The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 02, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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$40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual lnter =
Henry C. Smith
. est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this
and adjoining counties , cheap homes in the
LANDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made.
I Eat Sowles' candy.
,1 Rye for * ale at Heck's feed
Corn huskers wanted at the
Margrave ranch. 4f3t. .
13. F. Sharts spent Sunday in
Kansas City.
Engineer Munn was here in a
business way Monday.
Mrs. V. 1C. Emerson of Dawson
* 1 is the guest of Win. Cade.
f Sec those work mares and
horses at the Margrave ranch.
Mrs. Henry Ruegge is suffer
ing from an attack of the grip.
Clyde Lum was down from
Verdon on Friday of last week.
Robert Travers of Hiawatha
spent Friday evening in this city.
R. E. Grinstead was among
the Salem visitors here Tuesday.
LeeRoy Swisegood of Verdon
spent Saturdav here in a business
* N. B. Jucld of Dawson spent
Saturday with numerous friends
F. Blakeney and Dave Delph
were down from Nims City Sat
Rev. 'O. H. Engelbrecht at
tended the conference at Sterling
last week.
I. E. Smith was among the
Humboldt people here the last of
ij the week. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
G. W. Riden came over from
Merrill Saturday to attend the
Friedly sale.
J. D. Veal was among those
\vho were here from Stella the
past Saturday.
Willard Sears was down from
Pawnee City Monday afternoon ,
returning that evening-
Mrs. Ella Priest was called
home Monday by the serious ill-
neas of her father , Adolph Mess
Samuel Beutler , Jr. , of Hum
boldt attended the Friedly sale
in this city last Saturday after-
'r- noon.
Mrs. Clark and Ivy Kent left
Tuesday for Los Angeles , Cali
fornia where they will "spend the
Dick Maloney was learning
them a few fancy strides at the
% dance at the National , Friday
% ' evening. ,
i ? - -
Officer Marts returned the first
of the week from a visit with his
f. sons at Goodland. Kansas and at
" - "Wymore.
, ' * ' G. N. Ellis of Preston was
among the Falls City visitors
last Saturday and while in town
Sid not forget to call at this
'i J. A. Mitchell , who has been
f clerking in the Scott Hardware
store at Humboldt , was a plea-
't- = > ant caller here Tuesday. He
* ' ias resigned his position there
' and has accepted a position witli
the C. B. & Q. R. R. company ,
with headquarters at Wymore.
We received a postal fron
"Frank Wylie the first of the weeli
and from his description of the
'weather there at Cheyenne , Wy
oming we think Falls City strike ;
tip a great deal better. IL
writes that it has been storminj
there since the nineteenth am
that the snow is three to fou
jeet deep. We are glad to know
however , that Frank is enjoyini
* oed success in his western home
Judge Duffy was here from
Omaha Friday.
J. A. Cornelius was down from
Salem the past Sunday.
County Attorney R. C. James
went to Lincoln Sunday night.
Mrs. Susan -Boles and son were
up from Rtilo Monday morning.
John Williamson was an'iong
the Verdon people here Friday.
Shelby Eustice of 'Auburn
spent Fridav with friends in this
Walter Veach and wife of Ver
don were Friday evening visitors
in this city.
Carl Lenard of Pawnee City
, attended the Friedly sale here
last Saturday.
i Sherman Gillespic of Reserve ,
1 Kansas was the guest of Falls
' Cit * friends Monday.
I } - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >
1 J. W. Freel , of Omaha , repre
1 senting the Twentieth Century
I spent Sunday in this city.
| Frank Veach and wife of Ver-
! don attended the attraction at
, the Gehling Friday evening.
Dr. Griffith and wife of Verdon
I '
Walker Whiteside at the
Gehling last Friday evening.
I Attorney Guile was down from
' Humboldt on business matters
the latter part of the past week.
i B. F. Gravatt of Humboldt
' spent Saturday with his daugh
ter , Mrs. Ray Miller of this city.
j Ernest Bode has resigned his
position at the Seff Clothing
store and is now with F. liar-
i -
i John and Thomas Hall of Ver
don witnessed the Magic Melody
at the Gehling last Friday eve-
Oliver Hall , proprietor of the
Humboldt Standard was a plea
sant caller at these quarters.
W. Gagnebin of Nebraska
City was a business visitor in
these parts the latter part of the
past week-
Dr. Waggener and wife were
down from Dawson last Friday
evening to see Walker Whiteside
and his excellent company.
M. and /ientner were among
the Verdon people in attendance
at the Friedly sale at the Mettz
pavilion Saturday afternoon.
Guy Crook returned to his
studies at Lincoln on Sunday
evening after spending a few
days with his parents in this city.
