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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 9 , 1906 EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE This is our motto not only in style , but in material and workmanship as well. When you wear a suit or overcoat made at Wilson's you may be assured that none are better dressed than you. ALWAYS BEAR IN MIND THAT A Tailor made suit will wear as long as two Hand-me-Downs and they always hold their shape and look dressy. The result is that it pays to dress well and look neat at all times. Call and examine our extensive line of patterns and get our prices , we are sat isfied you will look no farther. WILSON THE TAILOR. V f LOOK ! LOOK ! Have you tried the * * * CITY MEAT MARKET -t Under new management. We will carry at all times a full stock of the best of everything iff in our line. High Standard Quality is our if Motto. Our methods are bound to please if you. 'Phone 3. Yours for Business , if A. E. SCHMIDT. if * aT ' " The Falls City Roller Mills "J "Jl 'Aa Does a general milling' business , and manufactures the 'Ae following' brands of flour ' > 'j ' 3 SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN 'S ' ' ) i The above brands are gunrantccd to be of the highest pos it sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and 5x conduct a general x 5j Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business j : i and solicit a share of your patronage 7J 7) C Ci ) P. S. lieacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. | . . . . . . . . * ' : .X..X..H : * * * * * * * * * * ! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUYI t 1 * * * ? One of those Lumber Wagons. We have just received two carloads of wagons and we have bought them before the advance price on wagons. So if you i want a wagon you will have to hurry for they are eroinor fast , and when those are all gone vou will have o o ' * - * " S. to pay from $3.00 to $5.00 more for a wagon. So % * buy now and save the advance price. We also carry the Largest and Best Line in ' Buggies and Surries , and ask you to inspect them. V T Y I We also have Gasoline Engines in stock , from a two I horse Pumping Engine up to a Portable ten horsepower j power , and we have the Best and Smoothest Running t $ Engines on the market and can save you money if you X buy from us. We also have Windmills , Pumps , Tanks , and everything in the Implement line. | THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT Werner , Mosiman & Co. I The Falls City Candy Kitchen CANDIES GALORE ! A Complete stock of Candy. The best of Chocolates Fresh Every Day. Allegrettis Creams and best hand-made Chocolates. H e a d q u a rte rs for Good Candy. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. Cured of BrijKU Disease. Mr. Robert O. Uurke , Elnora , N. V. , writes : "Before I started to use Foley's Kidney Cure I had to get up fron : twelve to twenty times a night , and 1 was all bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight was so impaired I could scarcely see one of my family across the room. I had given up hope ol living , when a friend recommended Foley's Kidney Cure. One 50 cenl bottle worked wonders and before 1 had taken the third bottle the dropsy had gone , as well as all other symptoms of Brlght's disease. " For sale by al druggists. Special rates to Los Angeles Portland , San Francisco a n ( many other points for $25. Tick ets on sale Aug. 27 to Oct. 31. American Royal Live Stock Show at Kansas City , $4.10 fo the round trip tickets , on sale Oct. S to 13 inclusive , with re turn limit Oct. 15. J. B. VAKNKK , Agt. VERDON. Mrs. David GrlfHth and mother Mrs. iVlmllo went to Fulls Cltjr Wednesday n a visit to relatives. Klllo Slovens left Thursday for Okla- lotnii , where she will remain. Mrs. Hennott who has been very 1M or the past week , Is much better at his writing. Walter Clark returned homo Wed- csday after pending some tlmo at Jurncll , Nobr. Wlllard Volls and wllo wcro Fulls Uy visitors lust Thursday. Mrs. tlonry Grllllth