The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 09, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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31ou- the Millions in Qoltl Stored in
English Hanks Arc
Onic-iiils of ( lit- Hunk of Knglaml
arc suid ( o bi1 worried for the
'safety ' of Hit' hoards of wealth
stored in their strong boxes. The
Haiik station of Hie new under
ground railway in London is close
to ( oh vaults of the world's great-
< ' 8t institution of ilnnnce. At u
recent meeting of the bank direc
tors it was suggested that some
brave but wicked person might
net off a quantity of explosive in
the bank station , wrecking the
foundations of the stately build
ings above and sending ( lit1 bars
of bullion and streams of gold
leaking on I to the station plat
form. The feasibility of thi *
tiolieine has been conceded b.v'lli"
bank governor. It is llguied ,
however , that the "lube , " MH Mi-1
underground railway is culled , is
: i little too deep at this point. To
reach the bullion vaults of the
bank the conspirators would IIJIM
to drive a shaft nearl.100 . feet.
mid then they would face a mas *
of concrete , thick masonry ami
steel. At one time the ManK of
England was the object of con
Hpiracy. From a church lowei
close by the bank was bombarded.
Aftenvard the authorities had
the church and its threatening
tower destroyed. Officials of the
bank do not like the tunneling go
ing on in the clay beneath I heir
foundations. The constant pump
ing of water has affected even the
solidity of the clay , and from Ihifi
cause one of the wells which is
within the three acres comprised
within the bank's precincts has
dried up.
Those three acres are valued at
about $5,000,000 each , and the
fir/ensures within them are guard
cd in fitting fashion. On either
side of the main entrance to the
bank are two small glass houses.
In the one reposes a stalely
'beadle. ' In the other arc two wide ,
awake detectives. Other detec
tives are in and out of the rooms ,
but always unobtrusively. At
night the police force is a heavy
one. Every evening a compact
body of men , commanded by a lieu
tenant , and including two ser
geants , Iwo drummers , a bugler
and . ' 50 privates , marches from
( Wellington barrack to the bank.
They are in full marching order ,
and before they enter the tech
nical limits of ' 'the city" exercise
that privilege of the guards of fix
ing bayonets. They are on duty
for 1U hours , and but for the recur
ring spells of sentry-go have an
easy time.
Officials of the bank provide
moderate refreshments for these
guards. In ( he guard room ,
.which is of regulation pattern , are
the usual shelf and blanket , suf
ficient accommodation for a sol
'duty of this kind. The officer has
u suite of rooms at his service ,
the dining-room of paneled oak , a
neat bedroom and a bathroom.
.There is hidden away in the center
of the bank one of the most pleas
ant gardens in London , where an
after-dinner cigar may be enjoyed
on a summer evening to the full ,
while the roar of the greal metropolis -
olis around has died away to in
articulate murmurs.
A King's Now Palace.
King Leopold of Belgium has
taken possession of the new Jap
anese palace in the Hoyal park at
Lacken. It is divided into several
wings. Each of them contains
half a dozen of finely decorated
drawing-rooms. The furniture ,
the ornaments , the sculptures , the
paintings , the screens and thereof
roof were executed atTokio by the
best Japanese artists. More
than L',000 electric lights illumin
ate the palace , where the king in
tends giving some gorgeous recep
tions in honor of the shah of Per
sia next summer.
Blessings of Speech.
The victim of the automobile
accident was plainly dying , lie
was just delivering a touching
speech about the "wife and chil
dren" when he caught sight of the
man who had run him down. A
y.olley of choice expressions arose
from the dying man's lips. This
apparently relieved him greatly ,
for he got up and walked home.
A Mistake.
It is not good for man to live
alone unless he wants to save
money. Chicago Daily News.
Story Told of Carpenter McQloln , nn
Odd Nnvnl Character Averse
to SeasIcknesB.
A naval olllcer tells the follow
ing story of Carpenter McGloin ,
an odd character employed in the
navy , who for many years was u
Hort of privileged person employed
in the service because of his un
flagging spirits and wit.
The old Pcnsacola once was com
ing up to San Francisco from Hon
olulu , when she met a severe gale.
McGloin , who in heavy weather
usually became seasick , promptly
"turned in. "
.Shortly after his disappearance ,
it was reported to the captain
that something way amiss with
the forelopmast. Accordingly ,
McGloin's services as carpenter
being necessary at this juncture ,
he was sent for. Staggering on
deck he began to make a scries of
excuses , which were'cut short by
the commanding officer , who or
dered the carpenter to go aloft
and ascertain what was wrong
with the mast.
