The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 16, 1906, Page 7, Image 7
THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 16 , 1906. HOME-MADE BEDSPREADS. Suggestions for the Treatment 01 Different Beds and What Ma terials to Use. A very pretty one was recently made from a linen sheet. A hem six inches wide wns turned up on three Hides of it , and hem-stitched. A slml- Dle scallop was then worked nil around it on the double cdgo and cut out. A dcsJgu showing hunches of chryK- . nthcroums nnd leaves , joined by a running design of ribbon , was mndo exactly to fit the top of the bed anil a similar design was put across the upper end to go over the bolster toll. The work wns done in heavy , whlto mercerized cotton the ribbon being darned in , and the flowers and leaves heavily stuffed nnd worko'l ' in ratln stitch. For a yellow and white room the ni > rcal was made of six yards of plain yellow wash material , 30 inches wide , costing eight cents a yard. This was rut into six pieces , each one yard pqtmrc , and joined together , tnrec nieces on each side , with insertion nbout three inches wide. In thn cen ter of each square wns worked n con ventional figure. Kor an old-fashioned four-post ma- hognay bed a handsome India cotton print was used. This came 12 feet Jong and six wide. The ground \vas white , with gay red and hluo figures of hirds and llowers across the two ends. Ihc pattern took the form of a wide horder. These two ends were tut off and sewed along the upper pirt r of the two sides , the square openings at the corners being left for the posts. The whole spread was edged with Rome old lace and insertion ripped from discarded curtains. Another sprea-l was made from Irish unbleached linen , which comes 90 inches wide. This spread was made three and onc-l.alf yards long so as to allow of an extra piece to put ovnr the bolster loll. The whole surface was worked in a Mount Molltsh de- Rlgn , using thn heavier grades of knit- ling cotton ; the edges of this spread "were hemstitched , but could be scal loped. A FEW HEALTH HINTS. Green Vegetables Highly Recom mended and Hot Water a Great Aid to Digestion. Green vegetables and salads will counteract a tendency to pimples ana other skin eruptions. Sufferers from eczema should eat uparingly of fruit , which , as a rule , contains too much acid to be suitable for them. The best toilet preparation in the world is plain hot water. Drink a glass of it every night if you want a tyood digestion , clear complexion and a good sleep. If the hair is in a very weakened ttate , as it is alter illness or fever , brushing , clipping and vigorous sh&m- l > oos are too severe treatment for Massage the scalp tor five minutes every day , or for half an hour twice a week , rubbing a very little vaseline into the roots of tinhair. . Let Iho hair hang loose and free as often as possible and dress it as simply as pos- Hlble , so that much handling will not lie necessary. Give it a rest. Its weak condition demands that It ho left alone Instead of being fussed over. In spite of the danger of the old- Inshioned punishment of a box on the cars , it is one which is often inllic'.ed on troublesome children by their iar- * vntfi , without the smallest regard of consequences. The parents are ig norant , not cruel , hut they ought co know that such a punishment Is likc- Jy to cause lifelong injury. Deafness js probably the most frequent 111 re- Milt of ear-boxing , but it may cause injury to the brain and insanity. Farmers' Review. Stewed Veal with Barley. Put a knuckle of veal In a saucepan with a bit of butter the size of a wal nut , and fry the meat a nice brown all over. Just cover the meat withqulte ( boiling water , put in a teacupful of barley , two heads of celery , cleaned smd cut in inch lengths , two carrot ? , two turnips , two largo onions , a sprig f lemon thyme , marjoram and two nago leaves. Let this simmer for ' .we- hours ; put the meat on a hot dish , j-eason the vegetables with pepper and all , pour over the meat , and serve 'With a tablespoonful of finely chopped varsley sprinkled over. To Ecinove a Grease Spot. Here is a new way to remove a crease spot , which answers excellent- Jy : First place a double thickness of Dotting paper on an ironing board. .Lay the material on this and sponge well with benzine. Now put two more thicknesses of blotting paper on top and Iron with a moderately hot Iron. Hemember that benzine is inflamma ble , so don't do this near a fire or light , and see that your flatiron isn't at vrorching heat. Present for a Baby's Basket You can make a very dainty little present for the baby's basket by tak ing ribbon an inch wide in pink or blue , nnd sewing It in four long loops , leaving enough ribbon at one end to form a rosette at the top. On each loop place a crocheted silk ring , -about Iho size o a quarter , and attach to these rings safety pins of various sizes. This is easily made , inexpensive and always a welcome gift. Little Moire Coats. Moire is newer than taffeta for the little silk coat that is to be worn Una spring. Faille , which always comes in with moire , is used for the same