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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1906)
THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 16 , 1906 iBuflington TIAllS TABLE I'nlls City. Neb. 1 Lincoln Denver Omnhn Helena Chicago IStittc St. .Joseph Snlt Lnkc City Kansas City Portland St. Louis nnd nil Snn Prattclsco points cnst and nnd nil point ? south. west. TNAINS I.KAVU AS FOU.OWS : No. 42. Portland St. Louis Special , St. Joseph , Kaunas City , St. . Louis and all points ca t nnd nouth 7:17 ji n No. 13. Vpstihulrd rxprcRB , daily , Denver and nil points went and nortlmcHt 1:33 : a n : No. 44. Vestlbulrd KxprehS daily , St. Joseph , Kansas , City St. Louis and points Kabt and South. . . . 11:17 : a n No. 14. Vcstihulcd express , daily , St. Joe , Kan sas City , St. Louis and all points cant .uul Houth 7:47 a n No. 17. Local express daily except Sunday , Con- cordia , and points north and west. . . . 12.10 p n No. 15. Vcstihulcd express , daily , Denver , and all and northwest 1:23 p n No. 43. Vestiliulcd Kxpross daily , Lincoln and the NortluvcHt. . . . 1:44 p n N < 10. Vcstibuled express daily , St. Joe , Kansas sas- City , St Louis Chicago and points ca8i anil south 4:35 : p n No. 18. Local express daily except Sunday , St. Joe and points south and east. . . . 4:05 : p n No. 41. St. Louis-Portland SpecialLincolnHe lena , Taconia and Portland without change 10:07 : p n No. 115. Local accommoda tion , d a i 1 y except - cept SundaySalem , Notnaha and Ne braska City ll:15p : n Sleeping * dining and reeling chai c.irs ( scats free ) on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked t < anv point in the States or Canada. Ko information , time tahlcH , mapsam tickets , call on or write to H , fl.Vlirr roHii Agent , Palls City , Neb. , or L W. WAKII.U\ : . P. & T. A..Omaha. Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Pulls City , Neb. NOKTII No. 135 Omaha , local 7:45 a. in No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln I'Xpri".s A 1:57 : .1 11 No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln No. 127 I'rom Kansas City. . . 8:15 p n passenger A 1:11 : p i : No. I'll Local Krcight. Au- lii'rii A 1:16 p i SOUTH No. ItI Kansas City local. . . 7:50 a i No. 100 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver A 3:10 a i No. 108 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver A : ( No. 138 Krom Omaha 8:35 p i No. W2 Local , Atchison. . 10 : 15a i A. Daily. 11. Daily except Sunday J. It. VAKNKK , Agent. A Live Wire Every nerve is a live wire connecting some part of the body with the brain. They arc so numerous that if you pene trate the skin with the point of a needle you will touch a nerve and receive a shock pain it is called. Aches and pains come from a pressure , strain or in jury to a nerve ; the more prom inent the nerve the greater the pain. When the pain comes from a large nerve it is called Neuralgia whether it be the facial nerves , or the heart , stomach , sciatic or other prominent nerve branch. To stop pain , then , you must relieve the strain or pressure upon the nerves. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do this. "I suffered Intense pain , caused by ncuralKln. I doctored nnd used vari ous mrdlclnc.f without tiettlnK relief until I brKtui Inking Dr. Miles' Antur.Un 1'llls. They did mo more Kood tlmn ull the meillolncH I over used. They never fall to euro jny headache * , nnd their uxn never loaves nny bad nftcr-rrtecm. " MUH. W.M. I1KCKMAN. J57 W < tli St. IJrlo. Pn. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are told by your ilruoaUt , who will guarantee that the first packaoe will benellt. If It falls , he will return your money. 