Theproposition struck McGloin
with such amazement thai it look
: iwny his breath. "Up that mast , "
muttered he , "in such weather .IK
"Yes , up thai moat , " reiterated
the commanding officer , sternly ,
"and quickly , too ! "
McGloin decided to enter a last
despairing protest. "Cap'n , " said
he , "do you honestly mean that
I'm to go up that mast in such
weather ? Why , this is an awful
gale ! "
The officer lost patience. "You
are impertinent , man ! " exclaimed
he. "And I've allowed you too
much talk already ! Up that mast ,
now ! "
"All right , " mournfully wailed
McGloin , as he prepared to obey
the order ; "but , " he added , with
a reproachful glance at his su
perior officer , "cap'n , if there was
a four-inch plank from here to
Brooklyn , rather than go up that
mast , Fd walk home ! "
And No Sympathy Could Be Hnd
from Confidant of Gloomy
They were all to have a Sunday
night supper at a friend's house ,
and even the boarding mistress
was invited ; so the girl got an
i-xtra Sunday night and the house
hold split up in parties for the
afternoon , relates ( he New York
By Iwos and threes they arrived
at the host's home until there
were left only the boarding mis
tress and the husband of the wom
an who had engineered Ihe party.
There was a quarter of an hour
wait , and at last the husband
strolled in.
"Miss Hlank says she can't
come , " he announced , as he
sniffed ( lie odor of the old-fash
ioned shortcake. "I guess she
must have another of her sick
headaches , for she seems to have
gone to bed ; just poked her head
out of the doorway and said she
was sorry. "
Late that evening the other
woman took home a generous
slice of shortcake and found the
absent one sitting , disconsolate ,
in the parlor.
" 1 thought you were ill , " she
cried. "Will said you had gone to
bed. "
"My dear , " sobbed the boarding
mistress , "all my dresses button
up the back , and when I started to
get ready the only person in the
place was your husband. I could
not very well ask him , could I ? "
And the only comfort she re
ceived was : "Why not ? I've
trained him to do it beautifully. "
Timber Cutting in Australia.
An explorer in the backwoods
of Australia tells how some of the
timber cutters took big risks. "I
had given instructions to the men
in the bush that on no aacount
were they to lay aside their flre <
arms , " he says. "After having
been absent for a short time I re
turned and found that they had
slung their revolvers and carbines
011 a small tree and were workinp
at about GO yards from them. I car
tell you they heard of it. The no
tivcs have a playful habit of drag
ging their spears through the
grass with their toes and all the
while looking as innocent as it It
possible to look. If the native :
had only thought of it they mighl
have given the cutters n warn
time. "
They Are an Smooth na If Cemented
from End to End Greatest
Constructors on Earth.
The greatest road builders in
the world are a species of red ants
found in South America. In build
ing a road they carry minute par-
tides of clay , with which they line
nil the roads as well as Ihe galler
ies and passages of their nests till
they look as smooth as if cemented
by a master mason. Some idea of
their number can be formed when
i t is remembered thai the whole of
Ibis road to their tree , perhaps
nearly half a mile long , is densely
thronged with a multitude going
out empty and coming back with
their umbrellalike burdens , while
thousands upon thousands swarm
in the doomed tree.
That this vast army is under the
best discipline can be proved bj
watching them only a few mo
mcnts. The drivers are constant
ly running up and down giving
their orders to the workers , whicli
they do by louching heads for : i The individual so
touched will slop , lurn back , hurry
forward or show in some such way
that he is following some com
maud. But a better proof of the
discipline is found in the fact that
when the army meets with an ob
staclc , such as a log or large stone
there is a jam of ants on both sides
ind they run about in dismay and
disorder. Instantly the drivers
hurry up , showing Ihe greatest ex-
citcmcnt , and run over , around
and under Ihe impediment to find
the best way out of the difficulty.
When they have decided they lead
elf the line of march in the proper
direction. But until they take
this step the workers make no at
tempt to pass the obstacle.
When a selection of a level piece
of ground has been made a per
pendicular shaft some eight inch
es in diameter and six or seven
feet deep is formed. This is for
drainage and ventilation , never
for ingress or egress. If the
ground slopes the shaft is horizon
tal , the mouth , of course , being at
the bottom of the hill. From the
perpendicular shaft , commencing
at the botlom , radiate galleries ,
like the spokes of a wheel set at
a slight angle. At the end of each
series of galleries' spokes a circu
lar gallery is made , forming ,
as it were , a set of .wheels one
above the other. In , or rather
above these circular galleries the
nests or dwelling places are con
structed. These are oval in shape
and about a foot long. The nar
row end of the oval is downward
and opens into the roof of the gal
lery , and as Ihe spokes always
slope slighlly loward Ihe shaft no
tropical rains , no matter how
heavy , can enter the homes and
breeding places of the ants.
