condition ant'
very nervous. 1 Imd sovora BDella ol
headache and neuralgia , and couU
sleep but very little. Hvcry effort thai
was made to recover my Htrcncth vra :
of no avail until I btgnn tukinp Dr
lilies' Uestorntlvo Nervine. After :
commenced to take tha Ncrvlno m >
sleep was profound and restful , nm
the pains In my head , as vrrU as thi
neuralgia pains , left mo to n ccrtali
extent and I crow gradually better. "
S21 Uerylan Ave. , Bclviiore , Ills
Dr. Miles' Nervine IB s ld by you
druanl&t , who will auarantM that th
first bottle will benefit. If It falls , h
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ini
The Kansas City Market offe
the opportunity for best pric
and weights on your Cattle , Hoer
or Sheep. The Big Casino , M ;
for Man Sales made by t
Charles Dixon Commission Coi
pany stand for and emphasi
this opportunity. We buy stoc
ers and feeders on commissic
Let us send you market inforn
. . . . $1.00 a Year. ,
Encouraging Teddy.
When two women arc sitting
over a glowing fire in the broad
I daylight , and one is married and
{ the other is not , they invarably
I talk of two thingsdress and
servants. Hut when the light
has waned , and the glow of the
lire fills the corners of the room
with Nlancing shadows , eycii
dress and servants are left ) and
the conversation invariably ttirtu
to the other great stock sub
ject : mati.
"Of course , 1 , didn't do it to be
thanked ; but I think you might
have murmured one little word
of gratitude to me for asking
Mr. Carr down. I mean , ordi
nary politeness requires some at
tention even from yon.1'
Eva looked up at Mrs. Clutton
from a deep dell of hot coal
which had been formed between
the bars. ' 'Thank you , " slit
said ; and then added , "for noth
ing. "
Mrs. Glutton was one of those
long slight , tired women who al
ways dress to perfection , art
never rufilcd ) never different ,
who arc able to hurry while ap >
pearing to dawdle , to be exceed
ingly annoyed without the leasl
apparent effort , to laugh heartilj
without making a sound , and tc
talk with great animation , with
out in any \\ay disturbing the \\i\- \
dulating , velvety drawl witl
which they are born.
"Yon might talk to me fron
now till the middle of next week'
she said , "and then you couldn'
convince me that you are no
glad that he is here. "
A laugh sprang across Eva' ;
face , to be instantly hunted awaj
by a sigh. "My dear Enid ,
havift the faintest desire to provi
that I am not hopelessly in levi
with him. Unfortunately it i
known to everybody in thi
world except the man himself
And the absurdity of the whol
thing the thing that makes m
feel like half a tomato on a grid
iron is that he's just as much i
love with me as I am with bin
and that's a very great deal ir
deed. "
"I don't see where the absnn'
ity comes in. If you arc both i
love as much as all that , wh
don't you marry him ? "
Ilalf-tragically , half-comicallj
wholly in the manner -so far n
we can guess of a pctulai
angel , 10va sprang to her fee
and Hinging her collection <
cushions far and widd con
menced dashing about the roon
greatly to its danger.
"Marry him ! marry him ! Don
1 want to marry him ? Isn't
my one ambition in life to to
come the wife of this silly , fee
ish , timid , wretch ? It's all fii
for you to sit there and say thos
easy , insane things ; but I can
run away with the man can I ?
can't buy a toy pistol , meet tl
poor dear in a dark passage an
shrink , 'Marry me , or yon die
can 1 ? I can't chase him into
conservatory. Hop on my knee
and cry , 'Teddy , I love you wit
a love that is almost indiscrcc
be , oh. be my husband , ' can
can I , can I ? " Eva caught one <
the cushions a beautiful kicl
a'id sent it Hying against awha
'Not very well , " said Mr
Clutton. "But shall I tell yc
what you can and will do ? "
"What ? " cried Eva , eagerly.
