THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 23 , 1906. WORTH WHILE . Heauty is a dangerous asset. A lame excuse is worse than none at all. I caru to be a good loser and you'll never bo sore. After a man lias climbed to the top of the ladder lie forgets about those he left at the bottom. Anybody can be good when temptation is absent , Talking scandal implicates you with it. Never use what is not your owiii never buy what you cannot pay lor , never sell what you haven't got , is a pretty good rule to go by. "One good turn deserves an other" said the poet as he turned his cull's lor the fourth time. You can't ever say a man is rich , judging by what his daugh ter wears. Life is like the ocean. It drowns one man because he yields to it passively and blindly. It buoys up the other because he strikes it skillfully and with lusty sinews. To be successful one must know when to grant and when to refuse concessions. Too many people think it isn't wrong to lie about a man who lives a hundred miles away. How one conducts himself in the unusual and extraordinary circumstances and conditions of life is the true test of one's worth and manhood. The fool and the liar are insep arable for the simple reason that a liar is always a fool and the fool is usually a liar. How brave we all arc when there is no enemy in sight ! The oldest love letter is in the British museum. It is a proposal of marriage for the hand of an Egyptian princess and it was made 3,500 years ago. It is in the form of an inscribed "brick , " says an exchange. Now we know the identity of the original gold brick man. If you arc wronging anyone , quit it in time. Why is it most of us believe good nature is cultivated and ill nature is natural ? Don't permit pretended friends to exaggerate your sorrows. There is no such thing as a white lie. Every lie is black. A discontented person is bad enough to live with , but a self- satisfied person is lots worse. A lot of fellows get into the band wagon who make the driver feel like swearing. Some men hate to do right be cause they think they are doing it for the Lord. That is where they arc fooled. A man should do right for his own sake ; because doing right pays better than doing wrong. For his. own sake , no man can alTord intemperance , dishonesty or idleness. The true woman believes in marriage ; in motherhood , in fam ily life and happiness. She finds in this circle of interest her noblest calling and her greatest joy. "Coming-out" parties for girls are generally intended as public announcements that they are willing to go into retirement in a "cottage built for two. " ' The training of the boys is generally intrusted to mama be. cause papa doesn't want them tc become prixe-iightcrs or politi * cians. A Japanese woman's age cat be told from her dress. It ii probably the only country in tin world where women are no ashamed of their age. Don't bet on your popularity When some people get int < trouble they enlist a lot of peopl to help them out. Piles quickly and positively cure with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointuicnl It's made for Piles alone and It dot the work surely and with satlsfactlor Itcblnc , painful , protudlng or blin piles disappear like magic by its use Large , Nickel Capped glass jare , ! i cents. Sold and recommended by u dealers. OCTOPUS UNCANNY THING. Cuttlefish Have Been Found with n Hencli of Thirty -Eight Feet Kill Victims. Of all the big garniof the deep BCU Unit have been takou by man enttlcllsht'.H nre the most dia bolical in Hlmpo and general ap pearance. . I hnvi ! handled and muiimircd one thai was US feet in length , a weird , spiderlike crea ture with two antennaelike arms 0 feel in lunglh , nays a urilcr in Metropolitan .Magax.ine. Speci mens of these animals have been caught 70 feet in length , the nip- tors lighting them with an ax , cut- ling ( lie arms which seized and held the boat. Oil' ( lie ooasls of California and Alaska there is a big deep sea ally of ( his animal a big spiderlike o'Mofms thai haunts the deep banks , preying upon the fishes most esteemed by fishermen. It if found oil' the Karraloncs on rocU bottom and at times tlietiidiermen haul in their lines thinking thai they have fouled a slono or rock , so heavy is I he weight , bill when the surface is reached long , livi. ' arms shoot