The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 02, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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This is our motto not only in style , but
in material and workmanship as well.
When you wear a suitor overcoat made
at Wilson's you may be assured that
none are better dressed than you.
Tailor made suit will wear as long as
two Hand-me-Downs and they always
hold their shape and look dressy. The
result is that it pays to dress well and
look neat at all times.
Call and examine our extensive line of
patterns and get our prices , we are sat
isfied you will look no farther.
-fK : : * 3KK- # > K-
Have ou tried the
I . .
4flB > D "n a Vet V * * * r fn. Stt a * f * * I P" " H"
Under new management. We will carry at
all times a full stock of the best of everything
in our line. High Standard Quality is our
Motto. Our methods are bound to please
vou. 'Phone Yours' for Business ,
13 b The Falls City Roller Mills o I
Cj o
Cjb o 3
o ' Does a general milling' business , and manufactures the 2
v'J following1 brands of flour 2o
3o cs
3 The above brands are gunrantecd to be of the highest pos
sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and
conduct a general
* J
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
KJO and solicit a share of your patronage
I oo
P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. |
TO BUY ! t
One of those Lumber Wagons. We have just t
received two carloads of wagons and we have bought tS
them before the advance price on wagons. So if you S
1 want a wagon you will have to hurrr for they are 4s
going fast , and when those are all gone you will have
! s
to pay from $3.00 to $5.00 more for a wagon. So
buy now and save the advance price.
We also carry the Largest and Best Line in
Buggies and Surries , and ask you to inspect them.
We also have Gasoline Engines in stock , from a two
horse Pumping Engine up to a Portable ten horse
power , and we have the Best and Smoothest Running
Engines on the market and can save you money if you
buy from us. We also have Windmills , Pumps ,
Tanks , and everything in the Implement line. $
Werner , Mosiman Sc Co.
1 !
The Falls City
Candy Kitchen
A Complete stock of
Candy. The best of
Chocolates Fresh Every
Day. Allegrettis Creams
and best hand-made
H e a d q u a rte rs for
Good Candy.
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
Cured of Brljhts Dlseaie.
Mr. Robert O. Burke , Elnoru , N. Y. ,
writes : "Before I started to use Foley's
Kidney Cure I had to get up froir
twelve to twenty times a night , and I
was all bloated up with dropsy nnd mj
eyesight was so impaired I could
scarcely see one of my family acres :
the room. I had given up hope o :
living , when u friend recornmendcc
Foley's Kidney Cure. One 50 ccnl
bottle worked wonders and before I
had taken the third bottle the dropsy
had gone , a ? well as all other symptoms
of Bright' ? disease. " For sale by al
Special rates to Los Angeles
Portland , San Francisco a n <
mati3r other points for $25. Tick
ets on sale Aug. 27 to Oct. 31.
American Royal Live Stock
Show at Kansas City , $4..10 for
the round trip tickets , on sale
Oct. 5 to 13 inclusive , with re
turn limit Oct. 15.
J. B. VAKNKK , Agt.
George L. Sheldon.
Mr. Sheldon was born on a
arm near Nchawka in Cass
county , where he was raised and
still resides. lie is 36 years of
ige and a line specimen of Ne-
miska manhood. lie graduated
'rom the University of Nebraska
n 1892 , and later graduated from
larvard university. At the
outbreak of the Spanish-Ameri
can war he commissioned
captain of Company 13. Third
Nebraska Volunteers , and served
vith his regiment in Cuba. He
vas a state senator in the ses
sions of 1903 and 1905 , where he
nade an enviable record , being
recognised as a natural leader ,
le is a champion of railroad rate
regulation , anti-pass legislation ,
i direct primary law and other
ncasures advocated by the rc-
niblican party' .
Square Deal Doctrine.