"Smash my precious china
you kick cushions about li1
that. . . The point is , ha
you given him any encourag
ment ? "
Eva laughed the laugh
theater scorn. "Encourag
ment ? Why , my dear Enid ,
have done everything a nicel
brought-up girl ought to do , ai
a good deal that she oughtn't
, e During that time , a matter
_ perhaps a minute and a quarter
* Mrs. Clutton had been thiukii
hard , although it would ha
been impossible to guess it frc
the placid state of her featun
"Eva , " she said finally , "ha
you ever noticed that pictn
painted on the panel over t
bookcase , of a girl sitting on
armchair with her eyes cast
down and with her hands folded
meekly on her lap ? "
"No"said Eva , "and if I had ,
what on earth has she to do with
my horrid problem ? "
Mrs. Clutton undulated on :
"The figure of the girl works on
a hinge and sometimes when my
husband had got into a boyish
scrape and wanted to hear what
his father said about it to his
mother , he used to get his sister
to pull the picture back , and sit
in the girl's place to report to
him what went on. A dishonor
able and very fascinating pro
ceeding. A chair was placed be
hind the picture in the next room ,
the floor of which is on a level
with it , and in this kind of light
it was impossible to tell the dif
ference between the real and un
real girl Now , don't you
think "
"Think ! Think ! " cried Eva ,
covering the permanently quiet
Mrs. Clutton with kisses , I should
think 1 do think. Oh , Enid , you
engineer ! You want me to get
into the picture ; you want to
bring Tcddj1 here to see my new
portrait ; you want to leave him
to say to me on a panel what he
daren't say to me in llesh ; and
then , when at last he cries : 'Oh
darling , my beautiful piquant ,
little beauty , I love you so , if
only I could screw up courage tc
ask you to by my wife ! ' you
want me to say : 'Teddy , you in
fant , I'm dying to be your wife. '
"How wonderfully well "
licfore Mrs. Clutton could gel
any further Eva mounted upon
the bookcase , had pushed back
the panel , had caught up a chaii
from a corner of the little roon :
which could just be seen througl
the aperture , and in a twinkling
had become , for the first time ir
her life , a quiet , meek little
figure with downcast eyes am'
folded hands.
"How's that ? " she asked
through a cascade of chuckles
"Are 3011 certain you can't sec
breathing ? And do yet
hink it matters if I blink everj
low and then1'
"Certain. The unsteady flick
r of the fire in this dim ligh
vill make any blinking seen
juite natural. "
"Enid" Eva looked dowi
vith suddenly earnest eyes "I
very thing works well you shal
t choose whatever you like fron
uy wedding presents. . . S-s-s-sh
f There's 'Teddy at the door.
enow it by the way he clutche
he handle. "
Ten minutes later , after Mrs
t Clutton had quietly led the cent
t versation from comic opera to to
bacco , from tobacco to Eva , air
Tom that young woman to th
; iew portrait of her above th
bookcase , she asked Teddy to c.x
cuse her while she went to lee
for her little friend , and left th
room. Teddy had his back t
the picture as the door closed
but in the looking-glass over th
fireplace he was amazed to see
iiamlkerchief flutter hastily u ;
to the picture's nose , and lluttc
is hastily back again amazed
infinitely worried , and full r
During the first quarter of a
iiour , he stood with his back t
lier , gazing at her in the lookin
glass. From the corner of he
eye , Eva watched him with
kind of tingling amusement , in
mensely flattered at the though
that even in the presence of he
: e portrait a mere thing of oils-
he should still be bashful an
diffident. The strength of h
love must be enormous ! In
moment or two , she argued , li
would realize that she was men
ly a picture , and come and stan
underneath her to examine inoi
closely the wonderful fidelity c
the portraiti the exquisite ski
of the artist ; and then , knowin
that she could not hear anythin
he said , he would utter aloud a
those burning words he ha
bottled up so long. In u UK
ment or two. . . .
Feeling hot all over , his dens
head in a whirl , certain only th ;
ie Eva had got into the picture i
it order to make a fool of hin
Teddy sat down in the chair by
the lire to try to transform the
chaos of his brain into something
approaching order.
During the next hour he re
mained motionless , not looking
once in the direction of .the
picture. To him , the hour was
a minute. To her , sitting in the
same attitude , hardly breathing ,
hardly thinking , getting more
and more hungry , the hour seem
ed a week , a year , an eternity.
She made up her mind that when
he did think aloud she would
snap her finger in his face and
tell him , in scalding , bitter words
that she loathed him , and sooner
than marry him she would die a
thousand deaths.
