The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 16, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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$40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual lnter =
C. Smith
Henry . est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this
and adjoining ; counties , cheap homes in the
LANDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made.
LI. O. and C C. Fankoll liuvo been
In Oiimlm this week intending an Im
plement convention.
.Mr. * , Rum Johnson is spending the
week with relatives at Mound Cltv.
Verne Davis win severely burned
about the face and head Wednesday
ulght by the explosion of a gasoline-
Mr ? . Morgan Williams of the Prairie
Union neighborhood has a new piano.
Frank Vance , about twelve- years of
ngc , bus been suffering with the dtp-
tlicrlu the past week.
A farewell danee was given In the
opera house Tuesday evening for
Clyde Hiildwln , who loft yesterday for
Mexico where he has a clerical posi
tion with a smelting company.
Ini Martin and wife are spending the
week with his parents , at Abilene , Its.
Florence McDowell was awarded the
watch which was given away by the
medicine show Saturday evening.
Hessle .lames left yesterday for
Corner , Ohio , where she will spend the
winter with relatives. '
Scip Strlnglield and wife moved to
Shnburt last week where ho lias work
in Lord's store.
David Thomas , a former resident of
this section but who has been living
with a son in Omaha , died at that
place last Friday. The remains wore
brought hero the next day and placed
to rest ] n the old Welsoh cemetery
northeast of Stella. Mr. Thomas was
one of the earliest settlers of this com
munity , coining hero In JS.'O
Mrs. John Uolmurs and dnughtor ,
Edna , and Stella Fankell are visiting
relatives In Whlchita , Kan.
Jessie Wltheo is homo from an ex >
tended stay at llubbel.
The Standard Hearers wore enter'
iainnd at thn homo of Gertrude Shcl
lonbargcr last Friday evening.
Mrs. Qulyy , an agent for an orphan1 !
home , was here the first of the wool-
trying to find homes for orphan olul
Cap Kvans and wife have been visit
ing their sons at Tceumsoh tlnco sat
11 r day.
Mr * . Nichols of Chicago arrived
here last week lor a visit with hoi
sister , Mrs. Caroline Ilagsjard.
An Missionary meeting wae
tield at the homo of Mrs. Amandi
Moore last Wednesday.
A. ( ifaham of Uonestcel returned t <
his homo last Monday afternoon aftci
a week's visit with his father , Ki
Mrs. Chester Stump and Mre. Gu ;
Llchty were visitors at the home o
Frank Llchty Sunday.
Otto Kueiigo anil Grace Nedro\
were guests at Gco. Prlehard's Sunda ;
Noah Peck , wife and daughter Kthc
wore visitors at K. T. Peck's Suiulaj
Gco. Prichard and family entci
tulncd their friends , Mr. Whetstln
and family of Falls City Sunday.
Ethel and Klma Cook visited wit
Kate Shouso Sunday afternoon.
Nellie ICnlsely was a micst of he
cousin , Edith Peck Saturday night.
Dallas Yoder and Goldlo Cook spoi
Sunday in Shubort , guests of an am
of the former.
Guj and Albert llurk visited wit
John and Win. Hutchison ono d :
this week.
Mabel and Grace Shouso were U
ecrvo visitors Sunday.
Hazel Ulchurdsonand Myrtle Yocn
of the county capltol spent Sundi
with Sadlo Peek.
About thirty-two of the young fol
gathered at the home of Noah PCI
Saturday evening in the nature ol
party and had a royal time for sevoi
hours. The evening was spent in gam
und musical selections. Rcfrcshmct
were served and at a late hour they i
departed for their respective homes.
When the tip of a dog's nose is c (
and moist , that dog is not sick ,
feverish dry nose means sickness wl
a dog. And so with the human 11 ]
Dry , cracked and colorless lips me
fererlshness , and are as well 111 i
pearlng. To have beautiful , pink , v
vet like lip : , apply at bedtime a co
ing of Dr. Snoop's Green Salve ,
will soften and heal any skin allme
Get a free , trial box , at our store , a
be convinced. Large nickel cnpf
glass jars , 25 cents. Sold and reco
mended by all dealers.
Mrs. .liillii Hall , Cammlc and John
Hall and W. [ < \ Veach anil wife at
tended the Harry-Hall wooding at
Falls City Sunday.
Hov. W. C. HrowiT , son and daugh
ter of Maple Grove spent Wednesday
with Amrct Hart.
