The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 23, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Iilncn Parasols Go with Plainer ShirtWaist -
* Waist Suits and Lingerie
Styles Harmonize.
The most { oscillating hats and para
sols have come out , seemingly planned
and made to go together , yet In reali
ty happening upon that effect In nine
crses out of ten.
Lingerie styles are responsible for
much of it the whole wide range of
lingerie ideas echoed and reechoed in
the parasols ; in fainter , though no
less exquisite , tone in hats. Some ono
has glibly prophesied the passing of
the Huffy parasol , claiming that In
stead will bo carried the plainer types.
Yet lingerie dresses grow more pop
ular all the while , and ruffles are
piled upon ruffles , E&cmlngly without
end. That prophecy is bound to bo
wrong , for , so long as the summer
girl holds court dressed in the sheer
est , softest of gowns , which billows
and froths about her , just so long will
she , in spite of fashion's dlctums ,
twirl , in lieu of a scepter , the airiest ,
most useless , but wonderfully plctur-
rsquo and becoming parasol.
Those plainer styles will be car
ried more than the fluffy ones without
a doubt just as shirt-waist suits and
the many attractive models of linen
suits are more in evidence in sun
times than those billowy , beruflled ,
bcrlbboncd things. Hut each will
have its place and each will bo car-
ri'ctl you might almost say worn--
with the sort of gown it best suits.
And hats of linen and of lineu
and lace will go with them.
For the plainest shirt-waist suits
the prettiest linen parasol Is made ,
plain except for a rather largo motif
embroidered in each panel , or per
haps in only one , with the initials
cunningly interwoven , so as not to
be too conspicuously plain to any
one moro In the nature of those
clever seals which look like an old
eastern charm , but which are real
ly the three Initials made into a
cabalistic sign.
Eyelet work holds Its own In the
iff parasol world , and insertions of lace
are even moro popular than over ,
both cluny and Irish lace used in
lavish profusion. Chicago Record-
Pine to Take Away on n Summer Va
cation , Makes You Independent
of Expensive laundress.
Ono of the most acceptable pres
ents to make for your friend's summer
trip is the case for a very small IronIng -
Ing board , with the little board in
side. Get a smooth board about 14
inches long by five inches wide , and
cover It with a thick soft flannel , plac
ing over this a piece of fine muslin.
Sew It on securely and smoothly.
Then cut your cover a little larger
than the board , and In the form of a
long envelope , with the opening and
llap at ono end. Bind it with rib
bon or galleon , and make a button
hole In the flap , with a button to cor
respond on the cover. Put , also , on
the cover a pocket , large enough to
hold a small ironholder , rnado of
ticking , lined with thick flannel , and
covered with the same material as
the cover , which should bo of a bright ,
flowered cretonne. Small charcoal
irons can bo bought that are easily
carried and heated. Wlm this outllt
your friends will be Independent of
laundresses , as far as collars , cuffo
and small articles are concerned/
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Study suitability n subjects when
assigning pictures to their position ,
as a picture that Is suitable in one
room may be entirely out of keeping
with the general character and pur
pose of another.
Do not crowd pictures. Too few aiu
preferable to too many , and plair
spaces are restful in their effect.
Oil paintings , water colors , and line
drawings show the artist's work and
what he meant to depict much bettei
when hung flat against the wall not
Never hang a glossy picture opposite
a window , and never hang any plcturo
BO high that It Is hard to look at.
Do not hang pictures In pairs , and
do not hang two from ono hook If the
wire on both shows the oblique lines
made by the two wires are very ob
A picture which shows heavy shad
ows should be hung with the shadows ,
away from the window , to make the
shadows seem natural ones.
Pictures are less apt to get skewed
when dusting , or by other means , if
hung on two hooks instead of one. Tha
lines of the wire are loss objectionable
too , as they are horizontal and per
pendicular , as are the lines of the
frame. When the wires can he entire
ly behind the picture , out of sight , the
best effect is secured. Prairie Farmer.
Soft Gingerbread.
Break a fresh egg In a bowl , stir
with a fork , add a tablespoonful of
melted butter and fill the bowl half-
full of sour cream. Fill to the top
with New Orleans molasses , turn Into
a larger bowl , beat and add a cupful of
Hour Into which has been sifted a leva
teaspoonful of soda. Add a teaspoonful -
ful each of ginger , allspice and cinna
mon , and a little salt. Bake in a
A mousse Is a smooth ire , usual ! }
prepared with whipprd cream. For a
"coffee mousse , " drip enough test
grade of coffee to make a cupful quite
strong , but very clear ; boll this to a
syrup with a cup of uignr. and when
cool mix Into a pint of whipped cream ;
put into a mold and pr.cK In Ice : mc
< alt a couple of hours.
