The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 02, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. Ill FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 2 , 1906. Whole No. 147
Ice Plant Moved.
The ice plant is being dis
mantled this week , as the own
ers , The Larlciu Manufacturing
Co. , of Omaha , are preparing to
take the same to Omaha. It-
was thought at one time that
this institution would be one of
value to this city but the exper
iment was not very successful
as the plant only ran one sea
son. The ice it turned out was
of excellent quality but the ex
pense entailed by its production
more than ate up the revenue it
brought in. For several seasons
the plant has been idle and this
spring it was thought that another -
other trial would be made but
this plan never consummated in
realization. We are sorry that
it was not a success.
Method In Their Madness.
The Tribune has been criticis
ing the judgment of McCray and
Stalder for their foolish position
concerning bridges.
If rumors about the court house
are correct , this criticism is
hardly justified.
Of course the attempt to ignore
the Gilligan contract will be pro
ductive of one or more law suits-
but these law suits will be against
the county and not against indi
While these cases are being
fought the county will be build
ing bridges under the supervision
of some member of the bridge
committee. McCray and Stalder
are members of the bridge com
mittee and will doubtless oversee
the construction of these bridges.
For this service the county must
j pay $3.00 per day.
While the county is fighting
and paying for law suits , certain
members of the board will be
' drawing. $3.00 per day because of
the contest.
Of course the rumors about the
court house may be incorrect , but
we can't see where the county
comes in can you ?
Friedly's Hog Sale.
Saturday last was the thir
teenth annual Poland China hog
sale held by Ferd Friedly of
Verdon , who is among the pioneer
neer breeders of this section.
"Like all its predecessors , it was
a success throughout and the
youngsters brought the high
dollar as a rule.
J. W. Stowder of Auburn ,
topped the sale for one of his
choice at $58 and he certainly
was a beauty. R. Cope of this
city thought enough of this herd
to back his judgment for two
good ones which he could not
reach until they caught the $80
mark. Harden Bowers of Ver
don , lives close enough to the
herd to realize their true worth
and made good on a couple of
fine ones. Will McDougall of
Salem knows a choice bunch
of hogs when he sees them and
is always willing to pay the top
when they reach the standard
of excellency he fixes. This
bunch must have reached that
limit as he became the owner ol
eight head before the sale closed.
Chris Horn of Barada wanted
to better his prospects for an
up-to-date herd and took home
a fine youngster.
This is but a few of those in
attendance and buyers from
abroad were numerous , many
choice pigs going to neighbor
ing states and counties north o
here. Cols. Marion and Leon
ard who had charge ot this sale
certainly did themselves proud
and all are well pleased witl
the results.
j . . _ - .
Mrs. Rose Avery and children
left Tuesday evening for thei
future home in California.
Family Gathering.
John Martnet and Fred Lehn-
herr , two prosperous farmers of
the west end returned Saturday
from attending a family reunion
at Pine Island , Minnesota. The
event was in honor of an aged
brother-in-law , Fred Lchnherr
and family. Mr. Lehnherr has
passed the eighty line and is
still hale and hearty , and in fact
he appeared to be the youngest
member in the gathering.
John Martnet , of this county ,
married his sister many years
ago , and became interested in
improving a large tract of Rich
ardson county land in Spciser
precinct , this being the first time
in forty-one 30ars that he has
seen time to visit the family.
One can scarcely imagine the
changes that have taken place in
these families during this long
period and are filled with wonder
at just what the feeling in the
breast might be at a reunion of
this nature.
G. F. Lehnherr , the son , locat
ed in this county some twenty
years ago and has made frequent
yisits to the old home. Six
years ago accompanied by his
aunt , Mrs. John Marmet , he
spent a couple of weeks with his
parents. On this occasion how
ever he met a brother whom he
had not seen for fourteen years.
Surely nothing can bring more
happiness to the aged parents
than the home-coming of the
children whom they have watched
with care through all these long
'ears , and we often think that a
hadow of sorrow also mingles
vith the thought that it is proba-
ly the last time the } ' may gather
s an unbroken circle.
Walker Whiteside.
This popular star appeared
before the people ot Falls City ,
it the Gehling , last Friday eve.
ning , in the Magic Melody ,
iidging from the well filled
louse , strange faces and large
numbers from neighboring
owns , this is the class of
imusements that pleases the
Many assert that while the
Magic Melody is an excellent
olay , it does not bring out the
nil force and character of Mr.
iVhiteside , as an artist , equal
to other productions in which
le takes the leading part.
However , all must admit that
: his was a very pleasing pro
duction and that each member
of the company was an artist
n his and her part , and the
production was pleasing as a
We are glad to hear numer
ous flattering remarks regarding
our home orchestra which ap
peared at the Gehling and their
selectionson , this occasion Avere
of a very high order.