W. O. Sharrah while over from
Sabetha , Saturday was a plea
sant caller at this office and
placed his name on our subscrip
tion list.
Nelle Weaver and Clara Laugh-
rey were down from Verdon lasl
Friday evening , Walker White-
side in the Magic Melody , being
the attraction.
George Prater and family ant
Albert Bentley and family spenl
Sunday the guests of Win. Bent'
ley and family who live neai
Sabetha , Kansas.
Herbert Hedges has receivec
his appointment as extra in the
mail service and is making oc
casional trips on the stub to Kan
sas City in order to accuston
himself to the work.
Post-master G. J. Crook at
tended the opening of the post
office building at Lincoln las
Friday evening , and enjoyed :
good social time with the Post
masters from throughout UK
W. II. Wylie was in town
Mo ml a * .
Corn huskers wanted at the
Margrave Ranch.
Ed Nolle has our thanks for
favors the first of this week.
Hon. W. II. Wilson was a plea
sant caller at these quarters Sat
Jas. J. Brady of Dawson spent
Friday last with old friends in
this city.
Frank Snethen came down ,
from Humboldt Monday for a
brief stav here.
Thomas Sare of Mound City
spent a portion of this week with
liis daughter. Mrs. Grant Sperry
in this city.
W. A. Shock had a carload of
feeders on the Kansas City mark
et the first of this week , and they
were good ones.
Christian Wamsley on route
four is now a reader of The Tri-
june having added his name to
our list last Thursday.
It will be of interest to you to
read what Fred E. Schmitt haste
to offer you , on another page of
: his weekly. It means 11101103 * to
The firm oP. \ . S. Hcacock &
Son shipped a carload of their
Hour , the first of this week , to be
exported , and will eventually
land in the London market. If
the people in London know how
to use good flour they will cer
tainly have good bread for once.
We are sending out a few
sample copies of the Tribune this
week and if you like the way it
reads we would be pleased to
place you on our list. Do not be
backward because we have not
nade a personal appeal to you
along this line , we want you to
join the family of readers if we
are in harmony with your idea of
running a family journal. The
price is within the reach of all
Si per year. Join the crowd and
try it.
Bargains for Sale.
Pine stock and grain farm ,
about 200 acres , upland,3A miles
to town , good improvements ,
$05 per acres , one-thin ] cash ,
balance 10 to 20 years time.
80 acres near Falls City , good
improvements , good terms.
Owner might consider some
good town property as part
pay. These are bargains. See
us at once.
To use Stock Food. We
have a Stock Food of our
own make that we have been
selling for several years. It
is made of the Purest and
Best Drugs and nothing in
it that will injure the ani
mal. It keeps them perfectly
healthy , enables them to di
gest a much larger per cent
of their fooddestroys worms
and keeps all the secretions
of the animal active and nat
ural. This Food will more
than pay for itself in extra
flesh produced. Try our Dip.
It is better and cheaper than
any other.
A Graham was a Kansas City
visitor Tuesday.
F. F. Dietrich , Jr. , of Verdon
was in this city Saturday.
W. D. Kaslev was up from
Kansas City during the week.
Jesse Law and wife went to
Table Rock , Tuesday afternoon.
Sallie Schoenheit is convalesc
ing after a serious attack of
James Whitaker returned Mon
day from a business trip to Lin
13 va Scott left Tuesday for
Phoenix , Arizona where she has
accepted a position.
Mrs. Will Boyd and children
returned Sunday from a visit
with relatives at Dawson.
Howard Jones who has been
.in Dakota during the past sum
mer , is yisiting with his parents
west of this city.
V. G. Lyford has something to
say to you on another page of
this issue that will be worth
your time to consult.
James Kelly and W. M.Gibson
were some of the Verdon citizens
that were here Saturday , attract
ed by the Friedly sale.
Go to the J. C. Tanner hard
ware store during the week , com
mencing November 12th and
board awhile. It wont cost you
a cent.
Samuel Gcrmaine , wife and
three children , accompanied by
his mother were down from their
farm near Humboldt , the past
G. N. Camblin of Severence ,
Kansas is visiting his brother
Frank , and while in this city
gave The Tribune force a plea
sant call.
Josie Craig returned the first
of the week from her home at
Kewaunec , Illinois and has re
sumed her position at the V. G.
Lvford store.
August Deckinger came up
from Rule Saturday in order to
look after several business affairs
and while in town did not forget
to call at this office.
Reuben Ilorrocks had an at
tack of the grip the first of the
week and was compelled to desist
from his duties at the Clcyeland
i department store for several days.
' Jerry Richards has resigned
his office as Deputy-sheriff and
we understand that he will be
succeeded by James McFarland ,
Jr. Mr. Richards has made an
excellent and untiring deputy ,
being always at his place of duty.
