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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1906)
THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 2 , 1906 IK1 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Knteml as second-class matter a * F.ills City , Nebraska , post ollkc , Janu ary 12 , VJ04 , under Hie Act of Congress -f March 3 , 1871. Published every Kridaj at Tails City , Nebraska , by rSc Tribune I'nbllsliinti Company E. F , Slmrls , M naXer One > ear fl.OO Six ninnths .60 Three months .35 TELEPHONE 226. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AA1ENDA1ENT I he follnwliifi proposed iiinciiilincnl to the toiiMlliillon n ( Ilic Mote of Ntt > rml < n , ns ticrclnoflcr forth In full , ' Mib- milled In the electors of Ilic .Stole of Nc. brnsltii , lo he volcd upon nl the ficncnil cltcllon lobe hclil ' 1 iicstlov , November , A. D. . ] ll II ) N\CrKI > M Till. 1.1 ( ilSI.VTt Ml ill Till STTI' ' ) ! ' Nl'IIK \ " K V 1. That at the eli-fllon fur LculfttatlMolliootx li > ! Iii'lil nil tin- Tm' ila > , iicef < Mlna tinllntt Minul.iIn N'mi'mtn-r , I'HWi , the ( nlloulnir punUloci IK- uropoMil and iibnilltcil to llt < % I'Uvtoin of tin1 stain .11 .in .imi'iKliiirnt lo tin1 fotKlltiilloii Sictloii J. ThenMlnlllM - a StateHallw.u I umiiilhxIon.coitslMlneof mcmlicri.lulio linll IHflfHt rlcrlnt at llu > ui' ilcotloii In I'tti.liusu term of nillcc , > \ pt tlio . clinocn .it the llrnt election miili-r till * | iio\l liin. Hli.ill K.IXO.UK. . nmtIHKO ( . cimpctnatliiii ntiall l > o n it il liy tlu ; LOII Mat urr. Of the tliton connnliMloiu'rw Hi" ! I'lioinl. tln > imi' tccrlvliiK llio lilullc'il iiuinU-r of Milon , shall IniM IllH iifltor foi HlM'.irri. . tilt' next lilulli'it four \carH , nnil thr InvM'iU tunMfH. . The IMIUITN .iMiilullom ! > fmicliccimniiN li > ii xliall incltiili' the regulation of i.ilf * . srrvli'u .mil ion ; ral rondo ! of comiiion c.urlcrs.KtliclcitlH * l.itnrc in.n iiro\lilo lilaw. . lint In thunhhcneo of siurillr IvulHlatloil. tinfwimiMiiw shall ixciclKit Hie | io\\i < rn .tint perform tiniliitli's ( ntiniiT.itcil In thlH luinlsliin. section 3. That .it n.Uil oli'otloii t"o , on tlio lullot of each i-lcoloi Mitluir then- .it. tin re hh.ill IKprliittil or i Itli-n thn uonltt : " 1'nr CimRtltlillmi Aillcililineiit. ullh leferenco tit Slate K.illu.iy CnnnnlKHlon" Ami "Amlust Ainciiihittiit. With Kuferenci- stain Hallway Commission. " Ami If , .1 tn.ijoi- llytit.illotet cad at Halil eteetlon. shall Infer - for Mich .imeinliiienl , the -amo shall lie ileemeil tO t'O.lllopllll. t. A , ( laliisli.i.scciel.ll ) of Ht.vliuif the state in Ncbriiik.i , ilo hrietiy certify Hint the fore k'olnu proposi il , tnif HilmiMit to thn Censtltutlon ofthiiSlaleof N'ehrasli.i IH .1 true ami eon eel oop > of the iiriulnnl enrotleil mil enutosseil tilt ! , at p.iKMil liv the T\\ent\-nlitth session of the k'tlalatiire nf the Stale of Ni ltr.tsU.ii ax appear * from xalil Ml ) on Illo In tills oilier , nml salil vropoM-il nmenilment IK Mtlmillliil to tlu > iiualllteilolrrs of the st.ilo tif N'elirask.i foi theli nilopllon or icjccllon at the cenerul elecMlon to Inhehl on Tiiesilay th Mh ilaof NovemlMT , A. 1) . I'll" . In testimony whereof , I ha\uhi. reiinto set mv h.inil ami ,1 Hi Mil the great of thu Ntnlo of N'I br.\hl.i. Dune at Lincoln this Jlth < laof Jnh , In tin- M.iroftmi I.iii il One Tlioux.uut Nine Ifiiiulitil .mil SK.t'f Imtepenileiico of the Unlleil Mates tlio OH llnmlicil .mil Thlrtv-secoml , .mil of this Male the I'ortleth. A. ( iAMISHA , ! si M.I Seciet.irv of State. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Slate , For United States Senator : NOKKIS HKOWN , of HniTalo. For Governor : GKOKGK L. SHKI.UOX. of Cass. For Lieutenant Governor : M. K. IIoi u\viu. : , of Bnrt. For Kailroad Commissioners : H. J. WINNKTT , of Lancaster , KoiiKHT COVYKU. , of Douglas , A. J. WILLIAMS , of Pierce , For Secretary of State : GHOKGU JUNKIN , of Gosper. For Auditor : ED. M. SKAKI.HI JK. , of Keith. For Supt. Public Instruction : JASI-HK L. M'BKIUN , of Fillmore. For Treasurer : LAWSON G. BRIAN , of BOONM : . For Attorney General : WM. T. THOMPSON , of Merrick For Land Commissioner : HKNKY M. EATON , of Dodge. Congressional , For Congressman , 1st District : EKNHST M. POI.LAKD of Cass Judicial For District Judge JOHN B. RAPJ3R Setiitoral W. II. WILSON County. For County Attorney : JOHN WILTSK Per