We are glad that the manage
ment was upheld in procuring
amusements of this high order
by so large an attendance ,
which will certainly enthuse
him to procure further high
class attractions.
Kicked by a Horse.
While engaged with his farm
duties Sunday morning , Alex
Bohman living on the McDowel
place three miles northwest o
this city , was severely injurec
by a fractious horse. At the
first blow Mr. Bohman was
struck on the head and in at
tempting to approach the horse
again , he received a seconc
blow on the leg , which laid him
up the fore part of this week
However , we are glad to state
that no bones were broken am
that Mr. Bohman will recove
Henry T. bpeer was here from
Barada the past Wednesday.
Shop Changes Hands. i
Mr. Smith was in from his
farm near Salem on Monday and
while here sold his Unisonal
) arlor to Mrs. Clara Babb-
lines. Mrs. Glines has but
ecently finished a course in
arbering at an Omaha school
uul is prepared to give her
pecial attention to the work ,
jleorge Prater will still retain
lis place in the shop.
Wrenched His Shoulder.
While assisting in lifting a
ookcase last Saturday morn-
ng , George Ilossack receiveda
everely wrenched shoulder.
Mie cords of the neck and shouter -
er were badly strained and it
vill be some time before George
vill be able to turn his head
vititout experiencing m u c h
A Close Call.
While helping at the Gehling
heatrc last Friday eve , pre-
jaring for the Magic Melody , '
larvey Decker missed his bal-
ince and fell down the trap
doorway to the first floor. The
distance which he fell was some
wenty feet and those working
vith him at the time thought
hat he had surely fallen to his
loath , or at the very least , to a
erious injury. Ho\veveryoung
) ecker was only stunned a trifle
y his flight through space and
lis hard fall. This was one of
he drops not included in the
'egular list and we are glad testate
state that it did not end ser-
State Agriculture.
Through the kindness of Vin
cent Arnold , of Verdon , we arc
n receipt of a copy ol the
annual report of the State
\gricultural society , for the
year J905. It is a very neat
jook and contains much valu-
sble information , and was com-
nled by W. S. Mellor , secre
Mr. Arnold has been a mem
ber of the executive board of
iichardson courity Agricultural
mciety for about fifteen years
ind during this time served four
years as secretary and two years
is president. In January 1002 ,
ic was elected as a member of
: he State Board of Agriculture ,
was re-elected in 1004 and 1900
; aithful that time has been a ,
and during and valuable mem
The Commandments.
1. Each republican should
vote on November Oth.
2. It is more profitable to re
duce freight rates by voting the
republican ticket than to spend
election in the cornfield ,
5J. Republican candidates are
pledged to reduce freight rates.
1. Reduction of freight rates
will increase the value of crops
and the land on which the crops
are raised.
5.A vote for Sheldon Nov.
( Hh , will be a vote to reduce
freight rates.
0. A vote for Shubert , Jones
and Stalder for the legislature
Nov. Oth , will be a vote to re
duce freight rates.
7. A vote for Shubert , Jones
and Stalder for the legislature
Nov. Gth. will be a vote for
Norris Brown for United States
8. Republican candidates are
pledged to reduce freight.
9. Farmers cannot afford to
remain away from the polls on
Nov , Gth.
10. A vote for the straight
republican ticket is a vote to
support President Roosevelt.
11. A reduction of six cents
a bushel in freight rates on
corn would increase the value
of the corn crop $2.00 an acre.
Society News.
A number of friends gathered
at the home of Albert Bentlcy
and wife last Saturday evening ,
it being a surprise on Mr. Bentley -
ley who had just celebrated his
twenty-fifth birthday. The rooms
were profusely decorated with
pretty autumn leaves and various
games , music and a three course
luncheon made the evening a
very pleasant one. The guests
presented Mr. Buntlcy with an
elegant rocking chair.
A surprise party was given at
the National hotel last Thursday
evening in honor of Master Rol-
lin Spence. It was a very elabor
ate affair being in the form of a
masquerade party. The costumes
were prett3' and original and af
forded an evening of unlimited
pleasure. A three piece orches
tra furnished the music for the
occasion and the spacious dining
room was converted into a ball
room , where the youngsters made
merry until about 8:30 : o'clock ,
when an elegant luncheon was
served. The guests were in
debted to their host for such a
pleasant evening.
The Knights and Ladies of Se
curity , council f)10 , enjoyed one
of the most pleasant meetings of
this year at their council rooms
in the Wahl hall , last evening.
After the routine business the
remainder of the evening was
spent in a social way , games ,
music and "sich" keeping those
present , until a late hour. Re
freshments in keeping with the
season were served during the
Frankie Shields entertained
about twenty-five of her friends
at a masquerade part } * on Satur
day evening , at the Citv hotel.
