The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 09, 1906, Page 6, Image 6
THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 9 , 1906 TIME TABLE I'nlls City. Neb. Lincoln Denver Omnhn Helena Cnlcngo lUittc St. JoM'ph Salt Lake City Kansas City Portland St. Louis anil all San Francisco points ca&t and and all points south. west. TKA1NS I.HAVIt AH I'OI.I.OU'S ! Xo. 42. Portland St. Louis Special , St. Joseph , Kansas City , St. Louis and nil points east and south 7:17 : p in Xo. 13. VcstUnilcd express , daily , Hcnvcr and all poltitn \\cst and northwest 1:33 : a in No. 44. Vcstilmled Express daily , St. Joseph , Kansas , City St. Louis and points Hast and South. . . . 11:17 a in No. 14. Vestlbulcd express , , daily , Si. Joe , Kan sas City , St. Louis and all points cast and south 7:47 : a m No. 17. Local express daily except Sunday , Con- coidia , and points north and \\cst. . . . 12.10 pin Xo. IS. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver , and all points west and northwest 1:23 : p in } \o. 13. Vestiliuled Kxpiess daily , Lincoln and the Northwest. . . . 1:44 : p n : Jsc 1 ( > . Vcstihuled express daily , SI Joe , Kan sas Oily , St Loui.s Chicago and points cast and south 4:35 : p n : No. 18 , Local express daily except Sunday , St. Joe and points south and east , , , , 4:05 p in No. 41. St. Louts-Portland Special , Lincoln , He lena , Tacoina and Portland without change 10:07 : p n No. 115. Local accommoda tion , daily e x- cept SundaySalem , Ncmaha and Ne braska City 11:15 p tu Sleeping , dining'and teclln ; ; rhaii cars ( scats fiee ) on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked tt any point in the States or Canada , KOI information , time tables , maps ant tickets , call on or write tel \ , 0.VlHT iOHi > Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or L W. WKKI.KV. . 0. p. , v T. A..Omaha. Missouri Pacific Railwaj Time Tublc , I'MLs City , Neb. MHtru No. I3.r Omaha , local 7:45 a. m No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln Hxpicss A 1:57 : a n No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln No. 127 I'rom Kansas City. . . 8:15 : p n passenger A 1:11 : p n No. 191 Local Freight , Au burn A 1:16 : p n SOUTH No. Io4 Kansas Cltvlocal. . . . 7:50 a n No. 106 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver A 3:10 a n No. 108 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver . . . . . . A 1:16pn : No. 138 From Omaha 8:35 : p n No. 192 Local , AtHiNnii ! " 15a n A. Daily. 11. Daily except Sunday J. It. VAKNKK , Agent. Head Ache Sometimes ? If so , it will interest you to know that it can be stopped with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills ; and without any bad aftereffects " effects , and this "without dan ger of forming a drug habit or having your stomach disar ranged. They positively con tain no opium , morphine , co caine , chloral , ether or chloro form in any form. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills relieve pain , and leave only a sense of relief. The reason for this is explained by the fact that headache comes from tired , irritable , turbulent , over-taxed brain nerves. Anti- Pain Pills soothe and strength en these nerves , thus removing the cause. The } * arc harmless when taken as directed. "Wo use Dr. Miles' Anti-rain rills for the euro of hemlnche. iuul wo think that there la nothlnK that will cnual them. They will euro the severest spell of ner\ous or slclc headache in uery few minutes. 1 nm of n nonous temperament , and occasionally ha\o spelli when my nen cs stx-m to bo completely exhaust ed , nnd I tremble BO I can scarcely contain m > elf. At these times I al ways take the Anti-Pain 1'llls. and they oulct me right away , it is rc- roarkablohat n soothing effect they KL\B iipon the nervca. " WHS. F. K. KAKL. Detroit. Mlcli. Dr. Mllei1 Anti-Pain Plllt are told by your druoolt. who will guarantee that IhS " * * Pck oe will benefit. If It ! ' ! ? he i" "turn your money. -3 doses , 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind The Kansas City Market offer the opportunity for best price and weights on your Cattle , Hog or Sheep. The Big Casino , Ma for Man Sales made by th Charles Dixon Commission Con : pany stand for and emphasiz this opportunity. We buy stocl ers and feeders on commissior Let us send you market inform : tiou. tiou.THE THE TRIBUNE . . . . $1.00 a Year. . , The Suicide of Cuba. Twenty years ago I first came to Cuba , and because it is one ol the most buautilul and enchant' ing of islands in the world I havi frequently returned to it. In tin first of those twent } * years I saw the Cubans harshly oppressed , later saw them strike for tlieii independence ; during the days ol concentration saw the Cuban children lying in the actual gutt ers dying of starvation , saw well ) red , delicately reared gentle vomcn begging food at the door ! f the consulates , saw Cubat len ol