25 doses , 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind The Kansas City Market offei the opportunity for best prict and weights on your Cattle , llof or Sheep. The Big Casino , Ma for Man Sales made by tl Charles Dixon Commission Con pany stand for and emphasi : this opportunity. We buy stoc ! ers and feeders on commissio ; Let us send you market inform tion. tion.THE THE TRIBUNE . . . . $1.00 a Year. . Worth Willie. Speak kindly of vour friends and you'll never regret it. True love and wine improve i with age. ! Kissing is not necessarily dan gerous , but frequently father is. Love is intoxicating , but few would sign a pledge of total ab stinence * If you don't extend a helping liand } fou sliouldn't expect one to be offered to you. Flirting is innocent sport un less you get tangled in the web. Kducation may not make the man but ityill go a long ways in that direction. If you want to be happy try tote to make other people feel as joy ful as yournclf. Cxcuses are so handy that everybody borrows them. Half the pleasure in having a vacation is in getting back tu work. A certain young lady is au thority for the statement that love makes the parlor dark and the heart light. Kvcry honest man has to work for a living or steal i4. . Any sudden turn in the tide of fortune will often show what stuff one is made. True manhood comes only alter correct tests. Krom wealth to poverty will bring a test to a man that few stand bravely. When a man's life sails alotif- smoothly before fair winds , nc trouble , no reverses , no tcmpta. tions it is easy to be a nice , po lite , pleasant fellow. Most men think more of a goo < big meal than the1 do of reading the Bible or going to prayei meeting. I3e careful of the man without any religion and also careful o the man who gets religion and makes a grand stand play of it. People who go 0:1 : Sunday ex * cursions must not expect to line a prayer meeting crowd. The : must take what they find. Education commences at th < mother's knee , and every won spoken in the hearing of littl children tends toward the forma lion of character. Ilosea Ballon A girl should not imagini every strange man who looks a her wants to start an acquaint anca. Sometimes he's wonder ing why she didn't rub some of th powder off her nose , wash he neck and ears and stop lacing s < tight. The word Conscience , ( Grcel iyncidesis , ) is derived from thi Latin , "consciusi conscientia conscious , conscientiousness , bu neither Greek nor Roman used i in our sense. It had no religion ! meaning. Was once used in th' ' Septuagint Version of the Oli Testament for the Hebrew won "Madda" (1-kc. ( 10 , 20) translaaei thought , knowledge , science , ii the king James version. The man who loves his worl finds little use for the clock , nice knew a carpenter tha stopped driving a nail when th whistle blew. He is still a bean roustabout with a trained ear fo the dinner horn. Working b the clock because you must work is slavery personified. If you d not take pride in the work yo are doing , quit it and goat some thing more interesting and fitt ing. Hi Henry's Greatest Minstrel will appear at Gchlings Theatr on Friday Nov. Id. The pres all along their route claim the are better than ever. This is cei tainly saying a great deal a every one remembers what a sen sation they caused on their fonr cr visit about three years ag and the fine performance tlu was given. So secure seats i once if you want to witness th greatest minstrel performanc Hi Henry has ever presented. True Enough. Next to a cemetery at midnigl about the lonesomest sight is hammock on the iront porch aft < the first big frost. Ex. Market Letter. City Sleek Ynrdu , Nov. , 2 , 11)0(5. ) ( Cnlllf receipts todnj re larger than lust Monday , and ) ro8peet8 lire good for an in- renspd supply all week us com Hired with hint , but the total if till moderate , 1(5,000 ( head today , ? he general market ndvaneed 1C 0 15 centn last week , covering til ! liiHHi'S , and IB steady to strong to- lay , HtoekcrH and feeders a little ligher. This elriHs line not ad aned along with killing catth Iris fall , as the demand IHIB no ) L cn much ahead of the Hiipply al ny time' . The dry wenther latelj ins cut down the inquiry fron ertain localities the hist montl or six weeks. Feeders cannot for get tbe > losses of recent years , am ilthoiigh the outlook for higl little prices is better now tlmn i ins been for ten years or more entile1 feeding is not popular. Oh imurs lit the yatds believes we nt < entering on a period of lugl > riees in cuttle1. Flogs and sheej iiivi1 already bcne'litted