nur- pose. The coats range all the way from little postage stamp Jackets to be worn with corselet skirts through the ordinary eton and the little eack coat to all lengths and degrees of teats with skirU. MAKING A GOOD LAWN. The Soil Must Bo Moist and Contain a Considerable Percentage of Clay , The department of agriculture lias in press a number of farmers' bulle tins which should appeal to the farm er. One of these , which will bo Farm ers' Uullctin , No. 248 , is written by L. C. Corbett , the horticulturist in charge of the Arlington experiment station , on "Tho Lawn. " Mr. Corhctt con tends that the lawn is a signal of the inner soul of the householder , showing an appreciation of beautiful home surroundings. A lawn is the accomplishment of every effort on the part of man to beautify the surround ings of his abiding place. The great increase of interest in suburban and rural lifo has caused a corresponding increase of interest in matters per taining to the making and mainte nance of lawns. Suburban railroads , the extension of electric lines into the country and the return of man to natural ways of living are all features contributing to the growing interest in matters pertaining to lawn making. Mr. Corbett believes that a lawn hould he beautiful and at the same ime useful. Its beauty depends on ho contour of the land , the color and exture of the grass , and the uniform ly of the turf. The use of the lawn s to provide a suitable setting for rchltectural adornment and land- cape painting. The ideal soil for grasses best suit- d for lawn making Is one which is uoist and contains a considerable per- entage of clay. A strong clayey loam T a sandy loam underlaid with a clay oil is undoubtedly the nearest ap- > roach to an ideal soil for a lawn , ince the lawn Is a prominent feature t is hardly possible to make the soil 'or the lawn too rich. Stable manure losed and rotted and which is as free is possible from detrimental weed iccds is undoubtedly the best material o use in producing the desired for- ility of the soil. After a lawn has cen established and it has , gone into winter quarters , it is well to give the r'oung grass a mulch of well decom- osed stable manure which .shall not be heavy enough to disfigure or mar he lawn , but should be so fine nnd ivcll decomposed that it will be curried beneath the surface of the grass by the alns and snows of winter , leaving cry little rough or unsightly matter o ho raked off in the spring. Prairie "armor. FOR BEAUTY OF THE EYES Wonderful What Happy Results Fol low on a Protracted Wnlk in the Open Air. It was a matter ot surprise to Einer- fcon that the following little piece of : ulvice by Do Qulncey should not have attracted more attention : "The depth nnd subtlety of the eyes varies exceed ingly with the state of the stomach , and if young ladles were aware of the .nagical . transformation which can be wrought in the depth and sweetness of the eye , by a few weeks' exercise , 1 lancy we should see their habits on this point altered greatly for the bel ter. " He then describes the elfect ot walk ing as he had noted it in the eyes of the poet Wordsworth. "I have , " ho says , "seen Wordsworth's eyes some times affected powerfully in this re spect. His eyes are not under any circumstances bright , lustrous , or piercing , but after a long day's toll In walking , I have seen them assume an appearance the most solemn and spiritual that it is possible for the hu man eye to wear. The light which re sides in them Is at no time a superfi cial light , but. under favorable acci dents , it is a light which seems to rome from a depth below all depth ; in fact , It is more entitled to be held * th light that never was on land or fiea' a light radiating from some spir itual world , than any that can be named. " Good Health. The Old Morning1 Glory. The old-fashioned but ever popular morning glory still claims a promi nent place as a quick-growing and beautiful vine for either foliage or llowers. Appearing every morning In all the richest shades of white , blur and red , often varlogatod and striped , the silky flowers add much to thf beauty of the home and materially in crease the charms of summer and au tumn mornings. The morning glory has recently undergone some improve ment at the hands of the professional llorlsts , but it is an easily cultivated Jiower and should ue a part of ihe tloral display of every home. Baked Rhubarb. Ithubarb is almost a specific for curIng - Ing the various small indigestions that accompany the early spring season. And it is so much nicer when baked than stewed , although 1 usually eay "stewed" as a breakfast dish. But if peeled , cut into Inch bits and plenty of sugar sifted over , It is set in a rather cool oven and allowed to cook it will be found so much less trouble and I more delicate. Stir once In a while with a silver fork , and do not add any water. When cold it may be served 1 in patty shell or tartlets , in a bowl i that has been lined with macaroons erin in plea. For Cleaning Bottles. Salt and vinegar make an excellent solution for cleaning bedroom water bottles or wine decanters. A dessert