The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 02, 1906, Page 7, Image 7
r THE FALLS CITi' TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 2 , 1906. The Reason Why-Railroads As sessments-Fees Paid State Treasurer. i In 1900 the fusionists at the state house assessed the Nebraska railroads and Pullman Car com pany at $26,442,249. The republicans coming into power in 1901 , raised this fusion assessment $115,000 , In 1902 the republican board made another raise of $217,000. In 1903 the republicans raised the assessment $510,000 more. In 1904 they raised it $18,893,000 more. In 1905 they raised it $1,212,000 more. In 1906 they raised it $421,000 , making a total raise in the rail road assessment for the six years of 80 per cent more than the fusion assessment of 1900. The fusionists in four years raised the assessment of these corporations $964,000 , while the republicans raised the assessment in six years $21.368,701. The Union Pacific and Bur lington refused to pay under the 1904 assessment , claiming it was too high , but instead of receding the republican board advanced the assessment still higher in 1905. Again these roads refused to pay and again the republican board advanced the assessment in 1906. This is the record of the repub lican officials as to railroad as sessments. While the railroads are resisting the payment of taxes levied against them , it is not strange that they are also re sisting the election or re-election of republican state officials responsible for the increased assessment and the promotion to the United States Senate of the attorney general who has success fully prosecuted the suits for en forced collection. The auditor's reports show that for the four years 1897-1900 , the fusionists paid to the state treasurers $195,947.79 , fees earn ed by the several departments , while the republicans for 1901- 1904 turned in the sum of $348,917.46. and during the last twenty-two months the fees amounted to $282,098.90. Compare the records. K PKKKINS. Did you ever before hear of a prominent citizen runningas a candidate for the high oflice of district court judge with this kind of a record : "W. II. Ashby , poverty ; affidavit of poverty on file , $11.18. " Not only is this man running for judge on the democratic ticket in this district , but he is making a tour of the district , and is said to feel enthus iastic over his prospects of elec tion. Of course , he is off on this , but how can he get money to campaign on and not be able to pay his personal taxes ? This is what we call attention to. We \ > haven't a thing personal against Captain Ashby. He is a compan ionable mail ) but we draw the line on the election of a man to the office of district judge who make a poverty affidavit in lieu of paying his just proportion of taxes. Hon. Board of Supervisors , Gage county , Gentlemen : Herewith we hand you list of delinquent personal taxes due from various parties on whom distress warrants have been is sued for the collection of same , and the following returns made by the special collector ; Name , why not collected anil amount. W H Ashby. poterty : affidavit of pu\- erty on tile Sll 1 Eleanor R Ashby. poverty : aflida\it uf I > o\erty on tile oo.o1 A-shby & Smith , poverty ; affidavit of poverty on file. . 14.2 Beatrice It'ck Works , no such firm : no property found . . 41.X 11II property found ; party has left state 3:1 Mrs Ward ( Uratrice Hotel ) no propertj found ; no such firm 2.9 Henry 15 Iturrouchs.tno property found fa.O W 11 Allison , no property found. . . 6.5 Aueust Overlet. no property found . . . 3.3 Jess Apptct c. no property found 23.1 For your information and ac tion. Respectfully submitted , J. A. BAKNAKD , County Treasurer. Beatrice Times. Issues Briefly Told. If yon approve of the splendid work of the first session of the fifty-ninth congress and want more of the same kind of legis lation Vote for E. M. Pollard , republican candidate for con gress. II you prefer the progress and prosperity of the present time , under a republican tariff , to the business disasters and idleness of ten years ago under a demo cratic tariff Vote for E. M. Pollard , republican candidate for congress. If you want the government to regulate the trusts without busting up things generally- Vote for E. M. Pollard , republi can candidate lor congress. If you want employment all the year round and honest money for pay Vote for M M. Pollard , republican candidate for congress. It you want to endorse Theo- tloro Roosevelt and his efforts to give all the people a square deal Vote for E. M. Pollard , republican candidate for con- gress. Last year at this time there was a treasury deficit of nearly $20,000,000 , though the surplus at the end of the year was $25.000,000. At present there is a surplus of over § 0,000,000 , , which indicates a surplus at the end of the year of over $50,000,000. If you want such , good government-housekeeping to continue Vote for E. M. Pollard - lard , republican candidate for congress. Public Enemies. , The man or woman who speaks unkindly of a neighbor j I or citizen is an emeny to public t welfare. And when that sortj [ are helped in any manner they j ' are a menace to the prosperity of a town. The thing to do is to tell every long tongue to cut it out. True or false no one should repeat anything to the discredit of another. This is good sense backed up by peace and good will to be had no other way. Brown County World. Pneumonia Follows A Cold but never follows the use of Foluy's Honey uncl Tar. It stops the cough , heals unil itrtMijjthons the lungs antl prevents pneumonia. For sale by all druggists. Thanksgiving Proclamation , President Roosevelt has issued his thanksgiving proclamation which is as follows : "The time of the year has come when , in accordance with the wise custom of our fore fathers , it becomes my duty to set aside a special day of thanks giving and praise to the Al mighty because of the blessings we have received , and of prayer that the blessings may be con tinued. Yet another year of widespread well being has passed. Never before in our history or in the history of any other nation