Mrs. Carrie Slovens and Katie
Crouch were visiting at the ' * ounty
seat last Wednesday.
Will Nusbrum and Margaret Uyan
attended the play at Falls City Wed
nesday nluht.
Merritt Lum and wife visited with
relatives at Falls City Sunday.
P. A. Ilommol or Parral , Mexico ,
arrived Thursday morning. He was
accompanied home Fridaj by his wife ,
who hits been spending some time here
visiting her parents , K. K. liowninn
and wife.
Dr. Hutchison of Omaha was attend
ing to his business interests hero on
John Fryburg and wlfo of Humboldt
were visiting relatives hero Thursday.
F. W. Kobb was a county seat visitor
Dan Fisher and wife of Davenport ,
arrived Sunday on a visit to relatives.
Dan Uamsoy was a business visitor
to the county seat Saturday.
The ladles of the Christian church
will give a general dinner and an
oyster supper on Thanksgiving day.
The members of the Christian
church gave a reception Saturday night
in honor of Ilev. II. E. Hunt and wife"
Mrs. Sue DeWald and grandson ol
Falls City spent a short time here Sat
urday with Mrs. Merrill Lum.
Dr. Grtlllth and family removed ti
the Taylor property In the east part ol
town Tuesday.
Mrs. Luther Lange visited \Ycdncs <
day ut Stella.
Dave Chirk made a business trip tr
Salem Saturday.
Florence Hull and Verna Wllkinsoi :
were business visitors at Salem Sntnr-
Miss Chandler returned to her home
at Shubcrt last .Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Howmun gave i
farewell party Thursday In honor o
P. A. Hominel and wlfo of Parral
Mexico. The evening was pleasantly
whiled away In games and music , E. A
Harden furnishing a number of selcc
tlons on his phonograph. Light re
freahmontb were served.
Mrs. Ed Grllllth entertained at din
ner Thursday P. A. Hommel and wife
Mrs. Lange and children.
Jennie Stump wont to Falls Clt ;
Sunday to visit relatives ,
D. A. Hamsoy and family moved 01
Monday to the house recently vacatei
by Clare Coloman.
Joe Estes and wife of Stella spon
Sunday with Hen Thomus and wife.
Mrs. Elvira Hull went out to Libert
Saturday on a visit to her son I. A
Mrs. W. 13. Goolsby and children ar
visiting at the county capltol thl
Mesdames Hcrl Hallard and Simpso
were business visitors at Stella on
day last week.
Dr. Houston of Nebraska City wn
looking after business interests her
the llrstof this week.
It Real Estate Transfers.
Jas. M. Trimble and wlfo to John I
Trimble 0 } of c } of nwj and w } of nc
! Sec 27 twp 2 n H lift o $7800.00.
J. W. Watts and wf to Kd Dorlar
f > ; i ft of w slileof lot o blk 1 city i
Humboldt S1SO.
m Mrs. Huby Thomas to William .A
Boatman lot -J blk 'J Halls add to Vu
don. WX > .
Stephen Sloan to Wm. H.Sloan 1
5 blk S village of Verdon. S-100.
a Lilllo E. Moran to Wm. Landergi
al lots 5-0 in blk :54 to Falls City. DC
es given to replace one supposed to
its lost.
ill John Liberty to J. M. Schlvelntlrt
lot -1-5 blk 02 in Rouleau & Bedar
add to Hulo. $125.
'Id '
'IdA Cured of Orchis Disease.
Lb Mr. Robert O. Burke , Elnora , N. 1
writes : "Before 1 started to use Folo1
Kidney Cure I had to get up frc
in twelve to twenty times a night , and
was all bloated up with dropsy and i
eyesight was so Impaired 1 coi
scarcely see one of my family acre
the room. I had given up hope
It living , when a friend recommend
Foley's Kidney Cure. One 50 cc
nd bottle worked wonders and before
ed had taken the third bottle the droj
had gone , as well as all other syrapto
m- of Bright's disease. " For sale by
Mr.s. K P. Chi'llts and children , left
Tuesday for Sallma , Kansai. . where
they will make their future home. Mr.
Ohollts has recently purchased a hotel
at that place.
Mr * . Wilbur Bullls and children re
turned Sunday to their home in Paw
nee City , after a short visit with .1. A.
Murphy and wife
W. C. Norton and family camu down
from Lincoln to attend the funeral of
the former's mother , Mrs. .1. T. Nor
Chas. Campbell and wife of Hastings
were called to this city by the death
of Mrs. J. T. Norton.
