v ! T.i . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 23 , 1906 5- LOCAL LORE. Bat Sowles' candy. Asa Crook has been on the sick h'.t this week. Samuel Baync and wife went to Salem Sunday. Joseph Tichen was down from iVnvson Saturday. Winifred Wcrtz , of St. Joseph , is the guest of Clara Gagnon. Fred Sebold has been on the jiok ? list for the past ten days. Katie Meliza spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Daw- sun. John Oswald made a business trip to Dawson Saturday after noon. Begin planning now to attend the Farmers Institute. It will pnj you. _ John Powell shipped in a car load of tine potatoes the first of week- Ida Me } ers , of Preston attended tiie play at the Gehling last Fri day evening. J. S. Wilson , on route one , Re serve , Kansas is now a reader of The Tribune. - N If you want driving horses , cfjlts or mules get them at the Margrave ranch. Mrs. W. W. Spurlock of Salem was the guest of Mrs. John Holt during the week. Mrs. Joseph Varner and chil dren left Friday for a months visit in Oklahoma. Anita Wilson was the guest of Salem friends the past Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Will Boyd came up from Hia watha and spent Sunday with Ids family in this city. Farmers Institute at Falls City December 18-1' ) and 20th at Court house. Come and be one of us. Helen Martin returned the first of the week from a visit -reith Maym'e Eustice , at Auburn. Zetta Catnblin returned Sunday from a visit with friends at Atchison and Highland , Kansas. Amos Timerman and Ollic Hclmick , of Stella , attended Hi Henry on Friday evening of the past week. Miles Crook returned the latter part of the past week from a three months stay at Verona , Wyoming. George Weaver and wife were , tjown from Stella last Friday , 3Ii Henry and his Minstrel being the attraction. Sidney Lapp returned Friday from Wyoming where he hat Tc-cen working for the past two 01 } hree months Did you know that the Farmers Institute is to be held at Falls fiity in the Court room , Decem ber 18-T' ' and 20th. Mrs. George Stumbo who ha ; Ijcen visiting in Wyoming for the past week , returned to her home in this city the last of the week Mrs. Sarah Marberger cam < 'jiown from Humboldt last Satur lay afternoon , to attend tin Davis-Schmelzel wedding this ; reek. Harry Foehlinger came uj from Atchison last Friday am n Thursday evening of this week left for McCook , where In ' 4 as a position. Mr. Foxworthy , representing 3he Western Newspaper Union f Omaha was a pleasant calle at this office while transactinf Business affairs in this city las Friday. _ _ Henry C. Smith was a Hum Loldt visitor Sunday. From ther lae drove to his farm near Di Bois. Mr. Smith has one of th inest fruit farms in this sectioi and he has just completed som ixtensive improvements on th same , in the way of a new house f\ \ and such. His apple orchan yielded an immense crop this seas on , and the fruit was of a fin variety. Mrs. Daisy Foley is on the sick ist this week. II. W. Campbell of Salem spent Sunday in this city. Jessie Jones was here from Salem Saturday last. J. J. Caverzagie was up from ulo the past Friday. F. J. Ilynek was down from lumboldt Friday last. J. II. Motsinger was down rom Shubert last Sunday. Mrs. Helen Bentley left Mon- lay for a yisit at St. Joseph. K. G. Kelley of White Cloud , vansas was in town Monday. Dr. A. E Wolfe spent Sunday he guest of friends at Humboldt. A. A. Tiehen was among the ) awson people in this city Satur- lay. Ray Travers of Hiawatha was n town the latter part of the veck. Mrs. Ida White returned Satur- lay from a visit with friends at Topeka. Louis Finck and wife , on route bur , were shopping in town last Tuesday. Sydney Spence has been con fined to his bed for several days this \\eek. Prof. Larabee and wife , of Jreston , were Saturday visitors in this city. Minna and Angeline Tiehen of Dawson were Saturday visitors in this city. O. O. Snyder was one of the Salem people that spent Satur day in this city. Alta Snyder was among the Salem people that spent Satur- lay in Falls City , Gertrude Lum , was down from Vcrdon Saturday for a brief visit with friends here. C. W. Atwood was here from [ lumboldt in a business way on Tuesday of this 'week. J. M. Ilouck , on route one was : i pleasant caller at these quarters ast Saturday afternoon. Mrs. E. D. Lockridge of Lin coln was the guest of Mrs John flolt during the past week. C. F. Reavis was attending tc law business in Lincoln and Omaha , during the first of this week. Mrs. C. N. Allison was callee to Manhatten , Kans.