has a people enjoyed more abounding material prosperity than is ours ; a prosperity so great that it should arouse in us no spirit of reckless pride , and least of all a spirit or heedless disregard of our respon sibilities ; but rather a sober sense of our many blessings , and a resolute purpose under provi dence , not to forfeit them by any action of our own. "Material well being , indispen sable though it is. can never be anything but the foundation of true national greatness and hap piness. If we build nothing upon this foundation then our national life will be as meaning less and empty as a house where only the foundation has been laid. Upon our material well being must be built a super structure of individual and nat ional life in accordance with the laws of the highest morality , or else our prosperity itself will in the long run turn out a curse instead of a blessing. We should be both reverently thankful for what we have received , and earn- estly bent upon turning it into a mean of grace and not of dc- struction. "Accordingly I hereby set apart November 29 , next , as the day of Thanksgiving and suppli cation on which the people shall meet in their homes or their churches , devoutly acknowledge all that has been given them and to pray that they may in addition receiye the power to use these gifts aright : "In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. "Dene at the city of Washing ton this 22nd day of October in the year of our Lord one thou sand nine hundred and six and the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-first. TinjonoMic ( Seal ) By the President. EI.IHU KOOT , Secretary of State. " This is Worth rvemcmberiiiX. As no ono Is Imimino. every person should remember that Koley's ICIttnu ) Cure will euro iiny uiiso of kltiney or bladder tioiililu that U not beyond the of mudleliif. For smlu by nil Accident At Humboldt. llumboldt has another serious accident to report this week , the victim being Andrew Sharpe , a young farmer living with his parents , P. A Sharpe and wife north of the city several miles. The young man was on Monday evening attempting to "break" a recently purchased broncho , when the animal kicked him on the temple rendering him uncon scious in which condition he re mained until Wednesday. The skull was slightly fractured and for a time the young man was in a critical state. Just how serious the injuries may prove can not be determined for some little time. llumboldt Standard. Dairy and Food Commission's Report. The Minnesota Dairy and Food Commission's 'uriiilybU shows that Kenned.v's Laxative Honey and Tar and UHO'S Laxative Honey and Tar contained opiates and eroton oil. Opiates are poisons and eroton oil Is u violent poisonous purgative. Refuse to accept any but Foley's Honey and Tar In a yollov package. Koley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates or dantieroiib drugs and Is the best cough and cold cure. For sale by all drug gists. Notice of Settlement. In the County Court of Klclinrilsoii County , Nebraska , In the matter of tliu cstnti1 of Auifiist Wclnrrt , ileccam-il. To tliu CreilltorK , Heirs , Legatees anil all others Interested In halil cstnlr. Taku notice that John Welncrl hax filed In until Court a report of his dollies as Hxeentor of Mlit estate for his dual settlement thereof , also tiled a petition for an order of distribution of the residue of said estate In his hands. It Is ordered by the. Court that the same be. heard In the County Court room In said County on the 17th day ofl Xexemlwr 1906 , at 2o'clock i > . in. , when andhere all parties may appear and nppiisij the same. Ordered fur ther , that upon the appro\al of s.ild report , a decree of distribution of said resldlii uill be nude to tile p.iities entitled thereto. 1 ! ) orde , of the court dated October 27th. l'Mi > . JOHV t\.No.v , )7-3t Count ) Jrnlce. Lincoln Business College. A successful School that was founded twenty-two years ago. Experienced teachers , up-to-date equip ment. Hundreds of former students holding responsi ble positions. All the advantages of a Capital city , We teach GREGG and 01IAHT1EK Shorthand. Send for Catalog-13. LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE , Lincoln , Neb. / P | A N Q BALDWIN BROS. f JP J A full line of the Small Musical Instruments , ' Latest Sheet Music. Edison and Victor Records. r We also carry a large stock of SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES \ Falls City Music Company i Opposite Court House * \ * MAJESTIC BAKING I DEMONSTRATION ONE WEEK. MONDAY , NOVEMBER 12 , ' 06 We heartily invite our friends to call any day during the above mentioned week and we will demonstrate the superior qualities of the Majestic Charcoal Iroiv Ranges Tlio MAJESTIC MALLEABLE and steel ratine as formerly turned out by the Majestic people has been considered throughout the country an par ex&'llence , and far ahead of any other rmiKu made. But with the NEW CHARCOAL IRON BODY in place of Steel , making it double its value , and the fact that it is the only range in existence made of Malleable and Charcoal Iron , you can readily see that if quality IB considered , tin ; Majestic leads by a big man-in. WE WANT YOU TO CALL at our store during this week , and let u * > explain this new feature : -CHARCOAL IRON BOOTES ; let us explain why it is the best material f ji range bodies , , and incidentally why it in not used on other ranges. We want yon to call if you intend to buy or not. as the informa tion gained will serve you in the future. HOT COFFEE AND BISCUITS FREE Come any day during this week ami have buttered hot biscuits and hot eolVee. Biscuits : baked on a Majestic in three minutes while yon wait. HANDSOME SET OF WARE FREE With every range sold during this demonstration we will give absolutely FREE one set of Majestic ware worth every cent of $7.50. This ware will be on exhibition at our store. Everything useful , ornamental and durable. Come in and see it , and yon will agree with us that it cannot be bought for a cent less than $7.50 and it is cheap at that. Come in any day. You are welcome whether you intend to buy or not. - . . tt Al _