The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 09, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Linen Parasols Qo with Plainer ShirtWaist -
Waist Suits nnd Lingerie
Styles Harmonize.
Tlie most fascinating hnts and para
sols Imvo como out , seemingly planned
and made to go together , yet In reali
ty happening upon that effect In nlno
cases out of ten.
Lingerie styles are responsible for
much of It the whole wide range of
lingerie Ideas echoed and reechoed In
the parasols ; In fainter , though no
less exquisite , tone In hats. Some one
has glibly prophesied the passing of
the Huffy parasol , claiming that in-
Ktr.iil will be carried the plainer types.
Yet lingerie dresses grow more pop
ular all the while , ami ruffles are-
piled upon ruflles , sGemlngly without
und. That prophecy Is bound to bo
wrong , for , so long as the summer
girl holds court dressed In the sheer-
st , softest of gowns , which billows
nnil froths about her , just so long will
she , In spite of fashion's dictums ,
twirl , In Heu of a scepter , the airiest ,
most useless , but wonderfully pictur
esque and becoming parasol.
Those plainer styles will bo car
ried moro than the fluffy ones without
tt doubt just as shirt-waist suits and
the many attractive models of Hncn
Bulls are more in evidence In sun
times than those billowy , berullled ,
bcrlbboned things. Hut each will
have Its place and each will bo car-
rlcd you might almost say worn
with the sort of gown It best suits.
And hats of linen and of linen
and lace will go with them.
For the plainest shirt-waist suits
the prettiest linen parasol Is made ,
plain except for a rather largo motif
embroidered In each panel , or per
haps In only one , with the Initials
cunningly Interwoven , so as not to
bo too conspicuously plain to any
one moro in the nature of those
clever seals which look like an old
eastern charm , but which arc real
ly the three initials mode into a
cabalistic sign.
Eyelet work holds its own in the
parasol world , and Insertions of lace
are even more popular than ever ,
both cluny and Irish lace used In
lavish profusion. Chicago Record-
Fine to Take Away on sx Summer Va
cation , Makes You Independent
of Expensive Laundress.
One of the most acceptable pres
ents to make for your friend's summer
trip is the case for a very small Iron
ing board , with the little board In
side. Get a smooth board about 14
inches long by five inches wide , and
cover It with n thick soft flannel , plac
ing over this a piece of flno muslin.
Sew It on securely and smoothly.
Then cut your cover a Ilttlo larger
than the board , and In the form of a
long envelope , with the opening and
flap at one end. Bind It with rib
bon or galleon , and make a button
hole in the flap , with a button to cor
respond on the cover. Put , also , on
the cover a pocket , large enough to
hold a small ironholder , made of
licking , lined with thick flannel , and
covered with the same material as
the cover , which should bo of a bright ,
flowered cretonne. Small charcoal
irons can be bought that arc easily
carried and heated. WItu this outfit
your friends will be Independent of
laundresses , as far as collars , cuffa
and small articles are concerned.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Study suitability jf subjects when
assigning pictures to their position ,
as a picture that Is suitable In one
room may be entirely out of keeping
with the general character and pur
pose of another.
Do not crowd pictures. Too few aie
preferable to too many , and plalr
spaces are restful in their effect.
Oil paintings , water colors , and line
drawings show the artist's work and
what he meant to depict much bettei
when hung flat against the wall not
Never hang a glossy picture opposite
a window , and never hang any picture *
BO high that It is hard to look at.
Do not hang pictures In pairs , and
do not hang two from one hook if the
wire on both shows the oblique lines
made by the two wires are very ob
A picture which shows heavy shad
ows should be hung v.'ith the shadows ,
away from the window , to make the
shadows seem natural ones.
Pictures are less apt to get skewed
when dusting , or by other means , il
hung on two hooks instead of one. The
lines of the wire are Irss objectionable ,
too , as they are horizontal and per
pendicular , as are the lines of the
frame. When the wires can bo entire
ly behind the picture , out of sight , the
best effect Is secured. Prairie Farmer.
Soft Gingerbread.
Break a fresh egg in a bowl , etl-
with a fork , add a tablespoonful of
melted butter and fill the bowl half-
full of sour cream. Fill to the top
with New Orleans molasses , turn Into
a larger bowl , beat and add a cupful o
Hour into which has been sifted a leva
teaspoonful of soda. Add a teaspoonful -
ful each of ginger , allspice and cinna
mon , and a little salt. Bake in a
A mousse is a smooth Ice , usualij
prepared with whipped cream. For a
"coffee mousse , " drip enough best
grade of coffee to make a cupful quite
strong , but very clear ; boll this to a
syrup with a cup of tugar , and wlien
cool mix into a pint of whipped cream
put Into a mold and pack in Ice am
nalt a couple of hours.
I Resolutions.