education , of refinement , ying of fever in foul prisons aw them led out to be shot ; it he fields saw the bodies of tlu > acilicos hacked by machetes aw the American army come t < heir aid and the Spanish arm } epart , and at last saw the Cub ins masters of their own island n free and full possession of tlu ndependence for which they hat uffcred all these things. Whet he United States turned ovei he island to the Cubans and IK lalion ever performed an aci norc fine or more unselfish i > equoathed to them a model con stitution , a government in being i surplus in the treasury , am credit abroad. The Cubans had the gooc vishes of the entire world. Thei lad not a single enemy. Thci utttre lay absolutely in their owi lands. They had only to bea hemselvcs like men , and the Re niblic , for which they , and thci athers , and their father's father lad ollered their lives , was their n perpetuity. For four vean hey kept the island respectci and in peace. WKKCKINO A NATION'S i > uos I'KKITY. They brought it to a state o prosperity greater than it eve lad known. And then , aftc these four short years , all the ; should have learned was disre garded , all they should havi earned from the Spaniards o the evils of war , all they shotil lave learned from the American of the dignity and benefits o ) eace , all was forgotten. They revived the old , old pla ; with the same familiar charac ers. At the polls one set o policians played the "despot ind the "dictator , " and anothc ) layed the ' "patrion" and th "rebel. " Both were equally guilt ) Neither had a thought highe than office. One , in order to re uain in office , revived all th lespotic methods of Spain ; th other , to gain office , stapped o lis machete , and threw the h and into ciyil war. The ) ' woul : iot see what must inevitably fo ow. Even today they do no > ee that by their folly , their se ! llshness , to gratify their vanit they have deprived themselvc ind every man , woman and chil on the island of independence To those who love Cuba the pit of it is very great ; the shame c it is lasting and incradicabh For what has happened. Wehav irranged a peace , we have in stalled a provisional government But we are only postponing th inevitable. Whether or not i pleases the Americans at hoiti who grow beets , and what the are pleased to call tobacco , Cub will be annexed. The Suga trust and the Tobacco trust ma fight against it , the Rcpublica party may be split in two , but i we are to live up to what \ \ promised in the treaty of Par and the Platt amendment \ \ must annex Cuba. But chief ! we will do it because the Ctibai will force us to do it. Alrcad they have forced us to do it. Suppose the present provision ; government does arrange f < legal election. Suppose 2ayi or Castillo or Gucrra or any otlu one of the 300 generals who ai presidential candidates is electei There still will be one "general who is not elected. And as sun ly as a dipsomaniac takes t drink , he will take to the brusl and we will have the same o ; comic opera revolution , with tl attic properties and "business" he burning of crops , the destruc- ion of railways , the landing ol narines , the establishing of an- ither "provisional" government , For decency's sake it may be hat we arc right to give the Cubans another chance , to allow hem this second opportunity tc irove they arc capable of ruling hemselvcs. But. as the first time the ) 'ailed , again they will fail. Tin ; O.KMKNTS or rAii.UKi : . There arc three elements thai nsttre failure ; the fact that tht great number of Cubans , beinj : mused to self-government , leave t in the hands of professiona ) oliticians ; the negroes , who an ) rofcssional rebels and who wil bllow any politicians againsi iny president ( of all the rebels ' . lave seen in the field nine-tenth ! of them were negroes ) , and tin politicians themselveswho woule lestroy any existing governmen of which they arc not office hold ers. They will sell their birth right for the chance to becomi inything from a custom hotisi nspector to a member of the cab net , or , especially , one of thosi ligh officials whose duties mai > c carried out onlv in a red tour ng car. The writer is not one of thosi who form the first clamored fo mnexation. On the contrary , ii .wcnty years one who always be ievccl that Cuba should be hide ) cndcnt , No one who witnessei the struggles of the Cubans fo reedom could h a v e though otherwise. But , in the light o this last exhibition of selfishnes ind childishness , and since meet ng here in Havana and in tin "field" the men who in this re bullion were the leaders of thei ellow men , it would be foolisl ind credulous to believe tin Cubans capable either of appreci iting self-government orof main taining it. Cuba is going to lose her free : lom , and there should be no mis take as to who is responsible fo the loss. The foreign press , am it home the anti-imperialis press , will