above the waler. sci/ < the boat and the mriiiur forced to fight \ \ illi knives and hnlclichi ( he weird , uncanny game I hat has < i radial spread of .W feel , its eight sucker-lined arms being l"i feet in length and possessed of < -x traordinary powr. A specimen taken oil' the island of San ( ! ] < menle had a spread of .ihonl 1U ! feet and gave ( he boatman a Imril battle to sever its flying u n is Nothing more diabolical can be conceived than ( his spiderlike gianl of the deep sea , living among the rocks liOO to 1,000 feet below the surface. An individual of moderate si/.e which I kept alive displayed the greatest pugnacity. The moment 1 approached it would literally hurl itself at my arm , winding its long tentacles about it in a manner suggestive ; of whnl a large individual might do. Indeed , Dr. A. S. Packard , professor /.oology at Hrown uni versity , says : "An Indian woman at Victoria. Vancouver island , in 1877 , was seized and drowned by an octopus , probably of this species , while bathing on the shore. Smaller specimens on coral reefs some times seize collectors or natives , and , fastening to them with their relentless snekered arms , tire and frighten to death the hapless vic tim. " REYNOLDS AND HIS RIVAL. Contrast Between the Two Artists Difference Between Art and Nature. The contrast between these two artists is almost the difference be- twcen art and nature , says St. Nicholas. .Reynolds was learned in what other painters had done , and had reduced his own art to a sys tem. Gainsborough found out almost everything for himself ; never lost the simple , natural way of looking at things and people ; and painted not according to rule , but at the dictates of what he fell. Reynolds planned out his etTects , Gainsborough painted on the spur of the impression which the sub ject aroused. Reynolds' art was based on safe general principles ; Gainsborough's was the fresh and spontaneous expression of his temperament depending , that is to say , on feelings rather than on calculation. Llis temperament , or habit of mind , was dreamy and poetic , gentle and retiring , includ ing a small range of experience. Reynolds , on the other hand , was a man of the world and of business capacity ; intimate with Samuel Johnson , Oliver Goldsmith ami other celebrities of the day ; a man of knowledge and clevercouversa tional power , whoso pictures b.\ their variety prove his versatility Consequently when the Koyn academy was established , in 17GS he was elected president by no clamation and was knighted bj ' George III. , an honor that ha's t ever since been bestowed on tin holder of this oiVice. These two men were at the heat of the group of portrait pnintcn who , in the latter part of the eight eenth century and in the earl ; years of the succeeding one , udde ! d luster to the new growth of art ii England. Bunynn in 105 languages. One book alone , the "Pilgrim' Progress , " holds the record fo English literature , having been re produced in 105 different tongue * LOYALTY WON FORTUNE. Railroad Man Leaves Generous Be quest to His Long-Time Assistant. Eighteen years of unswerving devo tion has brought its rich reward to John Smyth , of 87 Crawford road , N. B.once n Now York "cabby , " now the heir of n railroad man of wealth. For that length of time ho served the late George Dur- dctto Sprlggs , formerly general freight agent of the Nickel Plate system , In the capacity of valet and confidential secre tary. tary.For For live years prior to his death Mr. Sprlggs was on invalid suffering from an j incurable malady. During that time Smyth hovered over his beside , forego ing all his pleasures. For weeks at a tlmo the faithful valet was seldom able to take off his clothc.s and was forced to snatch his Bleep la a chair by the bed of his afflicted employer. Mr. Sprlggs died a few weeks ago ; but ho did not forget the self-sacrificing de votion of the man who soothed the lust hours of his lonely life. The former "cabby" from New York In now heir to real estate and moneys representing a bequest of more thnii $50,000. It was on u dull November morning , 18 years ago. that George Hurdcttc Sprlggs mot John Smyth , cabman , in the lot by the Hoffman house , New York. "Cab , sir ? " inquired Smyth of the magnate. Sprlggs turned and looked at the "cabby. " "la this the man