The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 09, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Eat Sowles' candy.
Corn huskcrs wanted at the
Margrave Ranch.
Ernest Clift came down from
Hnmboldt Monday.
Mrs. Will Crouch was here
from Verdon Saturday.
Joseph Miles returned Friday
from Los Angeles , Cal.
Mrs. Ed Koso came up from
Reserve the last of the week.
Sweet cider by the barrel , keg
or gallon at Heck's feed store.
James Neeld was one of the
Dawson people here Saturday.
Peter Bacakos made a business
trip to St. Joseph last Friday ,
Levi Chancy , one of Stella's
prominent citizens , spent Friday
here. .
J. R. Cain was down from
Stella Tuesday , in order to cast
his vote.
Lucretia and Nancy Hart were
here , from Reserve Saturday
Gill Thomas and wife , of St.
Joseph were visitors in this city
last Friday.
Roy Sweetland of Hiawatha
was the guest of friends in this
city Saturday.
L. H. Morehcad came down
from Barada the latter part of
the past week.
John Ahern , was among the
Shubert people thft visited this
city last Friday.
Frank Iloutx and wife of
Straussville spent Saturday with
friends in this city.
Photos 15c per dozen , located
over Cleveland store. E. Rod-
stroni ) photographer.
Dr. Hays attended a Hallowe'en
party at Savannah , Mo. , the lat
ter part of the past week.
James Bascom went to his
home at Pawnee City , in order to
cast his vote last Tuesday.
Will Boyd was down from Ne
braska City in order to made
good at the polls Tuesday.
J. W. Patterson while down
from Ilumboldt Saturday was a
pleasant caller at this office.
Willard Sears left the latter
part of the week for Kansas City.
From there he will probably go
to California.
Maud Graham returned the
latter part of the past week from
a three weeks visit with her
brother at St. Louis.
Mrs. Marion Watson of near
Reserve , Kansas spent Frida-
with her daughter , Mrs. Hammond
mend Willard of this city.
Why buy a cat in a sack at
our exhibit next week we will
show you a Majestic in actual
operation at J. C. Tanner's store.
E. G. Whitford , the local C. B.
Q. agent , spent a couple of
days this week , in a business way
in the western part of the state.
Mrs. Joseph Gulp who has beer
visiting with her daughter al
Oscaloosa , Kansas for the pasl
two weeks will return home to >
Jesse Nicholson came down
from Verdon Thursday evening
to attend the Hollowe'en meet
ing of the Knights and Ladies of
Ruett Lang and wife , of Chica <
gOi were the guests of A. Grahatr
and family a couple of days this
week. Mr. Lang is a nephew oj
Mrs. Graham.
Chas. H. Schriener , of Mt
Carroll , Iowa is visiting witl
friends inthiscity. Mr. Schrien'
er was a resident of this citj
about twenty-five years ago am
mil be remembered by mam
Cass Mead returned Tuesday
evening from Ilumboldt where hi
has been engaged in packinf
apples on the Paul Nemechcl
farm recently purchased by Johi
Schuler. Mr. Schuler realized i
twelve hundred dollar sale fron
a twenty acre apple crop.
Clare Foster was a Salem visi-
or Sunday.
James Nausler , jr. , was here
election day.
John Ryan was here from
Dawson Saturday.
Nelle Cain is the guest of rela-
ivcs at St. Joseph.
Edward Ilartmann of Rule was
n this city Tuesday.
W. D Easloy came up from
vansas City Tuesday evening.
L. Knickerbocker was a busi-
icss visitor at Salem Tuesday.
Will Murphy was one of the
Dawson people here Bryan day.
Richard Tosland of Ilumboldt
ningled with the crowd here on
Jacob Ileim came down with
he Dawson contingent here last
O. E. Peebles was one of the
Verdon people at this place the
) ast Friday.
Norman Weaver and wife of
Verdon spent Saturday with
riends here.
