The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 02, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Pnlls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Oinnlin Helena
Chicago Untie
St. Joseph Snlt Lake City
Knnsns City Portland
St. Louts nnd all San Prnnclseo
point. : cast nml nml all point :
south. \vcst.
No. 42. Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis anil all points
east anil south 7:17 : p n
Xo. 13. Vestlnulcil express ,
daily , let\ver and
all points west and
northwest 1:33 : an
Xo. 44. Vestihulcd Kxprcss
dally , St. Joseph ,
Kansas , City St.
Louis and points
Ksist and South. . . . 11:17 : an
Xo. 14. Vcstlbuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points cast
and south 7:17 : a n :
Xo. 17. Local express daily
except Sunday , Con-
cordia , anil points
north and west. . . . 12.10 pin
Xo. IS. Vestihitlcd express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points \vcst and
northwest . . * . . . . 1:23 : p in
Xo. 43. Vcstilniled Express
daily , Lincoln and
the' Northwest. . . . 1:44 : pn
Nt 16. Vestihulcd express
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points
cast and south 4:35 : p n
Xo. 18. Local express daily
except Sunday , St.
Joe and points
south and east. . . . 4:05 : p n
Xo. 41. St. Louis-Portland
Special , LincolnHe
lena , Tacoina and
Portland without
change 10:07 : p n
Xo. 115. Local accommoda
tion , daily ex
cept SundaySalem ,
Xemaha and Xc-
braska City 11:15 p n
Sleeping , dining 'and reeling chaii
cars ( seats free ) on through trains
Tickets sold and haggage checked ti
any point in the Slates or Canada. Ko
information , time tables , maps aw
tickets , call on or write to K , G. WlliT
I'OHD Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or L
W. WAKUI.HV. O. P. & T. A.Omaha.
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Palls City , Neb.
Xo. 135 Omaha , local 7:45 : a. ni
Xo. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Kx press A 1:57 : a n
Xo. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
No. 127 Krom Kansas City. . . 8:15 p i
passenger A 1:11 : p n
Xo. I'll Local Kreight , Au
burn A 1:16 : p i
Xo. U)4 ) Kansas City local 7:50 : a i
Xo. 106 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 3:10 a i
Xo. 108 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 1:16p : :
Xo. 138 From Omaha 8:35 : p i
Xo. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10:15a : i
A. Daily. 15. Daily except Sunday
J. U. VAKNHK , Agent.
It Costs
To find out for a certainty
whether or not your heart is
affected. One person in four
has a weak heart ; it may be
you. If so , you should know
it now , and save serious con
sequences. If you have short
breath , fluttering , palpitation ,
hungry spells , hot flushes ; if
you cannot lie on left side ; if
you have fainting or smother
ing spells , pain around heart ,
in side and arms , your heart is
weak , and perhaps diseased.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will re
lieve you. Try a bottle , and
see how quickly your condition
will improve.
"About n year ago I wrote to the
Miles Medical Co. . usklnir mlvlco. us I
Mas suttcrliiK with heart trouble , ami
nail been for two years. I hail puln
In my heart , back anil left side , and
had not been nblo to draw a deep
breath for two years. Any llttlo exer
tion would causa pnlpltntlmi , nnd I
could not llo on my left nldo without
surterliiK. They ndvlsctl mo to try Dr.
Miles llenrt Cure and Nervlno , which
1 did with the. result that 1 am In
better health than I ever was before ,
having gained 14 pounds slnco I com
menced taking it. I took about thlr-
tccn-bottU-s of the two medicines , and
haven't been bothered with my heart
Blncc. " MIlS. UU.tK THOMAS.
Upper Sandutky , Ohio.
Dr. Mllei' Heart Cure If told by
your drungltt , who will guarantee that
the first liottle will benefit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind
f. Kansas City Market offe
the opportunity for best pric
and weights on your Cattle , Hoj
or Sheep. The Big Casino , M ;
for Man Sales made by t
Charles Dixon Commission Coi
pany stand for and emphasi
this opportunity. We buy stoc
crs and feeders on commissio
Let us send you market inform
$1.00 a Year. .
Political Pointers.
How many politicians can yoi
count who arc denouncing tin
vile corporations who arc them
selves mixed up with some "Com
bine , " or "Trust" here and there
Yet shouting "stop thief" at tin
other fellows ? "ret him that ii
without sin cast the first stone. '
Vote early , vote late and vote
straight. You arc prosperous
now take a day off to vote t (
continue prosperity. And britu
a voter or two with you. It ii
your civil and religious duty.
Remember under Clevelam
and 13ry a us Wilson Bill it tool
500 bushels of corn to buy a farn
wagon , now 150 bushel will buj
as good a one. Hig wages , bit
price and the farmer gets tin
increase. Vote for Pollard * a IK'
If Hryan is sincere in this figh
for honest government. Why i ;
he supporting Hearst for Cover
nor , who is backed by Tamilian :
and every other corrupt inllucnci
in New York City ? You scralcl
me and I'll scratch you back.