During the seven years that
lave just passed , there is no
luty , domestic or foreign ; which
ve have shirked ; uo necessary
ask which we have feared to
undertake , or which. we have
lot performed with reasonable
eiliciency. We have never plead
ed impotence. We have never
sought refuge in criticism and
complaint instead of action. We
ace the future with our past
ind our present as guarantors
of our promises and we are con
tent to stand or to fall by the
ecord which we have made or
ire making. President Reese
velt's speech accepting the 1904
We freely extend the hand of
welcome and of good fellowship
to every man , no matter what
ris creed or birthplace , who
comes here honestly intent on
Becoming a good United States
citizen like the rest of us.
President Roosevelt on "True
Americanism" in his book on
American Ideals , page 45.
Non-resident owners of rail
roads have no right to interfere
with the people of Nebraska in
electing their 1 a w in akers.
Morris Brown.
The government necessarily
ms the power to regulate freight
rates. The common carrier
must yield to the government
the power to put in force a rate
that is reasonable. N orris
There is not a trust doing bus
iness in the United States that
does not owe its success in part
directly to favors received by it
from the railroads. N orris
We must not put the railroads
out of business , but we must
put them out of politics Gee
L. Sheldon.
We can trust true representa
tives of the people to deal fair
ly with the railroads , but we
cannot trust railroad , represen
tatives to deal fairly with the
people. George L. Sheldon.
The republican p a r t y is
pledged to enact legislation that
will guarantee to the people ol
this state reasonable rates ,
fares and charges. George L.
In order to sustain the admin
istration of President Roosevell
it is necessary for Nebraska to
elect republican officials. Re
publican candidates are pledged
to support the policies advocat
ed by Roosevelt , and only
through the election of a repub
lican legislature can a Unitet
States senator who will stand
by the president be sent to
A Republican legislature
promises you lower freight rates
lower freight rates means higher
price for farm product. A high
er price for farm products , means
additional prosperity for the
farmer and more valuable land
John Wiltse is a Richardson
county product. A sterling pro
duct of the farm. lie was bon
hero , reared here , schooled here
married to a Richardson countj
girl , is raising a Richardson
county family and is entitled to
your support.
Hon. George L. Sheldon
The Republican Platform
Congratulates the country on the good work of
Congress in the passage of the following bills :
i. Tlu > . railroad rate bill.
2. The Panama canal bill.
3. The lock level canal system.
4. The pure food bill.
5. The irrigation bill.
6. The employers' liability bill.
7. The meat inspection bill.
8. The clenaturixed alcohol bill.
9. The Oklahoma statehood bill ,
to. The naturalixation bill.
Calls attention to the unexampled prosperity *
II under republican policies. - \ \
Declares for the protective tariff , with revision of *
\ \ schedules by the republican party where changed conditions - \ \
) ! ditions necessitate such action. * f
| Approves work of national and state officers in H
„ their efforts to curb the trusts. H
* . . . *
Commends the present state administration for \ \
H the economical handlind of the sthte's business and ;
H ' :
II the care of the state institutions. \ \
| Declares that the railroads should have paid the \ \
taxes assessed agiinst ; them , and approves the efforts jf
of the state officials to collect the money. J [
$ Demands the enactment of a direct primary law \l \
n by the next legislature , providing for the nomination *
\ \ of all candidates by direct vote. \
II Declares for the election of United States senators I
'j ' by direct vote of the people. j
II Pledges legislative nominees to support state con- \
) i vention nominees for United States senator. 1
\ Opposes the interference of corporations in politi- !
H cal affairs , and demands the passage of an anti-pass
> i law , applying to all persons except bona fide employes , ; :
members of their immediate families , and csretakers of
live stock. |
; Declares for the railway commission , and for the ] [
' adoption of the constitutional amendment providing
< f for the same. \ \
\l \ Demands equitable freight and passenger rates \l \
' \ and forbids all discriminations.