1 GIFTS. '
| To be able to find gifts that ft
\ will satisfy your own good will ,
! please the recipient and still
! remain within the limits of your (
i pocket book is no easy matter.
\Vc arc certain , though , that you | j
> will Hud in our stock the items ft
that will best combine these
three essentials.Ve have scp
? > i cured this result by selecting n
tile most desirable gift lines , 03jb
i affording a wider variety of jS
| i them and by putting the &
* }
> e
' on everything that business 5
| safety will permit. Nowhere jy
} else can you find such good gifts
at such reasonable prices. Let
> us show them to you.
i |
I Games , Toys , Dolls , o
} c
Pictures , Perfumes , g
I Pine Toilet Articles , |
O co
Latest Leather Goods , p
\ Mirrors , Books , Pancv China , g
i Smokers' Goods , Box Papers ,
> c
* Novelties in Metal , c
I Wood and Leather , g
Silver and Plated Wares ,
' Japanese Novelties , < Q
I Ulblcs , Albums , Hymnals , g
j Desk Accessories ,
a e
) Plaving Cards , c
1 Christmas Booklets and Cards ,
2 Musical Instruments.
3 C
I Traveling Sets , Shaving Sets , j §
Pine Candies , Etc. c
b *
| §
9 ? K
John F. Paul and wife were business
cullers at the county seat Monday.
John U' Krusoi1 , Geo. A. Schmidt
and Henry [ lerechbiirgur have joined
the Farmers mutual Telephone com
A very largo crowd was in attend
ance at the dunce in the Kcdnmn Hall
here Saturday night. All report a
fine time.
Hahl n Duuncckcr of Winnebairo
Vulloy took 11 huge four horse load of
oak corn wood to Falls City Tuesday.
Clarence Soluit/ had special business
in Corning Tuesday.
Nettie Anderson was a pleasant call
er here Tuesday.
Charles Asendorf had important
business here Tuesday.
Frank Zimmerman and Frank Bur-
kett of Fort Hazel were business call
ers in Kulo Tuesday.
H. J. Scheitel sr. , and wife of Pres
ton spent Wednesday visiting at the
home of their son Henry at Sunny
Mate Poyntner and Miss Katie were
Rule visitors Wednesday.
Win. Bauman hud bubinuss at the
Preston mills Wednesday.
Mrs. Philip Werner and son were
here shopping Wednesday.
C. A. Zimmerman , Ed Shaw , Jot
Powers , Win. Buckmlnister , James K ,
Uandall , Jack Brtncgar and Dick
Guilliums were among the business
cullers here Wednesday.
.Tames Sells was aj pleasant callei
hero Thursday.
August Dorste of GolT , Kansas at
tended the funeral of his father hero
John Kloepfel sr. , of Falls City and
Robert Paul and wife attended the
funeral of August Dorsto sr. , here
E. W. Jones sold his farm near Abl-
line , Kansas at a handsome profit re
Mrs. Jennie Jones and Mabel Jone ;
of Fort Hazel were Rule callers Sat
Geo. A. Schmidt and Olcn Hogrefc
of Winnebago Valley were pleasanl
callers here Friday.
Floyd Ruthsford and J. K. Randal !
were business callers hero Friday.
Anna Buuman was u pleasant callei
here Friday.
Fritz NIssen expects to retire to the
Soldiers homo in the near future.
Elmer Shock loaded his old Westing
House separator into u Hut car thit
week and started it toward Council
Iowa. Glad to get rid of It.
August Dnrstu uiru SO years died at
St. Joseph ) Mo. , Monday night. The
utilise o ( Ills death has not liuun an
noutu'oil Mr. Dorsto passed through
the Civil war struggling for the Union
ciuifui AfttM * the clo u of thn war ho
nettled on u farm live miles north west
of hero where liu raised a fiimlly of
three tons and two daughters all of
whom arc now grown Ills son Win.
went to St. Joseph and brought the remains -
mains hero and they wcro tenderly
laid to rest in the A ratio cemetery
Cured of Urljjhts Disease.
Mr. Robert O. Hurl < o , Elnora , N. V. ,
writes : "Before I siurled to use Foley s
Kidney Cure 1 had to get up from
twelve to twenty Union a nlgbt , itnil I
was all bloated up with dropsv and my
eyesight was so impaired I could
scarcely see one of my family across
the room. I hint given up hope of
living , when a friend recommended
FoleyV Kidney Cure. One oO eent
bottle worked wonders and before I
had taken tin ; third bottle the droptv
had gone , n- > well us nil other sj mptoniH
of BrlghtV disease. " For sale by all
The Farmers Institute has se
cured the best talent in the state.
Come and hear them December
18th , 19th and 20th.
For Sale or Trade.
One 10 gnae , Dainacns , double
barrel shotgun , with leather case ,
and 150 loaded shells ; $150.00
aclc Parker , to trade on a horse
and will pay the difference. In
quire at this office.