"Good gracious ! There goes
the gong for dinner ! Oh , how
awful , how horrible ! What will
they think ? . . . Idiot ! Crea
ture ! Why . . . Why. . . Oh ! "
she cried aloud suddenly , forget
ting everything under the influ
ence of cramps. "Oh , oh ! "
Teddy sprang across the room.
"What's the matter ? What's the
matter ? "
Desperately concerned , Teddy
stood upon a chair , lifted Eva
down from the picture with the
huge gentleness of a six foot-
three man , placed her tenderly in
a chair , and knalt at her feet.
Her eyes were closed. lie was
certain she was dying. "Eva ,
my little darling , open your eyes !
It's me , the man who loves you
more than all the world. " His
grammar became shaky , his
leart stone , his breathing cy
clonic. "Eva , my sweetheart ,
ny beloved , look at me , if only
; or a moment , and tell me before
you die that you will be my
wife. "
Of course , with the change of
position the cramp had gone and
ICvii knew that those S3'inptoms
were snares. She sat up coldly ,
"I have no intention of dying , "
she said ; "and of course I will be
your wife. Uut I think that you
ire the most abject person it has
ever been my misfortune to meet.
Yes. of course I love you. dearest
Teddy ; but think , think what
you have made me suffer. The
gong has rung and you don't
know , never will know , how
frightfully hungry I am. "
The youngest member of the
next legislature will be Repre
sentative Aubrey A. Smith , of
St. Edwards. He is 28 years old
and looks no more than 19. A
hard fight in the last campaign
was made on him because of his
youthful appearance. Mr. Smitl :
is the cashier of the Smitl :
National bank ot St. Edwards
and manages its affairs com
pletely. He is a graduate ol
Yale and Heidleberg universities
Born on a Nebraska farm ir
Boone county , Mr. Smith is ;
well-read and much traveled man
He has visited nearly all the
civilized countries of the world
Mr. Smith is described as a mod'
est , democratic voting man. He
is popular where he is best
There is a new eleal in Ne
braska anel the people are fight
ing for lower railroad rates. Se
many things are happening o
real interest to every citizen
that a daily newspaper is now :
necessity. The biggest bargair
that has come to our notice i !
the Daily State Journal withoul
Sunday from now until January
1 , 1907. for only 50 cents. This
is such a small price that i
can only be made to introduci
the paper into new homes. Th <
publishers claim that this ii
not a scheme to get you on ou
subscription books , but a bon ;
fida offer to give you your mon
ey's worth. The State Journa
is a paper with a big circula
Marriage Record.
Henry Splcer , Rule 2
Ida Johnson , Rule 1
Tticodoro Majerus , Kulo 2
Genevieve Winter-bottom , Rule 2
William H. Schmelxol , Fulls City. . 2
Bessie Lee Davis , Falls City 2
Allen D Mayers , Merrill 2
Rutb E. Moore , Sabethu 2
iArt Voces !
Something- new ; all | |
sixes ; all shapes ; Never f
shown in the city before. $
| Art Jardineiers |
We liave them. All *
: | ; sixes , fi n e decorations , ; ! ;
prices same as common
* pottery. *
Fire proof co o k i ng
ware , a 11 sixes , three $
i i *
* shapes.
Holiday China
* r
More than any house *
I in the'city. Lowest prices !
Wo luivo secured the agency for
Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup , thu new
laxative that makes the liver lively ,
purilied the brciith. cures headache-
am1 regulates the dicustlvc organs.
Cures ehronie constipation. Ask ns
about It. For sale by all druggist * .
A fine lot of draft inures
wcifjliiiiff from 1,000 to 1,450
bred to a Jack , for sale at the
Margrave ranch.
The best Imported horses fl.OOO each.
llomu-bml registered draft stalllonc , $250 to
$750 at my stable doors. A. T.atlmer Wilson.
Creston , la.
Corn buskers wanted at the
Margrave Ranch.
Imported draft stallion * . $1,000 each ,
Home-bred registered draft stallions , $300 to
$ SOO. Hart Itros. . Osceola , loua.
Home-bred dr.ift stallions , $250 to $000 :
Imported stalKons , your choice $1,000. I' . I .
