The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 23, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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$40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual-Inter
Henry est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this
and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the ]
LANDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made. J
Fred llummul It siM-vlnir on tlio fed
eral jury ut Oiniiliii this wci-U.
Mrs. Siiriili Marburger was tlio
guest of George Sehmolzol anil family
in Falls City thu llrst of tlio week.
.Mrs. Fred Fisher returned Friday
Irom-a visit with hur inotlier at Whit
ing , KllllSaS
Mabel Buorstotta of Tecumsch spent
Saturday and Sunday with friends In
H. F. Guiltwa < a business * visitor In
Lincoln several days this week.
Golda Turner and Mae Hradloy re
turned homo the last of the week from
n visit with Da ? on friends.
Kd Ulst returned Tuesday Iroin
northwestern Canada whore he has
been looking after the interest of his
elnlm for several months.
Jessie Lydlck is wow employed as
elerk In the novelty store of Hunt/ &
Dr. A. r . Wolfe of Falls City was a
guest at tlio home of Kit Norton Sun.
day evening.
1) . B. Colhapp of Toeunnoh visited
several days the forpart of the week
with ills son , KC. . Colhapp and family ,
Arthur Unland returned the last of
the week from Peacock , Canada , whore
ho has been employed on his elalm the
past summer.
Mrs. K. C. Colhapp ami son Sogrlst ,
returned Friday from a visit with
friends at Teeumseli.
Evangelist Whiston commenced re
vival meetings at the Christian church
Tuesday evening.
Protracted meetings are now in pro
gress at the Gorman M. H. church.
Kna Cooper , who has been taking a
course in China painting at St. Joseph
for the past several months lias re
turned to her home In this city.
George Scabury of Chicago was a
guest of O. A. Cooper and family Sun
L.C. Mann has purchased thopropor-
ty of J. T. Norton In the south part of
town , and he and his family will oc
cupy It in the near future.
J. II. Berry sold his dairy farm of
84 acres to Col. M. W. H.mllni ; for the
consideration of $3,800. Mr. Berry
and family expect to locate at Seattle ,
Washington and will leave for that
place next week.
C.E. Nlms sold his stock farm of 110
acres to n. II. Kupor last week , pay
ing SHO per acre for the laud , Pos-
bessiou will be given thehrst of March.
Andrew J. Edwards a veteran of the
civil war and for many years a resi
dent of Ilumboldt , died at his home in
the north part of town Thursday ovo-
nlng , November 15 , after a lingering
Illness. Funeral was hold from thu
home Saturday morning and Interment
made in the cemetery west of town
A. A. McCool and daughter Nola
went to Omaha Tuesday.
Eugene Meredith and Lottie Stewart
visited In Falls City Thursday.
II. E. Stoullcr returned to Falls City
City Wednesday.
Vorti Mlnnlck returned to her home
In Nemaha City Thursday.
Mrs. Meredith and Mrs. Jones drove
to Falls City Saturday.
Artie Smith of Vordon visited Sat-
urduy and Sunday with Ruth Moore.
Ruble StoutTcr spent Monday night
with Daisy Stewart.
Vera Lord and Mrs. Uhlig drove uj
Irom Falls City Wednesday.
Mrs. Allan May and little ton were
passengers to Falls City Tuesday.
Mrs. Roy Daggct and little son visit
cd Saturday and Sunday at Guy Dag
get's in Dawson.
Rev , R. Noumarker and Dr. A
Keller of Falls City were in town Wed
Mrs. Nora Cobell of DoWltt is rlslt
ing at A , B. Cochran's.
Iru McCool returned from Wyoming
Bob Rule of Falls City was a Salem
visitor Wednesday.
Sadie Jones was a guest of Iva Mere
dith Sunday.
Ru'-h Moore left Monday for High
land , Kansas for an extended visit.
Will Gregory and wife drove tc
Palls City Friday.