and children re- urnctl Friday to their homo at Long slnnd Kansas after spending four vceks here visiting relatives. Mrs. Kroh returned homo Wednes- uy after spending a year In Illinois Islttng relatives. l ev. W. C. Brewer , wife und chll- rcn of Maple Grove spent Tuesday r'tth Amret LJurt. Corn Bros , moved the windmill to he north of the burn und are propar- ng the foundation for the erection of , new addition to the barn. Dr. Kent of Fulls City was a buslnebs 'Isltor here , the llrst of the week. Will Otto Is shingling the Ileacoek levator and making many other loeded improvements. Geo. Foglo and wife returned home , Mduy , utter spending sometime visit- ng relatives in Illinois and Pcnnsyl- anla. A small wreck occurcd Tuesday norning , caused by a car of coul leuv- ng the truck , It delayed tralllc for u hort time. Will Dragoo returned home , Mon- ay night after spending some time isitlng rolutlvcs In the western purl f the state. Mrs. A. N. Ilnrrls and dnughtor of IcCanUless Switch visited relatives icro the fore part of the week. The nurse who hus been attending Mrs. Hascnyger returned to her home it Omuliu Sunduy. Duve Duvies , > vite and children Isit relatives west of town Sunday. Mrs Lell ) Noah and children of . ' 'alls City spent Sunday with her nether Mrs. Benedict. Clyde und Hurry Lum , Rollu Frank- in , F. W. Robb and John Murk went o Auburn Sunday to eeo the wreck. Katie Melizu came up from Falls Dity and spent Sunday at homo. Mrs. Iloopes went to Elk Creek Sat- irday on a visit to her daughter , Mrs. -ox - of that place. Mrs. Hardy Hays and daughter Dorothy of Shubert visited her sister , Mrs. W. E. Goolsby last week. John Williamson of Kansas City spent last Friday here. Ethel Allenbangh of Falls City pent Sunday with her aunt Rosa Mark. Shnrm Ryrely went to Auburn Sun day afternoon to see the wreck. Geo. Hall and Miss Barry of Falls 3ity spent Sunday here. Grace Bennett was on the sick list ast week. Berthu Ned row viewed the wreck at Aubum Sunday. Mrs. W. F. Veach returned home Thursday from St. Joe where she has been taking medical treatment. Mrs. Harness returned to her homo at St. Joe the latter part of the week after visiting her daughter , Mrs. C. VV. Ocamb. Ida Johnson wont to Shubert Sun day where she will stay for several weeks. B. E. Kites of Humboldt was u bus ! visitor here Tuesday. STATE NORMAL NOTES President Crabtree approves of the action of the Lincoln school board in doing away with the self government plan in the high school. Ho says this plan hus been the cause of nearly al ! the trouble in the high schools. The plan was adopted In a great many schools sevcrul years ago , Lincoln being the last to abolish It. Hon. E. M. Pollard gave a non partisan talk on ' % The Industrial Prob lems of the Day"ln chapel Thursday morning. President Crabtree an nounces * that we will have addresses from other prominent men , among whom are W. J. Bryan and A. C. Shal lenberger , In the near future. The Y. W. C. A. girls have bejon taking orders for the college pennants and pillow tops ; the money to be usec by the Inter-collegiate committee. Captain John Magor In behalf of the foot ball team and coach presentei President Crabtree with u large mega phone , In chapel Monday morning The gift was very much appreciated The Y. W. C. A. will send twontj seven delegates to the state convention which meets ut Cotner university the last of this week. Miss Kelley has taken charge of the work In Observation during Mrs Crawford's absence. Marriage Record. Rev. Amos Yoder , Grldley , 111 70 Mrs. Sarah homer , Falls City 5 L. A. Myers , Uamlln , Kuns 2 Vina Shelly , Preston , Neb 2 Carl Fantcen , Hamlin , Kuns : i Nellie Myers , Haralln , Kans 2o HUMBOLDT. Harry 1'hllpot left Tuesday for Lin- 'oln. where he intend. taking a six nonth ? i-oiiffO In Brown t < business 'ollege. LnuNo Power who U attending Coiner university near Lincoln spent aturday and Sunday with her parents Jhi'cU'r Power and wife south of town. GeorgeSocrUt and wife of Lincoln vere visiting Humboldt