The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 30, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. Ill FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 30 , 1906. Whole No. 151
Broke Collar Bone.
J. M. Davis , of Rule , sustained - ,
tained a broken collar bone Satj j
urday in a peculiar manner. IleJ
entered a hog pen which con-l |
tained a ferocious boar. As
soon as the boar saw him he
made a dash at him. The oldi ,
man threw himself backward
over the low fence and broke
his collar bone , to escape the
tusks of the boar. Mr. Davis
is doing nicely under the physi
cian's care.
Got Ten Years.
George Adams , son of Rev.
Adams formerly pastor of the
Methodist church of this city
was sentenced to ten years in
the penetentiary at Seattle.
Washington , last week for em
bezzling nearly one hundred
thousand dollars from the
United States mint where he
was employed. The dispatches
say that Mr. Adams had grown
so expensive in his tastes that
he spent fully $200 per month
with his tailor alone. Mr.
Adams is well remembered here
and his many friends will learn
of his coneluct and sentence
' with great regret.
Memorial Services.
The local order of the Elks
will hold their Memorial ser
vices at the Gehling oprea
house next Sunday afternoon ,
December 2nd , at 3 o'clock. The
committee on the services con
sisted of five of the members ,
and they arranged one of the
best of fitting exercises , consist
ing of the usual ceremonies , by
the Lodge Officers , music by
male quartette and two eulo-
gies. Local and out siele talent
has been secured and the ser
vices promise to be very im
pressive and interesting. The
order of service is as follows :
Opening Ceremonies. . . . Loclfje Otliccrs
Mu ic . . Male Quartette
( Jeneral lOulogy Bro. 10. C. Page
Music Male Quartette
Kulogy Bro. C. P. Kcavis
Music Male Quartette
Closing Ceremonies. . . .Lodge Officers
Benediction Bro. Kev. H. B. Smith
The local order of Elks , Lodge
Number 903 , was organized in
this city on the twentieth of
May , 1905. A 'number of our
citizens by untiring work se
cured the requisite number , for
the charter and the Elk Club
became one of : the permanent in
stitutions of Falls City. Their
membership now numbers be
tween one hundred and ten , and
one hundred and fifteen , and at
their meeting last Friday eve
there were seventeen new appli
cations presented. Their club
. rooms are the most elegantly
* furnished rooms in the city , be
ing five in number and consist
ing of a card parlor , billiard
room , reading room , music room
and smoking room. They keep
open club parlors for the mem
bers and all out-of-town visit
ing Elks. The piano receives
much attention , while the cosy
and luxurious chairs and divan
arc very inviting. The club
meets in general assembly every
Friday night while their socia
functions are among the most
injoyable and elaborate of an >
loca functions. Friday night
their annual ball will be given
and over two hundred guests
' will be present. And the follow
ing Sunday will be their Memor
ial services at the Gehiing thea 3 o'clock p. rn. Here' ;
continued success to Elks' Lodge
Number 903 !
Bob Kanaly is adding new
cases and otherwise improving
the appearance of his cigar store
this week.
r John Tinker and family of
Omaha spent Thanksgiving with
her parents in this city.
New Quarters.
The linn ol Cleaver it Sebold
are : preparing to move their
headquarters from their present
location over the Wanner drug
store f to the room just east of
Dr. J Lawrence's office , ovcrWahl
& Parchen store.
. The Gilligan Bridge Company
will occupy the entire floor
which will thus be vacated by
Cleaver & Sebold.
Masquerade Dance.
The members of the K. & L , of
S. council No. 1312 , enjoyed a
masquerade dance at their lodge
rooms on Tuesday evening of
this week. The costumes were
quite pretty and original and a
merry evening was spent by the
Merit Lauded.
The following clipping was
aken from the November 19th
ssuc of the SanteFc New Mexi
can paper , which is published
it Sante Fe , New Mexico , and
jfives a well merited sketch of
he local artist , Miss Alice
leaver. Miss Cleaver's suc
cess has been followed with
pleasure by her many friends in
: his city who wish for her aeon-
: inuance of her former triumphs
n her art.
Mrs. J. L. Cleaver and daugh-
er , Miss Alice Cleaver , of Falls
City , Nebraska , are guests at
the Luchenbach home , 397 Palace -
ace Avenue , being on their way
.iome from a trip to California.
Miss Cleaver is gaining renown
is an artist , a faithful depictor
of life among the Pueblo In
dians. She spent five weeks
this fall at Isleta in painting a
lumber of pictures for the Santa
Pe Railway Company and also
some time at Acoma. One of
Miss Cleaver's pictures , occu
pies a conspicuous place on the
walls of the new hotel El Tovar
at the Grand Canon. Arizona.