Alex Tiehen and family were
lown from their home at Dawson
Saturday last.
James Clark w a s numbered
imong the Verdou people in
: o\vn Bryan day.
Ed Jones of Omaha spent a
: ew days of this week with his
nether in this city.
Thomas Draper a n d Frank
Snethen were down from Tlutn-
boldt Tuesday last.
WANTKD : A girl for house
work. Good wages Applj' at
The Tribune office. 4S-2t.
Jacob Messier left Sunday for
Sarpee count } ' where he has a
contract for plastering.
Dorothy Miller , M3rtlc Yocam
and Alice Yoder spent Sunday
afternoon at Reserve , Kans.
Mrs. Kellar was called to Salem
Tuesday by the serious illness of
lier daughter , Mrs. Edwin May.
Meeker Cain assisted at the
Fred E. Schmitt store during
their heavy rush last Saturday.
Silas Chaffin and Hardy
came' down with the Ilumboldt
delegation here Saturday after
MrsW. . B. Julian went to Hi
awatha yesterday where she will
visit with her sister , Mrs. D. L.
Joseph McCormick and wife
left Tuesday for an extended
visit with their son and daughter
at Omaha.
Eunice Cornell returned to
Verdon the latter part of the
past week after a brief visit with
Ethel Parchen.
W. A. Crook has been selected
to serve on the federal jurat
Omaha and will have to report
by the 19th of this month.
We are giving free 87.50 worth
of ware at our store next week.
See advertisement in this paper
for particulars. J. C. Tanner.
Wilma Cline. who has been
spending the past week with her
parents in this city , returned
Tuesday to her studies at the
Peru normal.
Humane Officer Hershey has
purchased a large amount ol
apples and if the poor of the city
will call at his house the } ' can
help themselves and secure a
good supply of apples.
J. S. Branuin had a pumpkin
on exhibit at the Cleveland store
which was certainly of mammoth
size , measuring fifty-four inches
in circumference and weighing
forty-five pounds. Mr. Branum
raised it in his garden this sea
The Majestic Manufacturing
Co. , of St. Louis , Mo. , will have
a man at the J. C. Tanner hard
ware store all next week who
will show you how to bake bis
cuits , brown top and bottom , ii
three minutes. Don't miss this
chance of seeing the great cook
ing wonder.
Mrs. Mattie E- May is visising
vith her sons at Salem.
Dan Kelly was down from his
Verdon home Friday last.
Dr. A. E. Wolfe visited with
lumboldt friends Sunday.
W. S. Power came down from
lumboldt Saturday morning.
Mrs. Sue Doval of Stella was
shopping in this city Saturday.
S. H , Bolcjack of Dawson has
our thanks for favors this week.
A. L. Shaffer was of the Ilum-
> oldt contingent here Saturday.
Jas. B. Davis was among the
lumboldt people here Saturday ,
Nellie Hart of Reseryc spent
Saturday with friends in this
Ollie Davis of Auburn spent
Saturday afternoon with friends
Silas Chaflin was among the
lumboldt people who spent Sat-
mlay here.
O. A. Cooper was down Iroin
[ lumboldt in a business way the
> ast Friday.
G. L. Bisscgar , on route three ,
las our thanks for financial
favors this week.
Verda Timerman of Stella was
the guest of friends in this city
the past Saturday.
Chas. II. Keatou was among
the Shubert residents that spent
Friday in this city.
Ralph McDonald , of the Hia
watha World , spent Sunday with
friends in this city.
Albert Grey left the first of
this week for a visit with his
sister at Indianapolis.
Tom Davies has returned from
Colorado and is now at the Davies
& Owens Jewelry store.
Mrs. Sam Stewart of Reserye
spent Saturday with her parents ,
James DcWald and wife.
Meed , the painter , has done
some excellent work on the south
side of the II. M. Jennc store-
The Humane society provided
clothing for the little Ray girls ,
at whose home the fire occured.