Cass Moore returned homo Satur
Roy Dapgett drove to Dawson Sun
The Corn Bros , returned to their
homes at Kalciu last week after coin
plcling the ninv addition to tint barn
The Mlsso * Shallers of Shubort wore
visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Ell/a Goolsby spent Tuesday
with Mrs. Elvira Hull.
J. II. Hall lias built new steps at the
opera house. The stops arc as wide
again as they were , and the house can
he emptied In half the ; tlmn it took be
Wm. Moatman and wife have moved
Into their home in the north part of
town , recently put-chafed of Mrs.
II. .1. Keel and family spout Sunday
with Morrltt Lum and wife.
Mr. Lilllo Wilkinson and daughters
Bpent Sunday with Mrs. Elvira Hull.
Mrs. Brewer and son of Maple Grove
visited with Miss Amrot tlart the last
of the week.
Wm. Boatman and Mrs. Allenbaugh
of Falls City were married hero Thurs
day by W. II. Mark , .Justice of the
Mrs. Elvira Hull returned home ,
Saturday from a pleasant visit with
her son at Liberty.
Florence Judd spent Sunday at her
homo in Dawson.
The Curtis Dramatic Company
played a return engagement at Hall's
opera house , Friday and Saturday
The Liullch of the Christian church
will give a general dinner and oyster
supper at the Parson1 ? building , on
Thanksgiving day.
B. F. Veacli and wife were Omaha
visitors last Tuesday.
Edlfh Bowman returned to her home
at Lincoln , last Wednesday , after
spending several weeks here visiting
Margaret llyun spent several days at
Hiawatha last week.
Ira Mallard visited his bon , Bert
Ballard , one day last week. N
Miss Shier and Mrs. Splvely of Daw
son were business visitors here , last
Mesdames Bowman and Lange spent
I a * l Friday in Falls City.
Mr. Nicholson was a Falls City visi
tor , last Thursday.
Martha King of Peru was interviewIng -
Ing old friends here the latter part of
tlu % week.
L. G. Fankoll has been carrying the
null on route otio this week , while the
currier , Fred Gilbert is talcing a vaca-
'lahnu , M. .1. Clancy's imported
I'orchoron stallion died at the Clancy
arm last Thursday morning from the
collo. The horse was Insured ag.ilnst
iccident only so his loss will bo a total
The Trail Club mot at the homo of
Harvo llogrefoTuesday evening. The
irst prizes wore won by Mrs. Ralph
Clark and Dr. James.
Mrs. Sue Julian of Falls City has
been the guest of relatives and friends
hero part of the past week.
Ambrose .Weller , manager of a lum
ber yard at West Point , spent Sunday
with his parents here.
Mrs. M. Gorgon of HIRono , Oklu
hamn , arrived hero last Thursday foi
an extended visit with her parent :
south of town.
A number of the \V. U. C. of till
plaeo went to Shubert last Frida ;
afternoon anil vUltcd the ledge at Urn
Guy Vader left lust week for Jewel
county , Kansas , where ho will spoui
the winter with his brothers.
Nettle Wheeler has been the gues
of friends at Hoover for the past tw
David Helmick is home from a shor
trip to Glenvlllo , where he went t
look at a farm , with the view of buy
Ing it for a son-in-law
A program followed by a baske
supper , will be given at the Bourk
school Wednesday evening ,
Two brothers by the immo of Garrl
son , have opened up a feed exchang
in the old shoo shop building. The
came hero from Steiuauer.
Herbert Hayes is expected horn
from Omaha today for a few days visit
The O'llrlen restaurant on the eas
side of Main street has been closed am
the stock shipped elsewhere.
Alllo Davis , a teacher in the scbo <
ut Tekamii , spent Saturday and Sun
day at the homo of her parents north
of town.
ilull Kobb hui been here from Lin
coln this week , making some Improv-
on his farm west of town.
Wm. Cook and wife were visitors at
N , H. Burnworths , Monday.