relatives the irst of the week. They expect to nakc Omaha their homo In the future , Mr. Sogrlst having accepted u posl- Ion in that city. county convention of fhe W. C. T. J. was held at the Christian church Thursduj and Friday last. Irvln McKlnnuy , who was seriously njured a month ago , was able to bo u moved to thu homo of hU mother , ilrs. W. G. Ward east of town , Thurs- lay. lay.O. O. A , Cooper returned Sunday Jrom S'ew Mexico , where ho purchased ight thousand head of sheep which vlll be fed in thta city during the win- cr. Kov. Bert Wilson , resigned m pastor f the Christian ehureh Sunday morn * ng. He expects to take a post grail- late cnur o In the theological dopart- nent In Cotner university , und will ntor travel a ? an evangelist. iXugust Mitchell has resigned his Mtion in the hardware store of H. Scon , and loft the middle of the veok for Wymoro where ho has ac- eptcd n position In the Uurllngton urds. L M. Sterns has resigned his posl- Ion as manager of the local telephone company. Georiro Peako has resigned his place vlth the Ilumboidt Telephone Co. and and his family expect to leave the Irst of the month for Oklahoma City , vhere ho has accepted a lucrative ) ositlon with u telephone company. Mrs L. F. Marburi'or has been suf- erlng from a severe throat trouble the past week. Mrs. .1. W. Vaught returned Friday rom a visit wlMi relatives at Colorado Springs Mrs Nora Colony and children re turned Saturday to their homo at 'olorado ' Springs , Colo. , after a two vecks visit with Fred Rlst and family outh of town. S. C. Turner and wife , who had been visiting relatives In this vicinity re turned Sunday to their homo In Lin- Oil ) . Mrs. J. S. Sncthen has returned from i vMt with her daughter , Mrs. Harold smith at University place. Mrs. Elmer Woods and baby of Elk reek were guests ut the home of L. . Mann and family the first of the ivfek. W.V. . Shurpe who had been visit ng with his parents , P. A. Shurpe ind wife north of town , retmned to ils homo in Liberty Saturday. Lulu Gundy i * nurMng a patient In Table Rock this week. D. W. Nolll of Pawnee City was visiting friends In Hnmboldt Saturday Ho hus recently gold his general nerchandisc frtoro at Crab Orchard und hus again become u resident of Pawnee. SALEM Mrs Allen May und little son re turned Monday from a short visit ut Falls City. G. J. Crook of Falls City was In town Tuesday. Mrs. W. 13. Boyd und son Smiley were Hnmboldt pussongers Monduy. Rev. Foster of Puwnec preached at the Gospel Union church Sunday morning. Mr ? , Mae Moblej and children loft Saturday for a short visit at Alma , Neb Bessie Reed of Sheuanooah , Iowa arrived last week for a visit at Samuel Bakur's. Mr. Oak and wife of Omaha visited ut the home ot Ed May and wife Tues day. day.Rev. Rev. VV. B. Muxo of Dawson preach ed Sunday at the Methodist church. M. L. Dowell was a Dawson visitor Thursday. Joe Lord and wife and Celia Purson were guests at the homo of Ed May's Sunday. A. B. Cochram returned Ust week from Thomas County Neb. , where he purchased some land. Iva Meredith visited Saturday and Sunduy ut J. Spurgin's north east o town. Mrs. Gco. 'Knapp of Verdon spent Sunduy at Wlllard Davis1. Rev. Gardner of Verdon was in town Tuesday. The Congregutlonul church of Ver don gave a home Talent play In the opera house Tuesday evening. Irene Spur-lock hus returned from ui extended visit at Fremont and Lin coin. Walter and Wcss Rose und Cluudo Thornburg returned homo Monday from the west. Will Kerrhaw came down from Hum boldt Sunduy. Rev. Gurberson preached ut Y l Sunduy morning. Mrs , Will Uhllg and Mrs. Josh Lor < drove up from Falls City City Tuesday afternoon , STELLA. John VVVI.on , wealthy retired inner , und Mrs. Laura Kyos , both of til ? place , went married In Auburn ist Thut'fdav evening Thi * i onplo eumlnuil In Auburn u few da.