The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 26, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Eat Sowlcs' candy.
Rye for sale at Heck's feed
Hon E. M. Pollard spent Sun
day in this city.
Jim Jellison was down from
Auburn Sunday.
Corn huskcrs wanted at the
Margrave ranch. 4f3t. .
Will Neal was down from Table
Rock Sund.ty morning : .
J. F. Shubert was a Tuesday
visitor with his Falls City friends.
Norma Gentry spent Sunday
with her mother at Nebraska
Dr. I. M. Houston made a busi
ness trip to Omaha Saturday
Will Leslie of Shubert was the
guest of friends in this city Sat
Fred Richards of Hiawatha
spent Sunday with Falls City
V. G. Lyford was a business
visitor at Ilumboldt the first of
the week.
Meeker Cain is now one of the
force at the V. G. Lyford depart
ment store.
Special sale of trimmed hats
Friday and Saturday at the New
Millinery store.
Herman Minnick came up from
Atchison and spent Sunday with
friends in this city.
Mrs. Allen D. May and son of
Salem were visiting relatives here
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Robert Norton and baby
returned Monda } ' from a brief
visit at Weeping Water.
Fred DeWald and Ernest Gag-
non attended the ball game at
Preston Sunday afternoon.
J. R. Harding and A. J. Green-
wait were over from Hamlin on
Saturday afternoon of last week.
A part } ' of twelve went on a
jack rabbit hunt last Friday and
enjoyed a good day at the sport.
Will Kentner came up from
Atchibon Sunday to see how his
Falls City friends were enjoying
Stephen Prior , wife and baby
came down from their home near
Earada and spent Wednesday
Sallie Schoenheit is suffering
from a severe attack of fever , but
at last accounts she was slowly
Mrs. E. E. Haskins and son ,
Fremont , of Portis , Kans. , are
visiting friends here and attend
ing conference.
B. M. , J. H. and C. R. Berk
ley were over from Hamlin to at
tend the Wittrock-Rieschick sale
Saturday afternoon.
Bert Brenizer came home from
McCook the latter part of the
past week on account of the seri
ous illness of his father.
Rachael Callison and wife left
Thursday for Winnemuck , Ne-
vado , where he has accepted a
position in a large jewelry store.
Mrs. Lloyd Peck and baby of
near Reserve , Kans. , spent
Sunday and Monday with her
parents , Henry Ruegge and wife ,
in this city.
The National Biscuit company
make cakes and cookies , and
healthful ones too. Come Sat
urday , Oct. 27th , and have it
proved to you.
Officer Marts left Monday for a
week's visit with his son Bert ,
and family at Goodland , Kansas.
On his return he will stop a few
days with two sons at Wywore.
The National Biscuit compa
nies In-er-seal cadets will demon
strate their full line at Harlow's
Saturday , Oct. 27th. Nice boys
ior nice sweet goods will be there.
Come Girls.
Harry Hughes returned the
latter part of the week from Can
ada where he located a claim.
He will spend the winter in this
city , returning to his claim in
the spring.
Samuel Prater was a Rule visi
tor Sunday.
R. B. Wyatt was tip from Re
serve Saturday.
Gill Thomas was down from
Omaha Sunday.
Gus Ruegge went to Preston
Sunday afternoon.
J.Gibbswas up from Hiawatha
the latter part of the week.
II. L. Stoffcr of Merrill was a
Saturday visitor in this city.
Corn huskers wanted at the
Margrave ranch. -t6-3t.
Sheriff Fenton was called to
Stella Sunday on official busi
Theron Lewis returned the
latter part of the week from
Freda Senner is now assisting
it the Fred E. Schmitt Depart
ment store.
Bert G. Wise of near Reserve ,
Kansas was a business visitor
here Saturday.
Chas. Ilargrave made a busi
ness trip to Wymore the latter
part of the week.
Will Custer came Sunday from
Minneapolis for a visit with his
mother in this city.
James Downs and family of
Omaha spent Sunday with his
mother in this city.
Dennis McCarthy and family
spent Sunday last with a sister
in Nemaha county.
Bill Spragins returned Sunday
from a business trip to the west
ern part of the state.
Fred Miller came down from
Lincoln and spent Sundaj- with
liis family in this city.
A Graham spent a day or two
the first of the week with his
brother-in-law at Ashland.