I Whereas , in response to the cull of
I the Supreme Kulcr of the universe ,
Franklin Urcnizcr has put aside the
x , beetle ami wedge , and has gone to
is rest ! u death , therefore be it
Kcsolvctl , by Nciuaha Valley -uup
\o. ' ) , \V. O. W. , at their Forest in
cssion , that in the death of Sottvcr-
igii Franklin Urcnizcr , our Fraternity
ins lost a faithful and consistent uiciti-
er and our camp a true friend and a
cloved brother who lived the priuci-
> lcs of our noble order in his daily
Ife , and that we extend our sympathy
o his family in this hour of their be-
cnvcmctit and that we will testily to
lis worth as a man and his honor as a
Voodmau of the World by a litlliig-
imminent of stone , and be it further
Kcsolvcd , That these resolutions be
pread upon the records and our char-
cr be draped in morning for sixty
ays and a copy be furnished the be-
eavccl family , and to the press of Ihe
Il3 * for publication.
Adopted this 29th day of October ,
900. W. O. W.
John Gleasou transuded business In
lulo Saturday.
Griflln Wright's now dwelling house
s so nearly completed that , ho moved
ils family Wednesday from thu Fri-
) cr ? househome. .
Mary Lhiunks was a pleasant ( jallur
lere Saturday. Miss Iluunks has u
urce class of music i-isnolurs nil
hrough this neighborhood.
A F. Randolph of Sunny Valley I *
till hauling barrelled apples to , hc
lulo Store room.
L M. Jones transacted business in
lulo Snturdry.
Lafe Wright of Craig Mo. , spout the
week attending to business at tbe
Vright and ( Owing s-ection 2i miles
lorth east of Rulo.
Grandpa Fonts went to Otnuhii Sat-
rdny where hu expects to stuy till
James Sells of Fort Ha/.ol transacted
business here Saturday.
Clarence Sehat/ spent Sunday visit-
ng friends at Fortcscue.
James Wolf ls > on the sick list this
John P. Klocpfol attended the ;
Bryan meeting In Falls City Saturday. J i
Ilalloweun night was romcinberi-d
jure good and plenty.
Philip Werner and son are bothered
vith bolls. Quite a number of people ]
ire afflicted with the painful things
Elmer Arnold of Sunny Valley burn-
d his hedge trimmings mid wonted
he roads Friday.
Nettie Anderson was a pleasant call
er here Thnrsday.
Annlo Puiil of Fort Ilii/.el spent thi-s
voek at the home of .IcITurson Gilbert
> f Nemaha Valley.
fllmer Arnold has spent con-ldtii'ablo
line in Falls City attending to his
iged father who suffered a paralytic
troko which rendered his right Mdu
iclpless. Thu old gentleman is some
> ntter at this writing.
Cheap Farm Land.
Southwest Offers Best Opportunities
For Securing Homes.
Many fanners in the Northern
and Eastern states are selling their
high priced lands and locating in
the Soul Invest. Many who have
been unable to own their homes
in the older country are buying
lands in the new country.
Unusual opportunities exist
along the lines of the Missouri
L'aciiic-lron Mountain Route.
The rich , alluvial , delta lands and
river bottom lands of Southeast
Missouri , 13 a s t e r n Arkansas ,
Louisiana and Texas , capable of
producing 00 bushels of corn , a
hale of cotton , ! to ( J tons of alfalfa
lijO btibhels of potatoes , and other
grains , vegetables and hay crops ,
can be bought for S7.oO to $15.00
per acre. When cleared and
slightly improved will rent for
$ -1.00 to 8(5.00 ( per acre cash.
Uplands more rolling , lighter
soil , adapted to fruit glowing
peaches , pears , plums grapes ,
berries also melons , , tomatoes
and other vegetables , can be
bought for S5.00 to $10.00 per
acre in unimproved state. Many
places with small clearings and
some improvements can be bought
very cheap.
Write for tuap and descriptive
literature on Missouri , Arkansas ,
Louisiana Texas , KaiiHiis ot In
dian Territory. Very cheap rates
on first and third Tuesdays of
each month.
Address ,
Omaha , Neb.
or H. C. TOWNS KND , OK P. &T. A. ,
St. Louis , Mo.
Dairy and Food Commission's Report.
Thu Minnesota Dairy and Food
Commission's analysis shows that
Kenned.x 's Laxative Honey and Tar
and Hen's Liixutivn Honey and Tar
contained opiates and uroton oil.
Opiates are poisons 'ind eroton oil Is a
violent poisonous purgative. Refuse
to accept any but Foley's Honey and
Tar in a yollov package. Kolcy's
Honey and Tar contains no opiates or
dangerous drugs and N the best cough
and cold cure. For salt ) by all drug
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
Burlington Bulletin.