\ * , re- irned to her home In the iidrth und f town Saturday ovonlng. On Mon- uy onjulnjr they wore charlvurled , early every iiiiin. womar. mill child In nit end of town takinir purl. The Music Club , a ulub recently rgunlxod liero with a mombei hlp of ourteon , met at thu homo ot Its prcsl- ent , Florence Wheeler , lu&t Thursday ftcrnoon. John Jenkins , a student at Lincoln Isltcd at his homo hero Saturday and und ay. Mrs , \Viti. tloletnuu , a former real- cut , of Stollu but now of Abilene , iDiiR , arrived Sunday for it two ook'b visit with friends hero and at hubert. Mrs. C. L , Day and Jutiolte Wellor ttonded a teacher's reecptlon ut the omc of W. L. Evans In Auburn last vcnlng. \V. H. Hogrcfo and wife huvo been Isltlng their daughter at Tllden this eek. J. W. Mas cy and vvlfeof Oklahoma City visited at thu homo of W. Moore's isl week. Mr. Mus ey wu a former cslilent of this town , having a store nro about twenty years ago. Will Suttoii has boon at Shelby , owa , this week whuro ho has the ontraet for the painting and paper- : ig a largo hall. A big demoeratlo rally will bo hold t this plaeo Saturday evening. ,1. T. Doyle , oiindldato for congro ? will bo resent and address the mcettnir. Charllo Miller , the now hutoher , has tovod his family Into the liouso re- ently vaoatcd by Esburn Wheeler. Mrs I. L. Plasters wont to Hum- ioldt last Friday evening to bo a judge n a silver modal contest given by the ooal W. C. T. U. Mr. " . U , A. Clark Is homo from a oven week's visit In the east and at Cansas City. Rank MoMullen has been In Grant ounty the past two weeks , looking , ftor his eattlo In that suction. A medloino bhow will entertain the leoplo of this place all next week at ho opera house. While trying to learn to bo an aero- Mi , Karl Marts , aged about twelve ears , fell from a hoop ho had BUS- lended from a tree Sunday evening ml broke both bones In Ills right arm. The Member ? of the Research Club vlth their husbands we're the guests at i Hallowe'en party at the homo of II , Ilogrefo Wednesday evening OHIO X. B. Rurnworth and wife enter- alned Newt Camhlln and family of Ilghland , Kans. , last Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Similar Is enjoying a Islt from her sister , Mrs. Chas. Voder ) f Ashland , Ohio. Jesse Spangler and wife from near Merrill , Kani > . , spent Sunday with the uttcr's parents. Wes Stump and wife of Verdon wore uests of I' . 13. ShalTer and wlfs Sun- lay. Frank Zorn and family from near iulem visited with the foimer's sister , Ire. Martin Nolle , Sunday. .1. W. Dodds wife aim smallest chll dren were visitors at N. 11. Burnworth Sunday. Gco. Shouso and fa.nily entertained their neicca and nephews , the Jennl son children , Sunday. Grace Neil row spent last week In Fulls City with her grandparents. Ha/el Richardson and Sadie 1'oek spent Sunday with Edna and Vcru ShalTer. Mrs. I' E. Shaller returned to her liome Friday eve after staying a week with Mrs. Norman Forney where she was as nurse. Win. Stump and wife of Falls City visited at Wes Ncdrow's Sunday. Win Iluetner and family were visi tors ut Otto Huettner'fi Sunday. Andrew Ketterer and family spent Sunday in Kansas with the former's parents. Harvey Peck entertained hU friend , Lester Richardson Sunday. Kph Peek and wife entertained their nephews , Lloyd Knlsely and Anson Knlsely and his wife Sunday. Clay Peek and wife were guests of the former's parents Sunday. Mrs. George Peek : and Edith visited at the home of S. II. Knlsely and fam ily Sunday. Harvey Peck and John Hutchison were Rule visitors Friday. Joe Maust and wife of Straussvillc entertained their cousin , E. T. Peck and family. Mrs. Eph Pock spent last Thursday In Falls City at Win. Muhler's at an aid society. Mrs. Rose KaulTman ol McCloud , Kuns. , was u guest of Edith Peck last Wednesday. A. Harris ana wife of Auburn spent Sunday with P. E. Shatter and wife. Mra. John Burk , sr. , and Mra. Me- Wain of Rule were guests of relatives in tills vicinity last week. Mra , Herbert Btirk enjoyed a visit from her mother und sisters Sunday. Anna und John Stump wore the vic tims ot u surprise party lust Saturday which proved to bo a success. Anna was assisting her brother , Charles , In his store at Struussvlllo and her