- , the pas1 week by the serious illness of hei mother. Guy Huston was thrown fron a horse last Sunday and received a severely bruised head and othei painful hurts. A. G. Shubert was here fron ; Shubert looking after severa business affairs on Saturday o the past week. Orra Ross of the Aubun Herald force , spent Sunday a the home of his parents , Join Ross and wife in this city. Thomas Palmer , who is em ployed on the Hiawatha Demo crat , spent Saturday evening am Sunday at his home in this city Phillip Markt , of Oregon. Mo. is visiting with relatives nea Barada , and while in town Mon day was a pleasant caller at this office. Elsie Morehead who is keep ing house for her grandfather a Troy , Kansas spent Sunday will her parents J. C. Morehead am wife , west of town. Mr. Lawrence Evart is beini presented this season by A. W Cross in Mr. Walker Whiteside' brilliant comedy in three acts "We are King. " Equipped witl a superb company , rich costume and correct scenery , this attrac tion has proved to be of grea excellence and merits the appre ciation that has been accordei Mr. Evart and company. "W are King'1 will appear in thi city on Wednesday evening November 28th , at the Gehling The Amphions will sing at the Christian church tonight. Heat them. George Cleveland made a busi ness trip to St. Joseph Wednes day morning. Miss Elmo Kirk , of Salem , has been the guest of Almeda Hill since Saturday. Mrs. Allan D. May and small son of Salem arc visiting rela tives in this city. Mrs. D. M. Davics and children left Monday for a visit with friends at Fairbury. Miss Margaret Meyers , of Johnsto vn. Pa. , is the guest oi Mrs. Stephen Miles. Mrs. J. C. Roberts of Sabetha , Kans. , was the guest of J. A. Hill from Monday until Wednes day. day.E. E. D. Ricger was up from Preston on Tuesday and while in town was a pleasant caller al this office. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hill re turned today from a ten days visit in Iowa. They drove the distance and had a very pleasant trip. Rev. T. A. Lindennieyer was n Hebron visitor over Sunday , going early Saturday morning and returning Monday evening. The Hall slaughter shoe sale is attracting large crowds at the Hall shoe store every day. Botl of the past two Saturdays he has enjoyed a tremendous trade- Harry P. Custcr went to Kan sas City Saturday to meet hii wife , who was returning from r visit with her sister. Mrs. Artlun Richards , at Pittsburg , Kansas The price of poultr } ' has beer below six cents , until the echo oi Thanksgiving was heard , whet : the1 advanced to eight cents- ami it is still one week until thai day arrives. There will be a regular conr munication of Falls City Lodge No. < J A F & A M next Mondaj evening , November 2f > at theii hall. An invitation to all visit' ing brethern. Mrs. Hoppe was called to Kan sas City the latter part of the past week , owing to thcexplosior of a gosoline stove which serious ly injured her daughter-in-law , Mrs John Hoppe. Services of the First Christiat church will be held in the churcl building next Sunday , Nov. 25th The building has been repaire ( and papered on the inside and i : now heated with a furnace. Frank Messier and wife cann down from Fairbury the last o the week. Mr. Messier has re turned but his wife will stay fo a longer visit with her parents Dudley Gillispie and wife. J. C. Tanner during the dem onstration of the Majestic range at his hardware store last wcel sold in the neighborhood o twenty ranges. The dcmonstra tion attracted a large numbe each day , and preyed a very sue cessful exhibit. W. Dorrington writes fror Washington that he a n i Mrs. Dorrington are enjoyini their stay in the far west ver much. Mr. Dorrington h a charge of the building of a sewc for the Gilligan company under sixty thousand dollar contract. If Falls City would work fo Falls City what a good littl town we would have. If we ha fewer men who seek the destruc tion of local business institution ' .because of personal feelin ' 'against ' men connected with sue ! institutions we would be a grea deal better off. If the town is t progress it must have the activ co-operation of everj' citizei : When men are so small as to sen out of town for postage stamp because they don't like the post master , when a local merchan furnishes his home by out c town puschases , when the spiri of "knock" is the constant fami iar of many of our citizens , whs can be expected for the future. The machine shops have been busy sharpening skates for the kids. Catherine Bosworth , of Ne braska City arrived here Wednes day afternoon for a visit with Almeda HiU. Don't fail to attend the enter tainment given by the Amphion male quartette at the First Chris tian church tonight. Sam Stewart and wife of Re serve attended the Davis- Schmelzel wedding in this city Wednesday evening. Mrs. James McDowell of Tecumseh - cumseh is visiting with her sister , Mrs. Harry Custcr , and other relatives in this city. J. A. Tipton of Albany , Mo. , came for the wedding Wednesday evening. His wife has been vis iting relatives here for the past week. Tonight at t h e Christian church , the Amphions will enter tain in the first number of the lecture course. You should hear them. The holly ribbon decoration in the Samuel Wahl window is very neat , pretty and attractive. Mr Speer is certainly an artist along that line. Mrs. Andrew Cameron a n d children and Mrs. Mary Cameron have all been sick for some time with very severe colds , but are now recovering. A cordial invitation is extended to you a u d y o u r f a m i 1 y to attend the Farmers Institute. The best of talent both men and women have been engaged. Mrs. Benj. Foster left Tuesday for the bedside of her sister , Miss Anna Martin , who is lying very ill at her home at Cowcta , Okla. Miss Martin has many friends in this city , all of whom hope for her early recover } ' . Col. Dalbey and wife , of the Shubert Citizen , were down to Davis-Schmelzel wed attend the - ding. While here the colonel was a pleasant caller at these quarters and we noticed that he has purchased himself a brand new bonnet. The