The teachers of the Pawnee City
schools drove over to this city Friday
evening to attend n came of basket
Albert Rist left Sunday for Lincoln
where ho will attend the stute agricul
tural farm this winter.
Herbert Ford spent Sunday In Paw
nee City.
Hubert Shirley and family have left
for their now home In Uiiell county.
Mr. Shirley left Friday for that place
with a shipment of household effects
and farm implements , his family fol
lowing him a few days later
Opal Wilson recently sold her pro
perty on Nemaha street to Frank
Shurtloff. Consideration 81SOO. Dr.
12. S. Cooper and wife now occupy the
house , having moved there the past
W. J. Davis has sold his residence
In the east part of the city to Thomas
Draper , who has already taken posses
sion , Mr. Davis and family having
moved into ono of the Unland houses
lu the south part of town.
J. M. Ford has purchased the Sun-
som property on Central street , which
ho and his family huvo occupied for
several mouths.
Mrs. Kay Miller of Falls City was
visiting friends In Humboldt the past
Hurley Uobert = ou , formerly of this
city , and Miss Katie Mueller of El-
wood , Nobr. , wcro united In marriage ,
Wednesday , November 7.
Ualph K. Philpot , sou of Mr. and
Mrs. S. M. Phllnot of this city , and
Edith Finch of Arapuhoe , Nobr. , wcrti
married at the bride's home Wednes
day , Nov. , 7th. They have commenced
housekeeping in one of the Philpot
cottages on First street. A reception
was given the young couple , at the
home of the groom's parents , Friday
The ladles kciisingtou of the Presbj- '
terlun church met with Mrs. Jas. K.
Liggett Tuesday afternoon.
B. Ninger was a visitor in Oinuhi
the forepart of the week.
Mrs. Olive Kllno is visiting Lincoln
friends this week.
A game of basket ball between tin
ITumboldt athletes and the state utii
vcrslty team was played at the open
house Thursday ovenltg , which re
suited In a score of 21 to IKi in favor o
the university boys.
Harry McConnell was on thn. siol
list this week.
A. A. Tanner was in Burchurd 01
business Tuesday.
Mrs. J. V. Baldrldge of Pawue
City and daughter , Mrs. J. B. David
sou of Ames , Iowa , wcro guests of 0
T. Little and family the last of th
Mrs. J. T. Norton , for thirty-threi
years a resident of Humboldt , died 11
3f her home in the south part of the city
Friday evening , death being due t
cerebral hcmorr. Funeral service :
conducted by Rev. L. II. Smith of th
Presbyterian church , were held froi
the home at 8:110 : o'clock Sunday aftei
noon. Interment was made in th
local comoters' .
Charley Hapcr's baby Is quite sic
with whooping cough and pneumonli
h , Mrs. Jack Jones has been vlsllin
ds her mother , Mrs. Rltter , the past fe
Vern Taylor's baby has been sit
the past week.
Mrs. Frank Kentom spent Sundt
with Mrs. L. Harmon.
ay- Harry Williams had the mlsfortui
Id to break both bones in his arm at tl
iss of wrist and rupture a blood vessel ju
ed above the elbow. He was haulii
nt manure when the pitchfork fell fro
1 tne , vagon and struck the horse on tl
sy leg. The horse became frlghtem
usM and ran away , throwing Harry to tl
ground causing the above result.
Wlllard and Ed Shubcrt spent Sun
day on the banksof tin ; old Missouri
river hunting.
Church Smiley spent Sunday with
Earl Harmon.
Mrs. Smiley spent Saturday with
Mrs. Hardy IIaye ? .
Mr ? . Fred Boatman spynt last Satur
day with Mrs. Harmon.
Mrs. John Stotts has been iiiltc | sic' ' *
the past week
Henry Jones living four miles north
of town died Friday and was burled ut
Prnrlo Union cemetery the next day.
Mrs. Raper of Stella spent Sunday
with her son Charley.
May San pie spent Thursday with her
aunt , Mrs. Harmau.
John Arnold of Verdon spent one
day this week with his daughter , Mrs.
Fred Boatman.
Mrs. W. M. Smith was taken to the
hospital tit Omaha by Dr. Shook lor
treatment lat Thursday
W. A. Haanuof Falls City is visit
ing in Salem this week.
Mr. J. A. Tyner and Mr. Clarence
Miller drove to Falls City Tuesday.
