The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 16, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. Ill FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , NOVIHflBER 16 , 1906. Whole No. 149
At The Library.
The library board expects to
install a number of new books in
the near future and the list being
selected with care , the best of
works being considered. This
institution is one that Falls City
people arc justly proud of and
one that has been of great bene
fit and pleasure to our people.
Supervisors Meet ,
The board of supervisors will
convene next Tuesday at the
court house in order to finish
H > the work of the year and
. have everything' in readiness for
the new board. This will be
' the last meeting of the old
board and then their work will
be done. The board has tran
sacted much important business
during their term of office.
Catholic Fair.
Under the auspices of the Liv
ing Rosary society , at Rule , Ne
braska , November 27th , 28th and
29th , 1906 inclusive. Tuesday
night , Nov. , 27 dance , Wednes
day night Nov. , 2Sth musicale
and dance , Thursday night , No
vember 29th dance.
Best of music will be furnished
each night. Dinner will be
served Thanksgiving Day from
12 to 2 o'clock. All are cordially
invited. COMMITTKK.
Worthy of Notice.
The next time you drive to
Falls City notice the condition of
the roads. Everywhere you will
notice the good effects of the
i drag and in most cases the road
\ , . is almost like a pavement. Nearly -
ly all the roads leading into that
town are in the same shape and
" this fact is worth thousands of
dollars annually to the merchants.
It should be an object lesson to
every other town and to Salem
especially. We can do much in
the matter of securing good roads
and as a matter of self defence
we ought to do it. Salem Senti
Falls City Exchange.
The Southeast Nebraska Tele
phone Co. i have completed their
new copper long distance Toil
line and now offer the public
direct connections to all points in
Nebraska and St. Joseph , Kan
sas City , Atchison and Topcka.
This company has made exten
sive improvements on their line ,
having in their employ a large
force of linemen. We are in re
ceipt of a complimentary ticket
for a talk over the new line ,
thanks to the secretary , E. H.
J Towle.
In Distress.
A widower at 19 , with twin
babies seven months of age ,
with which he has had to travel
J,100 miles , Antoine Sebastian
was at the Union depot at Kan
sas City Tuesday en route to
Table Rock , Neb. , where he has
a married brother who is expected -
pected to assist in the care of
the infants. The young father
of the children was scantily
clothed and suffering from pri
vations which'hehad , undergone
in order to furnish the children
something to eat. He started
from Albany , Ga. , after the
death of his wife , being fur
nished with a ticket to Table
Rock by the citizens ot Albany.
The twin babies have given him
much trouble during the trip ,
and were much in need of the
attention bestowed upon them
at the Union depot at Kansas
City by Mrs. Sbull , the matron.
Through the assistance of Mrs.
. . Shull and depot authorities the
* * children were well fed and some
clothing secured for the father.
Mrs. Downs is seriously ill at
her home in this city.
Gives Bond.
Bode gave bond for $ ; i,000 and
will take the case to the su
preme court. It will be at least
forty days before the case can
be heard by that body.
At The Gehlinff.
"My Wife's Family" appeared
n full force at the Gehling the.
itre on Monday evening of this
week and amused a large sized
ludience by their clever play ,
ng and excellent specialties.
The company was a good one
ind sustained the reputation of
the attraction as a comedy of
nerit and of pleasing special
ties. Perry and Appleton were
especially good on ( lie latter
Wearing Completion.
The new lake which Lewis
tDlege and L. Knickerbocker are
constructing is almost com
pleted and it is a dandy. The
akc covers about three acres ,
and during the past week the
water was turned into it. Two
big springs furnish good pure
water , thus insuring the best of
ice , in case this winter is suffi
ciently cold. A large amount
of dirt has been moved at this
place , which is located near the
arick yard southeast of town.
Killed a Wild Cat.
A wild cat was killed at the
lome of Mrs. Harford southwest
of Nemaha one night last week.
[ n the night a fearful racket was
icard at the hen house. Harry
Harford got his gun and went
out to kill the marauder. He
saw an animal under the hen-
liouse and fired. His shot proved
fatal and when he examined the
game he found it a full grown
wild cat measuring thirty-three
inches from the tip of its nose to
the tip of its tail. Auburn Re
Court House News.