store of Burn's Bros , has commenced to assume holiday attire , preparatory forthe Christ mas time. All manner of toys , as well as all useful articles are ondisplay and show an extra large stock , of the very best , has been selected for this season. The decorations are also quite pretty , Mr. Lawrence Evart will ap pear at the Gehling on Wednes day evening , Nov. 28th , in Mr. Walker Whiteside's satirical com edy , "We are King. " Mr. Evart possesses a beautiful voice , an admirable stage presence , which combined with unlimited ability , fits him for the part of Gustavus Venncr the dual role created by Mr. Whiteside. Mr. Evart will be surrounded by a remarkably strong cast , including several members of Mr. Whiteside's orig inal "We arc King" production. YES XMAS IS COMING While this is true , we have been busy selecting new novelties for the Hol iday Season. Many of these goods have arrived and are at your disposal. We would be pleased to have you call early and pass upon ourjudgmeU in selecting this season's Holiday Stock. Citv Pharmacv Dr. MCMILLAN , Prop. 15h an FOR THE &ABLE We have just received a full line of Tableware. We keep only the best in Plated Ware and Sterling Silver Flat Ware Is there not something that you need in the following sug gestions for the table : Vegetable Servers Oyster Forks Cream Ladles Carving Sets Gravy Ladles Meat Forks Berry Spoons Pickle Spoons Bouillon Spoon Coffee Sets Tea Spoons Berry Set Dessert Spoons Table Spoons Fish Set Sugar Tongs Jully Spoons Pie Server Orange Spoons Nut Bowls Many other things both useful and ornamental. Prices reasonable. A. E. Jaquet The "Old Jeweler Heliable" Remember the shooting match at Fargo the 28th. Bert Keavis was a business vis itor in Omaha Tuesday. FOK SAI.K : A good cow. In quire of Mrs. Harriet Stump. It is peculiar that a blackberry is always red when it's green. I guess the collection of nearly S'JOO ' on a bid of $180 is not going some. Chas. Uattrel of St. Joseph spent Sunday with his parents in this city. Tom Gist is rapidly recovering Irom his injury and will soon be about again. Richard Baker returned Tues day from Omaha where he has been employed. 13. G. Whitford while on his recent western trip , purchased a large body of western land. Isham Keavis has been en gaged in the trial of a case be fore the Brown county , Kansas , court this week. Edwin Walloon and C. F. Keavis were before the supreme court in Lincoln Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Pickctt returned the latter part of the week from a three months visit with relatives in Iowa and other eastern points. Esburu Wheeler and wife were down from Stella during the week , visiting relatives and at tending the Davis-Schmclzel wed ding. Farmers who still have apples on hand , can find a sale for them at the vinegar factory. It will not matter if they have been slightly frozen , as this will not impair their quality for vinegar. Jesse Whetstine , who has been hunting in and near Cabool , Mo. , for several weeks , had the mis fortune to break his arm last week. We don't believe that Missouri agrees w i t h Jesse , nohow. Mrs. Koss Jackson and son Otis , who have been visiting with relatives at Shickley , Neb. , are now visiting with her par ents , Richard Jones and wife , in this city , before returning to their home at Atchison. Plans are under way by the Woman's club to have a musical in the near future , the proceeds of which will be used to help pay for the instruments and music for the high school band. This would be worthy of the patron age of all. A mistake was made when one of the local papers last week gave the impression that Humane Officer Hersher had taken the Mrs. Futscher found wandering on Stone street early one morn ing last week , to the county jail | for safe keeping. He took her to the deputy sheriff's wife be cause both were German and he could not understand the lan guage. THE QEHLINQ Wednesday Evening , Nov. A. W. CROSS Presents MR. LAWRENCE EVART In Mr. Walker Whiteside's Greatest Coined } ' Success "We are A Complete Scenic Equipment A Company of Superior Ex cellence. Prices 273 Seats 75c ; 112 Seats at 50c ; 3f > 5 Scats 3Sc. Rye for sale at Heck's feed store. Corn huskers wanted at the Margrave ranch. 4f3t. . Few RUNT : Two steam heated rooms over the state bank. Sweet cider by the barrel , keg or gallon at Heck's feed store. You will miss the best time of your life if you miss the Farmers Institute on the 18-1'J and 20th of December. Falls City has two remarkable institutions in its meat markets both of which sell sausage made of real pork. FOK RHNTGood barn for horses , with place for carriage , has hay mow and water. Four blocks east of court house. In quire of Tribune , Barn For Sale-Cbeap. This barn is 20 x 32 , first class lumber , room for 8 head of stock. Good hay mow and two bins. Would make good house dwell ing. Particulars call on Ma- comber Bros. One block west of State bank. Shooting Match. A shooting match will be held at Fargo , November 28 , for those who desire to secure turkeys , geese or ducks for Thanksgiving day. Approxi mately twenty-four turkeys , eighty ducks and thirty-six geese will be disposed of at this match. The shoot will be con ducted by 0. J. Thomas and good sport is promised. Attend - tend and secure one or more of the foul.