The costumes of the guests were
verv pretty and many were the
surprises when the masks were
removed. Elegant refreshments
were served and upon departing
the guests were unanimous in de
claring it to be one of the most
pleasant evenings they had ever
The Royal Highlanders enjoy
ed a tacky party at their council
rooms in the Bode hall on Tues
day evening. There were about
one hundred in attendance and to
use one of the members expres
sions , it was a howling success.
The costumes worn would tend
to give the impression that the
wearers had passed through a
severe cyclone. Much merriment
was afforded by the Kangaroo
Court which imposed fines on
those who did not dress accord
ing to certain rules. Very few
escaped without a sentence.
Dancing and refreshments made
the evening an exceedingly plea
sant one.
Mrs. J. R. Cain entertainer
the Married Ladies Kensington
club on Wednesday afternoon in
honor of Mrs. Will Julian and
Mrs. C. L. Day , of Long Beach ,
Gal. With few exceptions all of
the members were present and
spent a delightful afternoon.
Mrs. Day has a beautiful voice
and the vocal selections she rend
ered were thoroughly enjoyed by
the guests. Elegant refresh
ments were served.
There are thirteen ladies in
town who during their school
days were members of the Pi
Beta Phis. On Thursda } ' evening
of last week they met at the
home of Kate Heacock and had a
regular "cooky shine" which is
their name for a spread , at school.
It consisted of many good things
to eat spread upon the floor , This
was only one part of the pleasant
program. College songs were
sung and everything done * after
the manner required by the Pi i
Phi organisation. The follow
ing members were present ; Misses
Kate lleacocki Carrie Slocum ,
Minnie Jussen , Sarah Ilutchings ,
Wirt , Kate Thomas. Neva Morris
Mabel Lyford , Mesdamea John
Martin , Margaret Norton and T.
1. Gist. Mrs. Frank Schaible
ind Mrs. Ray DePutron were
inably to attend. The organic-
ton will probable be made per-
Mrs. Albert Maust entertain
ed on Wednesday evening at a
ilallowc'cn party and it was one
of the most pleasant of the many
social events that evening. The
uusicgames and elegant refresh-
tients made the evening a plea
sant one.
A crowd of young folks had a
layrack party Wednesday even-
ng and afterwards enjoyed an
oyster supper at the Falloon
Mrs. P. S. Ileacock entertained
he Sorosis club members and a
ew additional friends at a Ilal-
owe'cn party Wednesday eve.
Ethel Parchcn was hostess to
he members of the Presbyterian
Y. P. C , E. on Hallowe'en night.
That it was an exceedingly plea
sant affair can be vouched for by
the guests.
Helen Martin entertained the
nembers of the Young Ladies
Whist Club on Thursda } ' evening
of this week , and an excellent
.ime was enjoyed by all. Re-
'reshmcnts were amongthemany
pleasures of the evening.
Bessie Curran entertained a
lumber of her friends Wednesday
evening at a Ilallowc'cn party
and a yery pleasant evening was
The Friends in Council met
with Miss Minnie McDonald at
their last meeting and with Miss
Florence Cleaver as leader en
joyed a very pleasant and pro
fitable study of Miltons Paradise
Lost. To-night they meet with
Miss Luin at Verdon 'and Miss
McDonald as an able leader , the
subject being Miltons Paradise
Death Record.
After an illness of buvorul weeks
durutlon , Franklin Hrcnl/.er died at
his homo In this city iti 11 o'clock Fri
day morning , October 2flth , aged .12
years , ( ! months and 12 days. The de
ceased had been In failing health all
summer and his friends noticed the
change In iiis appearance , but it was
hoped that tic would recover from that
attack and regain nib health. However
over he steadily grow worse and about
three weeks ago was compelled U
take to his bed , and from which ho
never arose until the death messenger
bade him leave Ills Ufa hero and"go to
that one where no pain is felt ani
where sorrow is unknown.
Franklin Brenner was born at Can
aan , Wayne county , Ohio on the 1 Itl
day of April , 18.72. IIo lived In the
east until a young man of some twenty
years , when tie came to Nebraska am
settled In this city thirty years ago
Twentj-seven years ago he was marrlet
to Miss Ncttlu Barnes , to which unloi
were born three children : a daughter
Mrs. C'lara McCreery , of this city , i
ion Albert , and a younger daughter
Buulah , all of whom are still living
and who were present at tiie last ai
Mr. Breni/.er during his thirty year
residence in this city has gained
large number of friends always havinj ,
a kind word for everyone , speukln
well of his neighbors and harboring
ill will toward none. At his work h
was always pleasant , never complain-
ing. In the homo where the true
character Is shown , ho was always
kind and considerate , never having
given , in Mi entire married life , one
cross or unkind word to his wife.