Did It Ever Occur to You.
Did it ever occur to you that
we had more than one thousand
readers that are more than one
year in arrears to The Tribune.
Did it ever occur to you that
it cost more than fifty dollars a
week to send the papers to
these homes every Friday ? One
dollar is certainly within the
reach of all. if not , as this is so
close to Thanksgiving and we
are thankful that we are alive ,
come in and tell us about it and
and we will receipt you for the
past year and send it next seas
on to give you an opportunity
to catch up in your finance .
We want no one who desires the
Tribune to be without it wheth
er he can pay it or not. but we
would like to have you call at
least once a year get acquainted
and take a receipt. It makes
our books look so much better
you know.
On the other hand we know
that there are numerous friends
of this paper who simply neg
lect to attend to the matter.
The other day one of these
friends called and after an apol
ogy for seeming neglect on his
part , insisted on paying nearly
two years in advance. This is
the other extreme for should the
entire family call some day and
do likewise , we might feel like
humming the tune"l'l | be back
in a minute , but I've got to go
now. " If you think we have
earned the dollar the past year
and have one to spare , we can
write you the prettiest receipt
you ever looked at. It's all up
to you.
Charley Gunzenhauser of Spei-
ser precinct was a Falls City vis
itor Wednesday looking after
business affairs.
i Society News.
' ' The lUembers of the Presby-j
tcrian Kensington club of young
ladies were entertained by the
Misses Jennie Leister , Lillian
Oswald and Grace Gray , at the
home of Mrs. John Oswald , on
Tuesday evening of this week.
After the usual amount of needle
work , music and refreshments
filled the remainder of the even
ing. Those present at this most
pleasant event wore , Misses
Susan Gehling , IClizabcth Miller ,
Amy Griffin , Carrie Grocnwald ,
Edna Brown , HJthcl Parchen ,
Elva Sears , Lena and Elizabeth
Brccht , 13va McNall , Laura Nay-
lor. Bessie Bohrcr , Nellie and
Florence Cleaver , Xctta Camblin ,
Clara Boose , Jennie Leister ,
Grace Gray , Lillian Oswald and
Mrs. John Oswald-
The Ladies Aid society of the
Baptist church met last Friday
afternoon with Mrs. W. L. ScaVs ,
and spent a pleasant afternoon.
12thel Cade was hostess to the
dining room girls of the National
hotel on Thursday afternoon.
Two o'clock luncheon was served.
Mrs. Ned Towlc entertained
on Thursday and Friday after
noons , of last week in honor of
Mrs. Tipton , of Albany , Mo.
About twenty guests were pres
ent at each function and enjoyed
an cxtremelv pleasant time.
Tempting refreshments were
Mrs. S. B. Miles entertained at
a one o'clock tea last Saturday in
honor of Miss Margaret Meyers ,
of Johnston , Pennsylvania. It
was one of the most enjoyable
and elaborate social events of the
season. The decorations were
beautiful and at each place at
the table was an exquisite bonnet
of violets. The guests were
Mesdamer Harry Jenne , Frank
Schiable , and Ray DePutrin ,
Misses Margaret Meyers , Sarah
Ilutclnns , Nellc Snyder , Helen
Martin , Carrie Slocum , Ethel
Ilutchings , Mable Lyford , Minnie
Jussen , Maude Graham , Kate
Ileacock , Nolle Cain and Ronnd-
Mrs. Harry Jenne was hostess
to the Kaffee Klatch club mem
bers on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Jenne is a charming hostess
and the guests were indebted to
her for an afternoon of genuine
A vcr } ' interesting session ol
Sorosis was held Wednesday
afternoon at the residence ol
Mrs. Jennie' S. Ewalt , most of
the members responding to rol
call. "The novel during the first
half of Victoria's reign , " wa
ably and interestingly handlec
by Mrs. Falloon , she taking as
her subject Dickens works , quo
tations from different work illus
trating idea. A discussion ' 'What
is a classic ? " was participated ir
by mo t of those present. Mrs
Frank Shaiblo favored the clul
with some fine instrumenta
music. After a short social ses
sion , during which excellent
refreshments were served UK
club adjourned to meet Dec. 12tl
with Mrs. Falloon.