Geo. Prioliard and family wcro
guests of Chas. Whlttwer and wife
south west of Salem Sunday *
Mrs. Brewer spent a few oays in
Vcrdon the guest of her sister Mr .
Hmtnet Hart.
Frank [ lout/ and wife spent Sunday
with their daughter Mrs Kverett Hag-
gin' ? .
Mrs. Sol Marts of Falls City was a
guest of her daughter Mrs. N. B.
Burnworth , Monday.
Mrs. Geo. Peck and daughter Kdlth
spent Sunday at Noah Peek's. .
Mrs. Geo. Prichard was a Falls City
visitor , the guest of Mrs. Chas. Whet-
Chas. Stump and wife visited with
Wm Bartlett and wife , Sunday.
Oleon Peck was a guest at Henry
Gardes at Barada Sunday.
Louis Blake was a visitor of Chas
chouse Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. A. McCann spout the latter
part of last week with her daughter
Mrs. II. A. Hurk.
Mabel Shouse accompanied Chas.
Wise and family to Colorado Springs ,
Colo. , last Friday.
Ina Johnston visited her friend
Sarah Cook , Sunday.
Anson Knlslcy and wife were guests
at John Brim's near Iliunlin , Kansas ,
Mr * . Noah Peck and Mrs. Kph Peck
and Ida Burk were guests at Herbert
Burk's last Friday afternoon.
Francis Stump and family spout Sun
day with Geo. Shouse and family Sun
Martin Nolle and tamily and \Vm.
Huettner and family were guests of
John Nolto and family Sunday.
A select few of the young folks were
pleasantly entertained at Wcs Ned-
row's Sunday.
Frank /.ova and family of Salem
spent Sunday with Kd.ova and fam-
Born to Herbert Burk and wife a
son Nov. , 11 , 1'JOli.
D. M. Mo ran of Alliance , Neb. , spent
last Wednesday night with Noah
Mrs. J. W. Maust of Strausvillo en
tertained the German Baptist Aid so
ciety at her home in Strausville last
Professor Hewitt and Miss Ellen-
berger.favored the student body with
an instrumental duett , Tuesday morn
ing in chapel.
Two new Oliver typewriters have
been installed in the commercial de
partment OP t Iul.
The room known as the old chnpol
room has been fitted up for the classes
In Music and Expression and is known
as the Music and Expression hall
The athletic association have under
advisement the feasibility of Hooding
the athletic Hold for a skating rink for
the enjoyment of the faculty anil
The elective classes in Latin huvn
organi/.ed a Lutin club , the purpose o
tlio club being to do more exhaustive
Investigation along the lines of Roman
history , mythology , etc. The club
elected otliccrs and decided to moot
every two weeks.
Resolutions were adopted by the
faculty and students extending heart
felt sympathy to Mrs. Crawford in hot
late sorrow and bereavement over the
death of her only sister. Mrs. Knowl
ton , of Atkinson , Nob. Mrs. Crawfort
returns to the Normal with her mothe
and niece who will make their homt
Whoa the tip of a dog's nose is colii
and moist , that dog Is not sick. J
feverish dry nose means sickness with
a dog. And so with tbc human lips
Dry , cracked and colorless lips meaty
feverlshncss , and are as well ill ap
pearlng. To have beautiful , pink , velvet
vet like lips , apply at bedtime a coat
Ing of Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. I
will soften and heal any skin ailment
Get a free , trial box , at our store , am
be convinced. Large nickel cnppei
glass jars , 2" cents. Sold and recom
mended by all dealers.
Ohas. llyan and family departed last
week for an extended visit to Ueiio.
Geo. Garrett of Kansas City is visit
ing friends hero this week.
Thcouorc Majerus and bride left on
the evening train , for LeavenworthKs.
Tuesday evening.
llev. Sproll was a St. Joseph passen
ger Tuesday I'.vcning.