by the in erensiong demand with which tin irodnction has not kept pace am he'y say cattle raising and feed ng is not progressing at us grea 1 rah ; us has the demand for tin ast several years. Top steer old today at SC.OO , the highes irieo in two months , nnd the fir ime the market has been as nea ully tcsteel. Extra , prime slew von Id beat the price today. CJooi .o choice steers sell at $5.00 am ipwiuds , short fed steers $1.40 t $5.1 ! : ' ) . eonsielerably better thai isiial at this time , grass stee-rt $ ; U' > 0 to $5.2 : " ) , cows $2.50 to.7i : { wain up to $ (5.50 ( , heavy calves inarte'r higher than n week age it SU.OO to $1.50 , stackers $15.0 to $1.25 fuedura SIJ.Sl ) to $1.50. Hog prices art1 working down wind , but in a slow way , and wit many re-actions. Ktiu is 8000 tr lay , market 5 lower , top SG.17J bulk $ ( i. 10 to $ ( ? 15. Packers com plain bitterly that their Kansn Jity droves aiv costing more tha it any ether market , net exeepi ing St. Louis or Chicago , and als state1 that the quality receive hero is the poorest of all. Rn last week was 45,000 hentl , enl two thirds the supply same wee last year , and it looks like a hig range of prices would be mail taiiu'd in spite of all the packer can do. Sheep and lambs continue t come pretty freely , but most c the supply now is the lust of th season from the range , and m good qimlity. Some feel western are beginning to come , Inmbs sel ing at $ (5.75 ( to $7.50. * * Germain-Poland. Married , at the court house i Pawnee City , on Thursday , Noi 7 , 1'XH ) , Judge Barton ofliciatiin Mr. John F. Germain and Mis Clara I. Poland. The parties t this union arc well known an highly respected young pcop living near DuBois. We exten congratulations. Pawnee Chie Death of John Fellers. Word has been received 1 relatives at Table Rock of tl death of John Fellers , which o curred at his home in the stal of Washington , from an attac of pneumonia. The decease was born and reared at Tab Rock , removing with his fami ! to the far west just a few yea ago. Pawnee Chief. Nothing Doing : . A Missouri instructor thinl there is not much hope fi phonetic spelling such as tl president suggests. His opinic on phonetic spelling is as follow "I tlon't believe that the intr dukshon ov fonetic speling ka be akcomplisht bi edikht e President Roxevelt. Sum chang will kum in tim , but publishe and newspapers wil not adopt list of thre hundred wurelx , a > at wontx. Several yeers ag the Nashunal Tcecher's Asoshi shun prepared a list ov about t ( wurdz , and thecz hav bin used owr publikashuns ever sintz. ' 1 ov the wurdjj are 'program' ai 'catalog. ' Ex , SEEN AT THE DEPOT GATES fhero Are Frequent Blockades When Women Hunt for Their Tickets. K. J. Suuford , president of the Union Depot company , la In a mood to supply a stocking room lor womun travelers. He has nearly reached this conclusion be cause of many rather embarrassing lu- Jdunta which have occurred In the pas sageways leading to exit gates , reports ihu KituauH City SUir. "For , " as he Bays , "women don't have many pockets , and they hide their tickets and money in so many places about their clothing. When they go after their valuables , It takes time to reach them. Gatemcn don't have to tell them to 'hurry,1 because It Is usually the hurry that delays them. " A few days ago , a young woman walked to the gate operated by Curtis Heaves , expecting to take a Santa Fe limited train for New Mexico. The gateman politely asked to see her ticket "Why , do you have to see it ? " she asked. "Yes , madam , " Reaves replied. "There are two Santa Fe trains out there , and I want to see how your ticket la routed. " The young woman blushed. She car ried several bundles In her arms , and she looked at them , looked at the gate- man , and looked appcalingly to a woman near. "Come , hurry ! " Heaves Insisted. "There are others behind you waiting to get out. " By this time the young woman's fact and neck had taken on a carmine hue She clung to her bundles. A crowd had collected behind her and persons were becoming Impatient. Slowly the * young woman laid her bundles down beside hei and reached for