accuse the Unitci States of self-seeking , of aggran disiemcnt , or , by any excuse , dc priving Cuba of her rights. And such a charge will be un fair and untrue. It was th United btatcs gave Cuba her in dependence. It is the Cuban who have destroyed it. New York's "Human Ads. " "I never saw anything like th human 'ads' you have in you New York windows , " remarked girl up for a few weeks from th South. "What I dislike mos about it is that most of them ar women. There's the Oricnta eyed girl who sits in Turkis ! costume puffing some new bran of cigarette , emitting arabesqu whiffs from her mouth ; there' ' the girl who lets down her gloi ions hair and holds out to vie\ some new Seven Sisters decoc tion ; there's the girl who demo : ; strates some up to date collar o belt fastener , and , oh ! such host of others. "I saw two mighty queer one yesterday. A Broadway windo' was veritably besieged by pass crsby straining to catch a glimps of a girl drenched by a showe bath operating directly above he head. That shower bath wa worse than any thunder plum that ever drenched Broadway but the girl smilingly peeled o a mackintosh which she wore an showed the spectators that he underneath garments were as dr. as powder or a lecture o mnemonics. "Then the other one. A w ( man in a window in the shoppin district makes the astonished ol server believe she's about t perform , in theatrical parlanc * the Great Undressing Act. Wit cool unconcern she unbutton ! unhooks and removes her oute garments , one by one and then applies Somebody's Magic Cleat er and cleans them. "But I don't see , " conclude the girl from the South , lookin down thoughtfully at her polisl ed finger nails , "why they can' get men and boys to do thosi 'stunts. ' Do you reckon the wo ncn pay better ? or get pah less ? " New York Sun. Tlie World's Best Speller. The "champion speller of th < world" is Prof. D. Jones , a schoo teacher of Lancaster , Mo. Once a year for thirty-twc years he has published in his county seat paper a challenge t ( anybody who talks English t ( spell against him. His challengi went unaccepted for thirty-twc years. Jessie Hamilton1 is a countrj girl who went to Macon a few months back to read proof for i newspaper. She came across tin challenge of Prof. Jones and sh < lias accepted it. Miss Hamilton is IS years old She has the certificate of her las school teacher that there was IK word in the English languagi she could not spell. It was thii certificate that secured her tin position as proof reader. "How did you come to dial lengc the champion ? " bhe wa ; asked. "In reading proofs of a com munication he had sent to in ; paper I came across this , " sh answered : 'Without being afrai * of criticism on account of beinj an egotist , we fearlessly asser that we have paid more attentioi to spelling than any of you readers ever saw or ever will see There is more spelling in ou little finger than there is in al the spelling books combined , b they dictionary or what not , When I read that I determined t take the conceit out of Brothe Jones and I'll do it or eat th dictionarv he offers as a prize It may look a little presumptuou in me , but he or I must go bad and sit down. In the country used to have luck at the spellinj bees and I liked the sport , don't claim to be the best spelle on earth , or even in Missouri , bu I don't shiver much at th thought of meeting Mr. Jones His plan is fair , and I will agre to all its conditions. I hope h won't think me beneath h i steel. " The professors's rules of bat tie are these : Ordinary Englis ! words , clearly pronounced by a expert , and written down by th contestants ; each contestant t get same words ; match to ru four hours continuously ; no cheei ing till result is announced ; win tier to get new Unabridged Die tionary , on the fly leaf of whic the loser will write : The Cham pion Speller of the World. " Solomon himself couldn't ma out a squarer deal. It's up to th professor now , and time's rur ning. The people of Macon , Mo. , ar patting Miss Jessie upon th back. They have so much confl deuce in her ability to spell tha they have offered to pay all th expenses of Prof. Jones' trans portation to Macon , lodge hit like an honored guest while her and have the brass band serenad him in the contingency of hi winning. A number of the young ladie employed at the National hote drove to the home of a relativ of one of the party that live near Rulo. Sunday afternoot They were feasted and enligln ened in the latest methods c cider making until the hour ai rived to return when they d < parted feeling that they had ei joyed lifes best portion. Lam lord Spence can devulge a few s < crets regarding the home trij but as we are dependant upo their hospitality for a few daj for something good to eat we r < frain giving out any pointers Suffice it to say that there ai times when "we want to I alone. " And this was one c them. Pneumonia. Follows A Cold but never follows the use of Foley Honey and Tar. It stops the cougl heals and strengthun& ihe lungs an prevents pneumonia. For sale by a druggists. Wilsons * llaviland China ! * ) ! [ Hand Painted China , Austrian - | | trian and German China , if Jardinieres , Flower Pots , all | | * si55es > * j" llaviland , Austrian and * English Dinncrware. White ; < ! and decorated. 