YM\O. \ McCool returned Tuesday from
a visit with Fred Wlndle and wife of
Clarence Smith and * wife of Falls
City were in Salem Tuesday.
Olive Morton went to Dawson Wed
Ura and Mary Mobley were Hum
boldt passengers Saturday.
Veru Mlnnick of Nemaha City
visited with Salem relatives this
Mrs. Katherine Wylle and Mrs. Will
Uhlig and little son visited in Salem
G. Huru's new residence is nearly
Mac Hoover went to Falls City Wed'
nesday to deliver the election returns
to the county clerk.
Elmer James and Will Richards
drove to Verdon Tuesday.
Mrs. A. Keller returned to her home
in Falls C'ty ' Tuesday after a vlsii
with her daughter Mrs. Ed May.
Mrs. Mac Mobley and children rn
urned from u two weeks visit at Alma
Vebr. , Sunday.
Allan May made a business trip U
i'alls City Saturday. '
A large crowd attended the baptis
ng near Walker's Sunday afternoon
l-.uey Slater came over from th <
Sycamore Springs Tuesday.
Mrs. Meredith and children spen
Sunday at J. Spurgins.
Mrs. Allan May and little son re
turned from a short visit at Falls Uitj
Mrs. Joe Windell and on and Mrs
Ella Lord drove to Falls City Satur
Clay Wanner and wife visited will
JelT Spurgins and wife Sunday.
Misses Ruth Moore and Nellie Stew
art were shopping In Falls City Satur
Lettie Stewart and Jessie Jone
were the guests of Ruth Moore Sun
Lonnle Fisher had the misfortune c
breaking his arm Wednesday.
Mrs. Stewart and daughter Lotti
were In Falls City Saturday.
The Ladies aid society of the Chris
tlan enurch served dinner and suppe
in the Rantsma building election day
Dr. Day left Saturday for Missoui
to visit his brother who Is scriousl
The L. L. S- club were entortaine
by Mrs. S. B. HulYnell , Thursday aftei
noon. The afternoon was made cnjoj
uble by the hostess. Musical selectiot
wcro rendered by Mrs. E. North , Lur
Harris and Altha Hitchcock ,
dainty two course luncheon wasservei
Fifteen were present.
Mrs. King of Kentou , Iowa. , cam
Sunday for a visit with her daushtc
Mrs. Lou Sheely.
Frank Fryberger of Humboldt wi
in town Tuesday.
Will Kershaw drove down fro ;
y Humboldt Sunday.
PneumonU Follows A Cold
but never follows the use of Foley
Honey and Tar. It stops the coug ]
heals and strengthens the lungs ar
prevents pneumonia. For sale by a
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
Sow the Millions in Gold Stored in
English Banks Are
Officials of the Bank of England
are said to be worried for the
safety of the hoards of wealth
stored in their strong boxes. The
bank station of the new under
ground railway in London is close
to teh vaults of the world's great
est institution of linauce. At a
recent meeting of the bank direc
tors it was suggested that some
brave but wicked person might
eet off a quantity of explosive in
the bank station- , wrecking the
foundations of the stately build
ings above and sending the bars
of bullion and streams of gold ;
leaking out to the station plat
form. The feasibility of thi ?
scheme has been conceded by th"
bank governor. It is figured ,
however , tha ( the "tube , " as the
underground railway is called , is
a little too deep at this point. To
reach the bullion vaults of the
bank the conspirators would havi
to drive a shaft nearly JUO feet ,
and then they would face it mass
of concrete , thick masonry and
steel. At one time the Hank of
England was the object of con
spiracy. From a church to we :
close by the bank was bombarded.
Afterward the authorities had
the church and its threatening
tower destroyed. Officials of the
bank do not like the tunneling go
ing on in the clay beneath their
foundations. The constant pump
ing of water has affected even the
solidity of the clay , and from this
cause one of the wells which is
within the three acres comprised
within the bank's precincts has
dried up.
Those three acres are valued at
about § 5,000,000 each , and the
treasures within them are guard
ed in fitting fashion. On either
side of the main entrance to the
bank are two small glass houses.
In the one reposes a stately
beadle. In the other are two wide
awake detectives. Other detec
tives are in and out of the rooms ,
but always unobtrusively. At
nigh I the police force is a heavy
one. Every evening a compact
body of men , commanded by a lieu
tenant , and including two ser
geants , two drummers , a bugler
and 30 privates , marches from
Wellington barrack to the bank.