her ticket and took II from her stocking. Not long ago John Wallenstrom , train crier , while doing extra duty at a gate was confronted by a young woman go Ing to Chicago. Wallenstrom asked foi her ticket , and she "made a face" at him She Insisted that she bo allowed on tin platforms without first showing hei transportation. "Sorry , madam , " he said , "but orders ire to make everyone show a ticket You'll have to either get yours or g ( back In the waiting room. " The youns woman saw he was it earnest. "All right , " she replied. She laid her grip beside her , took holi of the bottom of her skirts and wen after the ticket. In a dainty little pocke attached to a garter she had It. Am she was so nervous she couldn't open th < clasp on the purse. She became excited "I'm getting nervous. " she said. But she got the purse open and showec her ticket. She was angry and "sate things , " about the depot and about tin gatoman. "They carry their ticketssometimes , ' Wallenstrom said , "in places where the ; have great difficulty in getting them One woman came to a gate and when sin learned she had to show her ticket , sh began digging In her bustle. Shcworkei and worked , but no ticket. Finally , sh became frightened , believing she hai lost It. I didn't know what would hap pen , so to avoid further embarrassmen I sent her to Mrs. Shull , the matror They found It Just where she ha fastened It in her bustle , "There is hardly a day passes tha women do not come to the gates wit their tickets concealed In their stock ings. Some of them think we mlstrca them when wo ask that the tickets b shown. " Many of these cases have been re ported to Mr. Sanlord. Gatcmon hav suggested that a stocking room be prc vldod. "It would help the women , " Mi Sanford said. BAILWAY RUMOR. India's railway building lor the nes three years will amount to about 150 000,000 per annum. The total length of railways i Japan Is now over 4,500 miles. Th gauge is three feet six Inches. The largest locomotives require mor than 100 gallons of oil a year to kee them In smooth running order. J. P. Hall , of the Santa Fe , Is 01 gantzlng an association composed c men who were once messenger boy ; The listIt Is said , includes Andrew Cai negle , William C. Van Homo , Marvl HughlttV. . A. Gardner , Col. Hobei C. dowry and A. J. Earllng. Statistics of the railway mileage < Kurope show that the total mileage the continent and the United Kingdoi on January 1 , 1905 , amounted to 188 797 miles , being an increase of 3,01 miles over the corresponding date < 1904. Matrimonial tickets are supplied b the Canadian Pacific railway to the : settlers in the Northwest territory wh wish to make u journey In order to g < married and on presenting the retur coupon and a marriage certificate man is entitled to free transportatlo for his bride. In recent years the construction < railways proceeded In Germany at tt rate of about C21.5 miles a year. Tli entire mileage exceeds at present 34 183 miles , The electrification of ral ways is still confined to a few sul urban lines , where the system wort satisfactorily. Mammoth Freight Car. The biggest freight car In the worl is being constructed In the St. Pat a . railroad shops at Milwaukee. Tli 1 largest freight cars at present are ( 100.000 pounds' capacity and ai looked upon as monsters. The no' car will have a capacity of 200.0C pounds. It is being built to tran port a 90-ton section of a base for blast engine which Is being shippc to Bethlehem , Pa. The car Is 41 fe < long , has four instead of two truck and sixteen instead of eight wht l8. Wilson s n H If- * I Haviland China ! I I j ! Hand Painted China , Austrian - | j trian and German China , * Jardinieres , Flower Pots , all | $ sizes. * j- . Haviland , Austrian and . | . English Dinncrware. White ? | and decorated. Ij.T Special prices on X 5 CUT GLASS 1 See the new Nickle plated \l \ LAMPS. ll \l \ New 5c , lOc and 15c Glass- * ware. * Good Groceries and all the f * best brands of Flour at C. M. Wilson's We have secured the agency for Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup , the new laxative that makes the liver lively , purifies the breath , cures headache am1 regulates the digestive organs. Gurus chronic constipation. Ask us about it For sale by all A fine lot of draft mares weighing from 1,000 to 1,450 bred to a Jack , for sale at the Margrave ranch. The lx..t Imported horses $1,000 each. Homc-brcil registered draft stallions , 5250 to $750 at my stable doors. A. I.atimcr Wilson , Creston , la. Imported draft sulllons. 