Representatives : CASS JONIS : J. F. SHUIWKT ALBKRT STALDKH For Supervisors District No. 1 LHWIS SUKSS District No. 3 C. W. AT woo D * District No. 5 CHAKI.KS F. ZOW.LKK District No. 7 C. B. SNYDKK Evangelical Lutheran Church Services at 2:30 : p. in. on alter nate Sundays. Ruv. O. H. ENGELBKECHT. One of the most effectual ways of increasing- your world ly stores , is to open an ac count with this Bank. Worldly Suppose you drop in and let us talk it over with you. You can commence with a few dollars. Fall * Chy State Albert Stalder stands as the representative of the progres sive fanner. lie knows the needs of an agricultural conn- try and will use his utmost en deavor to further the welfare of every fanner in liichardson county. Gass . ( ones has been a member of the legislature and no one has been able to point to a single instance when he has not voted right. A true and tried servant is always a safe propo sition and Cass .Tones has been all of that. George Sheldon is representa tive of all that is best in a young man. No man has spoken higher of him than Hon. W ,1. Bryan and when Bryan speaks well of a republican it is pretty safe to bet that there is nothing to be said against him. A vote for Frank Shnbert is a ote for an able and industrious oung man. The old men for oimcil and the young men for var is true today as it was true nany years ago. With Frank Jhubert in the legislature the jeople of this county will have in earnest , hard working friend ) n every piece of legislation de- ircd. John Wiltse has made a quiet nit effective campaign. Tie has ippealed lo the intelligence of he voters and has promised lothing that he will not per- orni. lie is an earnest and lonest young man , fully capa ble of performing the exacting luties of the oflice to which he ispires. Factional troubles in the re- niblican party in this county is one of many causes which to gether have filled the court louse with democratic officials , fhe division of votes in this county is close enough to make t possible for factional troub- es to turn the county over to .he opposition. If every repub- lean votes his ticket , and there s no excuse this year for not doing so , we will make a clean weep. We cannot refrain from call ing your attention to the canda- dicy of our time honored friend , Dr. W. II. Wilson , of Table Rock , who is a candidate for the senate from this and Paw nee county. Not that we feel any alarm as regards his election - tion , but we do feel that every republican vote in this county is due him. We have known him for more than a quarter of a century in his profession , the social circle and the home as a model among men and the re publican party can be justlj proud that such material i available. He is a republicar above reproach , he has a recorc in the legislature that the party can point to w T t h pride If this is the class of public officials you appreciate , sho\\ such appreciation by a rousing majority for W. II. Wilson wher the polls are closed next Tues day night. C. and Rudolph Beer were hen from Salem the latter part of tlu past week. A PREDICTION. ' Lt now appears that tlio democratic state committee is being furnished free transportation - tion with which to send all absent - sent voters home to vote. The republican state commit , tee will either pay full fare for the return of its voters or lose their votes. ! The following extract from the "World Herald published at 'j the time the last legislature ad- jonrnod may throw some light' ' on the action of the rrilroad : "Just a few republican mem bers have come out of the ses sion as strong or stronger than when they entered it. In the senate Sheldon of Cass rises head and shoulders above the rest so far as freedom from rail road inlluence is concerned. He has been in this regard truly an have already member and the railroads have already marked him for politcal oblivion. He is not their type of man. " Nebraska must take its place with Wisconsin or Rhode Island. It will either send a man to the United States senate to help Aldrich or La Follette. A vote for Shubcrt. Jones and Stalder is a vote for Brown , the La Follette kind , A vote against them is a vote for Thompson the other kind. Saturday will be democratic day in Falls City and William J. Bryan will be the center of attraction. If all the evil pre dictions at the hands of a re publican rule had come to pass as Mr. Bryan has cited them , there would not be enough of us left to hear the tale of woe he will bring us at this time. To send Norris Brown to the United States senate is to honor u young man who has done great things for this county , is to send one to Washington whose greatest pleasure will be to support the reform policies of President Roosevelt. To send Thompson is to send one to whom we owe nothing , is to send one whose greatest pleas ure will be in opposing any and all things desired by the presi dent. A vote for Wilson , Stal der , Jones and Shubcrt is a vote for Roosevelt and Brown. A vote against these men is a vote against Roosevelt and Brown. The News says Brown owed a bankrupt Kearney bank$2,000 and that the bank had $0,000 of Bartley money. This is an in genuous attempt to connect Brown and Bartley. Suppose Joe Bartley had put some of the state money in any of the Falls City banks and you had bor rowed money of that bank , would you feel that you and Bartley were connected in any way ? You might do this and never have'heard of Bartley. The News says Brown's note for $2,000 was taken by the re ceiver of the bank and settled for $100. The receiver of the bank has stated over his own signature that no note of Brown's ever came into his hands and that Brown did not owe the bank one cent. It is such foolish prevarications as these that has made the polici- cal articles of the News so funny. TJRE : JJ/NG / IN DRENG / TROCHE SKVoUT. | | YOUA1AY LOOK ALLRICAJT OUTSIDE , BUT YOU KNOUJiOUnucH BETTER , YOU FEEL//VNICE / / CWDERW5AFL- . HALF THE COMFORT AND PLEASURE J& ISN / UHAT5VEXTTo / / / YOUR BUSTER Dori WEAR AN UNDER. 1 WEftRp " 5 > BTi . M , A. cf * . , ft/DC. AW ptUMTHD J No. 41. XV ' / O f / " - c/ i ! * . st Ttit utrtn BR WMC. \ j WE HAVE FOR YOU OME DELIGHTFUL UNDER- i WRAR THAT YoU WILL ENdoY PUTTING ON WHEN YOU COME OUT OF THE BATH. NICE j } OUTER GARMENTS PLEASE OTHERS , 5UT , DELICIOUS UNDER GARMENTS PLEA-5E oNa' S J -5ELF. WE HAVE FOR YoU i Ladies Munbing Union Suits for $1.00 up to $3.00 Children's Munsinpf Union Suits for 50c , ( > 0c and $1.00 , ! Ladies two-piece garments for 25c , 50c and $1.00 Misses two-piece garments for 15c to $1.00 Black Sateen Petticoats for $1.00 to $3.00 Black Silk Petticoats for $5.00 to $8.00 Fleece Lined Hose for 15c , 25c and 50c All Wool Hose for 25c and 50c Infants Wool Hose in all colors for 15c , 25c and 35c WEHAVEALARGELINEOFUNDER-QARMENT-5 WE WOULD BE GLAE To HAVE YOU COME To ( OUR ,5ToRE AND LOOK AT OUR LINE OF AP PAREL FOR THE INNER WOMAN. WE HAVE ALJo ALARGE LINE OF INNER GARMENTS FOR CHILDREN AND FOR MEN. RESPECTFULLY , NEBRAKAY SAMUEL WAHL Cures Backache Corrects Irregularities Do not risk having Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Bright's Disease beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. or Diabetes For Sale by all DRUGGISTS Will Tlie Voters Fail ? A erent deal has been written and said concerning the failure of the Legislature of this state to pass laws adequately governing railroad rates within the state. The shipper pays more than twice as much to ship to points two hundred and fifty miles within the state , than he does tu points more than twice as far without the stste. The Supreme Court of this state has declared that we cannot have a State Board of Transportation , know as a Railroad Co.utnls-non Board to enforce force law * our legislatures may pass governing rates , without a Constitu tional Amendment. An amendment to the Constitution providing for a Board of Railroad Commissioners to enforce laws governing railroad rates within the state , that may be passed by the ? tuto legislature , has been drafted and will bo submitted for ap proval to the voters this election , No vember Oth. Its passage is advocated by all the political parties. Relief is demanded by the people. Yet a fail- I uro by the voter to vote on the amend ment will be counted as n vote against it. Will the voters of this county , by neglecting to vote , either for or against it , by an utter failure to notice the amendment when they go into the booth , or if they do notice it , by a failure to comprehend its meaning and importance to them as shippers and buyers , and thus neglect to vote at allen on the measure , defeat it ? The passage - | ago of the amendment means dollars and cents to every voter who either ' buys or sells produce of any Kind or character. Its passage means that the legisla