The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 09, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. Ill FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 9 , 1906. Whole No. 148
Death Record.
As we go to press we learn of
the death of Mrs. W. P. Meyers
at her home in the northern
part of town. She has only
been ill a brief time and her
sudden death is a great shock
to the community. The obit
uary will appear in our next
issue. As all of the children
have not yet arrived , arrange ,
ments for the funeral services
have not been made.
Miss KHzabert Herbert , assist
ant postmaster at Hiawatha and
a sister of Ewing Herbert , died
Sunday after a brief illness ,
She was a woman of rare mental
gifts , a leader among club women1
and in all works of public im-
provzment. She anticipated
death and prepared a letter stat
ing that she considered death the
greatest event in the history of
humanity and asked that there be
no black worn , no mourningonly
flowers and brightness and light.
At Tbe Gehling.
A 'good si/.ed house greetet
the play Over Niagara Falls it !
the Gehlinglast Wednesday ev re
and all were well satisiied witl
the production. The cast ha *
been carefully selected and dit
credit to their various parts
The scenic features were excel 1-
Burned To Death.
One of the most horrible acci
dents happened in this city last
Tuesday afternoon that has oc-
curcd for some time in this vicin
ity , although there has been an
unusual amount of accidents here
Mrs.V. . Jl. Kea who , with her
family , lives in the ( ioldman pro
perty ) in the eastern part of
town attempted to start a fire in
the cook stove with kerosene , at
about live o'clock , Tuesday
afternoon. Whether she put too
much of the oil in the stove and
applied a match or whether
there was a fire in the stove
when she poured in the oil is not
known , but an explosion was
heard by several in the neighbor
hood and when assistance arrived
the kitchen was discovered to be
in flames and Mrs. Kea also en
veloped with the ilamcs. She
was standing with one hand
grasping a table for support , the
shock seeming to paralyxc her
faculties as she did not move.
Frank Dilts made three attempts
to rescue her but the lire was so
severe that he was unable to suc
ceed until the third attempt when
he reached her and carried her to
the porch where he quickly ex
tinguished the Ilamcs. Hut it
was too late to save her us the
dreaded fire was quick in its
destruction. Mrs. Kea's clothing
were all burned from her body
except her slioes , her hair was
scorched off entirely , the face
and arms burned to a deep red
and the body burned to a crisp ,
Neighbor women covered the
the corpse until the arrival of
the coroner. Meanwhile Frank
Dilts , assisted by , a few others
carried water from the nearby
wells and with a great effort put
out the fire , in the house. The
kitchen was badly burned but the
remainder of the building was
At the time of the accident ,
Mrs. Rea was alone , the two
little girls not having arrived
home from school , one boy was
working up town and the two
older boys were working on a
farm in the coiintr } ' . Mr. Kea
was working in .St. Joseph at the
time and although a message
was sent him immediately , he
was unable to arrive before the
following afternoon.
Mrs. Simanton kindly took the
little girls to her home until
other arrangements could be
made for their keeping.
Mrs. W. II. Rea was born in
Illinois about 4'J years ago where
she lived nearly all her early life
and after finishing her school ,
chose as her vocation that of a
school teacher. This she fol
lowed until her marriage with
Mr. Rea. About six years ago
the family moved to this cit } ' ,
where they have since lived.
Funeral services were conducted
by Rev. Griffin , on Wednesday
afternoon from the Restorer &
Son undertaking parlors , inter
ment being in the Steele ceme
The death of Mrs. Rea is more
sad and touching on account of
leaving little children mother
less. The two older boys are old
enough to assist themselves but
the youngest boy and the little
girls arc too small to even realise
their loss. The two girls are
very pretty and with proper care
and attention , would grow up to
be most intelligent and really
beautiful young women.
Bode Gets Four Years.
Judge Raper came down froir
Pawnee City Wednesday am
among other things heard the
motion for a new trial in the Bed (
case. The court overruled the
motion and passed sentence upoi
the defendant of four years ir
the penitentiary at hard labor
d and a fine of twelve thousam
When asked if he had anything
to say why sentence should nod
be passed upon him he said tha
he wanted permission to file
written statement within threi
. days. It is hoped that this state
- ment will disclose where tin
money has gone.
Society News.
The members of the W. C. T.U.
gave a ten cent tea at the home
of Mrs. A. 1CJacquct on Wed
nesday afternoon. It was a very
pleasant event as Mrs. Jaconet is
a charming hostess.
The members of the Presby
terian Y. P. C. 1C. society gave a
Japanese social at the home of
Miss Clara Uoose on lust Monday
evening. Music was one of the
pleasantries of the evening , while
u hundred and twenty-five orien
tal curios on exhibit , received a
great amount of attention , as the
collection is very fine. Tea and
wafers were served by four young
ladies in Japanese costumes.
The member of the Friends in
Council chartered a hack and
drove to Verdon Friday evening ,
where they were the guests of
Miss Gertrude Lum. Milton's
Paradise Regained , with Miss
McDonald as leader , made a very
interesting subject. Refresh
ments added to the evening's
The Royal Neihbors of Amer
ica entertained their families and
the members of the Modern
Woodmen and their families , on
Tuesday evening of this week.
An interesting program was ren
dered a n d light refreshments
were served.
The Woman's club enjoyed a
very pleasant meeting on Tues
day afternoon with Mrs. T. J.
Spencer as hostess. Mrs. Har
rington read an interesting paper
on French and American govern
ment , which was well received.
Miss Sallie Schnoehcil favored
those present with several piano
solos which added much pleasure
to the afternoon program. The
general study was French history
and altogether it was a very en
joyable meeting.
Wednesday afternoon the M.
13. Kensington were delightfully
entertained by Mesdames Fred
Farrington and Harry Ouster and
the Misses Maude Maddox and
Dora Richards , assisted by Miss
Ramel and Mrs. Roberts , at the
home of Mrs. Farrington. A
ver } ' pleasant afternoon was en
joyed by all the ladies present.
Refreshments were perfection.
On Monday evening , Nov. 5th ,
according to pre-arrangemcnts ,
Fred Noah was decoyed away
from his home ostensibly to
assist his brother with some work
in his cellar. In his absence ,
twenty-five of his friends took
possession and transformed his
house into a veritable roily polly
resort. When he returned sur
prised ? Well , I should cry ! 'Twill
be some time before he is thor
oughly calmed down , but he
pulled himself together , buckled
on his armour of brass and made
everybody happy by assisting in
the already well developed games
of market cornered , pitch and
crokinole until the smiling hostess
announced supper , when every
body did ample justice to the
toothsome viands placed before
them. After supper games were
resumed , accompanied with phon
ograph selections. Fun Hew fast
and furious until a late hour ,
when , after presenting the host
; with an elegant oak rocker , the
company reluctantly took their
departure , wishing him and his
"glide"vife many returns of this
happy occasion. A GUKST.
The Shakespeare club met
witli Mrs. C. F. Reavis on Tues
day afternoon. There was a
good attendance and the usual
interesting lesson. The members
acknowledged the receipt of re
ference books from the state
_ library commission and put the
e same in the care of the city li