51,000 t-ach , Home-bred rcBisteml draft stallions , $500 to J < * 00. Hart llros. , Osccola. Io a. Home-bred draft stallions , J250 to JOOO ; imported stallions , your choice il.OOO. P. L. Stream. Cruston. I.i. If you want driving horses , colts or mules get them at the Margrave ranch. Hi Henry's Big Minstrel at the Gehling Theatre Nov. . 1G , to night. Dancing Proves Fatal. Many men and women catch colds at dances which terminate in pneu monia and consumption. After ex posure , if Foley's Honey and Tar is taken it will break up a t-old and nc serious results nerd lu > fi-iirrcd. Re. fuse any but ho genuine in a yellow paukago. For sale by all Presbyterian Church. Services 11 a. in. , and 7:3C : p. m. Sunday school 9:45 : a. in. Junion C. E. 2:30 : p. in. Senior C. E. f > :30 : p. in. All are invited. S. W. GKIIKIN , Pastor. M. E. Church. The following services next Sabbath : 9:45 : Sunday school. 10:45 : preaching. 3:00 : p. in. Junior league. ( > :30 : p. m. Epworth league. 7:30 : p. in. , sermon. Prayer meeting 7:30 : p. in. on Wednesday evening. All cordially invited. W. T. GUNK , Pastor. First Christian Church. Services of the First Christian church , Lordsday , Oct. 21st : 9:45 : a. in. , Bible School. 11:00 a. m. communion. 11:30 a. in. , morning sermon. 3:00 p. m. Junior Endeavor. 6:30 p. m. Senior Y. P. S.C. E- 7:30 : p. m. , evening sermon. All are cordially invited and strangers and visitors in the city are kindly welcomed to attend all of these services. T. A. LlNDKNMKYKK , Minister. - Evangelical Lutheran Church. Services at 2:30 : p. mon alter nate Sundays. RRV. O. II. ENGKI.BKKCHT. Hi Henry's Greatest Minstrels has just completed a most suc cessful tour of the Pacific Coast where they have played to the most phenoniinal business , and the press all along their route pronounce them the best seen in years. At the Gehling Theatre Nov. , Kith. C. H. HARION AUCTIONEER , Ii I Sales conducted in i scientific and busi I nesslike manner 1 C. H. MARION | 1 Falls City , Nebraska I flNTIlE LAND OFT11EBIG HOMESTEAD , ! RANCHES FOR SALE. Large or small buyers can locate on adjoining < | GOVERNMENT LAND I For information write M.D. CRAYATH , t Luella , Neb. | ANNOUNCEMENT Having secured the exclusive - sive n ency in Falls City for Sycamore Springs Mineral Water , we are prepared to furnish c-ustomefs with the the same. Price (50 ( cents per five gallon cask. Cull phone < . 185) ) or phone 3D. ± PRANK GIST C. P. REAVISJr. t M I I II I II I I I I t i I I I I I I I I i I : : D. S. HcCarthyi ! IDRAY ANID TRANSFER Prompt attention jrivcn to the removal of house hold poods. PHONE NO. 211 i n M n i i 11111111 n i n i ii W. II. Maddox Real Estate Agency FALLS CITY NEBRASKA See me before your purchase. I am selling city property , loaning mon ey at lowest rates , selling farms and making farm loans. See me if you wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I am here for business. Write W. H. Maddox , Falls City SHIP YOUU LIVE STOCK TO CLAY ROBINSON & CO. SlocK Yards. Knnsns City. Mo. K.xport Salesmen , C.ittlr , Hops , Sliti-p. Careful nnd Intflligeni yard IIOJR. 1'erfcct ofllco methods. Correct market Information furnlelit'd 11otises at Kansas City.Omaha SlouxClty , Denver , i-t. Joseph St , I'uul , Chicago , llutTnlo EL. R. MAYS , M. ID. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Oillee over McMillan's Drujf Store. Ollico 'I'liono 213. lleslilcnco 'Phono ! K. R. F > . ROBRRTS Ofllce OTer Kcrr's Pharmacy Ofllce Phone 200 Residence Phone 271 B.F.STEPHENSON&CO.I . . & . PRESTON , NEB. Is the Place to buv Dry Goods , Groceries , j > Hardware , Tinware , | Cutlery. | Highest market price y 1 * v Paid for Country Produce X j * V FOLEYSHONETMAR for cHlldrtnt * mf , tart. No opiate *