Of TinKaniHTM Stall- Hank , of 1'rritim.
Nebraska , Cllarti-r No. TW. tncoriioratril In tin-
state nf Nebraska , at tinelosi - of business
Noxcinlior 12. IWj.
ur.sorHci : * , .
Loans anil discounts $ 24,4'S.4J
O\orilraft . secured and unsecured. . . . 57.4.6
Hanklnu house furniture-and fixtures ( iSO.OO
Current expenses and taxes paid WO.'K )
Due from nat'l , state and pri
vate banks and bankers 5 54. < 16
CASH 3,157.76
Total . S35.2W.21
Capital stock p.iM hi . $ 0,5 < )0.K ) ( >
Surplus f imcl . . 1,000.00
Undivided profits . 1M5.04
Individual dvpo Uc subject to
checks . J1S.7W.5' )
Time cuilllicates of deposit. . . . 7.121.5.S 25 , < )14.17 )
Total . S35,24'J.2l
, -ss.
County of KichnrdMin. )
I , Clyde Timelier , cashier , of the above.
named bank , do solemnly suuar th.U the above.
statement l < a correct and true copy of the re
port made to the state Itanklnir Ho.itd.
Ci.vui : Tn.\UKiK. ! Cashier
W. C , M.KC.KAVI : , Dlrec'tor.
H. C. Xnr.M.KK , Director.
Subscribed and suorn to before me this 17th
day of November , I'tVi. O. II , IJusil.
Justice of 1'eace.
Mv commission e\pire Januarv I , 1"07.
Of The Palls Cits Stale llanK , of Palls Cilj ,
Nebraska , Charter I.'o. IS'l. ' Incorporated in the
stateof Nebraska , at Hie ilnsof liutnu"- .
November , 12. I'KWi.
Loans and Discounts . . . . . * lii'M.12.115
Overdrafts , seoiinil and unsecured. . . . yit4.ll
Itankini ; house furniture and li.vtures. 13,200.01
Current expenses and taxes paid . i'iI4'W
Due from nat'l. Mate and pri
vate bank's and bankers . . . $ 33.WJ.5h
Checks and items of exchange 1 , < ll.34
| Cnrrenc ) . 4 , 555.00
C Vhll - .
( Coin . 5.ii."i4.SS
Total cash on hand . JM57. " . '
Capital slock paid In . $ fo.omU"
Surplus fund . ' 1,000.01
Undivided profits . IO.S34.11
Individual deposits subject
to check . $
Demand certificates of de
posit . 26,503.42
Certified checks . 2.500.00
Due to state and private
lunksund banker * . J5Ut2'.fi7 IM.534X
Total . 231 , 3WL'
r s .
Count } of Richardson. 1
I , W. A. ( ! reen\vald , cashier of the ibovc
named bank , do solemnly s\\rar that tin
above statement Is a correct and true copj oi
the report made to the State Ilaiiklnif Hoard.
\V. A. Ciuii-\WAi.ii. : Cashier.
T. J. < ; IST. Director.
S. 1' . OIST , Director.
Subscribed and suoru to iK-fore me this Kill
day of NovcmlMir , I'llo. JIHIN AV. I'DUI'.LI. .
Nularj 1'ubbc.
Mv commission expins November 25 , I'll * ' .
Bakctl sueet uiiplos , with some j-o'le. | ' brlnz r
prompt relict for Constipation. With others ,
roarso all-wheat bread will Imvu thu KIIIIO ctlcct.
Nature undoubtedly lias a vczclnbln rcinwly to J
relieve everyl ilment known to man , If physicians
can but find Nature's way to health. And this i J
strikingly true with regard to Constipation.
The bark of a certain tree in California Cas-
cam Sagrada offers n most txcullent nld to tills
end. Hut , combined with Egyptian Senna , Slip
pery Kim Jlark , Solid Kxtrnct oi I'runes , etc. , this
wnio Cnscara bark is clvcu its greatest possible
power to correct constipation. A toothsome
Candy Tablet , called Lax-i-U , Is now madu at tin
Dr. Bhoop Laboratories , from this Ingenuous and 1
most eflectlvu prescription. Its effect on Const ! [
patlon , Hlllousncss. Sour Stomach , liacl llreatli
fallow Completion , etc. , is Indeed prompt ani J
No griping , no unpleasant after effects arerx ;
perleuced. and Lax-els are put up In br-uutlfu '
lithographed metal boxes ut 5 cents and 5 ccnti
per box. "
For something new , nice , economical uui
effective , try a Ixir of
Burlington Bulletin.
XOVISM1U5K 11)111) ) .
Kuund Trip to the
Dnily Tnuriel rati-s in t'lfi'ct nil
winter to Pacific Const destina
tions with variable ronti'H.