Will Wlnterbottom and family of
Falls City were Ilulo visitors Tuesday.
Frank and Henry Danarty of Biglow
were Rule visitors Friday.
Mr. Sandusky , with the Rclanor-
Baker grocery company , of Kansas
City , was transacting business here on
Thursday of last week.
Mrs. Henry Still of Wymore visited
with Mrs. Clyde Adams one day last
Tom Wintcrbottom of White Cloud
attended the MajerusU'interbottom
Mrs. Pierce and two little daughters
visited friends in St. Joe last week.
J. M. Martlnoskey made a business
trip to Omaha this week.
Uock Davis and Henry Belpier were
business visitors at St Joe Monday.
Henry Scott returned from Nebraska
City Sunday whore he has been for
snveral weeks looking after the repair
ing of the riprap work there. Mr.
Scott will superlntendond tlfteen hun
dred feet of riprap along the river
three miles south of Rule this winter.
Some of our local sports have been
enjoying the line hunting made by the
snow this week.
C. A. Thomas of St. Joe was a Rule
Isltor Tuesday.
Mrs. J. M. Pope is visiting in Mis-
ouri this week.
Last Saturday night at S o'clock oc
iiirred the marriage of Ida Johnson to
lurry Splcer , the marriage taking
> laee at the residence of Charles Hall ,
lev. ThomasJAikman olllciating. The
oung people arc well known in Ilulo
nil their friends < vish them happiness.
Floyd and Vearl True were Atchlson
isitors Saturday.
The teachers held their regular
nccting at the choolhouse Monday
Last Thursday night about twenty
young people met at the home of
Icnry Smith and completely surprised
Miss Kmma. The evening was spent
n social games and the guests all
initcd in pronouncing it a delightful
[ iarty. A dainty box lunch was served
in which was concealed a lady's name ,
the gentleman being compelled to
guess his partner , adding to .tho oven-
ing's amusement.
At the church of the Immaculate
Conception Tuesday morning the mar-
riagn of Gcnevoivo Wintcrbottom and
Theodore Majerus was celebrated ,
Rov. Sproll oiliciating. Many friends
witnessed the ceremony. Mamie
Kanaly was bridesmaid while Henry
Majerus acted as best man. The bride
was gowned in light blue silk and the
groom wore the conventional black.
After the ceremony and nuptial mass
the wedding breakfast was served to
the relatives at the homo of the bridn'o
parents , John Winterbottom and wife.
A largo host of friends wish them
much happiness
Cecil and Mamio Cuualy gave a linen
shower nt their home on Thursday
evening for Vova Winterbottom.
About twenty friends were present.
Real Estate Transfers.
Gee D Kirk and wf to M J LcBlanc ,
wcl lot 7 blk 'J5 ; Ruly. * 20 00 ,
Wm L Ratekln to Mary Ratekiu , q
c d lots - ljO1112 13 blk 29 Rulo. Sl.OO.
0 C Shelly and wf to A M Wilson w
d e } of lots 97 , OS , 99 blk 1 Preston.
Catherine Ailer and husb to Isaac W
Harris w d lots IM blk f Clarks N add
to Stella. $1200.
John T. Norton to Doll Norton w d
si of sub lot 9 In s w i of sec 'J-2-13.
Richardson county. $1 00.
J. M Sweinfurth and wf to Joseph
and A Liberty , w d lots 1-5 blk 02
Rouleau and Bedard's add to Rule
William L Tjaden and wf to John H
Berry w d 1 acre land off n side of s e }
of net of sec 3-2-13 Humboldt twp.
M A Hall to M J Le Blanc wd lots 7
blk 02 Rule , S10.
Charles H Holneman and wf to The
Leo Cider and Vinegar Company , wd
lots 1-2-3.4-5-C blk 164 Falls City.
Hall's Slaughter Shoe Sale
j > S creating1 a great sensation. Many are tak
ing advantage of the sale and laying in a sup
ply of Foot Wear to last them for a while.