Stream , Creston. la.
Proves Fatal.
Many men and women catch colds
tit dances which terminate in pneu
monia and consumption. After ex
posure , if Foloy's Honey and Tar l.s
taken it will break up u cold and no
serious results need bo fearred. lie
ruse nn.v but hu genuinein acllow .
package. For sale by all druggists.
Presbyterian Church.
Services 11 a. in. , and 7:30 :
p. in.
Sunday school ( J:45 : a. in.
Junion C. E. 2:30 : p. in.
Senior C. E. 6:30 : p. in.
All are invited.
S. V,7. GRIFFIN , Pastor.
M. E. Church.
The following services next
Sabbath :
9:45 : Sunday school.
10:45 : preaching.
3:00 : p. m. Junior league.
6:30 : p. in. Epworth league.
7:30 p. m. , sermon.
Prayer meeting 7:30 : p. in. on
Wednesday evening.
All cordially invited.
W. T. GUNK. Pastor.
First Christian Church.
Services of the First Christian
church , Lordsday , Oct. 21st :
9:45 a. in. , Bible School.
11:00 a. m. communion.
11:30 : a. m. , morning sermon
3:00 : p. m. Junior Endeavor.
6:30 : p. m. Senior Y. P. S-C. E-
7:30 : p. m. , evening sermon
All are cordially invited am
strangers and visitors in the city
are kindly welcomed to attend al
of these services.
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Services at 2:30 : p. m. on alter
nate Sundays.
. O. H.
The new I'uni Food and Drug law
will mark it on the label of eyerj
Cough Cure containing Opium
Chloroform , or any other stupifylng or
poisonous drug. But it passes Dr
Snoop's Cough Cure as made for 2 (
jctirs entirely free. Dr. Snoop al
along hus bitterly opposed the use o
all opiatcb or narcotics Dr. Snoop's
Cough Cure is absolutely sufe oven fo.
the youngest babe and it cures , i
does not simply suppress. Get ti sufe
and reliable Cough Cure , by simply
insisting on having Dr. Shoop's. Let
the law be your protection. Wu
cheerfully recommend ucd it IB sold b ;
all dealers.
I C. H. flARjON
Sales conducted in
scientific and businesslike -
nosslike in a n n e r
j : Falls City , Nebraska |
* > &
ft * <
| Large or small buyers |
| can locate on adjoining | >
> For information write
| M. D. CIUYATH , |
! l Luella , Neb. $
* " > v * S- *
Having secured the exclu
sive agency in Fnlls City for
Sycamore Sprinus Mineral
Wntcr , v.i1 nre pit > pnrcd to
furnish customer \vith the
the same. Price ( SO cHiits per
five gallon cask. C ii phone
180 or phone HO. I
C. F. RE A VIS Jr.
: D. S. HcCarthy jj
: : DRAY
Ciuinpl attention jlvcn
to the riMnuviil uf bou-u-
bolU pooi1s. ;
tfrtt I'H ' I l-t-l-hM-W-K-4-t-H-M-
W. II. Maddox
Real Estate Agency
See me before your purchase. I am
selling city property , loaning mon
ey at lowest rates , selling farms ami
making' farm loans. See me if you
wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I
am here for business. Write
W. H. Maddox , Falls City
t-mi1 YOUU iivn STOCK TO
Stool ; Tunic , Kansas City. Mo. Kxport
HluMiiuii. Cuttle , Hey ? , Hii'cp. Onruful
mid lutflliK < 'iit jfiircl lioys. 1'orfect odlco
methods. Correct irnrkut Infnrimitlnn
fiiinlslird. I louses at. KUIFIIS City. Onmtm
Sioux City , Ut'iivi-r. b't. Jnsrpli St. I'aul ,
Chicago , IliiCalo
I . R. FmYS , M. ID.
OSlce over McMillan's Drug Store.
Office 'Phone SK > . Uesldenco 'Phone U2.
OBuo orer Kerr'a Pharmacy
Office Phcne2flO Residence Phone 271
Is the Place to buy
Dry Goods , Groceries , tj
; Hardware , Tinware , : l
Cutlery. &
X Highest market price &
t Paid for Country Produce %
.t 3
* afe , ur . No opiate *