you recommended ? " ho asked , turning to the hotel clerk at the desk The clerk nodded. "Son , would you like ( o go to Cleveland - land with me ? I have just discharged my valet , and Callahan hero tells me you are honest and trustworthy. Will you come ? " It did not lalto long to strike the bar gain. The promise of travel and the in ducements held out were too strong to be resisted by the neophyte who wished to plunge into the baptism of life real life by "seeing the country. " And the arrangement was never regretted , cither by the busy man of railroad affairs , who had neither wife nor child to brighten his life , or by the former cabby , who left little behind , and who is yet in the full tide of young manhood , with the means at his disposal to pursue a crowning de sire. "Ho never treated me ag u servant , but rather as a companion , " said Smyth. "Mr. Spriggs was one of those men whom the possession of wealth does not spoil. Ho was liked by every person with whom ho came In contact , by his serv ants as well as by his business asso ciates. "Tho properly ho left me was entirely unexpected. Before ho died ho told mo I should be taken care of in his will. But what was left to mo was so much beyond my deserts or expectations that I was overwhelmed. I tried to do my duty while I was in his employ , but really I did nothing more than wftat I was very liberally paid for. " George IJurdetto Sprlggs was 71 years : ilit when ho died. He had railroad and > thor Interests in Canada and on the continent aa well as those In this coun- ry. By his will ho left $300 to each of hreo other employes and some of his eal estate to a niece In Gloucestershire , England. The rest of his estate ho bo- lucathed to John Smyth , once cabman , hen faithful valet. WEATHER AFFECTS RATES. Conditions of Temperature May Force Railroads to Radical Re ductions. Weather conditions are frequently of striking Influence upon rates. To tart with , writes Samuel Spencer , in 'Railway Rates and Industrial Prog ress , " In Century , the seasonable topic of Ice , there was in a winter not long past a total failure of the ice crop on the Hudson river and the lakes and streams in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania. It was suddenly re alized that distant sources must be utilized for the supply of ice for New York and the populous adjoining re gion for the coming summer. Lake hamplaln and Lake George , several hundred miles away , seemed most available , and rail transportation had to bo arranged. Here was a new sit uation , and a new and exceptional traffic , for which no rates had over before been needed or established. The emergency was quickly met. The necessary low rates were made , the ice was transported , and the deficiency supplied. A year or so ago the weather gave another aspect to the Ice problem. A particularly cold season left a large surplus stock of Ice in the Icehouses in the vicinity of New York city. This depressed the Ice so as to affecl injuriously the business of those lakes in Pennsylvania which regularly shipped ice to New York. To repair as far as possible this unexpected In Jury to a regular , established business the railroads leading from Pennsylvn nia made a substantial reduction in their rates for Ice transportation in order that their patrons during the emergency might reach other more distant markets. Reed's Ride "Round the Horn. " Tom Reed , accompanied by Willian Bryant , a well-known politician in \Valtham , took a Watertown branch ( Fitchburg railroad ) train one even Ing a few years ago for the watcl city , where ho was booked to speak r. a Republican rally. It was Reed's first experience going "around the horn. " Stop after stop was made , am finally the brakeman sang out "Bleachery ! Bleachery ! The nex station is Chemistry ! " "Say , Bill , " drawled Reed , "thl train is taking a regular high schoo tourse. " Boston Herald. WAHL & PARCHEN Carry a Full Line of Mens , Boys , Children Clothing , Overcoats , Hats and Caps , Gloves , Mittens , Shirts , Underwear and Hosiery. We aS- so carry a full line of Hens and Boys Shoes , Overshoes , Rubber Boots. In work clothing we stand at r the head. Work Shirts , Overalls , ' 1 ! Jumpers and Duck Coats , best values at the lowest price of any &M uV/'i * r * + v kMlgJwa _ : store in this locality. May we