> i
i Demands the enactment of an employers' liability ;
| law. \ \
I Demands the impartial enforcement of the revenue - ;
[ nue law and strict economy in the disbursement of \ \
I public money. \ \
I Declares for a revision of the revenue law so that \ \
[ terminal railroad properties may be assessed for citv ] (
[ and village purposes. II
I Recommends passage of a law for inspection of ii
I dairy products. J
* Appeals for a continued approval of republican ] [
I policies as bringing the greatest benefits to the people. H
Freight rates on apples car
load lots to St. Paul and other
Minnesota points are twenty-one
cents per hundred and yet the
freight on the same car if shipped
to the western part of this state
is twictf that much. The Bur
lington railroad will haul a car
of apples to St. Paul via Chicago
nearly a thousand miles for
twenty-one cents per hundred
and the same road for hauling
the same apples on it over road
in Nebraska for 350 miles , will
charge twice that amount. A
vote for the republican constitu
tional amendment for an elective
railroad commission and for
Wilson , Shubert , Jones and
Stalder is a protest against such
discrimination and injustice , is a
vote to force the railroad to give
to the people of this state equal
rates as to people out side of this
state. Go to the polls November
6th and register your protest.
Norrls Brown.
Mr , Brown is n native of Jack
son county , Iowa , being 43 years
of age. He was educated at
Jefferson academy and at the
Iowa state university , graduat
ing from the latter institution in
1883. He was admitted to the
bar in 1884 and opened an office
in Perry , Iowa , where he lived
until 1888 , when he moved to
Kearney , Neb. , and engaged in
practice with his brother Prank.
ITe ran for congress in the Sixth
district against the late W. L.
Greene in 1898. and held his own
so well in a scries ol joint de
bates with that redoubtable orator
tor that he reduced the fusion
majority materially. He was ap
pointed deputy attorney general
in 1901 and four years later was
elected to the ofiicc of attorney
general , in which capacity he has
successfully defended the cases
and prosecuted the grain and
lumber trusts under the Junkin
anti-trust law. In the adminis
tration of his office he han safe
guarded the interests of the pub
lic and faithlullv performed
every duty.
Slump In Bryan Gas Stock.
A few of the large holders of
this commodity would like to un
load a portion of the same on the
Nebraska farmer and business
man. It has only been a com
paratively short time since the
majority of the citizens of our
state invested large amounts in
this evaporating , wasting , imagi
nary something , to the detriment
of all the people , not only of this
but adjoining states.
The holders of this stock will
be compelled to seek the markets
of Mexico , or some other free
silver country , where the people
have more time for the discussion
of such questions , as our people
are too bus } ' selling at $100 to
$125 per acre , horses at $150 to
$200 per head , cattle at $6 per
100 , hogs at $ f > per 100 and corn
at 40 cts. per bushel to squander
any more time in the considera
tion of the hashed over theories
of the principal promoter.
These promoters should be in
structed to return within a couple
of years with their Gas btoclo
Paramount Issues , Imperialism
and all of their other Isms , and
we will see how we feel by that
time , and if not too busy we
might give them a few moments
of our time.
Only a few day ago , while four
farmers of this county were
busily engaged in performing a
piece of work , one of then men
tion the coming election and ex
pressed a desire to know what
the others thought as to what
the results would be. Three of
the gentlemen were Democrats
and one a Republican. After
discussing the issues for a little ,
while , one of the Democratic
gentlemen remarked that he was
in debt Two or Three Thousand
Dollars and was not ready for
any change for a while , and
the other two Democrats ex
pressed themselves as also being
somewhat in debt , and did not
want any change , as prices of
the products of the farmer were
good enough for them.
These men are among the very
best farmers in the county , and
vou can put them down as being1
in favor of a continuation of the
present good times , and they
will vote that way on the fith of
He who sits in the chimney
corney or stays in the cornfield
or shops election day has no
reason to complain of trust dis
crimination , and predatory
wealth. The Lord helps those
who helps themselves. To the
government and nation that
makes American citizenship to
be preferred above all others ,
you owe at least the devotion of
your heart on election day. Work
and vote on that day as your true
self tells you is for the advance
ment and welfare of the nation
and the republican party has no
fear of the result.
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.