Chicago and return : -O n o fnro
pins $ 2.00 for the round trip Doc-
tMiibcr Jst to 4th inclnsivo for the
International Live. Stock Exposi
To the East and South : Vt > ry
tow hoinesuekor'H and Winter.
Tourist excursions through the
Autumn and Winter to various
li'stinations throughout t h o
south and southeast.
Visit the Old Homo : Low ex-
ursion rates to the uld homo
Kmttfl in Illinois , lowa Wiseonsin
Missouri and oUier middle btates
lestinations , Oct. SUli and 2rd | { ,
Nov. 1-Hh and S27lh , limit thirty
llomeseelcers' Hxc'iirsions :
Freijuently each month to West-
erit Nebraska , ICasterti Colorado ,
Biir Horn Basin , dry land fuym-
nu deulinalioiiH or irrigated sec-
Dry Land I nrininu- : Send for
Polder and yet hold of a quarter
section of cheap western land bo-
: ore it is too late.
Free Kinkaid Lunds : Write
Clem Denver , Agent Burlington's
Homeseekers' Information Bureau
it 1001 Parnnm St. , Omaha , about
uettinn ; hold of a free section of
Kinkaid lands now being restored
Lo the public domain.
E. G. WiiiTronu , Agt.
This is Worth Remembering.
As no ODO Is immune , every person
should remember Unit Foloy's Kidney
Cure will euro tiny euso ot kidney or
bladder trouble that is not beyond the
reiieh of medicine. For snlo by nil
Cheap Farm Land.
Southwest Offers Best Opportunities
For Securing Ilomei.
Many farmers in the Northern
nnd'Eastern states are selling their
high priced lands and locating in
the Southwest. Many who have
been unable to own their homed
in the older country are buying
lands in the now country.
Unusual opportunities o xi s I
along the lines of the Missouri
Pacific-Iron Mountain Route.
The rich , alluvial , delta lands and
river bottom lands of Sontheasl
Missouri , Eastern Arkansas
Louisiana and TC-XHP , capable ol
producing ( ! 0 bushels of corn , r
Dale of cotton , ! to (5 ( tons of alfnlfi
IfiO bushels of potatoes , and other
grains , vegetables and hay crops
can be bought for $7.50 to $15.00
per acre. When cleared nn < :
slightly improved will rent fo
$ LOO to $ ( J.OO per acre cash.
Uplands more rolling , lighte
soil , adapted to fruit growing
peaches , pears , plums grapes
berries also melons , , tomatoe
aim other vegetables , can bt
bought for $5.00 to $10.00 pe
acre in unimproved state. Man ;
places with small clearings nut
some improvements can be bough
very cheap.
Write for rnap and descripliv
literature on Missouri , Arkansas
Louisiana Texas , Kansas or In
dinn Territory. Very cheap rate
on iirst and third Tuesdays o
each month.
Address ,
Omaha , Neb.
or H. G.TOWSSESU.G. P. &T. A.
St. Louis , Mo.
This Is Worth Remembering.
i As no ono Is immune , every person
j should remember that Foley's Kidney
Cure will cure any case of kldnoy or
bladder trouble that Is not beyond the
. reach of medicine. For gale by all
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
Preventlcs , us the name Implies , pro
) ! vent all Colds and Grippe when "tuken-
ut the enee/.o stage. " I'roventies uro
j toothsome candy tablets. Proventles
's dissipate all colds quickly , and taken
early , when you first feel that a cold is
coming , they check and prevent them
J Proventles are thoroughly safe for
children , and as effectual for adults.
j Sold iitul recommended in / > cent and
25 cent boxes by all dealer.
f A full line of the Small Musical Instruments ,
\ Latest Sheet Music , Edison and Victor Records , i
We also carry a large stock of i
r T
Falls City Music Company \
Opposite Court House
This is our motto not only in style , but
in material and workmanship as well.
When you wear a suit or overcoat made
at Wilson's you may be assured that
none are better dressed than you.
Tailor made suit will wear as long as
two Hand-me-Downs and they always
hold their shape and look dressy. The
result is that it pays to dress well and
look neat at all times.
Call and examine our extensive line of
patterns and get our prices , we are sat
isfied you will look no farther.
| The Falls City Roller Mills f
DC-OS a l milling business , and inaiiiifacturos the %
following brands of flour j
The above * brands arc gunrantccd to be of the highest pos 3ff 3C
sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and C
cotiduct a general
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business ff
and si licit a oharc of your patronage
P. S. Ueacock & Son , Falls n6D
Cl f
rr )
( H * * * * * * n * * * *
Have you tried the
Under new management. We will carry at
all times a full stock of the best of everything
in our line. High Standard Quality is our
Motto. Our methods are bound to please
you. 'Phone 3. Yours for Business ,