par- cuts sent John after her , When they returned they found about hfty young people watting for them ut their home. Supper was served and n general good time was had by all. At a late hour the company separated to go to their respective homes , hoping Anna and lolin will recover from their surprise. SHUBERT. II. W. Shubert and wife of Bracken have been visiting for a wculc with hi * Rons Art and Grant and Frank Shu- bcrt of this city. Mrs. Fred Boatman spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Harmon. Minnie Hoover was a Neinalm visi tor Friday evening and Saturday , Mrs. Harmon und Mrs. Shubert spent Saturday with Grandman Har mon at her country home east of town. Willie Outhout from Seattle , Wash ington hus been here for a week visit ing his parents Frank Outhout und wife. Oru Ross of South Auburn Is going to build a new house In thu north part of town on Him strcut. Mr. Chester Is putting down thu foundation. Frank Hramon and wlfu of Wichita Kansas are In the city visiting rela tives. Henry Flshburn Is moving from town to his farm east of the city Mon day. Dwlght Harmon has gene to Brack en to stay with his uncle this winter. RULO The Buuholor girl club wii3 enter tained vury pleasantly last Friday evening ut the home of Mury Miihnn In honor of Miss Vim Vulkenburg who leaves for Chicago Saturday. Mrs , Shilling was ulso a guest of thu club. A very dainty supper was served with Kiln Carpenter as toaatmlstrcss. Thin club Is noted for Its social gatherings and la In a very prosperous condition , having started a bank account. Vesta Vnn Valkenburg departed Saturday for Chicago where she will spend the winter visiting her brother Frank and wife. Henry Schmidt put down a concrete walk In front of Mrs. Bolter's new store room on Flret street last week. Theo. Randolph of Topeka , Kan. , visited with the homu folks Friday und Saturday. J. VV. Mann and wife were visiting friends In llulo thu latter part of last week. .Hob Kanaly wus a St. Joe visitor Saturday. F. M. Kulp of VVymoro was a busi ness viriltor hero the latter part of last week. M. J. Lulilanu has erected a new wire fence around his place which adds much to the beauty of his property. J. Fuller of St. Louis was transact ing business In this place Thursday of lust week. Seymour Coupe returned the lust of the week from un extended trip through Arkansas arid Oklahoma. VIiv. L. Jackson went to Merrill to visit friends for a few days Saturday. James Hosford has uddcd u grocery depurtment to his store. His eon Newton hus charge of the same. Mrs. Samuel Whitman and son Oratn departed for Luck , Wyoming , Tuesday to join her husband who has been there for two months. A. F. Sherman of Table Hock was a business visitor Tuesday. C. E , Ccley visited ut his home at Highland Station between trains on Saturday night. The bridge painters have gone to Humboldt to paint , at that place. Mrs. A. R Boerner of Missouri wai a Rnlo visitor Sunday. Chas. Henderson und wife of Verdon visited with their son ut this place several days lust week. Mrs. James Haller has been on the sick lUt , but Is better ut this time. Louie Burges of St. Joe was trans acting business In Rule lust Friday. Harlln Jones was a shipper fromthU pjuce Saturday. J. M. Gustufson of Wyinore was a business visitor here Saturday. J. A. Hinkle visited at Fortescuo lust Sunduy. Mr. Nichols hus moved Into Mrs. Bolu's property. Mrs. Alice Titlon of Unlontown , Pa. , left Tuesday for Kansas City where shu expects to spend the next month visiting relatives und friends. 1C. Mather ? hus moved into M. La Blunc's house vucutcd by Mr. Nichols. Mrs. Susan Boles departed Tuesday evening for Kansas City where she ex- pccts to make her future home. Mrs. Boles has lived hero many years and leaves many friends here who regret her departure , but as she was alone and her health very poor , her daugh ters , who reside in Kansas City , finally gained her consent to break up house keeping and make her home with them. Her friends here wish her many > ears of happiness In her new home.