XOVKMUKIt lUflt ) ,
Hound Trip to tin- Coast : -
Daily Tourist rates in effect all
i winter to Pacific Coast destina
tions with variable routes.
Chicago and return : O n e fare
plus $2.00 for the round trip Dec
ember 1st to 'ttli inclusive for the
.International Live Stock Expoai-
To the East and South : Very
low homeseeker'fi and Winter
Tourist excursions through the
Autumn and Winter to various
destinations throughout t h e
south and southeast.
Visit the Old Home : Low excursion -
cursion rates to the old home
points in Illinois , Iowa , Wisconsin
Missouri and other middle states
destinations , Out , SHh and 2Urd.
Nov. l.Hh and i7th ! , limit thirty
llomcseekers' Kxcursions :
Frequently each month to West
ern Nebraska , Eastern Colorado ,
Big Horn Basin , dry land farm-
inu destinations or irrigated sec-
I tions.
Dry Land Farming- : Send for
Folder and get. hold of a quarter
section of cheap western land before -
fore il is too late.
Free Kinkaid Lauds : Write
Clem Denver , Agent Burlington's
Homeseekers' Information Bureau
at lOUl Farnain St. , Omaha , about
getting hold of a free section of
Kinkaid lands now being restored
to the public domain.
E. 0. WJIITTOUU , Agt.
This is Worth Remembering.
As no one Is Immune , every person
should remember that 1'oloy's Kidney
Cure will cure any oiiso of kidney or
bladder trouble that Is not beyond the
reach of medicine. For sale by nil
Notice of Settlement.
In tin- County Court of Kiolinnlsoii
County. Nebraska. In thu mailer of the
estate ot Aiiirust Wclnefl. deceased. To
thu Creditors , Heirs , I.etrntors and all
otlicin intuit'sli'd In said estate. ' 1'aku
notice Joint Weliiort haw Illcd In K.ilil
Court a leport of Ills dulnuH as Hxcculpr
of said estate for Ills Una ! settlement
thereof , also filed a petition for an order
of distribution of the residue of nld
estate In his hands.
It Is ordered by the. Court that this
same 1 ; heard In the County Court loom
In said County on the 17th d ay
of I Xe\enilor I'Wi , at 2 o'clock p. in. , when
and xvhere all parties may appeal
and oppose the same. Oldered fur
ther , that upon the approval of said
report , u decree of distribution of said
leslduu uill 1)0 made to the parties entitled
] ! > onle < if the court dated Oclnliur 27th.
47-31 C'ounlj J ml ire.
We handle Pennsylvania Hard Coal all
si/.es. Spadra Arkansas Grate sixe and
different kinds of Soft Coal. Wood pre
O pared for the stove and Cord Wood. O
Flour , Feed , Baled May and Straw ,
Lump Rock Salt , Michigan barrel Salt.
A o
Cash paid for Walnuts , Potatoes , But
ter , lijjgs and Poultry.
Yours For Business ,
Lincoln Business College.
A successful School that was founded twenty-two
years ago. Experienced teachers , up-to-date equip
ment. Hundreds of former students holding responsi
ble positions. All the advantages of a Capital citv ,
We tench CIUEGG and CHAUTIER Shorthand. Send for
A full line of the Small Musical Instruments ,
Latest Sheet Music , Edison and Victor Records. t
< >
We also carry a large stock of
| Falls City Music Company f f
Opposite Court House t
We heartily invite our friends to call any day during the above mentioned
week and we will demonstrate the superior qualities of the
Majestic M lle ble and CKaurcoal Iroi\ Ranges
The MAJESTIC MALLEABLE and Btee-1 raii e UB formerly turned nut J ) } Hie
people has been considered throughout the country as par ext-pllenee , and far ahead of any other
range made , lint with the NEW CHARCOAL EROX BODY in place of Steel , nmkin it double
itB value , and the fact that it is the only rantce in existence made of Malleable and Charcoal Eron ,
you can readily see that if quality IB considered , tin ; Majestic leads by a bi mariiin. WE WANT
YOU TO CALL at our ntore during this week , mid let IIH explain this new feature : CHARCOAL
IRON BODIES ; let us explain why it ia lh - best material f > r ran bodies , and incidentally why
it is not used on other ranges. We want you to call if you inten'l to buy or not. as the informa
tion gained will serve you in the future.
Come any day during this week and hive buttered hot biscuits and hot coll'ee. Biscuits
baked on a Majestic in three imnuten while you wait.
With every range sold during this demonstration we will give absolutely FREE one set of
Majestic ware worth every cent of $7.50. This ware will be on exhibition at our store. Everything
useful , ornamental and durable. Come in and see it , nnd you will agree with us that it cannot bo
bought for a cent less than $7.50 and it is cheap at that.
Come in any day. You are welcome whether you intend to buy or not.
T. C. 1ST 1ST E3 J