Blind Indian Falls Into Mine Shaft
and Subsists Until Friends
Rescue Him.
Macey Ball , a blind Modoc In
dian , living three miles northwest
of Seneca , fell into an abandoned
mining shaft about GO feet deep ,
over which brush had been heaped.
Eleven days later Ball was res
cued. "There must have been con
siderable water in the shaft , " says
the Hustler , "as the Indian de
clares he never struck botlom.
11 seems that in some way , when
he arose to the surface of Ihe wa
ter , he caught on to something
long enough to keep from drown
ing , and had dug a hole in the side
of the shaft with his hands large
enough to crawl into , and there
he had remained the entire 11 days
without food of any kind. A rope
was lowered to him and he placed
the noose around his body and was
pulled out. lie seemed none the
worst for his fasting , as he was
able to walk home , about half a
mile. Sam Lawyer had been out
hunting for the missing man , and
his dogs , passing the shaft , heard
the Indians making queer sounds ,
peculiar lo his tribe , and set up a
howl. Sam looked inlo the shaft ,
but could see no one , as Macey had
burrowed deep enough to be en
tirely ouf of sight , but he heard
him and secured the help of Ben
Lawyer and Tom Welsh and they
rescued the imprisoned man. "
The Morning Alter.
Guest ( to bell boy ) Is this a
foundry ?
Bell Boy No , sir ; this is a hotel.
That thumping you hear is on the
inside of your head. Detroit
Free Press.
Mrs. I2d Nolle of this city , bus demonstrated this fnct lime and again. For beveu jt-ars
Mrs. Nolte hns given her entire time and attention to the study and practice of this Science.
Probably no Healer lias met with ni' > re opposition than she. Notwithstanding the disadvantage
under which she has labored , she has proven , not only the .Science to be true , but that she her
helf is a success. LJrior to taking up the study ami work of healing , she was but an humble
housewife of one of our honorable citizens , Mr. Ed Nolte. The study of the Science revealed
to her the fact that she possessed powers unknown to her before. She immediately began using
this power for the betterment of mankind and relieving the alllioted. She took a full course of
lectures under Prof. W. J. Downing , of Hiawatha , Katj. , and is qualified to treat all kinds oi
diseases. Upon the receipt of her diploma she immediately began her work as a Healer. Today
she has nuilt up a fine practice. She has treated many of the best citizens of Falls City , whose
testimonials are on record in her ollice. She is now enjoying a large and lucrative business.
She treats all manner of diseases without drugti.
As an evidence of her standing and ability read the following recommendation :
Having received treatments from Mrs. Hd Nolle ,
and being fully satisfied that her method of treat
ment Is good and believing that many who are sick
could bo restored to health by her druglccs method of
treatments if they would but try her , unit knowing
the prejudice or rather ignorance of the people , as to
her manner of treatment , we deem it a pleasure , after
we haves received the benefits that we have , to say to
all who may chance lo read these lines , that we cheer
fully recommend the sick everywhere to try her , no
matter what may bo your trouble , and be convinced
that her method of treatment is good.
About a year ago I was out In an automobile and
had my bnck hurt so severely that 1 could not turn
over In bed or eel up when 1 was down without sutler-
ing intense pain ; but heard of Mrs. Nolte and her
mode of treatment and decided to let her try my case ,
and by the time I hud taken two terms was entirely
cured , and can never cease to bo thankfnl to Mrs.
Nolle. MUS. H. AliHLL.
Many other testimonial are on record in the oflice of Mrs. Nolle relative to almost all
kinds of diseases. These can be seen upon application. Oflice at residence four blocks east
of Union Hotel , Falls City , Nebraska.
Market Letter.
Kansas City Stock Yards , Nov. ,
5 , 19015. Since last Monday cattle
receipts have been moderate each
day , including today , and the
market lias ruled linn all the time.
Medium class short fed steers
have been killing out badly and
buyers take good grassers in pre
ference , but as the latter are not
always available , and the short
fed steers are a little better each
week , this prejudice against them
is disappearing. The supply to
day is 17.000 head , containing a
liberal share of Colorado and New
Mexico entile of all kinds. The
proportion of stackers and feeders
this fall has not been as great as
in other years , partly because the
range cattle have been in better
Hesh this year , more of them go
ing to packers for that reason ,
and partly because a good many
cattle have been sold in the
country to go into feed lots. Also
a good many owners that former
ly sold their feeders are feeding
them themselves this year. Be
cause of this packers purchases
this fall have been nearly as large
as last , and the proportion of the
total receipts they have been se
cured is much larger , as the total
supply has not been as largo this
fall as last. The market today is
steady to strong in spite of a
heavy run at Chicago and adverse
reports from there. Best steers
last week sold at $0.00 to SO 25 ,
but quality was lacking and the
market was not fully tested. Noth
ing above the ordinary is heie to
day , top $5.50. Good dry lot
steers sell from $5.GO upwards ,
short fed steers $ -1.50 to $5.-10 , to
$5.40 , grass steers $3.75 to $5.00 ,
veals up to $5.50 , heavy calves
$3.00 to $1,50. stackers $2.75 to
$ -1.25 , feeders $3.40 to $1.(50 ( , most
of the range stackers and feeders
between $3.00 and $1.00.