"Listen to the Mocking Bird'
but don't listen to the mockiiu
pretensions of a party that turne <
down Berge for Shallcnberger it
the sweet name of Reform.
Farmers do you prefer an ob
scttre Lincoln Lawyer to a sue
cessful brother farmer to reprc
sent you in Congress ? Hardly
You will vote for Pollard an <
your own interests.
Kooscvclt is strongly urgini
continued support by a republi
can Congress. Don't be foolci
by the sham pretence of a demo
crat supporting Roosevelt. 1
vote for Pollard , Jones , Shuber
and Stalder is a vote for th
Farmers did you ever get bel
bcr prices for your cattle , hogs
grain , poultry , butter , eggs an
land than at present and wit
such-big crops on hand ? Why i
it ? CJood times , plent } ' of wor
and money. Do } ' o u wan
to have another change in th
tariff ? Vote the straight Roosc
velt ticket.
If the democrats are honestl
worried about a small slice c
Pollard's salary that they say h
ought "to put back" why don
these same pure politicians < U
mand of their own Fix-secretary c
State Porter to put back the $90
that he unlawfully took and th
supreme court said so ; or wh
don't Shallenberger offer to pi
back the mileage that he charge
the government when he rode t
to congress on a pass ? Is thei
a man in Lincoln who know
Lawyer Doyle , he who is pious !
pleading for Pollard's seat , th ;
believes that Doyle would refu :
that same salary ? Bosh , on sue
hypocrisy !
What will Bryan wail about c
this trip to Falls City ? Not " 1
to 1 ; " Imperialism ; the Wilsc
bill ; nor will he ridicule Koos
velt as he did in his last speec
here for trying to settle the co
strike. No , no , these spooks a :
dead and buried. He will \\o\ \
against the corporations and ai
vocate the election of Shalle
berger whom the railroads forc <
on the party over the nominatic
of Berge the anti-railroad cani
date. Every populist knows thi
Ten years ago Union Paci
stock was practically worthlei
the road was bankrupt and seat
at foreclosure sale. Since th
time the value of its stock h
doubled and trebled and doubl
and trebled again , water and a
Have Richardson county farmc
been equally favored ? No. W !
have they not met the value
our farms increase as fast as t
value of Railroad stock ? I
cause freight rates are too hiy
Vote for Sheldon , Wilson , SI
bert , Stalder and Jones and c
serve the results. The reput
can party pledges lower a
more just and equitable freig
rates and experience has prov
that republican promises are ft
A Few Figures.
The total appropriations made
by the legislature for the lasl
fusion bicnnium (18')9-1JOO ( ) foi
all the state institutions was
$1,107,700.00 and the average
number of inmates in the insti
tutions during this bicnnium wa *
2fl2 , making a per capita appro
priation of $441.f > 0 for each in
mate for the two years.
The total appropriations made
by the last legislature for tin
present bicnnium ( lW5-lJOf > ) foi
all the state institutions was
$1,443,130.00 , and the average
number of inmates in the insti
tutions up to June 1 , 1900 , was
3,508 , making a per capita , appropriation -
priation of $404.47 , for each inmate -
mate for two years.
This makes a difference ol
$37.13 for each inmate in favoi
of the present republican admin
The number of inmates in al
the state institutions on May 31 ,
1900 , was 2,080 , while tile num
ber of inmates on May 31,1900 ,
was 3,059 , showing an increase
in round numbers ol 1,000.
In other words , had the appro
priations for this republican bien
nium been as much for each state
ward as they were for the lasi
fusion bicnnium the tola
appropriations for the two years ,
1905 and 1900 , would have beet ;
$132,479.84 more than they were
Will Make Good.
Will Kentner was up Iron
Atchisou the iirst of the weel
and closed a deal with E. P
Ohellis , whereby the former'j
father , E. K. Kentuer , will as
sume charge of the establish
meat the first of November
Mr. Chellis and family expec
to return to southern Kansa ;
where they may decide to re
embarlc in the hotel business
The new proprietors of the Parl
promise to make extensive im
provements in the property.
liutnboldt Leader.