P. O. Averv of Franklin pre
cinct was a pleasant caller at this
office while in this city Wednes-
Dr. W. H. Wilson of Table
Rock was a pleasant caller at
these quarters on Monday morn
Margaret O'Grady and Mayme
Fenton of Dawson were the
guests of Falls City friends Sat
J. A. Murphy while down from
Ilumboldt Wednesday morning
was a pleasant caller at these
Vesta Lively is enjoying a
month's vacation frdm her school
duties in district No. 24 , two
miles south of Barada.
The local order of Elks are
preparing for a grand Thanks
giving ball to be held on Friday
eyening , November 30th.
To use Stock Food. We
have a Stock Food of our
own make that we have been
selling for several years. It
is made of the Purest and
Best Drugs and nothing in
it that will injure the ani
mal. It keeps them perfect '
healthy , enables them to di
gest a much larger per cent
of their fooddestroys worms
and keeps all the secretions
of the animal active and nat
ural. This Food will more
than pay for itbelf in extra
llesh produced. Try our Dip.
It is better and cheaper than
any other.
Dr. MCMILLAN , Prop.
Fred DeWald was a Salem
visitor Sunday.
A. T , Parsons was here from
Verdon last Satvrday.
II. J. Corn of Verdon was a
business visitor ii : these parts
I31mcr Patterson was among
those of the Ilumboldt folks here
Pat and William O'Urien were
liere from Stella on Friday of the
past week.
Mosc Veach and wife were
down from Verdon the latter part
of the week.
M. N. Hair made a business
trip to Pawnee City on Saturday
of last week.
Fred Richards of Hiawatha
was a Saturday and Sunday visi
tor in this city.
Dr. J. L. Gandy of Ilumboldt
was a business visitor here Sat
urday afternoon.
T. C. Cunningham of Verdon
was a pleasant caller at these
quarters Friday.
Walter and Patrick O'Urien
were among the Dawson people
here to listen to I5ryan last Sat
Oliver Hall , proprietor of the
Ilumboldt Standard , gave this
office lorce a pleasant call Satur
day morning.
Chancellor Iluntington of the
Wesleyan University preached at
the M. 1C. church in this city last
Sunday morning.
Laura Shaffer and Miss Dodge
of Ilumboldt were guests at the
home of Jerry Richards and wife
during the past week.
Nellie Weaver spent Saturday
afternoon with friends in this
city , returning Sunday morning
to her home at Verdon.
Little'Mnrry Whitford who
has been seriously ill with ma
laria fever for the past ten days
is now on the road to recovery.
The station agent at Dawson
sold thirty tickets for this city
last Saturda3r , Hon. Win. Jen
nings Bryan being the drawing
James Morris returned Tuesday
to Ilumboldt where he is en
gaged in district deputy work for
the Woodmen of the World
Dr. R. P. Roberts drove out to
the home of Mrs. Fred Doerner ,
north of town , Monday and ex
tracted teeth for her that had
been troubling her for years.
She has passed the seventy mark
but stood it real nicely.
The sale of seats for Stephen's
Lin ton's "My Wife's Family , "
the bright and delightful musical
comedy which made such a tre
mendous hit last season , will be
placed on sale Saturday morning.
Manager Gehling heartily en
dorses this attraction.
Our genial friend , Dr. Reneker ,
was a pleasant caller at this office
on Monday afternoon and is
now the possessor of a Tribune
receipt. If you ever met a more
pleasant gentleman than Dr.
Reneker we want to know his
name but we are satiffied that
you cannot.
A company of clever comed
ians , pretty girls and bright vau
deville stars , together with a
musical farce comedy that created
a sensation last season , is the
makeup of "My Wife's Family , "
written by Hal Stephens and
Harry Linton , which is annouced
for an early appearance at the
Gehling , Nov. 12.