The bog market hns a down
ward tendency , although receipts
are not at a volume to justify
much of n break. Run was
10 000 last week , 7000 here today.
Prices advanced after the middle
of last week but are 10 to 15 low
er today , top $0.20 , bulk of sales
$0.10 to $0.15. Heavy hogs and
Last December 1 was taken suddenly til with a
severe patu In my right side , which at times seemed
unbearable. A doctor was called and pronounced it
appcndi'iitis. The doctor's mcdiclim seemed to re
lieve me , but only for a short time , and every few
weeks T would have a severe spoil and could not eat ,
sleep , or seem to get relief in any way possible I
continued to grow worse until August , when I came
to Falls City. Hearing of Mrs. Nolte'a wonderful
treatments , I concluded to take a course , with won
derful results. After the first treatment , I slept better
than I had for mouths. After six treatments I was
completely cured and have belter health than I have
had for years. In two months I gained over thirty
pounds , and can freely and gladly recommend her
treatments as something wonderful.
Kh C. MnnciiANT. Garrison , Iowa
Th's ' is to certify that I have taken treatments of
Mrs. E. Nolte , and am more than pleased with the
results. I was terribly afillcled with neuralgia , be
sides other diseases peculiar to women of ray age. I
had tried many other kinds of treatments , but re
ceived no benefit whatever. Mrs. Nolle did mo moro
good than anything I ever tried , in fact she cured me.
I am sound and well
today and lake pleasure in
recommencing suffering women lo gd lo Mrs. Nolle
for treatment. Mus. L. F
3 > e
5 < r
s , "
3 < _
* § C
3 8
i 1
| nixed Farming- and Dairy r
§ | :
15ng = = Become Independent I
B MMBB * * B H M > V * * M WK M B MM MM VH MI
5j Every man who wishes to better his condition in life , or C' r *
f5 who desires to start his sons on the road to success , and espec- } ;
0 ially every renter who wants to own land , should send a postal
jjj c $ today for a free copy of the folder , "A Good Dairy District. " c
c ,
; 4 It tells about a new region just coming into prominence as
f | a successful dairying country. Land is very cheap , pine water r
ca and nutricious grasses are abundant , there is a market for all c
5 products at good prices , the climate is equable and healthful
g and the settlers already there aae desirable neighbors. r | v
§ Very cheap round trip tickets the liret and thiad Tuesdays c
of each month atl'ords a splendid for
investigation. { ; ;
3 Don't forget to write me for the folder and also send me
c >
g the names of your eastern friends who want to come west. J3
* 4
mixed weights now sell a little
higher than light weights , pigs at
$5.50 to $0.00. Moderate receipts
are predicted.
Sheep and lamb receipts are
pretty good yet , but will soon be
much smaller , 28,000 here last
week run 7000 today. The mark
et has been good , prices 15 to 25
cents nbovea week ago. and strong
to 10 higher than Friday. Choice
Missouri lambs sold the middle of
lost week at $7.00 , nothing choice
since , best yearlings $ (5.00 ( , wethers
$5.75 , ewes $5.50. Feeding lambs
bring around $0.00 , other country
grades $ -1.00 to $5.00 , generally
not very desirable.
One 10 guage , Damacus , double
barrel shotgun , with leather case ,
and 150 loaded shells ; $150.00
grade Parker , to trade on a horse
and will pay the difference. In
quire at this oflice.
Bargains for Sale.
Fine stock and grain farm ,
about 200 acres , upland,3 miles
to town , good improvements ,
$05 per acres , one-third cash ,
balance 10 to 20 years time.
SO acres near Falls City , good
improvements , good terms.
Owner might consider some
good town property as part
pa\ These are bargains. See
us at once.
Rye for sale at Heck's feed
Corn buskers wanted at the
Margrave ranch. 43t. .
See those work mares and
horses at the Margrave ranch.
You can't afford to miss the
opportunity of having your photo
taken when you can get one
dozen for 15 cents.