On Tuesday November Oth wil
occur the pcriodcal yearly clec
tion of the people of the Unite *
States , for a part of their variou
officers. While the election i :
not of a presidential character i
is nevertheless of most vital im
portance to the nation. The iin
portance of National House am
Senate in entire accord with th <
present administration cannot b
overestimated and should not a
it is apt to be underestimated
Without a friendly joint hous
of Congress the president is ii
himself powerless to correct an :
abuses however fervantthey ma ;
be under our system of three cc
ordinate branches of government
The president can ably advis
and execute , he cannot promtil
gate or construct any remedui
legislation , that power belong
to congress alone. We elect thi
year all the members of congres
and through our state legisla
hire many of the members of th
United States Senate. Th
President by himself is powei
less. lie must have a congret
to support him. Many measure
of importance looking to the co ;
rection and abolishment of man
abuse are pending. We have
President who will take the leat
it is up to the American peopl
to aid him by giving him republ
can support. This can only I
done by getting to the poles c
election day. The America
people have victory over mono ;
ely , greed and corruption wit hi
their grasp. Will they arise i
their opportunity and grasp tl
victory by going to the poles c
an election and vote to upho
* the hands of the presidcn
Citizenship is a duty as well as
privilege. As Americans v
cannot alTord refuse or negle
to exercise that privilege. R
publicans of Richardson coum
it is your duty to your conn
and to your president to go
i- the poles on election day. Yc
may be busy , you may have woi
i- on the farm and at the she
Preserve the work ; preserve th
farm and shop. Democratic co
trol as shown by the past will
the democrats should be succes
ful , give you idle times , dev
prices and discontent.
Providence in Politics.
The explanation of the demo
cratic press as to the cause of the
present prosperity of the agricul
tural west , which they now ad
mit , is attributed wholly to Prov
idence , in that Providence during
the last few years has favored us
with abundant crops. We are
truly glad that the Lord is on
the republican banner , but how
do the democratic press explain
the abundant crops of ' 93 and ' 90
and 13 cent corn ? Groyer Cleve
land and the Wilson tariff bill.
God Almighty don't pay any at
tention to the ward politics of
this earth. lie sends rain during
republican and democratic admin
istrations alike ; upon the just
and the unjust alike ; upon the
wise and the foolish. The dem
ocratic press by begging the
question as it does by attributing
the prosperity of the west to
abundant crops , is simply trying
to blind the eyes and draw the
attention of the farmers from the
true cause of prosperity. The
advance in price of all farm pro
ducts due to the enormous con
sumption caused by laboring
people having work and plenty
of it. The people are eating
Nebraska corn fed beef instead of
bean soup and the price of farm
products has since 1900 increased
on the average over five per cent ,
and the increase of farm products
in value over 5 per cent has in
creased the value of Richardson
county land over 5 per cent.
The thinking farmers of this
ounty will not vote for a return
if 13 cent corn and $30 land.
The republican party of the
lation and state is- proud of the
> ast as it has a right to be , it is
i party of performance as well as
if promise. It can point to the
tatute books of this state and
lation to an hundred beneficial
aws , advocated , passed and en-
breed by it. We , therefore ,
ihould not begrudge to the demo
crats that measure of pride and
comfort which they this year
seem to have in referring to "our
naximum freight rate law , "
Kissed b } * a democratic legis-
ature. T h e la v provided
'or its enforcement by the rail
road commission of that state ,
action of injunction was in
stituted by the railroads and
carried to the U. S. supreme
court which held the act confis-
catory , but did not hold the act
.inconstitutional , leaving enforce
ment to be mads when conditions
were such as to warrant it. This
cost the state of Nebraska
$05,000.00. Subsequently in 1900 ,
the supreme court of this state ,
consisting of two democrats and
one republican , declared the act
providing for a board of railroad
commissioners unconstitutional ,
leaving the law incapable of be
ing enforced. Such is the success
of the democratic party and i
democratic legislature in giving
relief to the people , and such the
steadfastness to the interests ol
the people was a democratic courl
that it refused to be allowed te
enforce it. The democrats are
now asking for another chance
Are the people going to b <
fooled again ? Are they goinf
to trust to a party that when it
power has always pursued a pol
icy that leaves farmers withou
farms , laborers without labor am
pass laws at sixty-five thousam
dollars each unenforcible from ;
failure to provide a n y lega
means of enforcement. Vote fo
the provision amendatory to tin
constitution providing for ai
elective railroad commission tt
be submitted at election. Vet
for George Sheldon for governo
of this state and Messrs. Wilson
Jones , Shubert and Stalder t
support him in the senate am
house and a party that has neve
failed to redeem its pledges
pledges you that it will redeen
the pledges contained in stat
and county platform.
Jimmie said he would hate t
wear clothes like the girls , "be
cause I would have to wash m ;
arms so far up and my neck s
far down. "
) MHMKHt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I Wilson s !
i Haviland China ! i
| | Hand Painted China , Aus- $
> f trian and German China , I
> f Jardinieres , Flower Pots , all |
* sifces. *
! Ilaviland , Austrian and ' ]
\ ' English Dinncrware. White
j and decorated. Ij
Special prices on
* *
, ' i See the new Nickle plated
I New 5c , lOc and 1'ScGlass-
$ wrirc- 3
| Good Groceries and all the $
* best brands of Flour at f
C. n. Wilson'
We have secured the agency for
Orino Liixutivo Fruit Syrup , thu new
laxative that inukea thu livur lively ,
purifies the breath , cures headache
am1 regulates the diu'ustivc oruuns.