Mrs. John Powell entertained
a large party of her lady friends
at whist on Tuesday afternoon
The time passed quickly in play
ing the absorbing game , at the
close of which it was found Mrs
Will Holt had scored the highest
number of points and Mrs. Nor
man Musselman the least. Eacl
was presented a bunch of carna
tions. Elegant light refresh
ments were served. Mrs. Powel
was assisted by Misses May and
Grace Maddox and Mrs. James
Po well.
The members of the Whist
club met with Miss Morris on
Tuesday evening of this week
nnd spent a most delightful time.
The delicious refreshments wore
unong the many other pleasures.
The Misses Maddox will enter
tain a large number of friends at
i whist party this afternoon.
These young ladies are royal en
tertainers and a pleasant time is
About thirty members of the
Evangelical church called at the
mrsonagc Tuesday evening and
gave Rev.Ianshardt a surprise
n the nature of a pound party.
Phc evening was a pleasant one
mid the kindness of his congre
gation was much appreciated by
.he pastor.
Bernice McNall entertained a
number of his school friends
from 5 to 4 o'clock Wednesday
evening , in honor of his seventh
birthday. It was a pleasant oc
casion for the little ones.
At the residence of Rev. E. L.
Yoder in this city , on last Fri
day , November 23rd , occui'ed
the marriage of Miss Ruth E.
Hoover to Mr. Allen D. Meyers.
The young couple are both ol
Brown County , Kansas and
have many friends there.
Was Not Assessed.
Through an error of some
one it appears that Uncle Geo.
Grinstead was not assessed last
spring and when he entered the
office of the county treasurer
the other day to pay his taxes
the omission was discovered.
This gentleman is not a tax
dodger and as the county board
was in session he laid the mat
ter before them. They decided
that the county clerk was the
proper person to look after the
matter at this stage of afl'airs.
Mr. Grinstead at once listed
his worldly possessions with
the official and proceeded to
pay his ' hare of the public debt.
To add to Uncle George's bur
dens , the democratic officials
that now fill the court house ,
gathered about him and con
gratulated him on a. change in
his politics , making the asser
tion thnt none but a good demo
crat would do an act of honor
like that.
Uncle George drew the line on
that sort of congratulation ant
is now thinking strongly oi
suing the court house push for
Revival Meetings.
The special meetings now be
ing held at the Brethren churcl
continue to attract large aud i-
ences and the interest is una
The free hack continues to
convey the residents from the.
south part of the city to ant
from the meetings.
Any one wishing to attune
the services is welcome to use
the hack any evening. The
meetings will continue nex' '
week. The following are sub
jects for next week's sermons.
Sunday morning , "Escape
Impossible. "
"Excuses. '
Sunday evening ,
Monday evening , "Who needs
Salvation ? "
Tuesday , "The Neiv Cove
nant. "
Wednesday , "Stubbornness. '
Thursday evening , "The coin.
Friday evening , ' 'The Great
Physician's Call. "
Saturday evening , "Whal
Think Ye of Christ ? "
The public is cordially in
vited to any or all of these ser-
E. K. Kentner Dead.
This community was startled
ast Wednesday morning by the
innouncement that 13. K. Kent-
let- had died at the Park Hotel ,
lumboldt , which he had recent-
y leased.
Mr. Ke'iilner has been in fail-
ng health the past year and his
riemls were apprehensive that
he end was Hearing. Ux > began
o improve somewhat and last
ipring moved from this city to
Uchison , where he associated
limself in business with his son
SVill. Here his health again
ailed and a month ago the fain-
ly took charge of the Park Ho-
.el in our neighboring city.
Mr. Kentner came to this
county in an early day and set
tled at Ilumboldt where he was
a member of the business circle
or nearly twenty years. From
there they moved to this city
vhcrc they made their home un
til recently.
Elozor King Kentner was
born at Youngtown , 01io ; , July
1-1 , 18-17 and died at Ilumboldt ,
Nebraska , November 28 , 190(5 ( ,
iged f > 9 years , ] months and 1-1
lays. Funeral services will be
icld at Falls City , on Friday
ifternoon , from the Episcopal
church at 2 p. in.
The deceased is survived by
lis wife , a son , W. E. Kentner ,
of Humboldt , and a daughter ,
Mrs. Estella Dean of Kansas
Dity , with whom the entire com-
mmity sympathize in their
sudden bereavement.
Supervisors Meet.