Sam Stewart and wife of Re
serve spent Sunday here with
her parents , James DeWald and
Norman Forney and wife are
the happy parents ot a baby girl
which arrived at their home the
Trimmed hats and childrens
Iiats at half price Friday and
Saturday at the New Millinery
George Holt managed the busi
ness affairs of the Adams Express
office during the absence of Mr.
Chas. Humphrey and wife
wete the guests of her parents ,
Geo. Abbott and wife , the past
The shower here the first of
the week was ver } ' beneficial tote
to fall wheat , which is looking
fine in this section.
Will Morris came in Sunday
from Liberty and yisited with
his father. James Morris , return
ing on Monda } ' evening.
Ed Davis and family , of Salem ,
spent Sunday the guests of E. J.
Satterwhite and wife. They all
went to Hiawatha for the day.
From Harlow's will be distrib *
uted samples of the many differ
ent In-er-seal packages made by
National Biscuit company , Satur
day , Oct.jJT.
C. F. Reavis left Saturday for
Seattle , Wash. , where several
business affairs will claim his at
tention in that city for the com
ing two weeks.
Chas. Loree and wife were
called to Lincoln Saturday on ac
count of the death of his mother.
The remains were brought to
this city Monday for interment.
Come to Lyford's Saturday ,
Oct. 27. The National Biscuit
companies boys will give a dem
onstration of their full line of
Inerseal packages. They have
something nice to tell you.
John Elaine of Pawnee City ,
one of the foremost breeders of
Poland-Chinas , was in this cit3'
Saturday attending the Wittrock-
Rieschick sale. His sale was
held in Pawnee City a short time
ago , with an average of S52.00
per head.
George Bliss is very ill at his
home in this city.
John Gilligan went to Seattle
the first of this week.
Bcnj. Morgan spent Sunday
with Dawson friends.
S. L. Ryan was over from Hia
watha the past Friday.
Nelson Little , of Craig , Mo. ,
is now a reader of this weekly.
Roy McPherson of Baltimore ,
Md. , is now a reader of the Tri
F. E. French of Salem was a
business visitor at this place Sat
Fayellclinick of Stella was the
guest of friends in this cit } ' last
Mrs. Frank Werner returned
Saturday afternoon from a week's
visit with friends at Atchison.
Tom Whitaker and Paul Weav
er were business visitors at Stella
the latter part of the past week.
Win. Margrave of Preston was
attending to business affairs in
this city last Saturday afternoon.
D. F. and Jos. N. Harbaugh
were down from the Miles ranch
the latter part of the past week.
Bert Baker , Roy Heacock , Gus
Ruegge and Tom Potcet were
Preston visitors Sunday after
Mrs. Will Eoyd and children
went to Dawson yesterday after
noon for a short visit with rela
Irvin Basim , the local Adams
Express agent , spent a few days
the first of the week with his
parents at Odell , Nebr.
Frank Peck while attending
the Normal at Peru , will keep
posted on home events through
the columns of The Tribune.
Go to Harlow's Saturday , Oct.
27 , the National Biscuit company
will give a demonstration uof
their full line of In-er-seal pack
Mrs. W. T. Spence returned
Monday from Concordia , Kansas
where she went to attend the
marriage of her son , Tom , and
Ethel Mitchell.
Saturday , Oct. 27 at Lyford's ,
the National Biscuit companies
cadets will give you the oppor
tunity of sampling the superior
quality of their cakes and cookies.
Chris Lionberger was a plea
sant caller at this office Saturda } '
evening. .He is one of the West
end Poland-China breeders and
was attending the Wittrock-
Rieschick sale that afternoon.
Bargains for Sale.
Fine stock and grain farm ,
about 200 acres , upland,8 miles
to town , good improvements ,
$05 per .acres , one-third cash ,
balance 10 to 20 years time.
80 acres near Falls City , good
improvements , good terms.
Owner might consider some
good town pioperty as part
pay. These aie bargains. See
us at once.
To use Stock Food. We
have a Stock Food of our
own make that we have been
selling for several years. It
is made of the Purest and
Best Drugs and nothing in
it that will injure the ani
mal. It keeps them perfectly
healthy , enables them to di
gest a much larger per cent
of their fooddestroys worms
and keeps all the secretions
of the animal active and nat
ural. This Food will more
than pay for itself in extra
flesh produced. Try our Dip.
