THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 9 , 1906. r , B- $40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual Interest Hen Smith est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the LANDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made. Morning , Nov Come in and let us ( junto you prices on ANYTHING IN FOOT WEAR. This sale is to be a sensation and you will lose money if you don't come here for Foot Wear during the sale. Everything , Work and Dress Shoes , High Tops , Hosiery , Overshoes , Rubber Boots , Leggins. Come and see. Falls City , Nebraska- RULO ! Mrs. Mimii la visiting liur son I lurry at this place Mrs. Huyer , sister anil Httlo son wore Rule visitors Sunilny tliu quests of Hurry Mini n mill wlfo. The election passed oil quickly Tues day , Hulo township went republican. P. E. Kulp of Wyinoro was in Hulo Tuesday. Mr. Ennls and family of Alclil- eon were thu guests of I)1 E. Plum anil wlfo last week. W.A.Jones of I'Yldora , Kansas , was Blinking hands with old friends In Unlo 3a3t Thursday. U. C. James of Falls City was a visit or in this city last week. James Roland of Rushbottom was transacting business In Kulo last Sat urday. Quito u number of our town people attended the Hryan speaking at Falls City last Saturday. Hov. Mav.o of Dawson preaehod Sun day morning and evening to a crowded house. In thu morning , Ills subject was "The Autumn of Life , ' and the church was beautifully decorated In % nil theproduet $ of autumn. Joe Hrlttorlc of Fortescue visited in Kulo Sunday the guest of Mr. Noland and wife. W. J. CunnliiRhum and wife visited in Missouri Sunday. Grandma Mourner departed for St. Joseph Tuesday whnro she will spend several weeks visiting with her son George. John C. Illnkle of Forteseuu , visited with his son , J. A. Saturday. Mrs. Clyde Adams returned homo Saturday from Nebraska City where she has been visiting for the past three weeks. Jim Rhodes , of the Hlg Lake was transacting business in Kulo Saturday. Mrs. U. E. Anderson and children ol Ilumboldt arrived In Uulo Tuesday lor a visit with her parents and other friends. Thu Ilurlincton bridge inspection car passed through Rule Tuesday. John Cheycno visited friends in Missouri last Saturday. Cass Jones was a business visitor In Rule Monday. Frank Vanvalklnburt ; of Chicago , is visiting his parents and other friends this week. Harry Hallow of Lincoln who was hurt hero some time ago has entirely recovered and returned hero Sunday to again take up his work. Ves Bunekr was a Hulo visitor Sat urday. Myley , who has been away for some weeks has returned to Uulo. Mattlu and Hcssie Hays are visiting friends at Forest City this week. Clay Brown of Missouri was a Uulo visitor the last of the week. J. Barker of Shubert was In Uuk Monday. Joe Moorehcud of Falls City wa : here Monday and Tuesday helping the Workmen to extend their order. A medicine show is holding fortl this week to a more or less crowdci house. The Bachelor Club girls met Thurs day night at the home of Mr. Winter bottom. John Kunuly was a Falls City visltoi Saturday. Charlie Scott and family of Kansai Visited in Rule Sunday. Phil Horan is moving Into Mr. Win tcrbottoms house lately vacated b ; Dr. Shepherd. Ed Davis was a St. Joseph visito : Thursday of last week. Mi's. Cynthia HocrniT and children are visiting rclatlvi'i In Vcrdon this wuek. Mrs. Charles Fredurlck and two daughters returned from a visit to : ilN City Sunday uvoning. Cecil and Margaret Kanaly wore alls City visitors Suturriay and Sun- James Halcr and family spent sever ays the latter part of last week visit- ig relatives in Missouri. Mrs. Win. Johnson visited her moth- r In Vcrdon this week. Dr. Shepherd has moved Into Jacob VlngltH house , recently used as a otol. Worth Anderson of Kansas visited 11 Rule Friday. James Cronlns was a Falls City Isltor last Friday. VERDON. Gco. Hall eamo up from Falls City . 