Pursuant to arrangements the
county board of Supervisors
met in the County Clerk's oflice
the twentieth of this month and
proceeded to affairs of official
nature. There was not a quorum
present at the morning session ,
so the board was instructed to
meet at one o'clock that after
At the afternoon meeting the
first thing considered were the
various claims , to the amount
ot $2003.27 being allowed. This
took up the most of the after
noon and board was again
called to order the following
morning. The election claims ,
which amounted to $ f > f > 7.2f ) were
then allowed and warrants
ordered for the same. A small
tax afTair was then considered
after which one hundred dollars
was voted to help on the Farm
er's Institute to be held next
month. Then the official bonds
of the following were approved :
D. E. Randolph , Walter Vandc-
vcnter , R. II. Hanna , J. W.
Burns , L. M. Mourer , J. E. Mc-
Farland and George Fischer.
Claims then allowed on general
fund were S790.ll and on the
bridge fund $32-17.35.
The morning of the twenty-
second was spent in committee
work and the inspection of the
county Poor Farm. Claims al
lowed on the bridge fund in the
afternoon were to the' amount
of $ l)12.2h. ( ) Several tax matters
were settled after Avhich the
Ixjard adjourned to meet on the
2n < l of January , 1907.
On Tuesday at 2 o'clock oc
curred the death of Minnie Mil
ler , the five year old daughter
of John Miller and wife. Fun
eral services were held at the
home at 10 o'clock Thursday
morning , interment being at
See the balcony scene in Romeo
and Juliet. Air. Sanford Dodge
and Miss Louise Marshall will I
present the great Shakespearean
play at the Gehling Opera House
Thursday evening , Dec. ( > . They
are supported by a large com
! Married.
A pretty church wedding oc
curred at Rule yesterday after
noon at 2:30 : o'clock at the Luth
eran church when Rev. Koehler
performed the marriage ceremony
which united Clara HacfTclc and
1'Mward llartmann. The bride
and groom were supported by
Minnie HaolTele and Kmil Hart-
niaiin. About t w o hundred
guests witnessed the ceremony ,
after which an cle'gant wedding
supper was served at the home of
Henry HaclTcle who resides
nboutfour miles cast of this city.
Tim bride is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. ITacfl'ele and ie one of
Richardson county's charming
young ladies.
The groom is the son of Fred
Hartmann and wife who live
near Rulo. and is a young man of
ability and worth.
Mr. and Mrs. llartmann will
go to housekeeping at once on a
farm near Rulo.
A pretty home wedding oc
curred at the home of Charles
Martin and wife near Barada at
. o'clock Wednesday eve when
he marriage of their daughter ,
( Vita Ruth , to Philip Markt of
Oregon , Mo. , was solemnized.
3oth the bride and groom have a
argc number of friends ' who
wish them a life of continued
lappiness and success.
At The Gehlinp.
"We Are King , " as presented
it the Gcnling Wednesday eve
was a good attraction and had an
excellent cast. The scenery was
luitc elaborate and the patrons
were pleased with the production.
J. R.Cain was down from Stella
i -
Nelle Lewis of Hiawatha is the
guest of May Gossctt.
Will Sperry and Walter O'Ncil
were in St. Joseph several days
this week.
Dr. A. 1C. Wolfe returned Wed
nesday evening from a two weeks
trip through Iowa.
Walter Boyle came down from
Omaha and spent Thanksgiving
with Dr. Yutzy and wife.
Frank Gossett and wife came up
from Hortoii to spend Thanksgiv
ing with the home folks.
Mabel Lyford is at home from
her studies at the University , for
the Thanksgiving vacation.
Mrs. J. A. Benedict of Verdon.
came down to spend Thursday
with her daughter Mrs. George
Fritz Miller who lias been cm-
ployed by the express company at
Billings , is visiting at the home
place in this city.
Farmers should read the poul
try notice in this issue as the
prices there offered , exceed those
being paid in other town , and
will only last for a fcwdajs.
- * -
Arrangements have been made
by the proper authorities to send
John Fotirtner and Fred Ncssen to
the Old Soldiers' Home -at Atchi-
son. They are both old veterans.
Rev. Elza Martin h.\s our thanks
for a years advance subscription
which he sends us from his home
at Coweta , Okla. We were also
glad to learn that his daughter
Miss Anna , is recovering.
Poultry Wanted.
Owing to a special contract I
have , on a car of live poultry. I
will pay the fol lowing prices good
Friday and Saturday , 30th and 1st
delivered to car at M. P. depot.
Hens and Springs 7 cents.
Geese 5 cents.
ucks c cents.
Parties having poultry to soil ;
must not miss this chance fov
prices will be lower when the car
is loaded.
Phone 290 R. K. JAMBS ,