It is better and cheaper than
any other.
Dr. MCMILLAN , Prop.
We wish to announce the arrival of our fall pur =
chase of Bed Room Furniture. We have made pre =
parations to answer the demands of a large fall
business and the prices we have established , in the
face of a rising market , will sustain us against any
competition , catalog or otherwise. We ask you to
give us a call before sending any orders away.
We are content to do business on just the freight
you pay to the tax dodging railroads and the profit
that enriches another community.
Have you received our Carpet catalog. We are
more than pleased with this department and have
the largest Carpet Stock and best prices in the city.
Four different patterns Linoleum 12 feet wide , constantly -
stantly in stock. Carpet business is our specialty.
If you want good service cut out the Dry Goods
Houses ; they have more to do than they can do
Send for our Carpet Catalog.
Falls City , Nebraska
Judge Gagnon left Tuesday on
a business trip to Wyoming.
D. A. Ramsey was among the
Verdon people here Monday.
P. P. Murphy and M. Whitney
were over from Hiawatha Tues
Pearl Carver , of Ilumboldt was
the guest ol the Misses Glines ,
last Sunday.
Mrs. Pay Simmons of Verdon
spent Saturday afternoon with
acquaintances at this place.
Will Sperr3r went to Preston
the first of the week , where he
raised the residence of Charlie
Iva Meredith and Bertha Spur-
gin of Salem were pleasant call
ers on this office force last Sat
urday afternoon.
Henry Nedrow , of Kansas , is
visiting his parents , Wcs Nedrow
and wife , and attending confer
ence here this week.
Chas. Rickards , who has just
recovered from a very severe ill
ness , left Sunday afternoon for
Excelsior Springs. Mo.
Harry Crooks and wife haye
moved to Omaha where he has
accepted a position. Mrs. Crooks
left Wednesday for that city.
Mcsdames Searle and Puter-
baugh. of Lanark , 111. , are visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Jane
Bohrer , and attending the con
Rev. Griffin will return Satur
day from a two weeks visit at
Denver and Colorado Springs ,
and will conduct the regular
church services next Sabbath.
The ladies of the Brethern
church hive ; been given the use
of the basement at the Methodist
church during the conference ,
and serve dinner and supper for
those attending the conference.
They hire the work done and do
this in ordsr that all may attend
the meetings.
The Fairy Land of Jewels
The wonder working1 of Queen Mab herself
with all her fairy subjects skill to aid her , could
not equal the production of the Goldsmith's art
as it is understood today.
For delicacy of form and coloring" , for grace
of design , for multiplicity of shapes and uses ,
modern je\velry has reached the highest mark.
Our connection with those producers of beau
tiful jewelry is very close and we can offer their
creations to our townspeople as soon as New
York can see them. Just now we are showing
new ideas in Bracelets. Fall designs in plain
and colored gold , with or without sets.
Rings in all the latest designs and of all
prices. None but solid gold in stock. Call
and see our stock first-class in every detail.
A. E. Jaquet The "Old Jeweler Reliable"
Mrs. R. N. Ayers came up from
Hiawatha last Saturday to at
tend the funeral of Simon Saylor
and while here was the guest of
Mrs. N. Van Winkle.
New brick walks are being
constructed on south Stone street ,
along where the city has been
doing so much grading. These
are a decided improvement , as a
person walking to the station
will not be inconvenienced by the
the loose dirt , or in weather such
as this , by the mud.
Mrs. W. D. Easle } ' who has
been visiting with relatives in
this city and at Stella , returned
Tuesday morning to her home at
Kansas City. She was accom
panied by her sister , Mrs. E. F.
Sharts , who will spend the week
there with her son Chas. and
wife. Mrs. Alida Butler of Table
Rock met them at this place and
went with them to'Kansas City.
Card of Thanks.
We sincerely desire to offer our
heartfelt thanks to the friends
who so kindly assisted us at the
burial of our mother , Elizabeth
Loree , on October 22,1906.
Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Services at 2:30 : p. mon alter
nate Sundays.
Revival Meetings.
Meeting will begin at the
M. E. church Sunday evening
October 28. I shall have the as
sistance of other ministers ,
The entire congregation should
rally in service of God and make
these meetings a power for God.
We cordially invite every one
to come and assist in this work.
W. M. Vastine of Rule was
transacting several business af
fairs in this city Tuesday ,