have the pleasure of a call. Cures Biliousness , Sick Cleanses the system Headache , Sour Stomach A thoroughly and clears ach , Torpid Liver and 1 * ' fl sallow complexions of Chronic Constipation. n\rni\j& TJflfl'f Q ' pimples and blotches- \ \ & JTl'llfTJ Pleasant to take 13X311V 6 riffll DyFUp It is guaranteed For Sale by all DRUGGISTS The Falls City Candy Kitchen CANDIES GALORE ! A Complete stock of Candy. The best of Chocolates Fresh Every Day. Allegrettis Creams and best hand-made Chocolates. H e a d qu a rters for Good Candy. EVERYONE'S TALKING I About our meat market and saying "what a nice place to buy one's meat. The popular price , high- quality business that is attracting the attention of every thrifty woman in Falls City. She says to herself , "there must be some reason for this pop ularity. " There is , it's because OUR SERVICE IS THE BEST The meat wo sell is the depen dable kind , [ f the few people in this town who have not gotten ac quainted with us would only come in , compare prices and note our up-to-date way of doing business wo would have the trade of the city at our door. You're invited. Phone 7-1 Heiser & Mosiman. It you like Cotleo but dura not drink It , try IJr. Shoop's Healthy ColTee. It Is true that real Coffee does disturb thu Stomach , Heart and Kidneys. But Dr. Shoop's Healh ColTeo has not n grain of true colYeo in it. Bein < r make from parched grains , malt , etc. , it forms ti wholesome , food-llko drink , yet having the true flavor of Old Java and Mocha Coffee.Made in a min ute. " Call lit our store for a free sample. Sold by Fred 2. Schmltt. C. E. lllessing of Auburn , Neb. , has returned from South Dakota where he has been selling apples shipped him from Nemaha county. He says that while the demand there for apples is great , the market is already overstocked. Many shippers could not find sales and the fruit was dumped into the stock yards. The shippers also encountered a state law requiring a license to sell the fruit and some of the cities were also armed with ordinaces requiring - I ing still another license. Many j of the shippers were arrested for seeking to evade the paying of ) the license. Mr. Blessing lost j considerable money on his ship-1 ments. Nebraska Politician. f ) ( J C ; 2 "V ts ts * 3 | ' 8 O tt ( U g ( J ci § nixed Farming and Dairy jj I ing = = Become Independent | n - - - - - g a Every man who wishes to better his condition in life , or c § who desires to start his sons on the road to success , and espec- 3 ially every renter who wants to own land , should send a postal n 5 todoy for a free copy of the folder , "A Good Dairy District. " c eg } It tells about a new region jusl iiiiing into prominence as j | a successful dairying country. Lund i * very cheap , pure water * 2 b and nutricious grasses are abundant , I lure is a market for all t : 2 products at good prices , the climate is equable and healthful * g and the settlers already there aae desirable neighbors. * > Very cheap round trip tickets the liret and thiad Tuesdays vi 3 of each mouth afl'ords a splendid opportunity for investigation. " § Don't forget to write me for the folder and also send me Jj the names of your eastern friends who want to come west. { j C ) o c DO IT NOW t * . BURLINGTON PASSENGER DEPT. 3 1004 FARNAM ST. . OMAHA ! 1 I $ * G > O cs t" X NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! v . ; . * One of those Lumber Wagons. We have just V * * 5 received two carloads of wagons and we have bought { - % * t them before the advance price on wagons. So if you \ want a wagon you will have to hurry for they are g t going fast , and when those are all gone you will have : t to pay from $3.00 to $5.00 more for a wagon. So IJI buy now and save the advance price. : j : j ? We also carry the Largest and Best Line in | | $ Buggies and Surries , and ask you to inspect them. { | t We-also have Gasoline Engines in stock , from a two % . 'I' 6 horse Pumping Engine up to a Portable ten horse : j : , power , and we have the Best and Smoothest Running ; | - ) \ Engines on the market and can save you money if you % $ buy from us. We also have Windmills , Pumps , $ j- Tanks , and everything in the Implement line. j | 1 THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT | \ I I | Werner , Mosiman & Co. | , The Tribxme for LocaJ News