ture of this state will bo empowered to give the people of this state just and equitable rates. Its defeat , no matter whether that results from a failure of the votar going to the polls to vote , or from u failure to notice the amend ment , or from a failure to comprehend the meaning of the amendment , and thus fall to vote , either for or against it , means that the farmers , the buyer and the business man of the state will fall to get any relief from the unequal and unjust railroad rates now in force witnin the state , for the legislature will bo powerless to help them. No question of greater importance to the people of the state has over been before them for their descision. Will the apathy of the voter cause the amendment to fall to carry , if it does. | i then the people of this state should not blame the coming legislature If they do not get the relief they demand llie fault will be with the people , and , not with the legislature Vote on electing day. Vote for the amendment and sec that your neighbor votes for it , if you do aothing else You will get bigger and better returns for your labor than you ever have be fore. Will the people fall ? As We See It. ' If you are entitled to a vote go to the polls on election day , Nov. , ( iand exor clsu that great and blessed privlege. If you are proud of the fact that you are u citizen of the greatest and best' nation on the earth don't bo a shirk , but go to the polls on election day and vote. If you believe that your party is right on tha issue before the people go to the polls on election day and vote for its candidates and principles. If you want to be a good and useful citizen go to the polls on election day and vote , If you love your family and want to work for its best interests go to the polls on election day and vote. If you want to be a man and not a mouse vote on election day. If you wish to do to others as you wish to be done by vote on election day. If you believe what you say you do and are honest in the position you have taken on the political issues of the day go to the polls and vote It. If you are a mean man and always to busy to accomplish any thing of im portance , stay ut home on election day , don't \ ote. If you are a drome , if you beat your wife and children , If you are always at outs with your neighbors , if you think your country is going to the bow-wows if you have been convicted of crime and are serving the sentence of a court of justice , don't vote , jou are too mean. All of the above is contained in one word , upon it hangs all the law , states men and government , guess the word and act It. I , W. H. Wilson candidate for eleo- tion as lloat Senator from Rlchurd-ou and Pawnee counties , Nebraska hereby - by pledge that if elected to the legis lature of this state , I will earnestly support all measures favored and pro mulgated by the Republican State and County platforms W. H. WILSON. ( SrftarnijJ. 4 * 2 > ic , , s.Kebra3fa Stoats " ifjrer lejjten 9ugabe ( i v nnfercm Stadjbar Gountt } 9iidjarb- I I fen fjat bie Sergebimg be § SVontralteS : ' bie Goimtt ) Srfldcn 511 bauen , jieinlidj uiel © tanb aufgeluirbctt nnb fieljt man roie Icidjt ba3 SBoIf , fidi in ba § 93od5 = fjorn jagen lafjt. 9lnd ) fjier fjort man jo oft fritifiren , unb uiandje eitimgen { fdjeinen gteid ; bafur eingenommen ba § I Dtoe Gonnt and ) tfjre eigcnen Sriirlen 1 bant. SBarnnt nidjt audj i re eigeiten SDnidarbeiten felbft mandjen ? 3)iefe peripbifdjen < Sparfatneit § Sdtfanc finb ju linbifd ) , urn ba 3 man bcnfclben uiel TTufmerlfamfcil fdjenfen foUte , benn fie toerben filr bie © tenetja er geioOljnlidj cine Ujeure Suppe. SBenn loir Gonntt- ) Gommiffarc crioafjlen bann loirb leine Dbadjt gcfdjenft , ob fie gadjtcute finb im 53riidenbaiicn , ober Don irgcnb cinem $ anbiuerl ettua § Derfteljen , fonbern bag c § Scute finb , tueldje mil ben GonnH- ) Rinanscn cfirlid ) luirlfjfdjaften. © ollten bicfelben burdj 3nfoll , bie niJlfjigen ffcnntniffe n. gfiljigfeitcn bcfijjcn , Gonn = tt ; 3lrbeitcn jeber 9lrt mil itennerblid ju tarjvcn unb fritiriven , bnnn fOnncn fie bie © tcnerjafjler Icidjt uor irgeub ciner llebcrforbening befdiicn ) | } , nub gntc Sir. belt jit anncfiinbaren reifen gcliefert bciommcn. © plltcn bicfelben jebod ) fci nc Sadifcnte fein unb leiu natiirltde ) t Solent fur Sauarbeiten Tjabett bann luare e-3 ein t eureS GEperiment , fie auf Gonntij'Unfoften 311 gadjtentcu bilben.