The Clerk of thecourt is busily
engaged in making up a complete
record of the business of the
last term of court and has it in
good shape. Taxes are still oc-
cupj'ing the attention of the
Treasurer and his assistants ,
while the County judge has his
share of marriages and routine
work. The work of the county
Recorder appears elsewhere in
this issue and the County Clerk
is just recovering from the elec
tion work. The statement of
election expenses are now on file.
Public Improvements.
While Falls City has made no
fuss about the matter , we have
added more street and sidewalk
improvements this season to
our credit than for many previ
ous years. Mayor Barrett and
Street Commissioner Leopold
may feel justly proud of their
year's work along this line.
Property owners have willingly
responded to the call for new
cement and brick walks , and
the result is that a new walk of
this substantial material has
been placed in various parts of
the city until one can be proud
that he is citizen of
a an up-to-
date town.
Our streets have not been ne
glected in the meantime and
never in the history of Falls
City has she put on a more
pleasing appearance in this re
spect than at present. The
work has been placed where
needed most and no neighborhood -
hood has received all to the
neglect of another part of the
city where it was needed just as
badly. On the whole , Falls City
will go into winter quarters in
good shape. Well , Mayor Bar
rett promised a square deal and
we believe he is a man of his
A Cold Storage Plant
Why not have a cold storage
plant in this city ? Not a day
passes that there is not a ship
ment of some kind to the cold
storage at St. Joseph , Kansas
City or Omaha. Why not be
prepared to hold the product at
home and thus secure the profit ?
It is not because Falls City
lacks the idle capital that is
looking for a paying investment
There are a dozen or more of
our wealthy citiv.ens who are
looking fora paying investment
that have not given this matter
a second thought.
Let us reason together , This
season the apple crop alone
that lett this point and found
their way to the cold storage
plants at Minneapolis and St.
Paul , to wait the raise of the
spring market , would go a long
way toward a cold storage
plant in this city. The Henry
C. Smith and the Weaver
orhcards alone furnished thous
ands of bushels of the choicest
varieties , and all found their
way to the far north for a later
market. Numerous smaller fruit
growers were forced to take
what was oil'ered at the picking
season for just as marketable
fruit , for the reason that they
did not have what they consid
ered a sufficient quantity to
justify them in holding.
Here is another point to be
considered along the line of our
apple crop. Now that we have
a vinegar factory in our midst
to use the culls , cold storage
would place this crop in the
hands of the producer instead
of the commission men. Our
vinegar factory has passed the
experimental stage and is here
to stay. Before the season
closes they will fill sixteen large
tanks with juice grown in this
immediate vicinity , which with
out this market would have
a total loss. The culls are thus
well provided for. Now it takes
just a little of the same spirit
to properly care for the market
able fruit at home and thus
save a much larger profit.
The apple crop is not the only
source of revenue in having
cold storage at our door. The
chicken industry would undoubt
edly more than double the first
year as a home market would
be assured at all seasons. Even
under present conditions , with
the poultry industry in its in
fancy , thousands of dollars are
lost to this community annually
by not having storage at our
door. We are the producer and
if it pays scores of men in every
city in our land to husband our
crops until the proper time to
unload , why would it not pay a
few Falls City enterprising citi
zens who are looking for invest
ment , to do the same thing. If
we are to have commission men
let us have them at home.
The Tribune simply calls attention -
tention to this public enterprise
believing that it is not only a
splendid thing for the public at
large but a paying investment
for a few men who will investi
gate the matter and erect an
up-to-date plant in this city.
Our shipping facilities are as
good as those of many larger
towns and we see nothing in the
way of making such an enter
prise a financial success Irom
the start.
Store Insured.
The drug store and contents ,
of Arthur Nixon , at Barada ,
which was recently destroyed
by lire at 2 o'clock at night , was
fully insured by the local firm of
Cleaver & Sebold. The origin
of the fire was unknown , but it
was discovered too late to save
Death Record.
Mrs. Mary Ilofer , aged 70
years , 2 months and 22 days
died at her home in this city
Sunday morning , November 11 ,
1900. Mrs. Ilofer has been a
resident of this city for many
years and is well known to
nearly all the residents of Falls
City. She had a kindly nature
and thus enjoyed many friends.