Mrs. G. W. Reneker was called
to Tro3 % Kansas Monday after
noon by a message stating that
her father , F. F. Paige had been
seriously injured in a runaway.
The accident happened as Mr.
Paige was driving from his resi
dence in town to his farm in the
country , and occured about 11
o'clock that morning although he
was not found until 3 o'clock that
afternoon. He sustained a brok
en shoulder blade and several
other injuries but it is thought
that he will recover.
The Fairy Land of Jewels
Tin : wonder working of Queen Mnb herself
with all her fairy subjects skill to aid her , could
not equal the production of the Goldsmith's art
as it is understood today.
For delicacy of form and coloring , for jjrace
of design , for multiplicity of shapes and uses ,
modern jewelry has reached the highest mark.
Our connection with those producers of beau
tiful jewelry is very close and we can offer their
creations to our townspeople as soon as New
York can see them. Just now we are showing
new ideas in Bracelets. Fall designs in plain
and colored gold , with or without sets.
Rings in all the latest designs and of all
prices. None but solid gold in stock. Call
and see our stock first-class in everv detail.
A. E. The "Old Heliable"
. . Jaquet Jeweler
The Past Three Season's Greatest Laughing Success
Absolutely the funniest Laugh Producing
Musical Farce of the year , headed by those
Real Comedy Fellows Appleton & Perry. The
Show you have been waiting for. Laughter
and nusic Music and Laughter.
Prices 35c , SOc and 75c.
12. II. Towlc spent the first of
the week in Omaha.
Mrs. W. W. Abbey has been
quite sick this week.
Mrs. Joseph Varncr will visit
Oklahoma relatives soon.
Harry McConnell came down
from Ilumboldt Thursday.
Joseph Glasser of Ilumboldt
was a pleasant caller here yester
Ella Carpenter of Rule was the
guests of friends here on Wed
A furnace is being placed in
the basement of the Christian
- *
Special .sale of our 20 cent Duller
Scotch al 10 cents per pound at
the candy Kitchen Saturday only.
Mrs. Mattie Foster and daugh
ter Helen went to Kansas City
John Dorrington will leave
soon for Washington state where
he has a position with a lumber
- *
The merry-go-round will run
tonight and close the season here
Saturday night. The last chance
for an evening outing.
While manufacturing h i s
gopher extinguisher the first of
the week , Mr. Leekins was se
verely burned by an explosion of
the material used.
* -
John Mosiman , Sr. , and his
sister , Mrs. Hoffer are both ser
iously ill at their homes in this
city. Mrs. Hocker , a daughter
of Mrs. Iloffcr , is here from
Degree of Honor members with
their wives and husbands are
requested to be present at the
next meeting , Thursday evening
the 15th. Something special.
Don't miss it. COMMITTKK.
About our meat market
and Haying "what a meo
plnee to buy OIIG'H meat.
The popular price , high-
quality business that is
attracting the attention of
every thrifty wonmn in
Falls City. She Buys to
herself , "there must be
some roiiHun for this pop
ularity. " There la , it's
The nieiit wo BO ! ! is the depen
dable kind. If the few people in
this town who have not gotten ac
quainted with us would only come
in , compare prices and note onr
up-to-date way of doing business
we would have the trade of the
city at onr door. You're invited.
Phone 7-1
Heiser & Mosiman.
Allen D. May , of the Salem
Sentinel , was a Falls City visitor
on Wednesday.
Mary Glines returned the latter
part of the past week from a visit
with friends at Kansas City.
Thomas Palmer went to Hia
watha on Tuesday , having ac
cepted a position on one of the
papers there.
O. 1C. Xook , while down from
his home at Ilumboldt on last
Wednesday , was a pleasant caller
at this office.
Dr. Hutchison , optician , will
be at the Union house again on
Nov. 12th. Arrange to get your
glasses at that time. Work guar
A man from Mound City will
open up a skating rink at the
Jenne opera house this week. , and
the same will be open every Sat
urday evening.