How many arc there of which the
some can bo said ? One can not always
hold unspoken the sharp words , when
vexed , although the regrets after-
wardb are deep. Mr. Brenizer was a
faithful member of the Baptist church
of this city for many years and during
the past five years was a deacon of that
church. A faithful and conscientioue
Christian , following the example of the
good Sliophanl , ho has now passed to
hn Fold over there. To the sorrow-
tig wlfo and thn-o children Is the
iopo of a family re-union beyond
Death's door. „ .
The funeral service * wore conducted
Sunday alternoon , at 2:00 : o'clock by
Jov. H. U. Toctor , ut the Baptist
hurcli. Hurlal was In charge of tho-
Voodmoii of the World , of which
rder ho win an honored member , at
, ho Steele Cemetery.
Karly Thursday morning.occurcd
ho death ot Adolphus 1) . Messier ,
ftor an Illness of one week. For the
tast thrco days It was known that
hero was no hope for his recovery as
ho lump of lllo had burned too low for
ititnan aid to render It a longer lease. -
Adolphua D. Mossier was born No-
ember l i , 1811 at Dayton , Ohio , at
which place ho lived until ten years of
go , who n with his parents he moved
o Canton , later moving to Klolnmlhoi :
ounty , where ho grew to manhood.
On the Mth of November 1880 lie was
larrled to FraudMcllvninc at the
Central school building. The young
went to housekeeping on a farm five
illes norahwcst of this city. To this
nlon wcro born nix sons and two
aughter ? , live of whom preceded the
attior to that oilier home. In 18HT the
amlly moved to this city , whoru for
years Mr. Mo&slnr onyagcd In the oil
nislnoss , and for thu past eight years
he has been in the transfer business.
tf r. Messier was a man of a very qulot
Isposltlon , was u most kind and in-
ulgent fattier and ono of thu most
ondcr of husbands. He hold his home
nest dear and it was there that-ho
will bo sorely missed. Always think-
ng of his loved ones ho labored on In
Is dally work until the willing heart
ailed and Death's curtain hid him In
ts shadow. He is survived by his wlfo ,
no daughtar , Mrs. Ella Priest of
Omaha and two sons , Harry and Dart
n , all of whom worn present at thu
line of his dumbo.
Funeral services will be conducted
rom the family residence this after-
lood , at U o'clock , llov. Llndcnmoycr ,
Liolng in charge. Interment will be
onductcd by the A. O. U. W. order ,
f which ho was a member.
As we go to prosa wo learn that Geo.
Miss , who has been seriously 111 for
omc time , qulully passed away at his
lome in this city. The obituary will
ippcar in our next issue.
At the homo of ttio brldo , on Friday
f last week , occurcd the marriage of
Mis. Sarali A. Homer and llov. Amos
'odor , of Grldloy , Illinois. It was a
cry quiet homo wedding , performed
jy Elder 1C L. Yoder , of this city , in
ho presence of a few relatives and In-
linalu friends. After a wedding
unchi'on Mr. and Mrs. Voder left for vi
Mrs , Yodcr has a large clrclo of
rlomlti In this city , having lived here
or many years. Mr. Voder Is a very
successful minister at Grldloy and dur-
ng his attendance at the conference
n this city the past week , met many
> ld friends and acquaintances. They
ire followed by the congratulations of
Falls City folks.
Ilev. L. A. Myers of Ilamlin , Kansas
and Miss Vina Shelly of Preston were
united in marriage on Tuesday , Octo
ber IIO at 1 o'clock p. m. at the Breth
ren parsonage , Rov. R. U. Teeter per
forming the sacred ceremony. The
groom is a rising young minister and
has a host of warm friends who know
him as a gentleman of excellent prin
ciples and worthy ambitions. The
bride has lived at Preston nearly her
entire life and .vhllo not living In thU
city , count unioni1 her friend * , a large
number of Falls Clty'w host young pee
ple. She has a very lovable disposi
tion and Is very popular with Preston
folks. The younc couple will live at
Ilamlin , Kansas , and we wish them u
successful future ,
-wl -
Reese and Cowell.
Hon. M. U. Ileese , of Lincoln , ex-
supreme justice of the state of Ne
braska , and Hon. Robert Cowell , of
Omaha , candidate for railroad com
missioner , will address the people of
this vicinity at the court house , at
7UO : o'clock , Saturday evening. This-
meeting closes the republican cam--
palgn meetings in this city and should
bo attended by every republican la
this vicinity.
Photos 15c per , located
over Cleveland store. E. Rod-
stromi photographer.
See that ever popular play ,
"Over Niagara Falls" at the
Gehling theatre next Wednesday.
Some of the best scenic features
you have ever witnessed.
You can't afford to miss the-
opportunity of having your photo-
taken when you can get one
dozen for 15 cents.