She is survived by seven chil
dren , Mary , Louise , Adolph ,
Julius , Fred , Albert and Henry ;
and by seventeen grandchildren
and eight great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were con
ducted at the residence Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock by Rev.
Manshardt , interment being in
the Steele cemetery.
Helen E. McCarthy , wife of
the late Wm. P. Myers , was
born in Wales , October ill , 18f > 0 ,
and departed this life in Falls
City , Nebr. , Nov. 7 , 1000 , aged
HO years and 7. days.
She came to the United States
with her parents when a child
and located in Pennsylvania.
In June 1882 , she was united in
marriage to Wm. P. Myers , who
departed this life January 17 ,
Four children were born to
them , one dying in infancy and
three still living , viz : Misses
Miranda and Martha , and Law
rence Myers. The family home
was in Pennsylvania till 1890 ,
at which time they moved to
Falls City , Nebr. After a resi
dence of one year they moved
to Michigan and in 1900 located
again in our city and this has
been their permanent home.
The deceased was a member
of the M. E. church in Pennsyl
vania , but had not transferred
her membership to Nebraska.
She leaves three children and
other relatives to mourn her
The funeral service was held
Irom the residence in Falls City
Monday , November 12th , at li
p. m. , Rev. W. T. Clinc , pastor
of the M. E. church officiating.
The interment took place in the
Steele cemetery.
The two daughters , who have
been attending college in the
east arrived a few days ago ;
also A. . ] . Weaver , a nephew ,
was in Michigan ; also Miss
Mary Myers from Pennsylvania.
Newspaper Changes Hands.
C. W. Marlin , who has been
editor and proprietor of the
Johnson County Tribunal at
Tecumseh for the past fifteen
months today turned the busi
ness and plant over to his pred
ecessor , C. W. Pool , on indebt
edness. It is understood Mr.
Pool held a mortgage against
the outfit lor SflOO. The paper
had been a losing proposition in
Mr. Marlin's hands , and there
are several obligations against
him , which he says he will set
tle as soon as he is enabled to
colleut amounts due liis paper.
Mr. Pool sold the paper to Mr.
Marlin on account of failing
health and for a time took treat
ment in Lincoln. Later he re
turned to Tecumseh and was
given the management of the
local independent telephone
company , which he now holds.
Mr. Pool expresses his displeas
ure at being forced again to
take up newspaper work , and
i expects to sell the plant in the
'near ' future. Mr. Marlin will
return to his former home at
Audubon , Iowa , and it is said
will act as assistant postmaster
of that town.
Mrs. Julia Hall , Miss Camina
Hall , Messers John and Thomas
Hall and W. F. Veach and wife
were down from Verdon to at
tend the Barrj'-IIall wedding last
A very pretty home wedding
occurcd at the residence of Major
Keeling and wife last Sunday
nfternoon. at 2:00 : o'clock , when
two of our popular young people
were joined in matrimony. Rev.
W. T. Clinc , using the ever im
pressive ring ceremony , pro-
lounccd the words which made
George 10. Hall and Miss Jessie
Barrv , husband and wife. The
groom wore the conventional
color , while the fair bride was
charming in white of a beautiful
uatcrial. After the ceremony
ind congratulations ) an elaborate
unchcon was served. Only
the immediate relatives of the
groom and personal friends of
the bride were present. A nuin-
3er of elegant gifts were received
by the young couple.
The bride has made this city
icr home for several years , hav-
ng been'engaged in the millin
ery business here. She was very
popular in Falls City's social
circle and made many friends.
The groom has long been identi
fied with Falls City's business
world. At first he was in pard-
nership with Frank Greenwald
in the shoe business , later buying
: he entire stock. Last spring he
purchased the stock of George
Flolt and consolidated the two.
Tleis a young man of ability and at
present tactics will make a great
success of life. Mr. and Mrs.
[ lall went to houschccping in
their home on north Main street
which the groom had prepared.
Sincere congratulations are ex
( Falls City bachelors will please
take notice of the above. )
Hunters Tip Over.
A party of hunters , consisting
of John Oswald , Albert Bcntlcy ,
George Prater , Clifford Wahl ,
George Hossack and Fred Whit-
ten met with a runaway while on
their return from a hunting trip.