'uusday. Davu Davles , wlfo and son wuro Vcr- Ion visitors Tuesday afternoon. Guy Houston of F.xlls City spent Sunday afternoon here. J. W. Watson , wlfu and -.laughter voro Falls City visitors last Saturday. A. N. Harris of Shubert was renew- ug old ai-iiualntanccs here ono day list week. Frank Urlchor of Shubert was a iiibiness visitor hure Saturday. Norman Weaver and wife spent Sat- irday at Falls City. Meeohcr Cornell cumu homu from jlncoln Sunday. O. E. Stout of Auburn was looking if tor business here , Monday. Edith Uournmn of Lincoln is visit- ngR. E. Uowmiin ami wife this weuk. Mr. Chailln and wlfu of Ilumboldt spent Monday with O. P. Veal and wlfo. Mrs. U. E. Estes and sou of Hum- boldt , spent a short tlmu here Thurs day afternoon. N. U. Jiuhl of Dawson was a business visitor hero Thursday . Lizzie lionmun returned homo Wed nesday after visiting her sister , Mrs Homer Watklns. Lot-en Corn eamo down from Lin coln , Saturday and remained until Wednesday. Moso Vouch and wife wore Falls Citj visitors last Saturday. Mrs. Dan Grllllth returned home the last of the weuk from a pleasant visit In tli3 western part of the state. Henry Corn heard W. J. Hryan ill Falls City Saturday. O. P. Veal and family spent Sundaj at ttio home of Vincent Arnold , soutl of town. Mrs. Belle Cornell and duughtoi Eunice visited In Falls City last Tues day. day.Tho The Friends in Council of Falls Cit : were entertained Friday evening b ; GertrudeLum. . The play , "A Day at the Union De pot at Vcrdon , " was taken to Salon lust Tuesday evening. They tODk It about $2-4. Will Mowery of Stella was In town i short tlmo Monday afternoon. Mrs. Elvira Hull and daughter re turned homo Saturday from a pleasan visit with relatives at Barada and Sbu bert. John Walker and family of Shubert visited with relatives here Sunday. Messrs and Mesdames W E. Gools by and C. G. Humphrey were buslnes visitors at Shubert the last of tin week. The Corn Bros , are building an ad dlllon onto their barn this week. Con Bros. , of Salem are doing the work. Mesdames Will Gibson and Al Krow ere Falls City visitors hist week. The Ladles of thu Congregational hureh gave an oyster supper on olec- Ion night. HUMBOLDT. Mrs. E A. Lltchfiold and baby left londay for a visit with relatives at \shluml , Nob- Frank Mullen entertained the Bachu- ) r club at his home northeast of town Saturday evening. Ollte Potrashck came over from 'awnee City Saturday returning to or school duties Sunday. Ralph Philpot was a passenger to \rupuhoo , Neb. , Tuesday. Mrs. L. C. Mann ivus seriously ill at ho home of her daughter , Mrs. Elmer Woods In Elk Creek , the last of the vcok. Mrs. Mary Illavaty has returned rom a several week's visit with Lin coln friends. J. L. Kirk and family arrived In the ity the middle of thu wuck , and will jo permanent residents of HumbuKlt. Mr. Kirk has accepted a position with ho local telephone company. Bertha Dodge and Laura ShalTer were visitors In Falls City Monday. Rov. Bert Wilson returned Tuesday 'rom a business trip to Polk county. Mrs. A. A. McMurray and son Coouer returned thu hrst of thu week from a visit with St. Joseph friends. George Hummel , who Is attending thu state I'nlvorslty in Lincoln camu down to vote Tuesday. Olive Harmon of Elk Creek spent Sunday with her friend , Daisy Morris , in Ilumboldt. Ray Glut and wlfu returned Thurs day last from an extended visit with E. A. Tuekur.und wlfo at'Los Angeles , California. Abraham Moore ol Pawnee county - and Mrs. Lucinda Medium of this eitj were united in murrlugo at thu county clerks olllco In Pawnee City lasi week John Fellers came down from Tal- iiro. Nebr. , to cast his vote Tues day. SALEM Earnie and Glen Moore drove to Falls City Wednesday. Sadiu Jones spent Saturday and Sun day in town. Cora Spurgin'.visited over Sunday in town at Mrs. Meredith's. Zulu , McCool was a passenger to Wymoro Tuesday for a visit with Fred Wlndoll and family. John Wells returned Tuesday to his home in Manvillc , Ivans , after a short visit with Salem