spoonful of rough salt put into a w'ae ' decanter , moistened with vinegar and well shaken generally removes all btalns. Protect the Trees. Trees should be protected during thu cummer as well as through the win - ter. The tree veneer does the work , The veneer is a guard against qua cald , borers , mice and rabbits. FARGO. Mrs. Louisa Nltzsoho accompanied by Pearl Lawrence of Wlnnobago vul ley wore Palls City visitors Saturday lust. Mr. Urlnegar a prominent ranchman of Idnho spent several days visiting at the homo of M. C. Urlnogur of Wlntio- b.igo Viilloy. Henry Hcrshborgcr his largo new burn completed. It is a fine build * In } : and large enough to hold all the iarmlng necessities for a largo farm. Mrs. ICmlly Fischer visited at the home of her daughter , Mrs. Annlo Schmidt election day. Mrs. Rimer Sohock spent several days tit the home of Mrs. John Santo of Hulo township. Faithfulness of purpose re-elected Cass Jones to the legislature. Being tried and true Cbas. Xocllcr could not be defeated by the demo cratic host. John Gentry sold his corn in the field to Geo. E. Taylor for $190. John Helfcnblne wasju business call- r lu Hulo Tuesday. Being opposed to the purchasing of a lew roud grader defeated Louis Suess 'or county comlssioner. J , II. Brlnegarof Uulospent Sunday , vith his parents and friends at Winne- bago valley. The citizens of Fat-go all voted election day. Hmel Saal of Falls City had busi ness iicre Tuesday. Freda Paul , Anna Fischer and Mary Thiltges of Fort Hazel are among the miny who are being1 taught music by Mary Iliuinks of Winnebugo Valley , Many reports uro In claiming an iverago of CO to 7f outhel yield of corn icr act-1. Farmers are pushing the Harvesting of same with all haste , foster pays get your corn In the crib jy November lutli or * much will be ostby heavy snows. Let us watch It. Work on Adam BloKels new barn Is progressing nicely. Virgil Chlptnan being the muster mechanic. Frank Ouumun is helping build a country bridge above the Bllby ranch this week. Grandmother Fritsohcr strayed iwuy from homo Friday uftornoon. She was seen at the Fort Hazel , school house during the afternoon. An all night beiireh was made for her and she was foudd unharmed on the streets of Falls City Saturday morning. Con siderable excitement and anxiety , but it was Sioon forgotten. The old lady is getting very old and will be watched more closely hereafter. a The New Pure Food svnd Drug LSV.W. Wo are plcused to announce that Foley's Uoney and Tin- for coughs , colds and lung troubles is not alTcctcd by the National Pure Food and Drug luw as it contains n.i opiates or other harmful drugs , and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. For -ale by all druggists. An Open Look. Keep your inner self so free from thoughts that need cover ing1 as to be able to look clearly and unflinching out upon your dailj' life. A clear , outrcaching look , bright and unsullied , is a good recommendation. Some boys and young men get so steeped in hidden sins that they can keep this open look even after the waters of their soul are stirred with dark wings , but this is poss ible only by long and careful tutelage. Do not try your hand at it , for ten to one you will fail , and the ones you try so hard to have think differently will think the exact truth , and set you down , not only as a wrongdoer , but as a deceitful wrongdoer , who. everyoiip knows , is still more despised b } ' honest people. Selected. Preventics , as the name Implies , pre vent all Colds and Grippe when "tuki-n ut the ftiee/.u stugf. " Preventics are toothsome candy tablets. Preventics dUfalputo ull coliii quickly , and taken early , when you first feel that a cold is coming , they check and prevent them Preventics uro thorougnly safe for children , and as elTectuul for adults. Hold and recommended in fi cent nnd 2ii cent boxes by till dealer. % Rheumatism ' I have found a tried and tested euro for Uhcu- Tnattsral Not a remedy that will straighten tha distorted limbs of chronic cripples , nor turn bony growths back to flesh aroln. That is impossible. llut I can now surely kill the pains and panirJ ot this deplorable disease. I In Oermany-wlth a Chemist In the City of Darmstadt I found tha last Ingredient with I which Dr. Shoop's Ithouinatlo Remedy was mada M perfected , dependable prescription. Without that last Ingredient. I successfully treated many. many cases oi Itheutnatfsm ; but now. at last , it unl- tormly cures all curable cases of thlslherutoforo much dreaded disease. Thow cnmMlku granular wastes , found In Rheumatic IJlood , seem todlisolvu and pass away under the action of thU remedy as freely as does tuirar when added to pure water. And then , when dissolved , these poisonous wastes freely pass from tbo system , and the cause of Bhoumatlsm is gone forever. Thcru is now no real need no actual excuse to suffer longer with- i out hop ! , Vie soil , and In confidence recommend i ; Dr. Shoop's : Rheumatic Remedy I Burlington Bulletin. XOVUMUUIl 11)0(5. ) ( liomul Trip to the Coast : Daily Touriet rules in cll'eet nil winter to Pucilio Const destina tions with variable routes. Chicago anil return : O n e faro plus $2.00 for the round trip Dee- ember 1st tollli inclusive for the International Live Stool ; Exposi tion. To the East and South : N7ery ow liomeseokor's and Winter tourist excursions through the \ . nt inn n and Winter to various lestiiuttions throughout the south and southeast. Visit the Old Home : Low ex. cnrsion rates to the old homo joints in Illinois , Iowa , Wisconsin Missouri and other middle states lestinatiotis , ( Jet , IHli and 2Ircl. ! Nov. Idth and 27th , limit thirty lays. Homeseekorfl' Hxcureions : frequently each month to Western - ern Nebraska , Eastern Colorado , 3itf Horn Basin , dry land farm- i\K destinations or irrigated BOO- ions. Dry Lund Farming- : Send for Voider and get hold of a quarter section of cheap western land be- ore it is too late. Free Kinkaid Lands : Write Diem Denver , Agent Burlington's [ lomeseekers' Information Bureau it 1001 Farnam St..Omaha , about citing hold of a free section of Kinkaid lands now being restored to the public domain. E. 0. WHITTOUI ) , Agt. This is Worth Remembering. As no one Is immune , every person should remember that Foley's Kldnoy Uurc will cure any case of 'kidney or bladder trouble that Is not beyond the each of medicine. For mile by all Druggists- Notice of Settlement. In the Comity Court of Klchardscm Comity , Nebraska. In tin- matter of the stale of Auirnst Wclnerl , deceased , fa he Creditors HeirsI.eit.iteos ami all others interested In said estale. Take uillce thai John \Vclnert has filed In said Court a leport of his dolitits as Kxecutor if said estate for his final seltletncnl Ihereof , also Illi-d a petition for an order > f illstrlltiton | of tin- residue of said eslale In Ills hands. It Is ordered by the Court thai tilt same l > c heard in the County Court roon In said County on Iho 17th d ay if I Nevi-mlx-r IWi , al 2 o'clock p. in. , hen and where all parlies may appear ind oppose tinsatin' . Ordered fur ther , that upon tlie approval of slid repoil , a decree of distribution of said residue \\lll IM- made Id the parties entitled therein. lly orde.4 of tin- court dated October 27th 1'HKl. JIIN C.AC.NdN , 47-31 County Jmlirv. Cheap Farm Land. Southwest Offers Best Opportunities For Securing Homes. Many fanners in the Northern and Eastern states are selling their high priced lands and locating in the Southwest. Many who have been unable to own their homes in the older country are buying lands in the new country. Unusual opportunities e xi s I along the lines of the Missour Pacific-Iron Mountain Konte. The rich , alluvial , delta lands ant ! river bottom lands of Southeasi Missouri , Eastern Arkansas Louisiana anil Texas , capable o ; producing (50 ( bushels of corn , bale of cotton , -1 to ( ! tons of alfalfi 150 bushels of potatoes , and other grains , vegetables and hay crops can bo bought for $7.50 to $15.00 per acre. When cleared ant slightly improved will rent fo $4.00 to $0.00 per aero cash. Uplands more rolling , lighte soil , adapted to fruit growing ppache.s , pears , plums grapes berries also melons , , tomatoes ( and other vegetables , can be bought for $5.00 to $10.00 pe acre in unimproved slate. Man ; places with small clearings am some improvements can be bough very cheap. Write for tntip and descriptive literature on Missouri , Arkansas Louisiana Texas , Kansas 01 In dian Territory. Very cheap rates on first and third Tuesdays o | each month , Address , TOM HUGH us , T. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. or n. O.TOWNSKND.G. P. &T. A. , St. Louis , Mo. PIANO BALDWIN BROS. A full line of the Small Musical Instruments , Latest Sheet Music , Edison and Victor Records. i We also carry a large stock of J SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES i Falls City Music Company Opposite Court House EVERYTHING UP = TO = DATE This is our motto not only in style , but in material and workmanship as well. When you wear a suitor overcoat made at Wilson's you may be assured that none are better dressed than you. ALWAYS BEAR IN MIND THAT A Tailor made suit will wear as long as two Hand-me-Downs and they always hold their shape and look dressy. The result is that it pays to dress well and look neat at all times. Call and examine our extensive line of patterns and get our prices , we are sat isfied you will look no farther. I WILSON THE TAILOR. : i e 55 The Falls City Roller Mills Docs a general milling business , and manufactures the f following hrandb of flour $ SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN The above brands are guiirantccd to he of the highest pos sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and conduct a general Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business and solicit a share of your patronage P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. * * XX * * * * * LOOK ! LOOK ! Have you tried the * CITY MEAT MARKET $ it if Under new management. We will carry at if all times a full stock of the best of everything in our line. High Standard Quality is our if if Motto. Our methods are bound to please if ir you. 'Phone 3. Yours for Business , if if A. E. SCHMIDT. if if * * * * * * X * * *