The horses became frightened
near the Will Holt farm west of
town but aside from breaking up
the hunting wagon there were
no dangerous results.
False Alarm.
Last Friday morning work
men were engaged in fixing thereof
roof on the Wilson grocery store
when a kettle of tar which they
were using , became ignited.
Tar has the reputation of being
a good smoker , and the black
roll of smoke from this one kettleful -
tleful , gave one the idea that
there was a serious conflagra
tion. The alarm proved a false
one as it soon became known
what the cause of the supposed
fire was.
Take Notice.
To the Precinct Committeemen
The complete official returns
from all of the precincts of the
county show the election of our
entire legislative ticket in the
county , a victory not even ac
complished in ihe Roosevelt
wave of two years ago. The
credit for this victory belong.1-
to the precinct committeemen o
this county , all of whom have
worked earnestly and stead
fastly for the entire ticket.
The republicans of this county
and the candidates appreciate
the untiring efforts you have
made for the success of the
principles of the party and
thank you heartily.
Yours truly ,
Ch'n. Central Committee.
The usual grist of November
weddings is being ground in
Falls City.
Ml .1.1- . . , . . . - . . I. . I.
E. G. Whitford returned Sun
day from a trip to the western
part of the state.
Society News.
The Misses FlovGrinstead and
Sallie Schoenheit entertained the
young ladies Whist club at the
home of the former's sister , Mrs.
John Gilligan on Tuesday eve
ning and a very pleasant time
was spent. The meetings of
this club are always enjoyable
and this was one of the most
A china shower was given at
the home of the Misses Keeling
on Thursday evening of last week
complimentary to Miss Barry.
Little Suxanc Brccht delight
fully entertained the Junior
Society of the Presbyterian
church on last Saturday after
noon. Forty guests spent a
most pleasant time.
Sorosis met Wednesday. Nov. .
Hth with Mrs. Banks almost the
entire club being present. The
program for the day was fully
rendered a Parliamcntry drill
conducted by Mrs. Jennings and
in which all took part was first
in order. Words , their root and
formation by Mrs. Falloon was so
comprehensively treated that
even very ordinary words seemed
0 have added force. The Legal
Status of Woman , in Nebraska ,
by Mrs. Kate Steele carried much
nstruction to her listeners. Char-
otte Bronte and Jane Eyre was
1 very interesting subject , as
Mrs. Varner so ably depicted in
icr handling of the subject. A
nusical treat by Mrs. Banks and
laughter completed the program
iftcr which delicious rcfresh-
nents were served by the hos-
A china shower was given for
Miss Bessie Davis on Wednesday
evening at the home of Mrs.
Tred Farrington.
Helen Lut/c entertained a mini-
jer of her friends on Thursday
evening of this week at a mas-
Itieradc party at her home in the
western part of town. The event
was a merry one.
Miss Prudence Davis was very
jlcasantly surprised at the home
of her aunti Mrs. George Sperry.
on Tuesday evening , A num-
jer of her friends reminded her
of the fact that it was her six
teenth birthday , and were there
in a large number to help her
celebrate the event. Games and
refreshments made the evening a
merry one. Miss Davis received
a number of handsome gifts.
Mrs. Norman Musselman and
Mrs. 1C. E. Mettz entertained
about thirty-five of their lady
friends at an afternoon whist
party on Wednesday of this week
at the spacious home of the form
er. The elegant rooms were
prettily decorated with cut
flowers and formed a charming
place to entertain. After several
hours spent in the popular game
of whist , the hostesses served
toothsome refreshments.
Mr. Musselman is bemoaning
the fact that there were no gentle
men included on the list of in
vited guests , and therefore he
could not put in an appeanancc.
Counted Out.
We see from the official count
in Johnson county that our old
friend , 0. W. Pool , of the Tribunal -
bunal , was counted out by one
vote. Charley is a prince of
good fellows but his politics is
mighty bad , while his vote
would not sound well in a legis
lative body that is overwhelm
ingly republican. There is one
thing he can do to a queen's-
taste , give them a dyed in the
wool democrat paper from his
home town.
Donald McCoy returned Thurs
day to Kansas City after a brief
visit with his mother in this city ,