The Sale is reducing the stock and converting
it into cash and making Hall new customers.
Here is where you get anything you want in
Foot Wear , quality considered , CHEAPER
than anvwhere else. I
Hides , Furs and Tallow.
I will pa } ' the highest market
price for hides , furs and tallow.
See me at Wachtcl's harness shop
Dr. Messier left the last of the
week for California.
Nelle Weaver was down from
Vcrdon yesterday afternoon.
George Stumbo returned Fri
day from \Vyoming , where he
has been working during the past
William Margrave was up from
the ranch yesterday and while in
town was a pleasant caller at
these quarters.
There was quite a rush of pas
sengers at the Burlington station
on Tuesday owing to it being the
ionic-seekers excursion day.
Mrs. F. Breni/cer was called to
Mor'rill , the first of the week by
the serious illness of her father ,
which was caused by his falling
from a haymow.
Mr. Neal has resigned his posi
tion as night operator at theC. B.
& Q. station in this city , and Guy
Miller , a brother of the day oper
ator , has taken that place.
Mrs. Good who has been very
ill for the past week , is now a
great deal better. Her daughter
Mrs. John Noah , and husbandof
Nebraka City came Wednesday.
James Henderson , formerly the
freight agent at the C. B. & Q.
station here , left Saturday for
Beatrice where he has another
position , and B. II. Martin , of
Odell , Nebr. , is now freight agent
at this place.
Mrs. John L. Cleayer and her
daughter , Alice , returned this
week from a nine week's trip
through Old Mexico , California
and the southwest. Miss Alice
went in the interest of her paint
ings on the Indian studyi and by
close application and work she
secured excellent results , taking
her sketches from the Indian in
his home. Both of the ladies en
joyed the trip immensely.
Lou Fulton , of Rule was
brought before Justice Pall-
stead , on Wednesday afternoon ,
charged with stealing a sum of
money from T , Adams , also of
of Rulo. Fulton was bound
over to the next meeting of the
district court.
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
Revival Meeting.
Revival meetings were beguu
at the Brethren church last
Sunday. The attendance hs- . ? ?
been large from the beginning.
Christians from the variou ?
churches are manifesting a good
interest , and great good is ei
pected to result from these
united efl'orts. A free hack run.- ,
to and from the meetings every
niglit for the benefit of tlie
southeast portion of the citj- .
Thib service is appreciated and
well patronized by residents cf
that section.
The meetings continue alt
next week.
Next week's subjects are :
Sunday morning , "Chura
Member's Work. ' '
Sunday evening , ' Eccellonn , "
Monday evening , "Listen. "
Tuesday evening , 'Seeking
God. "
Wednesday evening , "Out
Thing Needful. "
Thursday at 10:1)0 : ) a. in. Unioc.
Thanksgiving services. Sc1.--
mon by Rev , Lindenmeyer.
"The Sig
Thursday evening ,
ner's Plea. "
"The Sinner' .
Friday evening , *
Friend. "
Saturday evening , -'What
Lack I Yet ? " .
Come , worship together and
share in the blessing of devo
Slight Accident.
P. S. Ileacock & Son suffered
a slighted break in the machin
ery at the mill on Wednesday of
this week and consequently thfe
mill was shut down lor a fev
hours to make the necessary re
pairs. Everything is now run.
ning nicely.
Thirty-Fourth Anniversary.
The family of G. .1. Crook and
wife met at the old home place
east of town , last Saturda7
afternoon , for a re-union in
honor of their thirty-fourth wed
ding anniversary. Post-master
Crook enjoyed a half holiday
from his official duties and
passed the same at the old
The geathenng was one of
those good old time ones , and
afforded much pleasure and
happiness to those of the family
that were present.
Pneumonia Follows A Cold
but never follows the use of Foley'
Honey and Tar. It stops the cough ,
heals and strengthens the lungs and
prevents pneumonia. For sale by all