relatives. Mrs. W. W. Spin-lock returned Wed nesday fro.ii an extended visit with hoi daughter at Greenwood , Wis. Will Kershuw was In town Saturday and Sunday. Clay Wagner Is improving his resl deuce with a new coat of paint. Goldie Billings and Joe Harbaugh o Dawson were Salem visitors Tuesday evening. Mrs. Keller arrived Tuesday for t visit with her daughter Mrs. Ed May Gco. Knapp and wife of Vcrdon spent Sunday in Salem. Ed May left Tuesday for a buslnes trip to Kansas. Guy Miller was a Fulls City visitor Wednesday. Will Hanna and Mrs , Mattle E. Muj of Falls City were Salem visitors Tues day. Mrs. Frank McCool drove to Fall City Monday. George Slocum and wife of Stelh visited in Salem Sunday. Dr. Waggoner and family were Daw son visitors Sunday. A number of young folks from Salem ttended the box social at Nemaha Yiduy evening. Ctias Suyder and wife of Table Rock came down Sunday. Florence Savlllu spent Sunday at loino. R. E. Grlnsteud and Em Wlckhnm verc Falls City visitors Saturday. OHIO Annie Meyers was a guest of Eana ShatTer Sunday. John Wlltse and family of Falls Ulty snent Sunday with Mrs. Wiltse's moth er. Xona and Ruby Burn worth' visited with Sarah Cook Sunday. Ethul Cook was a guest of her friend Kate Shouse , Sunday. Annie Stump is on thu sick list last week. Fred Chesley and wife were guests of the hitters parents O. A. Burk and family Sunday. Geo. Shou e and family were visitors at Eph. Peck's Sunday. Mrs. Omara and two small children went to Hulo Saturday for a visit with her daughter Mrs. A. Darvc u. Clarence Peck and Win. Hutchison visited with Guy and Albert Burk Sunday. Frank Shulenbergur and wife visited at Henry Walters Sunday. Jaku Cook is on the sick list this week. Mrs. George Johnston was quite sick this week. Noah Peck and wife went to Merrill Tuesday to attend the wedding of then- son Chas. which took place Tuesday evening. John Reisehiek and family wuro guests of Mrs. Relsehick's sister , Sun day. Dsllu and Nellie Knisely spent Sun day with their brother A. E. Kuisoly. Fell in Cistern. While attending a Hallowe'en part } ' at the home of her father- in-law , Christian Wamsley , on Wednesday evening of last week , Mrs. Maud Heck-Wamsley fell into a deep cistern. One of the the boards covering the cistern had been taken up for some of the games , and Mrs. Wamsley , in going in quest of some paper with which to wrap up some dishes , and not being aware of the absence of the usual covering of the cistern , stepped in the hole and plunged into the cavity. She called for help and Christian Wamsley slid down the tubing and picked her up , when a ladder was lowered and he brought her up. Dr. Fast reported the in juries very severe , but at this writing she is a trifle better. Severed Little Finuer. While chopping some kindling Monday morning , preparatory to making a fire at his smithing shop , Samuel Prater sustained a badly cut finger. The hatchet missed the end of the piece of kindling and struck the little finger on his left hand , leaving it hanging on by a piece of the skin about a quarter of an inch in length. Dr. Miner stitched the finger back on and it is thought at this writing that it can be saved. Obituary. George Bliss was born on the twenty-second clay of October , 1859 , at Burlington , Iowa and died at his home in this city on the iirst day of November , 190(3 ( , aged 47 years , and 0 clays. Fun eral services were conducted at the residence , by Samuel Lichty at 11 o'clock last Friday morn ing , interment being in the Stelle cemetery. Mr. Bliss came to this city about thrity-five years ago and was well known to Falls City people , and his death was a great surprise as he had the ap pearance of enjoying fair health. For many years he was engaged in the horse trading business and was quite success ful in this trade. Two weeks ago he was taken ill. and al though an operation was per formed , he grew steadily worse and finally passed awaj' . Ele is survived