Cures chronic constipation. Ask us For sale by all druggists.
A fine lot of draft mares
weighing from 1,000 to 1,450
bred to a Jack , for sale at the
Margrave ranch.
The 1 > est imported horses $1,000 each.
Home-bred rcirlstered draft stallions , J2SO to
$750 at my stable doors. A. Latlmcr Wilson ,
Crcston , la.
Imported draft stallions , $1,000 each ,
Home-bred registered draft stallions , $300 to
$ SOO. Hart Itros. , Osceola , Iowa.
Home-bred draft stallions , $153 to $600 :
imported stallions , your choice $1,000. IL. .
Stream , Crcston , la ,
If you want driving horses ,
colts or mules get them at the
Margrave ranch.
John Weinert has about six car
loads of bheep.
Melvin Randolph of Sunny Valley is
still unable to be about
J. H. Rector and Win.
were Rule cullerss Thursduy.
Walter Raker and wife arc at home
to their muny friends at the Bllby
Messrs Lewis , H.ivhmd and Ralph
Jones of Fort Huzel transacted busi
ness in Rule Saturday.
Gust Wetze ) thu road overseer of
this district is gutting the roads in ex
cellent condition for winter service.
James Sells assisted Elmer Shock in
getting his newly erected corn crih in
readiness for Mr. Shock's exceluin ,
crop of eorn.
Adam nickel is getting bin largo
barn f > 4.\GO well under way and
Henry Ilersuhherger has his largo
new barn nearly completed.
Emmet Gleason has been appointed
substitute rural route carrier for Rule
Itoute 1 so us to enable the regular
carrier his fifteen days annual vaca
The Fargo Ferry has been purchase ; !
from George Berge by A. J. Thompson
an olahlniul at the businesshaving run
the business several years for Mr.
Mrs. John Baumunof St. Joseph died
Monday. Mrs. Banman lived for
years on thu farm now owned by
Elmer Shock and it Is a source of re
gret to her old Irlends to loose her
from this world.
Milton Zimmerman , A. F. Randolph ,
as well us most apple raiserc here have
their apples contracted , but help is
very hard to get , and much time vet
will be required to dispose of the apple
crop us many trees are yet bending
under their heavy loads of the deli
cious fruit.
D&ncing Proves Fatal.
Many men and women catch colds
at dances which terminate in pneu
monia and consumption. After ex
posure , if Foloy's Honey and Tar la
taken it will break up a cold and no
serious results need be fearred. Re
fuse any but vhe genuine in a y llow
package. For sale by nil druggists.
- - - * * +
The elegant new crossings
have been put in on the grade
just a square this side of the
C. B. & Q. station , and the new
side walks will soon be construct
ed. This will be a decided im
provement as the distance around
the corner at the factory will be
lessened and also the inconveni
ence of crossing the switch tracks
at that place will be done away
with. Pedestrians will appreci
ate the new walk.
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
Falls City , Nebraska 1
Large or small buyers
can locate on adjoining
For information write
Luella , Neb. |
Having secured the exclu
sive agency in Fulls City for
Sycamore Springs Mineral
Water , we are prepared to |
furnish customers with the
the same. Price GO cents per 1
five gallon cnsk. Call phone \
189 or phone 3 < J. J
C. P. RE AVIS Jr. f
I I i i 81 I I H I 1 I I 8 I II I I I HI
D. S. McCarthy \ \
Prompt attention Driven
to the removal of house-
hohl goods.
-t--9- > - HH8 M I I I 1 I I I I I H-
W. H. Maddox
Real Estate Agency
Sec me before your purchase. I am
selling' city property , loaning mon
ey at lowest rates , selling'farms and
making farm loans. See me if you
wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I
am here for business. Write
W. H. Maddox , Falls City
Stock Yards , Kiuigsis City , Mo. Export
Salesmen , Cattle , Hops , tilirep. Careful
nnd iiitt-lllKf tit yard boys. 1'crfcct olllco
methods. Correct market Information
t urnlslicd. Houses lit Kansas City , Omaha
Sioux Pity , Di'iivi-r , St..loseph St , Paul ,
Chicago , lluiralo
a. R. KAYS , m. o.
Ofllce over McMillan's Drue ; Store.
) flice Tliono 213. Ilesldenco 'Phone 93.
Ofllco over Kerr'a Pharmacy
Dfllce Phone 260 Residence Phone 271
| . .
i * * i
Is the Place to buv t
| : Dry Goods , Groceries , %
[ Hardware , Tinware , $
| : Cutlery. |
" "
( |
Highest market price X
r 'I'
l Paid for Country Produce %
/or ctilldrtni safe , tare. No opiate *