3 ( ! | * Special prices on X CUT GLASS ! it See the new Nickle plated \l \ LAMPS. I n \ \ New 5c , lOc and 15c Glass- ware. $ t Good Groceries and all the best brands of Flour at * C. M. Wilson's 1 Wo have secured the agency foi Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrii ] ) , the new hiMitlvo that makes tbo liver lively , purifies the breath , cures headache ami regulate * the dim-stlvc organs , Cures ehronic constipation. Ask us about it. For sale by till druggists. A fine lot of draft mares weighing from 1,000 to 1,450 bred to a Jack , for sale at the Margrave ranch. The best Imported horses 51,000 each. . Home-brut registered draft stallions , 5250 tc S750 at ill ) stable doors. A. Latlmur Wilson , Creston , I.i. Imporlul draft stallions , 51,000 each , Home-bred reiristerul draft stallions , $300 ti * SOO. Hart llros. , Osceola , Iowa. Homi-brcd draft stallions , yi = 0 to $600 : Imported stallions , jotir choice $1,000. 1L , Stream , Creston , I.i , If you want driving horses , colts or mules get them at the Margrave ranch. Dancing Proves Fatal. Many men and women catch colds ut dunces which termlnuto in pneu monia and consumption. After ex posure , if Foley's Honey and Tur is taken it will break up "u cold and nc serious results need be fearrcd. Re fuse any but , , he genuine in ai'llow package. For sale by all druggists. Presbyterian Church. Services 11 a. m. , and 7:3C : p. m. Sunday school 0:45 a. in. Junion C. E. 2:30 : p. m. Senior C. E. 6:30 : p. m. All are invited. S. W. GKIITIN , Pastor. M. E. Church. The following services next Sabbath : 9:45 Sunday school. 10:45 : preaching. 3:00 : p. in. Junior league. 6:30 : p. in. Epworth league. 7:30 : p. m. , sermon. Prayer meeting 7:30 : p. in. on Wednesday evening. All cordially invited. W. T. CUNI : . Pastor. First Christian Church. Services of the First Christian church , Lordsday , Oct. 21st : 'J:45 : a. in. , Bible School. 11:00 a. in. communion. 11:30 : a. m. , morning sermon. 3:00 : p. in. Junior Endeavor. < i:30 : p. m. Senior Y. P. S.C. E- 7:30 : p. m. , evening sermon. All are cordially invited and strangers and visitors in the city are kindly welcomed to attend all of these services. T. A. LlNDKNMKYKR , Minister. _ - With this issue we commence on a year series of The Tribune to be sent to Dr. Emma B. Tuck er , at Pang Chuang Te Chou , Via Shanghai and Tsing Tao , China. Dr. Tucker is a daugh ter of Win. Boose and wife of this city , and she and her hus band have been serving as both physicians and missionaries there for several years. They have enjoyed success in both fields which they well merit , as much time , study , expense and sacrifice were endured to attain their object. We wish them con tinued success. I C. H. riARION I AUCTIONEER , I Sales conducted in scientific and busi nesslike manner f I C. H. MARION 1 I Falls City , Nebraska | : ; 1N THE LAND OF THE BIG HOMESTEAD RANCHES FOR SALE. < | Large or small buyers 4 can locate on adjoining | GOVERNMENT LAND'I For information write < ; , M. D. CRAYATH , f Luella , Neb. j ; ANNOUNCEMENT I < ? Earing secured the exclu- sire ngency in Fulls City for Sycamore Spines Mineral Water , ve ore piepnied to furnish ciistoniets with tlie the sntne. Price GO cents per fivp gallon cask. Cull phone 181) ) or phone 3CJ. FRANK GIST C. P. RE A VIS Jr. H U 1-8-1 H 8 I 1 I I I M U > t : : D. S. ricCarthy ! ! Prompt uttention jrlven to the ictnuvnl of house hold poods. PHONE NO. 211 MlHIMI I I I HIM I I IM W. H. Maddox Real Estate Agency FALLS CITY NEBRASKA See me before your purchase. I am selling city property , loaning mon ey at lowest rates , selling farms and making farm loans. Sec inc if you wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I am here for business. Write W. H. Maddox , Falls City SHIP VOUU LIVE STOCK TO CLAY ROBINSON & CO. SlocK Yardc , Kitnsas City. Mo. Kxport b.ilcsinun , Uultlc. IIOK8 , bhrop. Careful mid iiiUlliKi'iit yard lioys. Perfect olllco inutliods Correct market information fiirnlstii'il Houses at Kansas City. Omaha SlouvClty , Denver. St. Joseph &t , Paul , Chicago , HulTulo R. R. HAYS ; M. ID. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Olllce over McMillan's Drug Store. OUlco 'PlioiioSn Residence 'Phone 82. H. Uttico over Kerr'e Pharmacy OAlco Phone 2UO Residence Phone 271 B.F.STEPHENSON&Co. PRESTON , NEB. * Is the Place to buy $ ? Dry Goods , Groceries , J Hardware , Tinware , | Cutlery. i Highest market price . $ y > A Paid for Countrv Produce for chltdrtni toft , tart * No oplatt *