by his wife , mother , two sisters and three brothers. Our New Band Appears. Last Saturday morning was the Hrst public appearance of the band since its new organi zation , the boys thus showing their appreciation of the sup port lately given them. If they keep on at such rapid strides we will soon have one of the best bands in the state as the boys certainly .did themselves proud last Saturday , the music being very much appreciated. Here's listening for more. Changes Hands. George Prater bought the barber shop recently purchased by Mrs. Clara Glines , the latter deal taking place on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Prater is now owner and proprietor of the shop and with his many years of experience will con duct it in an up-to-date manner. Fred Whitten of Atchison will assist Mr. Prater. Small Blaze. The lire department was called out Friday morning by a blaze at the home of Mr. Buck- misister on south stone street , but it was extinguished before the hose cart arrived. But a small loss was sustained. Upset Carriage. The team attached to a car riage occupied by Mrs , Chris Horn and daughter and Mrs. Gus Bucholtz became frighten ed last Saturday afternoon while standing in front of the V. G. Lyford store , and started to turn around in a circle. A severe bit on one of the horses chafed it and made it all the more unmanagable in their effort - fort to check it. The carriage was upset but scarcely any damage sustained. Miss Horn received several bruises but the others escaped without injury. Married. On the evening of Nov. Ott. 1900 at the home ot Mr. and Mr . S. A. Flickinger occured a mot beautiful wedding ceremony , the occasion being the marriage of their daughter Verna Maud to Mr. Charley Peck. The parlor was decorated with smilax and white chrysan themums , an arch being con structed of choice ferns , under which the ceremony was per- formed. The dining room was decor , ated with evergreens and car nations. The table presented a most attractive appearance being - ing festooned with carnations. Precisely as the clock struck half past six , the bride and groom appeared , at the beauti ful strains of Lohengrin's wed ding march which was played by Miss LilaKmney. TheRer. Eisenbise preformed the cere mony , which made the happy couple one , after which con gratulations w e r -howered upon them. The assembled guests were then invited to the dining room where the'partook of a most sumptions feast , which was served in four courses. A most pleasant evening was spent , the guests leaving at a late hour. The out of town guests we.'e the parents of the groom Mr. and Mrs. Noah Peck and daugh ter Ethel from Falls City , Mis * Li la Kinney of Sabetha , Clint Kreitzer from Sabetba , C. C Stull , wife and daughter , Peart of Hiawatha. Elsie Higgins of Robinson , J. F. Dague aud wife of Hiawatha. During the evening a party of young ladies , friends of the bride , serenaded the happy couple with most beautiful songs , and they were rewarded with cake passed by the bride , also cigars passed by the groom. The bride and groom will be at home to their many f riend. > after January 1st on the farm of John Master three miles south west of Merrill , Kansa ? i New Glass Arrived. The two new plate glasses lor the Jenne Shoe store arrived on Tuesday of this week and were immediatly put in place. Three of the large plate glasses have been broken in the remodelling of tlii ? building. A piece ot scaffolding fell against the first one and the other two were broken in attempting to change them. Mr. W. W. Jenne had a narrow escape from having his foot cut off by the falling broken glass last week. Extensive changes and repairs have been in progress on this building for the past two or three months , and when completed it will be one of the most modern and up-to date store buildings in this part of the state. As soon as com pleted the building will be occut pied by the H. M. Jenne shoe ebr tablishment.