They are in full marching order ,
and before they enter the tech
nical limits of "the city" exercise
that privilege of the guards of fix
ing bayonets. They are on duty
for 12 hours , and but for the recur
ring spells of sentry-go have an
easy time.
Officials of the bank provide
moderate refreshments for these
guards. In the guard room ,
which is of regulation pattern , are
f the usual shelf and blanket , suf
ficient accommodation for a sol
dier's intermittent dozing when on
duty of this kind. The officer ha&
a suite of rooms at his service
the dining-room of paneled oak , a
neat bedroom and a bathroom ,
There is hidden away in the center
of the bank one of the most pleas
ant gardens in London , where an
after-dinner cigar may be enjoyed
on a summer evening to the full
while the roar of the great metrop
olis around has died away to in
articulate murmurs.
A King'u New Palace.
King Leopold of Belgium has
taken possession of the new Jap
anese palace in the Royal park at
Laekcji. It is divided into severa
wings. Each of them contains
half a dozen of finely decoratet
drawing-rooms. The furniture
the ornaments , the sculptures , the
paintings , the screens and thereof
roof were executed atTokio by the
best Japanese artists. More
than 2,000 electric lights illumin
ate the palace , where the king in
tends giving some gorgeous recep
tions in honor of the shah of Per
sia next summer.
Old Favorites Are Perennially
Popular with All Classes
of People.
Old songs are the best , for they
carry us back to the days that
were radiant with sentiment
and were part of poetry and ro
mance , declares the Kansas Oity
Journal. They stir our natures in
their profoundcst depths , and.
reaching below the callous of our
petrescent hearts , play strange ac
companiments upon the long dia
used strings of our remembrance. .
Who can resist the subtle potency
of those old songs that stop tin1
world in tear-smiles that we may
wave a salutation back through
a rift in the storm of years to the
youth and maiden of the long ago ?
That the old songs are best lian
been shown in the perennial popu
larity of Patti's "Home , Sweet
Ilome , " Emma Abbott's "Annie
Laurie , " Jennie Lind's "Kathleen
Mavournecn , " Christina Neil
son's " 'Way Down Upon the Su
wanee River" and Melba's "Com
in' Through the Rye. " Wedonol
always associate these immortal
songs with the great singers who
have included them in their con
j ' certs , but the singers are often re
membered because of the songs
' themselves. There are few who
I can remember the many acrobatic
arias of the splendid vocal artists
' who have commanded almost fab
, ulous sums for their singing , but
' no one can forget when they yield
ed to popular demand for the old
, songs. Patti or Sembrich or Mel
ba or Calve never had more sin
cere appreciation in the suprem
est moments of her triumphs than
when she descended for the time
from the classics of foreign com
posers and sang the simple love
ballads that sent thrills through
world-weary hearts and caused
withered palms to stir in tremu
lous applause.
Waltz That lasted Six and Three
Quarter Hours Egg Eater's
Capacity Other Marks.
Those who fail to gain distinc
tion through other means seem to
seek oddity of performance , and
every little while there appears a
challenge from some "champion
egg eater" or other freak , says the
New York ilerald.
The 40-quail-in-iO-days perform
ance has been outdone by a man
who recently ate a whole goose
each day for 30 days , the fowl
weighing from 0 to 11 pounds.
Other records in this line are GO
soft-boiled eggs daily for six days ,
six quarts of beans in 40 minutes ,
smoking 50 cigars in 11 bourn
without once taking a drink.
A Paris couple recently waltzed
without cessation for GJ hours ,
while an English actor danced all
the way from London to Norwich.
The best club-swinging record
has been standing for 17 years ,
when 388 different combinations
were shown in 1GJ minutes , 2,311
revolutions being required.
A score of G-134 points was the
result of a 21-hour endurance bil
Hard match in Paris , the contest
ants covering 30 miles in walking
around the table , and a violinis *
has played a composition of 4,80fl
notes in 4 } minutes , averaging 1 ! >
notes a second.
Reciting Dante's ' 'Divine Com
cdy"from memory in 20 hours i *
another queer record , while oth
ers have gained fame through
making 2,000 ham sandwiches in
19 hours and 40 minutes , dressing
ten sheep in 33 minutes , 200 chick
ens in 44 minutes and killing and
dry picking JOS geese in ten hours.
There's a Distinction.
The difference between a politi
cian and a statesman is about the
same as the difference between a
"sport" and a sportsman. Onica
go Record-Herald.