B. Pressley Co. have , up to
the present time , shipped twenty-
two thousand , four hundred and
twenty barrels of apples from
Falls City and its immediate
vicinity , this fall. This has
meant many dollars in the local
fruit owners pockets.
Congressman Pollard talked tea
a fair sized audience at the court
house last Saturday evening. lie
was certainly at his best and pre
sented the issues of the day in a
clear cut and forceful manner.
Mr. Pollard has the facts and
figures for the past seven years
of republican prosperity and
shows plainly the results of re
publican management and demo
cratic mismanagement. This
was his last visit to this county
and his majority here at the close
of the polls will show that he
has made a host of friends dur
ing the late campaign.
The Fairy Land of Jewels
The wonder working" of Queen Mab herself
with all her fairy subjects skill to aid her , could
not equal the production of the Goldsmith's art
as it is understood today.
For delicacy of form and coloring' , for grace
of design , for multiplicity of shapes and uses ,
modern jewelry has reached the highest mark.
Our connection with those producers of beau
tiful jewelry is very close and we can offer their
creations to our townspeople as soon as New
York can see them. Just now we are showing-
new ideas in Bracelets. Fall designs in plain
and colored gold , with or without sets.
Rings in all the 'latest designs and of all
prices. None but solid gold in stock. Call
anil see our stock first-class in every detail.
A. E. Jaquet The "Old Jeweler Reliable"
Henry Kloepfel was up Irom
Rule Wednesday.
John D. Shraugcr of Humboldt
spent Wednesday in this city.
L. Knickerbocker spent Tues
day at the Ilarbaugh ranch near
Judge Gagnon returned Tues
day night from a weeks sojourn
in Wyoming.
Chester Ilarbaugh came down
from the Ranch and spenl Mon
day in this city. '
- - i
Now is the time to subscribe !
for the Falls City Tribune. Con
sider this an invitation.
Lillian Oswald and Carrie
Greenwald spent Sunday in Shu-
bert , the guests of Beulah Green
Mrs. Waggener , returned Sun
day to Dawson after spending a
few days the guests of Mrs. John
Mrs. Robert Bowman came
down from Auburn Tuesday eve
ning for a brief visit with rela
tives in this city.
Mrs. M. E. Wood of Stella
sent us down greetings on Tues
day of this week and has our
thanks for the same.
Albert Ximber and Lawrence
Kanaly left Tuesday for San
Francisco , California where they
will remain this winter.
Carl Bek of Clav Center , Kan
sas spent several ( leys of this
week with his sister , Mrs. Al
Doerner , of this City.
John R. Smith , Hurt Reavis
and Al Doerner spent Tuesday
at the Iowa reservation near
White Cloud , Kansas.
Mrs. Al Kroh and children ac
companied by her mother , Mrs.
Gibson were down from Verdon
Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. Allen May and little son
who have been visiting in this
city for the past week , returned
Monday to their home at Salem.
J. J. Noah is en joy ing a week's
vaaation from his duties at the
Journal office and is spending the
same at his home in St. Joseph.
Owing to the extra amount of
news the county correspondents
news items are omitted from this
issue , but the } ' will appear in
next weeks edition.
C. F. Reavis returned Tuesday
evening from a ten days business
trip to Seattle , Washington. Mr.
Reavis says the report that he
contemplates removing to the
coast is incorrect.
A. J. Firm of Clay Center ,
Kansas has accepted a position
with Ward Knight of this city ,
in his art studio here.
One 10 guage , Damacus , double
barrel shotgun , with leather case ,
and 150 loaded shells ; $150.00
grade Parker , to trade on a horse
and will pay the difference. In
quire at this office.
Walter Knickerbocker a n d
Chester Ilarbaugh took one hun
dred head of cattle from the
Knickerbocker farm east of town
to the Ilarbaugh ranch near Dawson -
son , the first oi this week.
Have you ever seen Niag
ara Falls ? Grandest , Most
Astonishing1 , Senic-Dramatic
Production liver
Over Niagara
Don't miss the Bursting1 ,
Spouting1 , Rushing1 , Dashing1
Falls Scene
Prices 7sc , Soc and 35c
About our meat market
find saying "what n nice
place to buy one'fi meat.
The popular price , high ,
( nullity business that is
attracting the attention of
every thrifty woman in
Falls City. She says to
herself , "theru must be
some reason for this pop- '
ularity. " There is , it's
The meat we sell is the depen
dable kind. If the few people in
this town who have not gotten ac
quainted with us would only come
in , compare prices and note our
up-to-date way of doing business
wo would have the tradu of the
city at our door. You're invited.
Phone 7-1
Heiser & Mosiman.